Source code for kwcoco.cli.coco_toydata

import scriptconfig as scfg
import ubelt as ub

[docs]class CocoToyDataCLI(object):
[docs] name = 'toydata'
[docs] class CLIConfig(scfg.Config): """ Create COCO toydata """
[docs] default = { 'key': scfg.Value('shapes8', help=ub.paragraph( ''' Special demodata code. Available options are: photos, shapes8, vidshapes8, vidshapes8-multispectral Note that the number (e.g. 8) at the end of the "shapes" datasets can be replaced by any number to specify the number of images generated in the toy dataset. '''), position=1), 'dst': scfg.Value(None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' Output path for the final kwcoco json file. Note, that even when given, a data.kwcoco.json file will also be generated in a bundle_dpath. ''')), 'bundle_dpath': scfg.Value(None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' Creates a bundled dataset in the specified location. If unspecified, a bundle name is generated based on the toydata config. ''')), 'use_cache': scfg.Value(True)
[docs] epilog = """ Example Usage: kwcoco toydata --key=shapes8 --dst=toydata.kwcoco.json kwcoco toydata --key=shapes8 --bundle_dpath=my_test_bundle_v1 kwcoco toydata --key=shapes8 --bundle_dpath=my_test_bundle_v1 kwcoco toydata \ --key=shapes8 \ --dst=./shapes8.kwcoco/dataset.kwcoco.json TODO: - [ ] allow specification of images directory """
[docs] def main(cls, cmdline=True, **kw): """ Example: >>> kw = {'key': 'shapes8', 'dst': 'test.json'} >>> cmdline = False >>> cls = CocoToyDataCLI >>> cls.main(cmdline, **kw) """ import kwcoco config = cls.CLIConfig(kw, cmdline=cmdline) demo_kwargs = { 'use_cache': config['use_cache'], } if config['bundle_dpath'] is not None: bundle_dpath = config['bundle_dpath'] dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(config['key'], bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath, **demo_kwargs) # dset.reroot(absolute=True) else: if config['dst'] is not None: fpath = config['dst'] from os.path import dirname dpath = dirname(fpath) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(config['key'], dpath=dpath, **demo_kwargs) dset.fpath = fpath else: dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(config['key'], **demo_kwargs) dset.reroot(absolute=True) if config['dst'] is not None: print('dset.fpath = {!r}'.format(dset.fpath)) print('Writing to dset.fpath = {!r}'.format(dset.fpath)) dset.dump(dset.fpath, newlines=True)
[docs]_CLI = CocoToyDataCLI
if __name__ == '__main__': _CLI._main()