Source code for kwcoco.demo.toydata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from os.path import join
import six
import glob
import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import kwarray
import kwimage
import skimage
import skimage.morphology  # NOQA
from kwcoco.toypatterns import CategoryPatterns

[docs]def demodata_toy_img(anchors=None, gsize=(104, 104), categories=None, n_annots=(0, 50), fg_scale=0.5, bg_scale=0.8, bg_intensity=0.1, fg_intensity=0.9, gray=True, centerobj=None, exact=False, newstyle=True, rng=None, aux=None): r""" Generate a single image with non-overlapping toy objects of available categories. Args: anchors (ndarray): Nx2 base width / height of boxes gsize (Tuple[int, int]): width / height of the image categories (List[str]): list of category names n_annots (Tuple | int): controls how many annotations are in the image. if it is a tuple, then it is interpreted as uniform random bounds fg_scale (float): standard deviation of foreground intensity bg_scale (float): standard deviation of background intensity bg_intensity (float): mean of background intensity fg_intensity (float): mean of foreground intensity centerobj (bool): if 'pos', then the first annotation will be in the center of the image, if 'neg', then no annotations will be in the center. exact (bool): if True, ensures that exactly the number of specified annots are generated. newstyle (bool): use new-sytle mscoco format rng (RandomState): the random state used to seed the process aux: if specified builds auxillary channels CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.demo.toydata demodata_toy_img:0 --profile xdoctest -m kwcoco.demo.toydata demodata_toy_img:1 --show Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> img, anns = demodata_toy_img(gsize=(32, 32), anchors=[[.3, .3]], rng=0) >>> img['imdata'] = '<ndarray shape={}>'.format(img['imdata'].shape) >>> print('img = {}'.format(ub.repr2(img))) >>> print('anns = {}'.format(ub.repr2(anns, nl=2, cbr=True))) >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT img = { 'height': 32, 'imdata': '<ndarray shape=(32, 32, 3)>', 'width': 32, } anns = [{'bbox': [15, 10, 9, 8], 'category_name': 'star', 'keypoints': [], 'segmentation': {'counts': '[`06j0000O20N1000e8', 'size': [32, 32]},}, {'bbox': [11, 20, 7, 7], 'category_name': 'star', 'keypoints': [], 'segmentation': {'counts': 'g;1m04N0O20N102L[=', 'size': [32, 32]},}, {'bbox': [4, 4, 8, 6], 'category_name': 'superstar', 'keypoints': [{'keypoint_category': 'left_eye', 'xy': [7.25, 6.8125]}, {'keypoint_category': 'right_eye', 'xy': [8.75, 6.8125]}], 'segmentation': {'counts': 'U4210j0300O01010O00MVO0ed0', 'size': [32, 32]},}, {'bbox': [3, 20, 6, 7], 'category_name': 'star', 'keypoints': [], 'segmentation': {'counts': 'g31m04N000002L[f0', 'size': [32, 32]},},] Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> img, anns = demodata_toy_img(gsize=(172, 172), rng=None, aux=True) >>> print('anns = {}'.format(ub.repr2(anns, nl=1))) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img['imdata'], pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> auxdata = img['auxillary'][0]['imdata'] >>> kwplot.imshow(auxdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Ignore: from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * import xinspect globals().update(xinspect.get_kwargs(demodata_toy_img)) """ if anchors is None: anchors = [[.20, .20]] anchors = np.asarray(anchors) rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce(categories, fg_scale=fg_scale, fg_intensity=fg_intensity, rng=rng) if n_annots is None: n_annots = (0, 50) if isinstance(n_annots, tuple): num = rng.randint(*n_annots) else: num = n_annots assert centerobj in {None, 'pos', 'neg'} if exact: raise NotImplementedError while True: boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random( num=num, scale=1.0, format='xywh', rng=rng, anchors=anchors) boxes = boxes.scale(gsize) bw, bh = boxes.components[2:4] ar = np.maximum(bw, bh) / np.minimum(bw, bh) flags = ((bw > 1) & (bh > 1) & (ar < 4)) boxes = boxes[flags.ravel()] if centerobj != 'pos' or len(boxes): # Ensure we generate at least one box when centerobj is true # TODO: if an exact number of boxes is specified, we # should ensure that that number is generated. break if centerobj: if centerobj == 'pos': assert len(boxes) > 0, 'oops, need to enforce at least one' if len(boxes) > 0: # Force the first box to be in the center cxywh = boxes.to_cxywh()[0, 0:2] = np.array(gsize) / 2 boxes = cxywh.to_tlbr() # Make sure the first box is always kept. box_priority = np.arange(boxes.shape[0])[::-1].astype(np.float32) boxes.ious(boxes) nms_impls = ub.oset(['cython_cpu', 'numpy']) nms_impls = nms_impls & kwimage.algo.available_nms_impls() nms_impl = nms_impls[0] if len(boxes) > 1: tlbr_data = boxes.to_tlbr().data keep = kwimage.non_max_supression( tlbr_data, scores=box_priority, thresh=0.0, impl=nms_impl) boxes = boxes[keep] if centerobj == 'neg': # The center of the image should be negative so remove the center box boxes = boxes[1:] boxes = boxes.scale(.8).translate(.1 * min(gsize)) = # Hack away zero width objects boxes = boxes.to_xywh(copy=False)[..., 2:4] = np.maximum([..., 2:4], 1) gw, gh = gsize dims = (gh, gw) # This is 2x as fast for gsize=(300,300) if gray: gshape = (gh, gw, 1) imdata = kwarray.standard_normal(gshape, mean=bg_intensity, std=bg_scale, rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) else: gshape = (gh, gw, 3) # imdata = kwarray.standard_normal(gshape, mean=bg_intensity, std=bg_scale, # rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) # hack because 3 channels is slower imdata = kwarray.uniform(0, 1, gshape, rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) np.clip(imdata, 0, 1, out=imdata) if aux: auxdata = np.zeros(gshape, dtype=np.float32) else: auxdata = None catnames = [] tlbr_boxes = boxes.to_tlbr().data xywh_boxes = boxes.to_xywh().data.tolist() # Construct coco-style annotation dictionaries anns = [] for tlbr, xywh in zip(tlbr_boxes, xywh_boxes): tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = tlbr chip_index = tuple([slice(tl_y, br_y), slice(tl_x, br_x)]) chip = imdata[chip_index] xy_offset = (tl_x, tl_y) info = catpats.random_category(chip, xy_offset, dims, newstyle=newstyle) fgdata = info['data'] if gray: fgdata = fgdata.mean(axis=2, keepdims=True) catnames.append(info['name']) imdata[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x, :] = fgdata ann = { 'category_name': info['name'], 'segmentation': info['segmentation'], 'keypoints': info['keypoints'], 'bbox': xywh, 'area': float(xywh[2] * xywh[3]), } anns.append(ann) if auxdata is not None: seg = kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(info['segmentation']) seg = seg.to_multi_polygon() val = rng.uniform(0.2, 1.0) # val = 1.0 auxdata = seg.fill(auxdata, value=val) if 0: imdata.mean(axis=2, out=imdata[:, :, 0]) imdata[:, :, 1] = imdata[:, :, 0] imdata[:, :, 2] = imdata[:, :, 0] imdata = (imdata * 255).astype(np.uint8) imdata = kwimage.atleast_3channels(imdata) main_channels = 'rgb' # main_channels = 'gray' if gray else 'rgb' img = { 'width': gw, 'height': gh, 'imdata': imdata, 'channels': main_channels, } if auxdata is not None: mask = rng.rand(*auxdata.shape[0:2]) > 0.5 auxdata = kwimage.fourier_mask(auxdata, mask) auxdata = (auxdata - auxdata.min()) auxdata = (auxdata / max(1e-8, auxdata.max())) auxdata = auxdata.clip(0, 1) # Hack aux data is always disparity for now img['auxillary'] = [{ 'imdata': auxdata, 'channels': 'disparity', }] return img, anns
[docs]def demodata_toy_dset(gsize=(600, 600), n_imgs=5, verbose=3, rng=0, newstyle=True, dpath=None, aux=None, cache=True): """ Create a toy detection problem Args: gsize (Tuple): size of the images n_img (int): number of images to generate rng (int | RandomState): random number generator or seed newstyle (bool, default=True): create newstyle mscoco data dpath (str): path to the output image directory, defaults to using kwcoco cache dir Returns: dict: dataset in mscoco format SeeAlso: random_video_dset CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.demo.toydata demodata_toy_dset --show Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(demodata_toy_dset)) TODO: - [ ] Non-homogeneous images sizes Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * >>> import kwcoco >>> dataset = demodata_toy_dset(gsize=(300, 300), aux=True, cache=False) >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco', 'toy_dset') >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dataset) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> print(ub.repr2(dset.dataset, nl=2)) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> dset.show_image(gid=1) >>> ub.startfile(dpath) """ if dpath is None: dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco', 'toy_dset') else: ub.ensuredir(dpath) import kwarray rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce([ # 'box', # 'circle', 'star', 'superstar', 'eff', # 'octagon', # 'diamond' ]) anchors = np.array([ [1, 1], [2, 2], [1.5, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [2.5, 2.5], ]) anchors = np.vstack([anchors, anchors[:, ::-1]]) anchors = np.vstack([anchors, anchors * 1.5]) # anchors = np.vstack([anchors, anchors * 2.0]) anchors /= (anchors.max() * 3) anchors = np.array(sorted(set(map(tuple, anchors.tolist())))) cfg = { 'anchors': anchors, 'gsize': gsize, 'n_imgs': n_imgs, 'categories': catpats.categories, 'newstyle': newstyle, 'keypoint_categories': catpats.keypoint_categories, 'rng': ub.hash_data(rng), 'aux': aux, } cacher = ub.Cacher('toy_dset_v3', dpath=ub.ensuredir(dpath, 'cache'), cfgstr=ub.repr2(cfg), verbose=verbose, enabled=0) root_dpath = ub.ensuredir((dpath, 'shapes_{}_{}'.format( cfg['n_imgs'], cacher._condense_cfgstr()))) img_dpath = ub.ensuredir((root_dpath, 'images')) n_have = len(list(glob.glob(join(img_dpath, '*.png')))) # Hack: Only allow cache loading if the data seems to exist cacher.enabled = (n_have == n_imgs) and cache bg_intensity = .1 fg_scale = 0.5 bg_scale = 0.8 dataset = cacher.tryload(on_error='clear') if dataset is None: ub.delete(img_dpath) ub.ensuredir(img_dpath) dataset = { 'images': [], 'annotations': [], 'categories': [], } dataset['categories'].append({ 'id': 0, 'name': 'background', }) name_to_cid = {} for cat in catpats.categories: dataset['categories'].append(cat) name_to_cid[cat['name']] = cat['id'] if newstyle: # Add newstyle keypoint categories kpname_to_id = {} dataset['keypoint_categories'] = [] for kpcat in catpats.keypoint_categories: dataset['keypoint_categories'].append(kpcat) kpname_to_id[kpcat['name']] = kpcat['id'] for __ in ub.ProgIter(range(n_imgs), label='creating data'): # TODO: parallelize img, anns = demodata_toy_img(anchors, gsize=gsize, categories=catpats, newstyle=newstyle, fg_scale=fg_scale, bg_scale=bg_scale, bg_intensity=bg_intensity, rng=rng, aux=aux) imdata = img.pop('imdata') gid = len(dataset['images']) + 1 fname = 'img_{:05d}.png'.format(gid) fpath = join(img_dpath, fname) img.update({ 'id': gid, 'file_name': fpath, 'channels': 'rgb', }) auxillaries = img.pop('auxillary', None) if auxillaries is not None: for auxdict in auxillaries: aux_dpath = ub.ensuredir( (root_dpath, 'aux_' + auxdict['channels'])) aux_fpath = ub.augpath(join(aux_dpath, fname), ext='.tif') ub.ensuredir(aux_dpath) auxdata = (auxdict.pop('imdata') * 255).astype(np.uint8) auxdict['file_name'] = aux_fpath print(kwarray.stats_dict(auxdata)) try: import gdal # NOQA kwimage.imwrite(aux_fpath, auxdata, backend='gdal') except Exception: kwimage.imwrite(aux_fpath, auxdata) img['auxillary'] = auxillaries dataset['images'].append(img) for ann in anns: if newstyle: # rectify newstyle keypoint ids for kpdict in ann.get('keypoints', []): kpname = kpdict.pop('keypoint_category') kpdict['keypoint_category_id'] = kpname_to_id[kpname] cid = name_to_cid[ann.pop('category_name')] ann.update({ 'id': len(dataset['annotations']) + 1, 'image_id': gid, 'category_id': cid, }) dataset['annotations'].append(ann) kwimage.imwrite(fpath, imdata) import json with open(join(dpath, 'toy_dset.mscoco.json'), 'w') as file: if six.PY2: json.dump(dataset, file, indent=4) else: json.dump(dataset, file, indent=' ') cacher.enabled = True return dataset
[docs]def random_video_dset( num_videos=1, num_frames=2, num_tracks=2, anchors=None, gsize=(600, 600), verbose=3, render=False, rng=None): """ Create a toy Coco Video Dataset Args: num_videos : number of videos num_frames : number of images per video num_tracks : number of tracks per video gsize : image size render (bool | dict): if truthy the toy annotations are synthetically rendered. See ``render_toy_image`` for details. rng (int | None | RandomState): random seed / state SeeAlso: random_single_video_dset Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> dset = random_video_dset(render=True, num_videos=3, num_frames=2, num_tracks=10) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> dset.show_image(1, doclf=True) >>> dset.show_image(2, doclf=True) import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(random_video_dset)) num_videos = 2 """ rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) subsets = [] tid_start = 1 gid_start = 1 for vidid in range(1, num_videos + 1): dset = random_single_video_dset( gsize=gsize, num_frames=num_frames, num_tracks=num_tracks, tid_start=tid_start, anchors=anchors, gid_start=gid_start, video_id=vidid, render=False, autobuild=False, rng=rng) try: gid_start = dset.dataset['images'][-1]['id'] + 1 tid_start = dset.dataset['annotations'][-1]['track_id'] + 1 except IndexError: pass subsets.append(dset) if num_videos == 0: raise AssertionError if num_videos == 1: dset = subsets[0] else: import kwcoco assert len(subsets) > 1, '{}'.format(len(subsets)) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.union(*subsets) # The dataset has been prepared, now we just render it and we have # a nice video dataset. renderkw = { 'dpath': None, } if isinstance(render, dict): renderkw.update(render) else: if not render: renderkw = None if renderkw: render_toy_dataset(dset, rng=rng, renderkw=renderkw) dset._build_index() return dset
[docs]def random_single_video_dset(gsize=(600, 600), num_frames=5, num_tracks=3, tid_start=1, gid_start=1, video_id=1, anchors=None, rng=None, render=False, autobuild=True, verbose=3): """ Create the video scene layout of object positions. Args: gsize (Tuple[int, int]): size of the images num_frames (int): number of frames in this video num_tracks (int): number of tracks in this video tid_start (int, default=1): track-id start index gid_start (int, default=1): image-id start index video_id (int, default=1): video-id of this video anchors (ndarray | None): base anchor sizes of the object boxes we will generate. rng (RandomState): random state / seed render (bool | dict): if truthy, does the rendering according to provided params in the case of dict input. autobuild (bool, default=True): prebuild coco lookup indexes verbose (int): verbosity level TODO: - [ ] Need maximum allowed object overlap measure - [ ] Need better parameterized path generation Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> anchors = np.array([ [0.3, 0.3], [0.1, 0.1]]) >>> dset = random_single_video_dset(render=True, num_frames=10, num_tracks=10, anchors=anchors) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> # Show the tracks in a single image >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> annots = dset.annots() >>> tids = annots.lookup('track_id') >>> tid_to_aids = ub.group_items(annots.aids, tids) >>> paths = [] >>> track_boxes = [] >>> for tid, aids in tid_to_aids.items(): >>> boxes = dset.annots(aids).boxes.to_cxywh() >>> path =[:, 0:2] >>> paths.append(path) >>> track_boxes.append(boxes) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> ax = plt.gca() >>> ax.cla() >>> # >>> import kwimage >>> colors = kwimage.Color.distinct(len(track_boxes)) >>> for i, boxes in enumerate(track_boxes): >>> color = colors[i] >>> path =[:, 0:2] >>> boxes.draw(color=color, centers={'radius': 0.01}, alpha=0.5) >>> ax.plot(path.T[0], path.T[1], 'x-', color=color) Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> anchors = np.array([ [0.2, 0.2], [0.1, 0.1]]) >>> gsize = np.array([(600, 600)]) >>> print(anchors * gsize) >>> dset = random_single_video_dset(render=True, num_frames=10, anchors=anchors, num_tracks=10) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> plt.clf() >>> gids = list(dset.imgs.keys()) >>> pnums = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(gids), nRows=1) >>> for gid in gids: >>> dset.show_image(gid, pnum=pnums(), fnum=1, title=False) >>> pnums = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(gids)) """ import pandas as pd import kwcoco rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) image_ids = list(range(gid_start, num_frames + gid_start)) track_ids = list(range(tid_start, num_tracks + tid_start)) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(autobuild=False) dset.add_video(name='toy_video_{}'.format(video_id), id=video_id) for frame_idx, gid in enumerate(image_ids): dset.add_image(**{ 'id': gid, 'file_name': '<todo-generate>', 'width': gsize[0], 'height': gsize[1], 'frame_index': frame_idx, 'video_id': video_id, }) classes = ['star', 'superstar', 'eff'] for catname in classes: dset.ensure_category(name=catname) # Generate paths in a way that they are dependant on each other paths = random_multi_object_path( num_frames=num_frames, num_objects=num_tracks, rng=rng) tid_to_anns = {} for tid, path in zip(track_ids, paths): # degree = rng.randint(1, 5) # num = num_frames # path = random_path(num, degree=degree, rng=rng) if anchors is None: anchors_ = anchors else: anchors_ = np.array([anchors[rng.randint(0, len(anchors))]]) # Box scale boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random( num=num_frames, scale=1.0, format='cxywh', rng=rng, anchors=anchors_) # Smooth out varying box sizes alpha = rng.rand() * 0.1 wh = pd.DataFrame([:, 2:4], columns=['w', 'h']) ar = wh['w'] / wh['h'] min_ar = 0.25 max_ar = 1 / min_ar wh['w'][ar < min_ar] = wh['h'] * 0.25 wh['h'][ar > max_ar] = wh['w'] * 0.25 box_dims = wh.ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean() # print('path = {!r}'.format(path))[:, 0:2] = path[:, 2:4] = box_dims.values # boxes = boxes.scale(0.1, about='center') # boxes = boxes.scale(gsize).scale(0.5, about='center') boxes = boxes.scale(gsize, about='origin') boxes = boxes.scale(0.9, about='center') def warp_within_bounds(self, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max): """ Translate / scale the boxes to fit in the bounds FIXME: do something reasonable Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.boxes import * # NOQA >>> self = Boxes.random(10).scale(1).translate(-10) >>> x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = 10, 10, 20, 20 >>> x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = 0, 0, 20, 20 >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> scaled = warp_within_bounds(self, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) >>> print('scaled = {!r}'.format(scaled)) """ tlbr = self.to_tlbr() tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = tlbr.components tl_xy_min = np.c_[tl_x, tl_y].min(axis=0) br_xy_max = np.c_[br_x, br_y].max(axis=0) tl_xy_lb = np.array([x_min, y_min]) br_xy_ub = np.array([x_max, y_max]) size_ub = br_xy_ub - tl_xy_lb size_max = br_xy_max - tl_xy_min tl_xy_over = np.minimum(tl_xy_lb - tl_xy_min, 0) # tl_xy_over = -tl_xy_min # Now at the minimum coord tmp = tlbr.translate(tl_xy_over) _tl_x, _tl_y, _br_x, _br_y = tmp.components tmp_tl_xy_min = np.c_[_tl_x, _tl_y].min(axis=0) # tmp_br_xy_max = np.c_[_br_x, _br_y].max(axis=0) tmp.translate(-tmp_tl_xy_min) sf = np.minimum(size_ub / size_max, 1) out = tmp.scale(sf).translate(tmp_tl_xy_min) return out # oob_pad = -20 # allow some out of bounds # oob_pad = 20 # allow some out of bounds # boxes = boxes.to_tlbr() # TODO: need better path distributions # boxes = warp_within_bounds(boxes, 0 - oob_pad, 0 - oob_pad, gsize[0] + oob_pad, gsize[1] + oob_pad) boxes = boxes.to_xywh() = cidx = rng.randint(0, len(classes)) dets = kwimage.Detections( boxes=boxes, class_idxs=np.array([cidx] * len(boxes)), classes=classes, ) anns = list(dets.to_coco(dset=dset)) start_frame = 0 for frame_index, ann in enumerate(anns, start=start_frame): ann['track_id'] = tid ann['image_id'] = dset.dataset['images'][frame_index]['id'] dset.add_annotation(**ann) tid_to_anns[tid] = anns # The dataset has been prepared, now we just render it and we have # a nice video dataset. renderkw = { 'dpath': None, } if isinstance(render, dict): renderkw.update(render) else: if not render: renderkw = None if renderkw is not None: render_toy_dataset(dset, rng=rng, renderkw=renderkw) if autobuild: dset._build_index() return dset
[docs]def render_toy_dataset(dset, rng, dpath=None, renderkw=None): """ Create toydata renderings for a preconstructed coco dataset. Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> import kwarray >>> rng = None >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) >>> num_tracks = 3 >>> dset = random_video_dset(rng=rng, num_videos=3, num_frames=10, num_tracks=3) >>> dset = render_toy_dataset(dset, rng) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> plt.clf() >>> gids = list(dset.imgs.keys()) >>> pnums = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(gids), nRows=num_tracks) >>> for gid in gids: >>> dset.show_image(gid, pnum=pnums(), fnum=1, title=False) >>> pnums = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(gids)) >>> # >>> # for gid in gids: >>> # canvas = dset.draw_image(gid) >>> # kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=pnums(), fnum=2) """ rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) dset._build_index() dset._ensure_json_serializable() hashid = dset._build_hashid()[0:24] dpath = None if dpath is None: dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco', 'toy_dset') else: ub.ensuredir(dpath) root_dpath = ub.ensuredir((dpath, 'render_{}'.format(hashid))) img_dpath = ub.ensuredir((root_dpath, 'images')) for gid in dset.imgs.keys(): render_toy_image(dset, gid, rng=rng, renderkw=renderkw) img = dset.imgs[gid] imdata = img.pop('imdata') fname = 'img_{:05d}.png'.format(gid) fpath = join(img_dpath, fname) img.update({ 'file_name': fpath, 'channels': 'rgb', }) auxillaries = img.pop('auxillary', None) if auxillaries is not None: for auxdict in auxillaries: aux_dpath = ub.ensuredir( (root_dpath, 'aux_' + auxdict['channels'])) aux_fpath = ub.augpath(join(aux_dpath, fname), ext='.tif') ub.ensuredir(aux_dpath) auxdata = (auxdict.pop('imdata') * 255).astype(np.uint8) auxdict['file_name'] = aux_fpath try: import gdal # NOQA kwimage.imwrite(aux_fpath, auxdata, backend='gdal') except Exception: kwimage.imwrite(aux_fpath, auxdata) img['auxillary'] = auxillaries kwimage.imwrite(fpath, imdata) dset._build_index() return dset
[docs]def render_toy_image(dset, gid, rng=None, renderkw=None): """ Modifies dataset inplace, rendering synthetic annotations Args: dset (CocoDataset): coco dataset with renderable anotations / images gid (int): image to render rng (int | None | RandomState): random state renderkw (dict): rendering config gray (boo): gray or color images fg_scale (float): foreground noisyness (gauss std) bg_scale (float): background noisyness (gauss std) fg_intensity (float): foreground brightness (gauss mean) bg_intensity (float): background brightness (gauss mean) newstyle (bool): use new kwcoco datastructure formats with_kpts (bool): include keypoint info with_sseg (bool): include segmentation info Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> gsize=(600, 600) >>> num_frames=5 >>> verbose=3 >>> rng = None >>> import kwarray >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) >>> dset = random_video_dset( >>> gsize=gsize, num_frames=num_frames, verbose=verbose, rng=rng, num_videos=2) >>> print('dset.dataset = {}'.format(ub.repr2(dset.dataset, nl=2))) >>> gid = 1 >>> renderkw = dict( ... gray=0, ... ) >>> render_toy_image(dset, gid, rng, renderkw=renderkw) >>> gid = 1 >>> canvas = dset.imgs[gid]['imdata'] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas, doclf=True) >>> dets = dset.annots(gid=gid).detections >>> dets.draw() """ rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) if renderkw is None: renderkw = {} gray = renderkw.get('gray', 1) fg_scale = renderkw.get('fg_scale', 0.5) bg_scale = renderkw.get('bg_scale', 0.8) bg_intensity = renderkw.get('bg_intensity', 0.1) fg_intensity = renderkw.get('fg_intensity', 0.9) newstyle = renderkw.get('newstyle', True) with_kpts = renderkw.get('with_kpts', False) with_sseg = renderkw.get('with_sseg', False) categories = list(dset.name_to_cat.keys()) catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce(categories, fg_scale=fg_scale, fg_intensity=fg_intensity, rng=rng) if with_kpts and newstyle: # TODO: add ensure keypoint category to dset # Add newstyle keypoint categories kpname_to_id = {} dset.dataset['keypoint_categories'] = [] for kpcat in catpats.keypoint_categories: dset.dataset['keypoint_categories'].append(kpcat) kpname_to_id[kpcat['name']] = kpcat['id'] img = dset.imgs[gid] gw, gh = img['width'], img['height'] dims = (gh, gw) annots = dset.annots(gid=gid) def render_background(): # This is 2x as fast for gsize=(300,300) if gray: gshape = (gh, gw, 1) imdata = kwarray.standard_normal(gshape, mean=bg_intensity, std=bg_scale, rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) else: gshape = (gh, gw, 3) # imdata = kwarray.standard_normal(gshape, mean=bg_intensity, std=bg_scale, # rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) # hack because 3 channels is slower imdata = kwarray.uniform(0, 1, gshape, rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) np.clip(imdata, 0, 1, out=imdata) aux = 0 if aux: auxdata = np.zeros(gshape, dtype=np.float32) else: auxdata = None return imdata, auxdata def render_foreground(imdata, auxdata): boxes = annots.boxes tlbr_boxes = boxes.to_tlbr().clip(0, 0, None, None).data.round(0).astype( # Render coco-style annotation dictionaries for ann, tlbr in zip(annots.objs, tlbr_boxes): catname = dset._resolve_to_cat(ann['category_id'])['name'] tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = tlbr chip_index = tuple([slice(tl_y, br_y), slice(tl_x, br_x)]) chip = imdata[chip_index] xy_offset = (tl_x, tl_y) if chip.size: # todo: no need to make kpts / sseg if not requested info = catpats.render_category( catname, chip, xy_offset, dims, newstyle=newstyle) fgdata = info['data'] if gray: fgdata = fgdata.mean(axis=2, keepdims=True) imdata[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x, :] = fgdata if with_sseg: ann['segmentation'] = info['segmentation'] if with_kpts: ann['keypoints'] = info['keypoints'] if auxdata is not None: if with_sseg: seg = kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(info['segmentation']) seg = seg.to_multi_polygon() val = rng.uniform(0.2, 1.0) auxdata = seg.fill(auxdata, value=val) return imdata, auxdata imdata, auxdata = render_background() imdata, auxdata = render_foreground(imdata, auxdata) imdata = (imdata * 255).astype(np.uint8) imdata = kwimage.atleast_3channels(imdata) main_channels = 'gray' if gray else 'rgb' img.update({ # 'width': gw, # 'height': gh, 'imdata': imdata, 'channels': main_channels, }) if auxdata is not None: mask = rng.rand(*auxdata.shape[0:2]) > 0.5 auxdata = kwimage.fourier_mask(auxdata, mask) auxdata = (auxdata - auxdata.min()) auxdata = (auxdata / max(1e-8, auxdata.max())) auxdata = auxdata.clip(0, 1) # Hack aux data is always disparity for now img['auxillary'] = [{ 'imdata': auxdata, 'channels': 'disparity', }]
