
This module is ported from ndsampler, and will likely eventually move to kwimage and be refactored using pymbolic

The classes in this file represent a tree of delayed operations.

Proof of concept for delayed chainable transforms in Python.

There are several optimizations that could be applied.

This is similar to GDAL’s virtual raster table, but it works in memory and I think it is easier to chain operations.




As the name implies this is a proof of concept, and the actual implementation was hacked together too quickly. Serious refactoring will be necessary.


Each class should be a layer that adds a new transformation on top of underlying nested layers. Adding new layers should be quick, and there should always be the option to “finalize” a stack of layers, chaining the transforms / operations and then applying one final efficient transform at the end.


  • dsize = (always in width / height), no channels are present

  • shape for images is always (height, width, channels)

  • channels are always the last dimension of each image, if no channel dim is specified, finalize will add it.

  • Videos must be the last process in the stack, and add a leading

    time dimension to the shape. dsize is still width, height, but shape is now: (time, height, width, chan)


>>> # Example demonstrating the modivating use case
>>> # We have multiple aligned frames for a video, but each of
>>> # those frames is in a different resolution. Furthermore,
>>> # each of the frames consists of channels in different resolutions.
>>> # Create raw channels in some "native" resolution for frame 1
>>> f1_chan1 = DelayedIdentity.demo('astro', chan=0, dsize=(300, 300))
>>> f1_chan2 = DelayedIdentity.demo('astro', chan=1, dsize=(200, 200))
>>> f1_chan3 = DelayedIdentity.demo('astro', chan=2, dsize=(10, 10))
>>> # Create raw channels in some "native" resolution for frame 2
>>> f2_chan1 = DelayedIdentity.demo('carl', dsize=(64, 64), chan=0)
>>> f2_chan2 = DelayedIdentity.demo('carl', dsize=(260, 260), chan=1)
>>> f2_chan3 = DelayedIdentity.demo('carl', dsize=(10, 10), chan=2)
>>> #
>>> # Delayed warp each channel into its "image" space
>>> # Note: the images never actually enter this space we transform through it
>>> f1_dsize = np.array((3, 3))
>>> f2_dsize = np.array((2, 2))
>>> f1_img = DelayedChannelConcat([
>>>     f1_chan1.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f1_dsize / f1_chan1.dsize), dsize=f1_dsize),
>>>     f1_chan2.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f1_dsize / f1_chan2.dsize), dsize=f1_dsize),
>>>     f1_chan3.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f1_dsize / f1_chan3.dsize), dsize=f1_dsize),
>>> ])
>>> f2_img = DelayedChannelConcat([
>>>     f2_chan1.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f2_dsize / f2_chan1.dsize), dsize=f2_dsize),
>>>     f2_chan2.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f2_dsize / f2_chan2.dsize), dsize=f2_dsize),
>>>     f2_chan3.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f2_dsize / f2_chan3.dsize), dsize=f2_dsize),
>>> ])
>>> # Combine frames into a video
>>> vid_dsize = np.array((280, 280))
>>> vid = DelayedFrameConcat([
>>>     f1_img.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(vid_dsize / f1_img.dsize), dsize=vid_dsize),
>>>     f2_img.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(vid_dsize / f2_img.dsize), dsize=vid_dsize),
>>> ])
>>> vid.nesting
>>> print('vid.nesting = {}'.format(ub.repr2(vid.__json__(), nl=-2)))
>>> final = vid.finalize(interpolation='nearest')
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(final[0], pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final[1], pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1)


>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(1)
>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> astro = DelayedLoad.demo('astro')
>>> print('MSI = ' + ub.repr2(delayed.__json__(), nl=-3, sort=0))
>>> print('ASTRO = ' + ub.repr2(astro.__json__(), nl=2, sort=0))
>>> subchan = delayed.take_channels('B1|B8')
>>> subcrop = subchan.delayed_crop((slice(10, 80), slice(30, 50)))
>>> #
>>> subcrop.nesting()
>>> subchan.nesting()
>>> subchan.finalize()
>>> subcrop.finalize()
>>> #
>>> msi_crop = delayed.delayed_crop((slice(10, 80), slice(30, 50)))
>>> msi_warp = msi_crop.delayed_warp(kwimage.Affine.scale(3), dsize='auto')
>>> subdata = msi_warp.take_channels('B11|B1')
>>> final = subdata.finalize()
>>> assert final.shape == (210, 60, 2)


>>> # test case where an auxiliary image does not map entirely on the image.
>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwimage
>>> from os.path import join
>>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco/tests/delayed_poc')
>>> chan1_fpath = join(dpath, 'chan1.tiff')
>>> chan2_fpath = join(dpath, 'chan2.tiff')
>>> chan3_fpath = join(dpath, 'chan2.tiff')
>>> chan1_raw = np.random.rand(128, 128, 1)
>>> chan2_raw = np.random.rand(64, 64, 1)
>>> chan3_raw = np.random.rand(256, 256, 1)
>>> kwimage.imwrite(chan1_fpath, chan1_raw)
>>> kwimage.imwrite(chan2_fpath, chan2_raw)
>>> kwimage.imwrite(chan3_fpath, chan3_raw)
>>> #
>>> c1 = channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('c1')
>>> c2 = channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('c2')
>>> c3 = channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('c2')
>>> aux1 = DelayedLoad(chan1_fpath, dsize=chan1_raw.shape[0:2][::-1], channels=c1, num_bands=1)
>>> aux2 = DelayedLoad(chan2_fpath, dsize=chan2_raw.shape[0:2][::-1], channels=c2, num_bands=1)
>>> aux3 = DelayedLoad(chan3_fpath, dsize=chan3_raw.shape[0:2][::-1], channels=c3, num_bands=1)
>>> #
>>> img_dsize = (128, 128)
>>> transform1 = kwimage.Affine.coerce(scale=0.5)
>>> transform2 = kwimage.Affine.coerce(theta=0.5, shear=0.01, offset=(-20, -40))
>>> transform3 = kwimage.Affine.coerce(offset=(64, 0)) @ kwimage.Affine.random(rng=10)
>>> part1 = aux1.delayed_warp(np.eye(3), dsize=img_dsize)
>>> part2 = aux2.delayed_warp(transform2, dsize=img_dsize)
>>> part3 = aux3.delayed_warp(transform3, dsize=img_dsize)
>>> delayed = DelayedChannelConcat([part1, part2, part3])
>>> #
>>> delayed_crop = delayed.crop((slice(0, 10), slice(0, 10)))
>>> delayed_final = delayed_crop.finalize()
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> final = delayed.finalize()
>>> kwplot.imshow(final, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1))
>>> kwplot.imshow(delayed_final, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2))

comp = delayed_crop.components[2]


data = np.array([[0]]).astype(np.float32) kwimage.warp_affine(data, np.eye(3), dsize=(32, 32)) kwimage.warp_affine(data, np.eye(3))

kwimage.warp_affine(data[0:0], np.eye(3))

transform = kwimage.Affine.coerce(scale=0.1) data = np.array([[0]]).astype(np.float32)

data = np.array([[]]).astype(np.float32) kwimage.warp_affine(data, transform, dsize=(0, 2), antialias=True)

data = np.array([[]]).astype(np.float32) kwimage.warp_affine(data, transform, dsize=(10, 10))

data = np.array([[0]]).astype(np.float32) kwimage.warp_affine(data, transform, dsize=(0, 2), antialias=True)

data = np.array([[0]]).astype(np.float32) kwimage.warp_affine(data, transform, dsize=(10, 10))


kwimage.grab_test_image(dsize=(1, 1)), kwimage.Affine.coerce(scale=0.1).matrix[0:2], dsize=(0, 1),


Module Contents



Base class for nodes in a tree of delayed computer-vision operations


Base class for nodes in a tree of delayed computer-vision operations


Operations that pertain only to images


Noop leaf that does nothing. Mostly used in tests atm.


Constructs nan channels as needed


A load operation for a specific sub-region and sub-bands in a specified



Represents multiple frames in a video


Represents multiple channels in an image that could be concatenated


POC for chainable transforms


Represent a delayed crop operation




Test to see if the image is all black.

_rectify_slice_dim(part, D)

_compute_leaf_subcrop(root_region_bounds, tf_leaf_to_root)

Given a region in a "root" image and a trasnform between that "root" and


Finds maximum over all shapes


_auto_dsize(transform, sub_dsize)




class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedVisionOperation[source]

Bases: ubelt.NiceRepr

Base class for nodes in a tree of delayed computer-vision operations

abstract finalize(self)[source]
abstract children(self)[source]

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

_optimize_paths(self, **kwargs)[source]

Iterate through the leaf nodes, which are virtually transformed into the root space.

This returns some sort of hueristically optimized leaf repr wrt warps.

warp(self, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias for delayed_warp, might change to this API in the future

crop(self, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias for delayed_crop, might change to this API in the future

class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedVideoOperation[source]

Bases: DelayedVisionOperation

Base class for nodes in a tree of delayed computer-vision operations

class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedImageOperation[source]

Bases: DelayedVisionOperation

Operations that pertain only to images

delayed_crop(self, region_slices)[source]

Create a new delayed image that performs a crop in the transformed “self” space.


region_slices (Tuple[slice, slice]) – y-slice and x-slice.


Returns a heuristically “simplified” tree. In the current implementation there are only 3 operations, cat, warp, and crop. All cats go at the top, all crops go at the bottom, all warps are in the middle.


lazy executed delayed transform

Return type



>>> dsize = (100, 100)
>>> tf2 = Affine.affine(scale=3).matrix
>>> self = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(33, 33), tf2, dsize)
>>> region_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12))
>>> delayed_crop = self.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> print(ub.repr2(delayed_crop.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> delayed_crop.finalize()


>>> chan1 = DelayedLoad.demo('astro')
>>> chan2 = DelayedLoad.demo('carl')
>>> warped1a = chan1.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.2).matrix)
>>> warped2a = chan2.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.5))
>>> warped1b = warped1a.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.2).matrix)
>>> warped2b = warped2a.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.5))
>>> #
>>> region_slices = (slice(97, 677), slice(5, 691))
>>> self = warped2b
>>> #
>>> crop1 = warped1b.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> crop2 = warped2b.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> print(ub.repr2(warped1b.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> print(ub.repr2(warped2b.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> # Notice how the crop merges the two nesting layers
>>> # (via the hueristic optimize step)
>>> print(ub.repr2(crop1.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> print(ub.repr2(crop2.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> frame1 = crop1.finalize(dsize=(500, 500))
>>> frame2 = crop2.finalize(dsize=(500, 500))
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(frame1, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(frame2, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1)
delayed_warp(self, transform, dsize=None)[source]

Delayed transform the underlying data.


this deviates from kwimage warp functions because instead of “output_dims” (specified in c-style shape) we specify dsize (w, h).


new delayed transform a chained transform

Return type


abstract take_channels(self, channels)[source]
class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedIdentity(sub_data)[source]

Bases: DelayedImageOperation

Noop leaf that does nothing. Mostly used in tests atm.

Typically used to just hold raw data.

DelayedIdentity.demo(‘astro’, chan=0, dsize=(32, 32))

__hack_dont_optimize__ = True[source]
classmethod demo(cls, key='astro', chan=None, dsize=None)[source]

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

_optimize_paths(self, **kwargs)[source]

Iterate through the leaf nodes, which are virtually transformed into the root space.

This returns some sort of hueristically optimized leaf repr wrt warps.

class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedNans(dsize=None, channels=None)[source]

Bases: DelayedImageOperation

Constructs nan channels as needed


self = DelayedNans((10, 10), channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce(‘rgb’)) region_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12)) delayed = self.delayed_crop(region_slices)


>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> dsize = (307, 311)
>>> c1 = DelayedNans(dsize=dsize, channels=channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('foo'))
>>> c2 = DelayedLoad.demo('astro', dsize=dsize).load_shape(True)
>>> cat = DelayedChannelConcat([c1, c2])
>>> warped_cat = cat.delayed_warp(kwimage.Affine.scale(1.07), dsize=(328, 332))
>>> warped_cat.finalize()

#>>> cropped = warped_cat.delayed_crop((slice(0, 300), slice(0, 100))) #>>> cropped.finalize().shape

property shape(self)[source]
property num_bands(self)[source]
property dsize(self)[source]
property channels(self)[source]

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

_optimize_paths(self, **kwargs)[source]

Iterate through the leaf nodes, which are virtually transformed into the root space.

This returns some sort of hueristically optimized leaf repr wrt warps.

finalize(self, **kwargs)[source]
delayed_crop(self, region_slices)[source]

Create a new delayed image that performs a crop in the transformed “self” space.


region_slices (Tuple[slice, slice]) – y-slice and x-slice.


Returns a heuristically “simplified” tree. In the current implementation there are only 3 operations, cat, warp, and crop. All cats go at the top, all crops go at the bottom, all warps are in the middle.


lazy executed delayed transform

Return type



>>> dsize = (100, 100)
>>> tf2 = Affine.affine(scale=3).matrix
>>> self = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(33, 33), tf2, dsize)
>>> region_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12))
>>> delayed_crop = self.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> print(ub.repr2(delayed_crop.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> delayed_crop.finalize()


>>> chan1 = DelayedLoad.demo('astro')
>>> chan2 = DelayedLoad.demo('carl')
>>> warped1a = chan1.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.2).matrix)
>>> warped2a = chan2.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.5))
>>> warped1b = warped1a.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.2).matrix)
>>> warped2b = warped2a.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(1.5))
>>> #
>>> region_slices = (slice(97, 677), slice(5, 691))
>>> self = warped2b
>>> #
>>> crop1 = warped1b.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> crop2 = warped2b.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> print(ub.repr2(warped1b.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> print(ub.repr2(warped2b.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> # Notice how the crop merges the two nesting layers
>>> # (via the hueristic optimize step)
>>> print(ub.repr2(crop1.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> print(ub.repr2(crop2.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> frame1 = crop1.finalize(dsize=(500, 500))
>>> frame2 = crop2.finalize(dsize=(500, 500))
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(frame1, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(frame2, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1)
delayed_warp(self, transform, dsize=None)[source]

Delayed transform the underlying data.


this deviates from kwimage warp functions because instead of “output_dims” (specified in c-style shape) we specify dsize (w, h).


new delayed transform a chained transform

Return type


class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedLoad(fpath, channels=None, dsize=None, num_bands=None, immediate_crop=None, immediate_chan_idxs=None, immediate_dsize=None)[source]

Bases: DelayedImageOperation

A load operation for a specific sub-region and sub-bands in a specified image.


This class contains support for fusing certain lazy operations into this layer, namely cropping, scaling, and channel selection.

For now these are named immediates


>>> fpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath()
>>> self = DelayedLoad(fpath)
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> self.load_shape()
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> self.finalize()
>>> f1_img = DelayedLoad.demo('astro', dsize=(300, 300))
>>> f2_img = DelayedLoad.demo('carl', dsize=(256, 320))
>>> print('f1_img = {!r}'.format(f1_img))
>>> print('f2_img = {!r}'.format(f2_img))
>>> print(f2_img.finalize().shape)
>>> print(f1_img.finalize().shape)
>>> fpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath()
>>> channels = channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('rgb')
>>> self = DelayedLoad(fpath, channels=channels)
__hack_dont_optimize__ = True[source]
classmethod demo(DelayedLoad, key='astro', dsize=None)[source]
abstract classmethod coerce(cls, data)[source]

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

_optimize_paths(self, **kwargs)[source]

Iterate through the leaf nodes, which are virtually transformed into the root space.

