Welcome to kwcoco’s documentation!

If you are new, please see our getting started document: getting_started

The Kitware COCO module defines a variant of the Microsoft COCO format, originally developed for the “collected images in context” object detection challenge. We are backwards compatible with the original module, but we also have improved implementations in several places, including segmentations, keypoints, annotation tracks, multi-spectral images, and videos (which represents a generic sequence of images).

A kwcoco file is a “manifest” that serves as a single reference that points to all images, categories, and annotations in a computer vision dataset. Thus, when applying an algorithm to a dataset, it is sufficient to have the algorithm take one dataset parameter: the path to the kwcoco file. Generally a kwcoco file will live in a “bundle” directory along with the data that it references, and paths in the kwcoco file will be relative to the location of the kwcoco file itself.

The main data structure in this model is largely based on the implementation in https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi It uses the same efficient core indexing data structures, but in our implementation the indexing can be optionally turned off, functions are silent by default (with the exception of long running processes, which optionally show progress by default). We support helper functions that add and remove images, categories, and annotations.

The kwcoco.CocoDataset class is capable of dynamic addition and removal of categories, images, and annotations. Has better support for keypoints and segmentation formats than the original COCO format. Despite being written in Python, this data structure is reasonably efficient.

>>> import kwcoco
>>> import json
>>> # Create demo data
>>> demo = CocoDataset.demo()
>>> # could also use demo.dump / demo.dumps, but this is more explicit
>>> text = json.dumps(demo.dataset)
>>> with open('demo.json', 'w') as file:
>>>    file.write(text)

>>> # Read from disk
>>> self = CocoDataset('demo.json')

>>> # Add data
>>> cid = self.add_category('Cat')
>>> gid = self.add_image('new-img.jpg')
>>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id=gid, category_id=cid, bbox=[0, 0, 100, 100])

>>> # Remove data
>>> self.remove_annotations([aid])
>>> self.remove_images([gid])
>>> self.remove_categories([cid])

>>> # Look at data
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.basic_stats(), nl=1))
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.extended_stats(), nl=2))
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.boxsize_stats(), nl=3))
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.category_annotation_frequency()))

>>> # Inspect data
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> self.show_image(gid=1)

>>> # Access single-item data via imgs, cats, anns
>>> cid = 1
>>> self.cats[cid]
{'id': 1, 'name': 'astronaut', 'supercategory': 'human'}

>>> gid = 1
>>> self.imgs[gid]
{'id': 1, 'file_name': 'astro.png', 'url': 'https://i.imgur.com/KXhKM72.png'}

>>> aid = 3
>>> self.anns[aid]
{'id': 3, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 3, 'line': [326, 369, 500, 500]}

>>> # Access multi-item data via the annots and images helper objects
>>> aids = self.index.gid_to_aids[2]
>>> annots = self.annots(aids)

>>> print('annots = {}'.format(ub.repr2(annots, nl=1, sv=1)))
annots = <Annots(num=2)>

>>> annots.lookup('category_id')
[6, 4]

>>> annots.lookup('bbox')
[[37, 6, 230, 240], [124, 96, 45, 18]]

>>> # built in conversions to efficient kwimage array DataStructures
>>> print(ub.repr2(annots.detections.data))
    'boxes': <Boxes(xywh,
                 array([[ 37.,   6., 230., 240.],
                        [124.,  96.,  45.,  18.]], dtype=float32))>,
    'class_idxs': np.array([5, 3], dtype=np.int64),
    'keypoints': <PointsList(n=2) at 0x7f07eda33220>,
    'segmentations': <PolygonList(n=2) at 0x7f086365aa60>,

>>> gids = list(self.imgs.keys())
>>> images = self.images(gids)
>>> print('images = {}'.format(ub.repr2(images, nl=1, sv=1)))
images = <Images(num=3)>

>>> images.lookup('file_name')
['astro.png', 'carl.png', 'stars.png']

>>> print('images.annots = {}'.format(images.annots))
images.annots = <AnnotGroups(n=3, m=3.7, s=3.9)>

>>> print('images.annots.cids = {!r}'.format(images.annots.cids))
images.annots.cids = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], [6, 4], []]

CocoDataset API

The following is a logical grouping of the public kwcoco.CocoDataset API attributes and methods. See the in-code documentation for further details.

CocoDataset classmethods (via MixinCocoExtras)

CocoDataset classmethods (via CocoDataset)

CocoDataset slots

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.index -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.hashid -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.hashid_parts -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.tag -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.dataset -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.bundle_dpath -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.assets_dpath -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.cache_dpath -

CocoDataset properties

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.anns -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.cats -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.cid_to_aids -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.data_fpath -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.data_root -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.fpath -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.gid_to_aids -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.img_root -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.imgs -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.n_annots -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.n_cats -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.n_images -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.n_videos -

  • kwcoco.CocoDataset.name_to_cat -

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoAddRemove)

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoObjects)

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoStats)

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoAccessors)

CocoDataset methods (via CocoDataset)

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoExtras)

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoDraw)