Source code for kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors

import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import warnings
from kwcoco.metrics.functional import fast_confusion_matrix
from kwcoco.metrics.util import DictProxy

from kwcoco.category_tree import CategoryTree

    import ndsampler
    CATEGORY_TREE_CLS = (CategoryTree, ndsampler.CategoryTree)
except Exception:
    CATEGORY_TREE_CLS = (CategoryTree,)

[docs]class ConfusionVectors(ub.NiceRepr): """ Stores information used to construct a confusion matrix. This includes corresponding vectors of predicted labels, true labels, sample weights, etc... Attributes: data (DataFrameArray) : should at least have keys true, pred, weight classes (Sequence | CategoryTree): list of category names or category graph probs (ndarray, optional): probabilities for each class Example: >>> # xdoctest: IGNORE_WANT >>> from kwcoco.metrics import DetectionMetrics >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> nimgs=10, nboxes=(0, 10), n_fp=(0, 1), nclasses=3) >>> cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() >>> print( pred true score weight iou txs pxs gid 0 2 2 10.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 4 0 1 2 2 7.5025 1.0000 1.0000 1 3 0 2 1 1 5.0050 1.0000 1.0000 2 2 0 3 3 -1 2.5075 1.0000 -1.0000 -1 1 0 4 2 -1 0.0100 1.0000 -1.0000 -1 0 0 5 -1 2 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 3 -1 0 6 -1 2 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 4 -1 0 7 2 2 10.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 5 1 8 2 2 8.0020 1.0000 1.0000 1 4 1 9 1 1 6.0040 1.0000 1.0000 2 3 1 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 -1 2 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 7 -1 7 63 -1 3 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 8 -1 7 64 -1 1 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 9 -1 7 65 1 -1 10.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 -1 0 8 66 1 1 0.0100 1.0000 1.0000 0 1 8 67 3 -1 10.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 -1 3 9 68 2 2 6.6700 1.0000 1.0000 0 2 9 69 2 2 3.3400 1.0000 1.0000 1 1 9 70 3 -1 0.0100 1.0000 -1.0000 -1 0 9 71 -1 2 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 2 -1 9 >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import ConfusionVectors >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo( >>> nimgs=128, nboxes=(0, 10), n_fp=(0, 3), n_fn=(0, 3), nclasses=3) >>> cx_to_binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr() >>> measures = cx_to_binvecs.measures()['perclass'] >>> print('measures = {!r}'.format(measures)) measures = <PerClass_Measures({ 'cat_1': <Measures({'ap': 0.7501, 'auc': 0.7170, 'catname': cat_1, 'max_f1': f1=0.77@0.41, 'max_mcc': mcc=0.71@0.44, 'nsupport': 787.0000, 'realneg_total': 594.0000, 'realpos_total': 193.0000})>, 'cat_2': <Measures({'ap': 0.8288, 'auc': 0.8137, 'catname': cat_2, 'max_f1': f1=0.83@0.40, 'max_mcc': mcc=0.78@0.40, 'nsupport': 787.0000, 'realneg_total': 589.0000, 'realpos_total': 198.0000})>, 'cat_3': <Measures({'ap': 0.7536, 'auc': 0.7150, 'catname': cat_3, 'max_f1': f1=0.77@0.40, 'max_mcc': mcc=0.71@0.42, 'nsupport': 787.0000, 'realneg_total': 578.0000, 'realpos_total': 209.0000})>, }) at 0x7f1b9b0d6130> >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> measures.draw(key='pr', fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 1)) >>> measures.draw(key='roc', fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 2)) >>> measures.draw(key='mcc', fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 3)) ... """ def __init__(cfsn_vecs, data, classes, probs=None): = data cfsn_vecs.classes = classes cfsn_vecs.probs = probs def __nice__(cfsn_vecs): return def __json__(self): """ Serialize to json Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics import ConfusionVectors >>> self = ConfusionVectors.demo(n_imgs=1, nclasses=2, n_fp=0, nboxes=1) >>> state = self.__json__() >>> print('state = {}'.format(ub.repr2(state, nl=2, precision=2, align=1))) >>> recon = ConfusionVectors.from_json(state) """ state = { 'probs': None if self.probs is None else self.probs.tolist(), 'classes': self.classes.__json__(), 'data':'list'), } return state
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, state): import kwarray import kwcoco probs = state['probs'] if probs is not None: probs = np.array(probs) classes = kwcoco.CategoryTree.from_json(state['classes']) data = ub.map_vals(np.array, state['data']) data = kwarray.DataFrameArray(data) self = cls(data=data, probs=probs, classes=classes) return self
[docs] @classmethod def demo(cfsn_vecs, **kw): """ Example: >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo() >>> print('cfsn_vecs = {!r}'.format(cfsn_vecs)) >>> cx_to_binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr() >>> print('cx_to_binvecs = {!r}'.format(cx_to_binvecs)) """ from kwcoco.metrics import DetectionMetrics default = { 'nimgs': 10, 'nboxes': (0, 10), 'n_fp': (0, 1), 'n_fn': 0, } demokw = default.copy() demokw.update(kw) dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo(**demokw) # print('dmet = {!r}'.format(dmet)) cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() = ub.dict_isect(, [ 'true', 'pred', 'score', 'weight', ]) return cfsn_vecs