This returns some sort of hueristically optimized leaf repr wrt warps.

load_shape(self, use_channel_heuristic=False)[source]
property shape(self)[source]
property num_bands(self)[source]
property dsize(self)[source]
property channels(self)[source]
property fpath(self)[source]
finalize(self, **kwargs)[source]
delayed_crop(self, region_slices)[source]

region_slices (Tuple[slice, slice]) – y-slice and x-slice.


a new delayed load object with a fused crop operation

Return type



>>> # Test chained crop operations
>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> self = orig = DelayedLoad.demo('astro').load_shape()
>>> region_slices = slices1 = (slice(0, 90), slice(30, 60))
>>> self = crop1 = orig.delayed_crop(slices1)
>>> region_slices = slices2 = (slice(10, 21), slice(10, 22))
>>> self = crop2 = crop1.delayed_crop(slices2)
>>> region_slices = slices3 = (slice(3, 20), slice(5, 20))
>>> crop3 = crop2.delayed_crop(slices3)
>>> # Spot check internals
>>> print('orig = {}'.format(ub.repr2(orig.__json__(), nl=2)))
>>> print('crop1 = {}'.format(ub.repr2(crop1.__json__(), nl=2)))
>>> print('crop2 = {}'.format(ub.repr2(crop2.__json__(), nl=2)))
>>> print('crop3 = {}'.format(ub.repr2(crop3.__json__(), nl=2)))
>>> # Test internals
>>> assert crop3._immediates['crop'][0].start == 13
>>> assert crop3._immediates['crop'][0].stop == 21
>>> # Test shapes work out correctly
>>> assert crop3.finalize().shape == (8, 7, 3)
>>> assert crop2.finalize().shape == (11, 12, 3)
>>> assert crop1.take_channels([1, 2]).finalize().shape == (90, 30, 2)
>>> assert orig.finalize().shape == (512, 512, 3)


This chart gives an intuition on how new absolute slice coords
are computed from existing absolute coords ane relative coords.

      5 7    <- new
      3 5    <- rel
   01234567  <- relative coordinates
   2      9  <- curr
 0123456789  <- absolute coordinates
take_channels(self, channels)[source]

This method returns a subset of the vision data with only the specified bands / channels.


channels (List[int] | slice | channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec) – List of integers indexes, a slice, or a channel spec, which is typically a pipe (|) delimited list of channel codes. See kwcoco.ChannelSpec for more detials.


a new delayed load with a fused take channel operation

Return type



The channel subset must exist here or it will raise an error. A better implementation (via pymbolic) might be able to do better


>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> self = DelayedLoad.demo('astro').load_shape()
>>> channels = [2, 0]
>>> new = self.take_channels(channels)
>>> new3 = new.take_channels([1, 0])
>>> final1 = self.finalize()
>>> final2 = new.finalize()
>>> final3 = new3.finalize()
>>> assert np.all(final1[..., 2] == final2[..., 0])
>>> assert np.all(final1[..., 0] == final2[..., 1])
>>> assert final2.shape[2] == 2
>>> assert np.all(final1[..., 2] == final3[..., 1])
>>> assert np.all(final1[..., 0] == final3[..., 0])
>>> assert final3.shape[2] == 2
class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath)[source]

Bases: ubelt.NiceRepr


  • [ ] Move to its own backend module

  • [ ] When used with COCO, allow the image metadata to populate the

    height, width, and channels if possible.


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo)
>>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile.demo()
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> self[0:3, 0:3]
>>> self[:, :, 0]
>>> self[0]
>>> self[0, 3]
>>> # import kwplot
>>> # kwplot.imshow(self[:])


>>> # See if we can reproduce the INTERLEAVE bug

data = np.random.rand(128, 128, 64) import kwimage import ubelt as ub from os.path import join dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir(‘kwcoco/tests/reader’) fpath = join(dpath, ‘foo.tiff’) kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data, backend=’skimage’) recon1 = kwimage.imread(fpath) recon1.shape

self = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath) self.shape self[:]

classmethod demo(cls, key='astro', dsize=None)[source]
property ndim(self)[source]
property shape(self)[source]
property dtype(self)[source]
__getitem__(self, index)[source]



Allow this object to be passed to np.asarray



Test to see if the image is all black.