[docs]def random_multi_object_path(num_objects, num_frames, rng=None): """ num_objects = 30 num_frames = 30 from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA paths = random_multi_object_path(num_objects, num_frames, rng) import kwplot plt = kwplot.autoplt() ax = plt.gca() ax.cla() ax.set_xlim(-.01, 1.01) ax.set_ylim(-.01, 1.01) rng = None for path in paths: ax.plot(path.T[0], path.T[1], 'x-') """ import kwarray import torch from torch.nn import functional as F rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) max_speed = rng.rand(num_objects, 1) * 0.01 max_speed = np.concatenate([max_speed, max_speed], axis=1) max_speed = torch.from_numpy(max_speed) # TODO: can we do better? torch.optim.SGD class Positions(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(model): super().__init__() _pos = torch.from_numpy(rng.rand(num_objects, 2)) model.pos = torch.nn.Parameter(_pos) def forward(model, noise): loss_parts = {} # Push objects away from each other utriu_dists = torch.nn.functional.pdist(model.pos) respulsive = (1 / (utriu_dists ** 2)).sum() / num_objects loss_parts['repulsive'] = 0.01 * respulsive.sum() # Push objects in random directions loss_parts['random'] = (model.pos * noise).sum() # Push objects away from the boundary margin = 0 x = model.pos y = F.softplus((x - 0.5) + margin) y = torch.max(F.softplus(-(x - 0.5) + margin), y) loss_parts['boundary'] = y.sum() * 2 return sum(loss_parts.values()) model = Positions() params = list(model.parameters()) optim = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=1.00, momentum=0.9) positions = [] for i in range(num_frames): optim.zero_grad() noise = torch.from_numpy(rng.rand(2)) loss = model.forward(noise) loss.backward() if max_speed is not None: # Enforce a per-object speed limit[:] = torch.min(model.pos.grad, max_speed)[:] = torch.max(model.pos.grad, -max_speed) optim.step() # Enforce boundry conditions, 1) positions.append( paths = np.concatenate([p[:, None] for p in positions], axis=1) return paths
# path = np.array(positions) % 1
[docs]def random_path(num, degree=1, dimension=2, rng=None, mode='walk'): """ Create a random path using a bezier curve. Args: num (int): number of points in the path degree (int, default=1): degree of curvieness of the path dimension (int, default=2): number of spatial dimensions rng (RandomState, default=None): seed References: Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata import * # NOQA >>> num = 10 >>> dimension = 2 >>> degree = 3 >>> rng = None >>> path = random_path(num, degree, dimension, rng, mode='walk') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> kwplot.multi_plot(xdata=path[:, 0], ydata=path[:, 1], fnum=1, doclf=1, xlim=(0, 1), ylim=(0, 1)) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import bezier rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) if mode == 'walk': # TODO: can we do better? import torch torch.optim.SGD class Position(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.pos = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(rng.rand(2))) def forward(self, noise): return (self.pos * noise).sum() pos = Position() params = list(pos.parameters()) optim = torch.optim.SGD(params, lr=0.01, momentum=0.9) positions = [] for i in range(num): optim.zero_grad() noise = torch.from_numpy(rng.rand(2)) loss = pos.forward(noise) loss.backward() optim.step() positions.append( path = np.array(positions) % 1 elif mode == 'bezier': # Create random bezier control points nodes_f = rng.rand(degree + 1, dimension).T # F-contiguous curve = bezier.Curve(nodes_f, degree=degree) if 0: # TODO: t = int(np.log2(num) + 1) def recsub(c, d): if d <= 0: yield c else: a, b = c.subdivide() yield from recsub(a, d - 1) yield from recsub(b, d - 1) c = curve subcurves = list(recsub(c, d=t)) path_f = np.array([c.evaluate(0.0)[:, 0] for c in subcurves][0:num]).T else: # Evaluate path points s_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, num) # s_vals = np.linspace(*sorted(rng.rand(2)), num) path_f = curve.evaluate_multi(s_vals) path = path_f.T # C-contiguous else: raise KeyError(mode) return path