[docs] @classmethod def from_arrays(ConfusionVectors, true, pred=None, score=None, weight=None, probs=None, classes=None): """ Construct confusion vector data structure from component arrays Example: >>> import kwarray >>> classes = ['person', 'vehicle', 'object'] >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> true = (rng.rand(10) * len(classes)).astype( >>> probs = rng.rand(len(true), len(classes)) >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.from_arrays(true=true, probs=probs, classes=classes) >>> cfsn_vecs.confusion_matrix() pred person vehicle object real person 0 0 0 vehicle 2 4 1 object 2 1 0 """ import kwarray if pred is None: if probs is not None: if isinstance(classes, CATEGORY_TREE_CLS): if not classes.is_mutex(): raise Exception('Graph categories require explicit pred') # We can assume all classes are mutually exclusive here pred = probs.argmax(axis=1) else: raise ValueError('Must specify pred (or probs)') data = { 'true': true, 'pred': pred, 'score': score, 'weight': weight, } data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None} cfsn_data = kwarray.DataFrameArray(data) cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors(cfsn_data, probs=probs, classes=classes) return cfsn_vecs
[docs] def confusion_matrix(cfsn_vecs, raw=False, compress=False): """ Builds a confusion matrix from the confusion vectors. Args: raw (bool): if True uses 'pred_raw' otherwise used 'pred' Returns: pd.DataFrame : cm : the labeled confusion matrix (Note: we should write a efficient replacement for this use case. #remove_pandas) CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/metrics/ ConfusionVectors.confusion_matrix Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics import DetectionMetrics >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> nimgs=10, nboxes=(0, 10), n_fp=(0, 1), n_fn=(0, 1), nclasses=3, cls_noise=.2) >>> cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() >>> cm = cfsn_vecs.confusion_matrix() ... >>> print(cm.to_string(float_format=lambda x: '%.2f' % x)) pred background cat_1 cat_2 cat_3 real background 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 cat_1 2.00 12.00 0.00 1.00 cat_2 2.00 0.00 14.00 1.00 cat_3 1.00 0.00 1.00 17.00 """ data = y_true = data['true'].copy() if raw: y_pred = data['pred_raw'].copy() else: y_pred = data['pred'].copy() # FIXME: hard-coded background class if 'background' in cfsn_vecs.classes: bg_idx = cfsn_vecs.classes.index('background') y_true[y_true < 0] = bg_idx y_pred[y_pred < 0] = bg_idx else: if np.any(y_true < 0): raise IndexError('y_true contains invalid indices') if np.any(y_pred < 0): raise IndexError('y_pred contains invalid indices') matrix = fast_confusion_matrix( y_true, y_pred, n_labels=len(cfsn_vecs.classes), sample_weight=data.get('weight', None) ) import pandas as pd cm = pd.DataFrame(matrix, index=list(cfsn_vecs.classes), columns=list(cfsn_vecs.classes)) if compress: iszero = matrix == 0 unused = (np.all(iszero, axis=0) & np.all(iszero, axis=1)) cm = cm[~unused].T[~unused].T = 'real' = 'pred' return cm
[docs] def coarsen(cfsn_vecs, cxs): """ Creates a coarsened set of vectors """ import kwarray assert cfsn_vecs.probs is not None, 'need probs' if not isinstance(cfsn_vecs.classes, CATEGORY_TREE_CLS): raise TypeError('classes must be a kwcoco.CategoryTree') descendent_map = cfsn_vecs.classes.idx_to_descendants_idxs(include_cfsn_vecs=True) valid_descendant_mapping = ub.dict_isect(descendent_map, cxs) # mapping from current category indexes to the new coarse ones # Anything without an explicit key will be mapped to background bg_idx = cfsn_vecs.classes.index('background') mapping = {v: k for k, vs in valid_descendant_mapping.items() for v in vs} new_true = np.array([mapping.get(x, bg_idx) for x in['true']]) new_pred = np.array([mapping.get(x, bg_idx) for x in['pred']]) new_score = np.array([p[x] for x, p in zip(new_pred, cfsn_vecs.probs)]) new_y_df = { 'true': new_true, 'pred': new_pred, 'score': new_score, 'weight':['weight'], 'txs':['txs'], 'pxs':['pxs'], 'gid':['gid'], } new_y_df = kwarray.DataFrameArray(new_y_df) coarse_cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors(new_y_df, cfsn_vecs.classes, cfsn_vecs.probs) return coarse_cfsn_vecs
[docs] def binarize_peritem(cfsn_vecs, negative_classes=None): """ Creates a binary representation useful for measuring the performance of detectors. It is assumed that scores of "positive" classes should be high and "negative" clases should be low. Args: negative_classes (List[str | int]): list of negative class names or idxs, by default chooses any class with a true class index of -1. These classes should ideally have low scores. Returns: BinaryConfusionVectors Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics import DetectionMetrics >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> nimgs=10, nboxes=(0, 10), n_fp=(0, 1), nclasses=3) >>> cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() >>> class_idxs = list(dmet.classes.node_to_idx.values()) >>> binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_peritem() """ import kwarray # import warnings # warnings.warn('binarize_peritem DOES NOT PRODUCE CORRECT RESULTS') negative_cidxs = {-1} if negative_classes is not None: @ub.memoize def _lower_classes(): if cfsn_vecs.classes is None: raise Exception( 'classes must be known if negative_classes are strings') return [c.lower() for c in cfsn_vecs.classes] for c in negative_classes: import six if isinstance(c, six.string_types): classes = _lower_classes() try: cidx = classes.index(c) except Exception: continue else: cidx = int(c) negative_cidxs.add(cidx) is_false = kwarray.isect_flags(['true'], negative_cidxs) _data = { 'is_true': ~is_false, 'pred_score':['score'], } extra = ub.dict_isect(_data, [ 'txs', 'pxs', 'gid', 'weight']) _data.update(extra) bin_data = kwarray.DataFrameArray(_data) binvecs = BinaryConfusionVectors(bin_data) return binvecs
[docs] def binarize_ovr(cfsn_vecs, mode=1, keyby='name', ignore_classes={'ignore'}): """ Transforms cfsn_vecs into one-vs-rest BinaryConfusionVectors for each category. Args: mode (int, default=1): 0 for heirarchy aware or 1 for voc like. MODE 0 IS PROBABLY BROKEN keyby (int | str) : can be cx or name ignore_classes (Set[str]): category names to ignore Returns: OneVsRestConfusionVectors: which behaves like Dict[int, BinaryConfusionVectors]: cx_to_binvecs Example: >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo() >>> print('cfsn_vecs = {!r}'.format(cfsn_vecs)) >>> catname_to_binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(keyby='name') >>> print('catname_to_binvecs = {!r}'.format(catname_to_binvecs)) Notes: Consider we want to measure how well we can classify beagles. Given a multiclass confusion vector, we need to carefully select a subset. We ignore any truth that is coarser than our current label. We also ignore any background predictions on irrelevant classes y_true | y_pred | score ------------------------------- dog | dog <- ignore coarser truths dog | cat <- ignore coarser truths dog | beagle <- ignore coarser truths cat | dog cat | cat cat | background <- ignore failures to predict unrelated classes cat | maine-coon beagle | beagle beagle | dog beagle | background beagle | cat Snoopy | beagle Snoopy | cat maine-coon | background <- ignore failures to predict unrelated classes maine-coon | beagle maine-coon | cat Anything not marked as ignore is counted. We count anything marked as beagle or a finer grained class (e.g. Snoopy) as a positive case. All other cases are negative. The scores come from the predicted probability of beagle, which must be remembered outside the dataframe. """ import kwarray classes = cfsn_vecs.classes data = if mode == 0: if cfsn_vecs.probs is None: raise ValueError('cannot binarize in mode=0 without probs') pdist = classes.idx_pairwise_distance() cx_to_binvecs = {} for cx in range(len(classes)): if classes[cx] == 'background' or classes[cx] in ignore_classes: continue if mode == 0: import warnings warnings.warn( 'THIS CALCLUATION MIGHT BE WRONG. MANY OTHERS ' 'IN THIS FILE WERE, AND I HAVENT CHECKED THIS ONE YET') # Lookup original probability predictions for the class of interest new_scores = cfsn_vecs.probs[:, cx] # Determine which truth items have compatible classes # Note: we ignore any truth-label that is COARSER than the # class-of-interest. # E.g: how well do we classify Beagle? -> we should ignore any truth # label marked as Dog because it may or may not be a Beagle? with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) dist = pdist[cx] coarser_cxs = np.where(dist < 0)[0] finer_eq_cxs = np.where(dist >= 0)[0] is_finer_eq = kwarray.isect_flags(data['true'], finer_eq_cxs) is_coarser = kwarray.isect_flags(data['true'], coarser_cxs) # Construct a binary data frame to pass to sklearn functions. bin_data = { 'is_true': is_finer_eq.astype(np.uint8), 'pred_score': new_scores, 'weight': data['weight'] * (np.float32(1.0) - is_coarser), 'txs':['txs'], 'pxs':['pxs'], 'gid':['gid'], } bin_data = kwarray.DataFrameArray(bin_data) # Ignore cases where we failed to predict an irrelevant class flags = (data['pred'] == -1) & (bin_data['is_true'] == 0) bin_data['weight'][flags] = 0 # bin_data = bin_data.compress(~flags) bin_cfsn = BinaryConfusionVectors(bin_data, cx, classes) elif mode == 1: # More VOC-like, not heirarchy friendly if cfsn_vecs.probs is not None: # We know the actual score predicted for this category in # this case. is_true =['true'] == cx pred_score = cfsn_vecs.probs[:, cx] else: import warnings warnings.warn( 'Binarize ovr is only approximate if not all probabilities are known') # If we don't know the probabilities for non-predicted # categories then we have to guess. is_true =['true'] == cx # do we know the actual predicted score for this category? score_is_unknown = data['pred'] != cx pred_score = data['score'].copy() # These scores were for a different class, so assume # other classes were predicted with a uniform prior approx_score = (1 - pred_score[score_is_unknown]) / (len(classes) - 1) # Except in the case where predicted class is -1. In this # case no prediction was actually made (above a threshold) # so the assumed score should be significantly lower, we # conservatively choose zero. unknown_preds = data['pred'][score_is_unknown] approx_score[unknown_preds == -1] = 0 pred_score[score_is_unknown] = approx_score bin_data = { # is_true denotes if the true class of the item is the # category of interest. 'is_true': is_true, 'pred_score': pred_score, } extra = ub.dict_isect(data._data, [ 'txs', 'pxs', 'gid', 'weight']) bin_data.update(extra) bin_data = kwarray.DataFrameArray(bin_data) bin_cfsn = BinaryConfusionVectors(bin_data, cx, classes) cx_to_binvecs[cx] = bin_cfsn if keyby == 'cx': cx_to_binvecs = cx_to_binvecs elif keyby == 'name': cx_to_binvecs = ub.map_keys(cfsn_vecs.classes, cx_to_binvecs) else: raise KeyError(keyby) ovr_cfns = OneVsRestConfusionVectors(cx_to_binvecs, cfsn_vecs.classes) return ovr_cfns