May fail on all-black images


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo)
>>> import kwimage
>>> gpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath()
>>> file = LazyGDalFrameFile(gpath)
>>> validate_nonzero_data(file)
kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc._rectify_slice_dim(part, D)[source]
class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedFrameConcat(frames, dsize=None)[source]

Bases: DelayedVideoOperation

Represents multiple frames in a video


        Chan[0]: (32) +--------------------------------+
        Chan[1]: (16) +----------------+
        Chan[2]: ( 8) +--------+
        Chan[0]: (30) +------------------------------+
        Chan[1]: (14) +--------------+
        Chan[2]: ( 6) +------+


  • [ ] Support computing the transforms when none of the data is loaded


>>> # Simpler case with fewer nesting levels
>>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(None)
>>> # Delayed warp each channel into its "image" space
>>> # Note: the images never enter the space we transform through
>>> f1_img = DelayedLoad.demo('astro', (300, 300))
>>> f2_img = DelayedLoad.demo('carl', (256, 256))
>>> # Combine frames into a video
>>> vid_dsize = np.array((100, 100))
>>> self = vid = DelayedFrameConcat([
>>>     f1_img.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(vid_dsize / f1_img.dsize)),
>>>     f2_img.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(vid_dsize / f2_img.dsize)),
>>> ], dsize=vid_dsize)
>>> print(ub.repr2(vid.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> final = vid.finalize(interpolation='nearest', dsize=(32, 32))
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(final[0], pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final[1], pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1)
>>> region_slices = (slice(0, 90), slice(30, 60))

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

property channels(self)[source]
property shape(self)[source]
finalize(self, **kwargs)[source]

Execute the final transform

delayed_crop(self, region_slices)[source]


>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> # Create raw channels in some "native" resolution for frame 1
>>> f1_chan1 = DelayedIdentity.demo('astro', chan=(1, 0), dsize=(300, 300))
>>> f1_chan2 = DelayedIdentity.demo('astro', chan=2, dsize=(10, 10))
>>> # Create raw channels in some "native" resolution for frame 2
>>> f2_chan1 = DelayedIdentity.demo('carl', dsize=(64, 64), chan=(1, 0))
>>> f2_chan2 = DelayedIdentity.demo('carl', dsize=(10, 10), chan=2)
>>> #
>>> f1_dsize = np.array(f1_chan1.dsize)
>>> f2_dsize = np.array(f2_chan1.dsize)
>>> f1_img = DelayedChannelConcat([
>>>     f1_chan1.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f1_dsize / f1_chan1.dsize), dsize=f1_dsize),
>>>     f1_chan2.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f1_dsize / f1_chan2.dsize), dsize=f1_dsize),
>>> ])
>>> f2_img = DelayedChannelConcat([
>>>     f2_chan1.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f2_dsize / f2_chan1.dsize), dsize=f2_dsize),
>>>     f2_chan2.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(f2_dsize / f2_chan2.dsize), dsize=f2_dsize),
>>> ])
>>> vid_dsize = np.array((280, 280))
>>> full_vid = DelayedFrameConcat([
>>>     f1_img.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(vid_dsize / f1_img.dsize), dsize=vid_dsize),
>>>     f2_img.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(vid_dsize / f2_img.dsize), dsize=vid_dsize),
>>> ])
>>> region_slices = (slice(80, 200), slice(80, 200))
>>> print(ub.repr2(full_vid.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> crop_vid = full_vid.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> final_full = full_vid.finalize(interpolation='nearest')
>>> final_crop = crop_vid.finalize(interpolation='nearest')
>>> import pytest
>>> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
>>>     # should not be able to crop a crop yet
>>>     crop_vid.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(final_full[0], pnum=(2, 2, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final_full[1], pnum=(2, 2, 2), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final_crop[0], pnum=(2, 2, 3), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final_crop[1], pnum=(2, 2, 4), fnum=1)
delayed_warp(self, transform, dsize=None)[source]

Delayed transform the underlying data.


this deviates from kwimage warp functions because instead of “output_dims” (specified in c-style shape) we specify dsize (w, h).


new delayed transform a chained transform

Return type


class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedChannelConcat(components, dsize=None)[source]

Bases: DelayedImageOperation

Represents multiple channels in an image that could be concatenated


components (List[DelayedWarp]) – a list of stackable channels. Each component may be comprised of multiple channels.