[docs] def classification_report(cfsn_vecs, verbose=0): """ Build a classification report with various metrics. Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo() >>> report = cfsn_vecs.classification_report(verbose=1) """ from kwcoco.metrics import clf_report y_true =['true'] y_pred =['pred'] sample_weight ='weight', None) target_names = list(cfsn_vecs.classes) report = clf_report.classification_report( y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight, target_names=target_names, verbose=verbose, ) return report
[docs]class OneVsRestConfusionVectors(ub.NiceRepr): """ Container for multiple one-vs-rest binary confusion vectors Attributes: cx_to_binvecs classes Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics import DetectionMetrics >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> nimgs=10, nboxes=(0, 10), n_fp=(0, 1), nclasses=3) >>> cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() >>> self = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(keyby='name') >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) """ def __init__(self, cx_to_binvecs, classes): self.cx_to_binvecs = cx_to_binvecs self.classes = classes def __nice__(self): # return ub.repr2(ub.map_vals(len, self.cx_to_binvecs)) return ub.repr2(self.cx_to_binvecs, strvals=True)
[docs] @classmethod def demo(cls): cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo() self = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(keyby='name') return self
[docs] def keys(self): return self.cx_to_binvecs.keys()
def __getitem__(self, cx): return self.cx_to_binvecs[cx]
[docs] def measures(self, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> self = OneVsRestConfusionVectors.demo() >>> thresh_result = self.measures()['perclass'] """ perclass = PerClass_Measures({ cx: binvecs.measures(**kwargs) for cx, binvecs in self.cx_to_binvecs.items() }) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Mean of empty slice') mAUC = np.nanmean([item['trunc_auc'] for item in perclass.values()]) mAP = np.nanmean([item['ap'] for item in perclass.values()]) return { 'mAUC': mAUC, 'mAP': mAP, 'perclass': perclass, }
[docs] def ovr_classification_report(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BinaryConfusionVectors(ub.NiceRepr): """ Stores information about a binary classification problem. This is always with respect to a specific class, which is given by `cx` and `classes`. The `data` DataFrameArray must contain `is_true` - if the row is an instance of class `classes[cx]` `pred_score` - the predicted probability of class `classes[cx]`, and `weight` - sample weight of the example Example: >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=10) >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> print('pr = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> print('roc = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.roc()))) >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=0) >>> print('pr = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> print('roc = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.roc()))) >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=1) >>> print('pr = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> print('roc = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.roc()))) >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=2) >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> print('pr = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> print('roc = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.roc()))) """ def __init__(self, data, cx=None, classes=None): = data = cx self.classes = classes
[docs] @classmethod def demo(cls, n=10, p_true=0.5, p_error=0.2, rng=None): """ Create random data for tests Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> cfsn = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=1000, p_error=0.1) >>> measures = cfsn.measures() >>> print('measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(measures, nl=1))) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> measures.draw('pr') >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> measures.draw('roc') """ import kwarray rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) score = rng.rand(n) data = kwarray.DataFrameArray({ 'is_true': (score > p_true).astype(np.uint8), 'pred_score': score, }) flags = rng.rand(n) < p_error data['is_true'][flags] = 1 - data['is_true'][flags] classes = ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'] self = cls(data, cx=1, classes=classes) return self
@property def catname(self): if is None: return None return self.classes[] def __nice__(self): return ub.repr2({ 'catname': self.catname, 'data':, }, nl=0, strvals=True) def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def draw_distribution(self): data = y_true = data['is_true'].astype(np.uint8) y_score = data['pred_score'] y_true = y_true.astype(np.bool) nbins = 100 all_freq, xdata = np.histogram(y_score, nbins) raw_scores = { 'true': y_score[y_true], 'false': y_score[~y_true], } color = { 'true': 'dodgerblue', 'false': 'red' } ydata = {k: np.histogram(v, bins=xdata)[0] for k, v in raw_scores.items()} import kwplot return kwplot.multi_plot(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, color=color)
[docs] def precision_recall(self, stabalize_thresh=7, stabalize_pad=7, method='sklearn'): """ Deprecated, all information lives in measures now """ warnings.warn('use measures instead', DeprecationWarning) measures = self.measures( fp_cutoff=None, stabalize_thresh=stabalize_thresh, stabalize_pad=stabalize_pad) return measures
[docs] def roc(self, fp_cutoff=None, stabalize_thresh=7, stabalize_pad=7): """ Deprecated, all information lives in measures now """ warnings.warn('use measures instead', DeprecationWarning) roc_info = self.measures( fp_cutoff=fp_cutoff, stabalize_thresh=stabalize_thresh, stabalize_pad=stabalize_pad) return roc_info
def _3dplot(self): """ Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> from kwcoco.metrics.detect_metrics import DetectionMetrics >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> n_fp=(0, 1), n_fn=(0, 2), nimgs=256, nboxes=(0, 10), >>> nclasses=1) >>> cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() >>> self = bin_cfsn = cfsn_vecs.binarize_peritem() >>> dmet.summarize(plot=True) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=3) >>> self._3dplot() """ # import kwplot from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import scipy import matplotlib as mpl info = self.measures() tpr = info['tpr'] fpr = info['fpr'] ppv = info['ppv'] # thresholds = info['thresholds'] # tpr_to_fpr = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(tpr, fpr) # tpr_to_ppv = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(tpr, ppv) # tpr_range = np.linspace(tpr.min(), tpr.max(), 16) # fpr_range = tpr_to_fpr(tpr_range) # ppv_range = tpr_to_ppv(tpr_range) kwargs = {} cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', # cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', # cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', # cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', fig = plt.gcf() fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot('111', projection='3d') x = tpr y = fpr z = ppv mcc_color = cmap(np.maximum(info['mcc'], 0))[:, 0:3] ax.plot3D(xs=x, ys=y, zs=z, c='blue') ax.plot3D(xs=x, ys=[0] * len(y), zs=z, c='lightblue') ax.plot3D(xs=x, ys=y, zs=0, c='lightblue') ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=mcc_color) ax.scatter(x, [0] * len(y), z, c=mcc_color) ax.scatter(x, y, [0] * len(z), c=mcc_color) ax.set_title('roc + auc') ax.set_xlabel('tpr') ax.set_ylabel('fpr') ax.set_zlabel('ppv') # TODO: improve this visualization, can we color the lines better / # fill in the meshes with something meaningful? # Color the main contour line by MCC, # Color the ROC line by PPV # color the PR line by FPR @ub.memoize_method def measures(self, stabalize_thresh=7, stabalize_pad=7, fp_cutoff=None): """ Get statistics (F1, G1, MCC) versus thresholds Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=0) >>> print('measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=1, p_true=0.5, p_error=0.5) >>> print('measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=3, p_true=0.5, p_error=0.5) >>> print('measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=100, p_true=0.7, p_error=0.3) >>> print('measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.measures()))) Ignore: # import as cm # kwargs = {} # cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', # n = len(x) # xgrid = np.tile(x[None, :], (n, 1)) # ygrid = np.tile(y[None, :], (n, 1)) # zdata = np.tile(z[None, :], (n, 1)) # ax.contour(xgrid, ygrid, zdata, zdir='x', cmap=cmap) # ax.contour(xgrid, ygrid, zdata, zdir='y', cmap=cmap) # ax.contour(xgrid, ygrid, zdata, zdir='z', cmap=cmap) Ignore: self.measures().summary_plot() globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(BinaryConfusionVectors.measures._func)) """ # compute tp, fp, tn, fn at each point # compute mcc, f1, g1, etc # write plot functions info = self._binary_clf_curves(stabalize_thresh=stabalize_thresh, stabalize_pad=stabalize_pad, fp_cutoff=fp_cutoff) tp = info['tp_count'] fp = info['fp_count'] tn = info['tn_count'] fn = info['fn_count'] pred_pos = (tp + fp) # number of predicted positives ppv = tp / pred_pos # precision ppv[np.isnan(ppv)] = 0 # can set tpr_denom denominator to one tpr_denom = (tp + fn) # tpr_denom[~(tpr_denom > 0)] = 1 tpr = tp / tpr_denom # recall debug = 0 if debug: assert ub.allsame(tpr_denom), 'tpr denom should be constant' # tpr_denom should be equal to info['realpos_total'] if np.any(tpr_denom != info['realpos_total']): warnings.warn('realpos_total is inconsistent') # mcc_numer = (tp * tn) - (fp * fn) mcc_denom = np.sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn)) mcc_denom[np.isnan(mcc_denom) | (mcc_denom == 0)] = 1 info['mcc'] = mcc_numer / mcc_denom """ import sympy sqrt = sympy.sqrt tp, tn, fp, fn, B = sympy.symbols(['tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn', 'B'], integer=True, negative=False) numer = (tp * tn - fp * fn) denom = ((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn)) ** 0.5 mcc = numer / denom ppv = tp / (tp + fp) tpr = tp / (tp + fn) FM = ((tp / (tp + fn)) * (tp / (tp + fp))) ** 0.5 B2 = (B ** 2) B2_1 = (1 + B2) F_beta_v1 = (B2_1 * (ppv * tpr)) / ((B2 * ppv) + tpr) F_beta_v2 = (B2_1 * tp) / (B2_1 * tp + B2 * fn + fp) # Demo how Beta interacts with harmonic mean weights for F-Beta w1 = 1 w2 = 1 x1 = tpr x2 = ppv harmonic_mean = (w1 + w2) / ((w1 / x1) + (w2 / x2)) harmonic_mean = sympy.simplify(harmonic_mean) expr = sympy.simplify(harmonic_mean - F_beta_v1) sympy.solve(expr, B2) geometric_mean = ((x1 ** w1) * (x2 ** w2)) ** (1 / (w1 + w2)) geometric_mean = sympy.simplify(geometric_mean) assert sympy.simplify(sympy.simplify(geometric_mean) - sympy.simplify(FM)) == 0 print('geometric_mean = {!r}'.format(geometric_mean)) # How do we apply weights to precision and recall when tn is included # in mcc? print(sympy.simplify(F_beta_v1)) print(sympy.simplify(F_beta_v2)) assert sympy.simplify(sympy.simplify(F_beta_v1) - sympy.simplify(F_beta_v2)) == 0 tnr_denom = (tn + fp) tnr = tn / tnr_denom pnv_denom = (tn + fn) npv = tn / pnv_denom mk = ppv + npv - 1 # markedness (precision analog) bm = tpr + tnr - 1 # informedness (recall analog) # Demo how Beta interacts with harmonic mean weights for F-Beta w1 = 2 w2 = 1 x1 = mk # precision analog x2 = bm # recall analog geometric_mean = ((x1 ** w1) * (x2 ** w2)) ** (1 / (w1 + w2)) geometric_mean = sympy.simplify(geometric_mean) print('geometric_mean w1=2 = {!r}'.format(geometric_mean)) w1 = 0.5 w2 = 1 geometric_mean = ((x1 ** w1) * (x2 ** w2)) ** (1 / (w1 + w2)) geometric_mean = sympy.simplify(geometric_mean) print('geometric_mean w1=.5 = {!r}'.format(geometric_mean)) # By taking the weighted geometric mean of bm and mk we can effectively # create a mcc-beta measure values = {fn: 3, fp: 10, tp: 100, tn: 200} # Cant seem to verify that gmean(bm, mk) == mcc, with sympy, but it is true values = {fn: np.random.rand() * 10, fp: np.random.rand() * 10, tp: np.random.rand() * 10, tn: np.random.rand() * 10} print(geometric_mean.subs(values)) print(abs(mcc).subs(values)) delta = sympy.simplify(sympy.simplify(geometric_mean) - sympy.simplify(sympy.functions.Abs(mcc))) # assert sympy.simplify(sympy.simplify(geometric_mean) - sympy.simplify(sympy.functions.Abs(mcc))) == 0 """ # info['g1'] = np.sqrt(ppv * tpr) f1_numer = (2 * ppv * tpr) f1_denom = (ppv + tpr) f1_denom[f1_denom == 0] = 1 info['f1'] = f1_numer / f1_denom tnr_denom = (tn + fp) tnr_denom[tnr_denom == 0] = 1 tnr = tn / tnr_denom pnv_denom = (tn + fn) pnv_denom[pnv_denom == 0] = 1 npv = tn / pnv_denom info['ppv'] = ppv info['tpr'] = tpr info['fpr'] = info['fp_count'] / info['fp_count'][-1] info['acc'] = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn) info['bm'] = tpr + tnr - 1 # informedness info['mk'] = ppv + npv - 1 # markedness keys = ['mcc', 'g1', 'f1', 'acc'] for key in keys: measure = info[key] max_idx = measure.argmax() best_thresh = float(info['thresholds'][max_idx]) best_measure = float(measure[max_idx]) best_label = '{}={:0.2f}@{:0.2f}'.format(key, best_measure, best_thresh) info['max_{}'.format(key)] = best_label info['_max_{}'.format(key)] = (best_measure, best_thresh) import sklearn.metrics # NOQA with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='invalid .* true_divide') info['trunc_tpr'] = info['trunc_tp_count'] / info['realpos_total'] info['trunc_fpr'] = info['trunc_fp_count'] / info['trunc_fp_count'][-1] try: info['trunc_auc'] = sklearn.metrics.auc(info['trunc_fpr'], info['trunc_tpr']) except ValueError: # At least 2 points are needed to compute area under curve, but x.shape = 1 info['trunc_auc'] = np.nan info['auc'] = info['trunc_auc'] """ Notes: Apparently, consistent scoring is really hard to get right. For detection problems scoring via confusion_vectors+sklearn produces noticably different results than the VOC method. There are a few reasons for this. The VOC method stops counting true positives after all assigned predicted boxes have been counted. It simply remembers the amount of original true positives to normalize the true positive reate. On the other hand, confusion vectors maintains a list of these unassigned true boxes and gives them a predicted index of -1 and a score of zero. This means that this function sees them as having a y_true of 1 and a y_score of 0, which allows the scikit-learn fps and tps counts to effectively get up to 100% recall when the threshold is zero. The VOC method simply ignores these and handles them implicitly. The problem is that if you remove these from the scikit-learn inputs, it wont see the correct number of positives and it will incorrectly normalize the recall. In summary: VOC: * remembers realpos_total * doesn't count unassigned truths as TP when the threshold is zero. CV+SKL: * counts unassigned truths as TP with score=0. * Always ensure tpr=1, ppv=0 and ppv=1, tpr=0 cases exist. """ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='invalid .