  • [ ] can this be generalized into a delayed concat?

  • [ ] can all concats be delayed until the very end?


>>> comp1 = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(11, 7))
>>> comp2 = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(11, 7, 3))
>>> comp3 = DelayedWarp(
>>>     np.random.rand(3, 5, 2),
>>>     transform=Affine.affine(scale=(7/5, 11/3)).matrix,
>>>     dsize=(7, 11)
>>> )
>>> components = [comp1, comp2, comp3]
>>> chans = DelayedChannelConcat(components)
>>> final = chans.finalize()
>>> assert final.shape == chans.shape
>>> assert final.shape == (11, 7, 6)
>>> # We should be able to nest DelayedChannelConcat inside virutal images
>>> frame1 = DelayedWarp(
>>>     chans, transform=Affine.affine(scale=2.2).matrix,
>>>     dsize=(20, 26))
>>> frame2 = DelayedWarp(
>>>     np.random.rand(3, 3, 6), dsize=(20, 26))
>>> frame3 = DelayedWarp(
>>>     np.random.rand(3, 3, 6), dsize=(20, 26))
>>> print(ub.repr2(frame1.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=False))
>>> frame1.finalize()
>>> vid = DelayedFrameConcat([frame1, frame2, frame3])
>>> print(ub.repr2(vid.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=False))

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

classmethod random(cls, num_parts=3, rng=None)[source]


>>> self = DelayedChannelConcat.random()
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
property channels(self)[source]
property shape(self)[source]
finalize(self, **kwargs)[source]

Execute the final transform

delayed_warp(self, transform, dsize=None)[source]

Delayed transform the underlying data.


this deviates from kwimage warp functions because instead of “output_dims” (specified in c-style shape) we specify dsize (w, h).


new delayed transform a chained transform

Return type


take_channels(self, channels)[source]

This method returns a subset of the vision data with only the specified bands / channels.


channels (List[int] | slice | channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec) – List of integers indexes, a slice, or a channel spec, which is typically a pipe (|) delimited list of channel codes. See kwcoco.ChannelSpec for more detials.


a delayed vision operation that only operates on the following channels.

Return type



>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = delayed = dset.delayed_load(1)
>>> channels = 'B11|B8|B1|B10'
>>> new = self.take_channels(channels)


>>> # Complex case
>>> import kwcoco
>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(1)
>>> astro = DelayedLoad.demo('astro').load_shape(use_channel_heuristic=True)
>>> aligned = astro.warp(kwimage.Affine.scale(600 / 512), dsize='auto')
>>> self = combo = DelayedChannelConcat(delayed.components + [aligned])
>>> channels = 'B1|r|B8|g'
>>> new = self.take_channels(channels)
>>> new_cropped = new.crop((slice(10, 200), slice(12, 350)))
>>> datas = new_cropped.finalize()
>>> vizable = kwimage.normalize_intensity(datas, axis=2)
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> stacked = kwimage.stack_images(vizable.transpose(2, 0, 1))
>>> kwplot.imshow(stacked)


xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/util/ DelayedChannelConcat.take_channels:2 --profile


>>> # Test case where requested channel does not exist
>>> import kwcoco
>>> from kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc import *  # NOQA
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral', use_cache=0, verbose=100)
>>> self = dset.delayed_load(1)
>>> channels = 'B1|foobar|bazbiz|B8'
>>> new = self.take_channels(channels)
>>> new_cropped = new.crop((slice(10, 200), slice(12, 350)))
>>> fused = new_cropped.finalize()
>>> assert fused.shape == (190, 338, 4)
>>> assert np.all(np.isnan(fused[..., 1:3]))
>>> assert not np.any(np.isnan(fused[..., 0]))
>>> assert not np.any(np.isnan(fused[..., 3]))
class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedWarp(sub_data, transform=None, dsize=None)[source]

Bases: DelayedImageOperation

POC for chainable transforms


“sub” is used to refer to the underlying data in its native coordinates and resolution.