* true_divide') # sklearn definition # AP = sum((R[n] - R[n - 1]) * P[n] for n in range(len(thresholds))) # stop when full recall attained last_ind = tpr.searchsorted(tpr[-1]) rec = np.r_[0, tpr[:last_ind + 1]] prec = np.r_[1, ppv[:last_ind + 1]] OUTLIER_AP = 1 # Precisions are weighted by the change in recall diff_items = np.diff(rec) prec_items = prec[1:] # basline way ap = info['sklish_ap'] = float(np.sum(diff_items * prec_items)) if OUTLIER_AP: # Remove extreme outliers from ap calculation # only do this on the first or last 2 items. # Hueristically chosen. flags = diff_items > 0.1 idxs = np.where(flags)[0] max_idx = len(flags) - 1 thresh = 2 try: idx_dist = np.minimum(idxs, max_idx - idxs) outlier_idxs = idxs[idx_dist < thresh] import kwarray outlier_flags = kwarray.boolmask(outlier_idxs, len(diff_items)) inlier_flags = ~outlier_flags score = prec_items.copy() score[outlier_flags] = score[inlier_flags].min() score[outlier_flags] = 0 ap = outlier_ap = np.sum(score * diff_items) info['outlier_ap'] = float(outlier_ap) except Exception: pass # print('ap = {!r}'.format(ap)) # print('ap = {!r}'.format(ap)) # ap = np.sum(np.diff(rec) * prec[1:]) info['ap'] = float(ap) return Measures(info) def _binary_clf_curves(self, stabalize_thresh=7, stabalize_pad=7, fp_cutoff=None): """ Code common to ROC, PR, and threshold measures TODO: refactor ROC and PR curves to use this code, perhaps even memoizing it. Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=1, p_true=0.5, p_error=0.5) >>> self._binary_clf_curves() >>> self = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=0, p_true=0.5, p_error=0.5) >>> self._binary_clf_curves() """ try: from sklearn.metrics._ranking import _binary_clf_curve except ImportError: from sklearn.metrics.ranking import _binary_clf_curve data = y_true = data['is_true'].astype(np.uint8) y_score = data['pred_score'] sample_weight = data._data.get('weight', None) npad = 0 if len(self) == 0: fps = np.array([np.nan]) fns = np.array([np.nan]) tps = np.array([np.nan]) thresholds = np.array([np.nan]) realpos_total = 0 realneg_total = 0 nsupport = 0 else: if len(self) <= stabalize_thresh: # add dummy data to stabalize the computation if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = np.ones(len(self)) npad = stabalize_pad y_true, y_score, sample_weight = _stabalilze_data( y_true, y_score, sample_weight, npad=npad) # Get the total weight (typically number of) positive and negative # examples of this class if sample_weight is None: weight = 1 nsupport = len(y_true) - bool(npad) else: weight = sample_weight nsupport = sample_weight.sum() - bool(npad) realpos_total = (y_true * weight).sum() realneg_total = ((1 - y_true) * weight).sum() fps, tps, thresholds = _binary_clf_curve( y_true, y_score, pos_label=1.0, sample_weight=sample_weight) # Adjust weighted totals to be robust to floating point errors if np.isclose(realneg_total, fps[-1]): realneg_total = max(realneg_total, fps[-1]) if np.isclose(realpos_total, tps[-1]): realpos_total = max(realpos_total, tps[-1]) tns = realneg_total - fps fns = realpos_total - tps trunc_fps = fps # Cutoff the curves at a comparable point if fp_cutoff is None: fp_cutoff = np.inf elif isinstance(fp_cutoff, str): if fp_cutoff == 'num_true': fp_cutoff = int(np.ceil(realpos_total)) else: raise KeyError(fp_cutoff) if np.isfinite(fp_cutoff): idxs = np.where(trunc_fps > fp_cutoff)[0] if len(idxs) == 0: trunc_idx = len(trunc_fps) else: trunc_idx = idxs[0] trunc_fps = fps[:trunc_idx] trunc_tps = tps[:trunc_idx] trunc_thresholds = thresholds[:trunc_idx] else: trunc_idx = None trunc_fps = fps trunc_tps = tps trunc_thresholds = thresholds # if the cuttoff was not reached, horizontally extend the curve # This will hurt the scores (aka we may be bias against small # scenes), but this will ensure that big scenes are comparable if len(trunc_fps) == 0: trunc_fps = np.array([fp_cutoff]) trunc_tps = np.array([0]) trunc_thresholds = np.array([0]) # THIS WILL CAUSE AUC TO RAISE AN ERROR IF IT GETS HIT elif trunc_fps[-1] < fp_cutoff and np.isfinite(fp_cutoff): trunc_fps = np.hstack([trunc_fps, [fp_cutoff]]) trunc_tps = np.hstack([trunc_tps, [trunc_tps[-1]]]) trunc_thresholds = np.hstack([trunc_thresholds, [0]]) info = { 'fp_count': fps, 'tp_count': tps, 'tn_count': tns, 'fn_count': fns, 'thresholds': thresholds, 'realpos_total': realpos_total, 'realneg_total': realneg_total, 'trunc_idx': trunc_idx, 'trunc_fp_count': trunc_fps, 'trunc_tp_count': trunc_tps, 'trunc_thresholds': trunc_thresholds, 'nsupport': nsupport, 'fp_cutoff': fp_cutoff, 'stabalize_thresh': fp_cutoff, 'stabalize_pad': stabalize_pad, } # if True: # # hack # import sklearn # info['_ap'] = sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score( # y_score=y_score, y_true=y_true, # sample_weight=sample_weight) if is not None: info.update({ 'cx':, 'node': self.classes[], }) return info
[docs]class Measures(ub.NiceRepr, DictProxy): """ Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> binvecs = BinaryConfusionVectors.demo(n=100, p_error=0.5) >>> self = binvecs.measures() >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(doclf=True) >>> self.draw(key='pr', pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> self.draw(key='roc', pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ def __init__(self, roc_info): self.proxy = roc_info @property def catname(self): return self.get('node', None) def __nice__(self): return ub.repr2(self.summary(), nl=0, precision=4, strvals=True) def __json__(self): import numbers state = {} for k, v in self.proxy.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): state[k] = v.tolist() elif isinstance(v, numbers.Integral): v = int(v) elif isinstance(v, numbers.Real): v = float(v) state[k] = v else: debug = 1 if debug: import json json.dumps(v) json.dumps(k) return state
[docs] def summary(self): return { 'ap': self['ap'], 'auc': self['auc'], 'max_mcc': self['max_mcc'], 'max_f1': self['max_f1'], # 'max_g1': self['max_g1'], 'nsupport': self['nsupport'], 'realpos_total': self['realpos_total'], 'realneg_total': self['realneg_total'], 'catname': self.get('node', None), }
[docs] def draw(self, key=None, prefix='', **kw): """ Example: >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo() >>> ovr_cfsn = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(keyby='name') >>> self = ovr_cfsn.measures()['perclass'] >>> self.draw('mcc', doclf=True, fnum=1) >>> self.draw('pr', doclf=1, fnum=2) >>> self.draw('roc', doclf=1, fnum=3) """ from kwcoco.metrics import drawing if key is None or key == 'thresh': return drawing.draw_threshold_curves(self, prefix=prefix, **kw) elif key == 'pr': return drawing.draw_prcurve(self, prefix=prefix, **kw) elif key == 'roc': return drawing.draw_roc(self, prefix=prefix, **kw)
[docs] def summary_plot(self, fnum=1, title=''): """ Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo(n=100, p_error=0.5) >>> binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_peritem() >>> self = binvecs.measures() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.summary_plot() >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwplot kwplot.figure(fnum=fnum, figtitle=title) kwplot.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 3, 1)) self.draw('pr') kwplot.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 3, 2)) self.draw('roc') kwplot.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 3, 3)) self.draw('thresh', keys=['mcc', 'f1', 'acc'])
[docs]class PerClass_Measures(ub.NiceRepr, DictProxy): """ """ def __init__(self, cx_to_info): self.proxy = cx_to_info def __nice__(self): return ub.repr2(self.proxy, nl=2, strvals=True)
[docs] def summary(self): return {k: v.summary() for k, v in self.items()}
def __json__(self): return {k: v.__json__() for k, v in self.items()}
[docs] def draw(self, key='mcc', prefix='', **kw): """ Example: >>> cfsn_vecs = ConfusionVectors.demo() >>> ovr_cfsn = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(keyby='name') >>> self = ovr_cfsn.measures()['perclass'] >>> self.draw('mcc', doclf=True, fnum=1) >>> self.draw('pr', doclf=1, fnum=2) >>> self.draw('roc', doclf=1, fnum=3) """ from kwcoco.metrics import drawing if key == 'pr': return drawing.draw_perclass_prcurve(self, prefix=prefix, **kw) elif key == 'roc': return drawing.draw_perclass_roc(self, prefix=prefix, **kw) else: return drawing.draw_perclass_thresholds( self, key=key, prefix=prefix, **kw)
[docs] def draw_roc(self, prefix='', **kw): from kwcoco.metrics import drawing return drawing.draw_perclass_roc(self, prefix=prefix, **kw)
[docs] def draw_pr(self, prefix='', **kw): from kwcoco.metrics import drawing return drawing.draw_perclass_prcurve(self, prefix=prefix, **kw)
[docs] def summary_plot(self, fnum=1, title=''): """ CommandLine: python ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/metrics/ PerClass_Measures.summary_plot --show Example: >>> from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import * # NOQA >>> from kwcoco.metrics.detect_metrics import DetectionMetrics >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> n_fp=(0, 5), n_fn=(0, 5), nimgs=128, nboxes=(0, 10), >>> nclasses=3) >>> cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors() >>> ovr_cfsn = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(keyby='name') >>> self = ovr_cfsn.measures()['perclass'] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.summary_plot(title='demo summary_plot ovr') >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwplot pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=5) kwplot.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, figtitle=title) self.draw('pr', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()) self.draw('roc', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()) self.draw('mcc', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()) self.draw('f1', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_()) self.draw('acc', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_())
def _stabalilze_data(y_true, y_score, sample_weight, npad=7): """ Adds ideally calibrated dummy values to curves with few positive examples. This acts somewhat like a Baysian prior and smooths out the curve. """ min_score = y_score.min() max_score = y_score.max() if max_score <= 1.0 and min_score >= 0.0: max_score = 1.0 min_score = 0.0 pad_true = np.ones(npad, dtype=np.uint8) pad_true[:npad // 2] = 0 pad_score = np.linspace(min_score, max_score, num=npad, endpoint=True) pad_weight = np.exp(np.linspace(2.7, .01, npad)) pad_weight /= pad_weight.sum() y_true = np.hstack([y_true, pad_true]) y_score = np.hstack([y_score, pad_score]) sample_weight = np.hstack([sample_weight, pad_weight]) return y_true, y_score, sample_weight if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/metrics/ all """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)