“self” is used to refer to the data in the transformed coordinates that are exposed by this class.

  • sub_data (DelayedWarp | ArrayLike) – array-like image data at a naitive resolution

  • transform (Transform) – transforms data from native “sub”-image-space to “self”-image-space.


>>> dsize = (12, 12)
>>> tf1 = np.array([[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> tf2 = np.array([[3, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> tf3 = np.array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> band1 = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(6, 6), tf1, dsize)
>>> band2 = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(4, 4), tf2, dsize)
>>> band3 = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(3, 3), tf3, dsize)
>>> #
>>> # Execute a crop in a one-level transformed space
>>> region_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(0, 12))
>>> delayed_crop = band2.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> final_crop = delayed_crop.finalize()
>>> #
>>> # Execute a crop in a nested transformed space
>>> tf4 = np.array([[1.5, 0, 0], [0, 1.5, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> chained = DelayedWarp(band2, tf4, (18, 18))
>>> delayed_crop = chained.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> final_crop = delayed_crop.finalize()
>>> #
>>> tf4 = np.array([[.5, 0, 0], [0, .5, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> chained = DelayedWarp(band2, tf4, (6, 6))
>>> delayed_crop = chained.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> final_crop = delayed_crop.finalize()
>>> #
>>> region_slices = (slice(1, 5), slice(2, 4))
>>> delayed_crop = chained.delayed_crop(region_slices)
>>> final_crop = delayed_crop.finalize()


>>> dsize = (17, 12)
>>> tf = np.array([[5.2, 0, 1.1], [0, 3.1, 2.2], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> self = DelayedWarp(np.random.rand(3, 5, 13), tf, dsize=dsize)
>>> self.finalize().shape
classmethod random(cls, nesting=(2, 5), rng=None)[source]


>>> self = DelayedWarp.random(nesting=(4, 7))
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
property channels(self)[source]

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

property dsize(self)[source]
property num_bands(self)[source]
property shape(self)[source]
_optimize_paths(self, **kwargs)[source]


>>> self = DelayedWarp.random()
>>> leafs = list(self._optimize_paths())
>>> print('leafs = {!r}'.format(leafs))
finalize(self, transform=None, dsize=None, interpolation='linear', **kwargs)[source]

Execute the final transform

Can pass a parent transform to augment this underlying transform.

  • transform (Transform) – an additional transform to perform

  • dsize (Tuple[int, int]) – overrides destination canvas size


>>> tf = np.array([[0.9, 0, 3.9], [0, 1.1, -.5], [0, 0, 1]])
>>> raw = kwimage.grab_test_image(dsize=(54, 65))
>>> raw = kwimage.ensure_float01(raw)
>>> # Test nested finalize
>>> layer1 = raw
>>> num = 10
>>> for _ in range(num):
...     layer1  = DelayedWarp(layer1, tf, dsize='auto')
>>> final1 = layer1.finalize()
>>> # Test non-nested finalize
>>> layer2 = list(layer1._optimize_paths())[0]
>>> final2 = layer2.finalize()
>>> #
>>> print(ub.repr2(layer1.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> print(ub.repr2(layer2.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> print('final1 = {!r}'.format(final1))
>>> print('final2 = {!r}'.format(final2))
>>> print('final1.shape = {!r}'.format(final1.shape))
>>> print('final2.shape = {!r}'.format(final2.shape))
>>> assert np.allclose(final1, final2)
>>> #
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(raw, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final1, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(final2, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.show_if_requested()


>>> # Test aliasing
>>> s = DelayedIdentity.demo()
>>> s = DelayedIdentity.demo('checkerboard')
>>> a = s.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(0.05), dsize='auto')
>>> b = s.delayed_warp(Affine.scale(3), dsize='auto')
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> # It looks like downsampling linear and area is the same
>>> # Does warpAffine have no alias handling?
>>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nRows=2, nCols=4)
>>> kwplot.imshow(a.finalize(interpolation='area'), pnum=pnum_(), title='warpAffine area')
>>> kwplot.imshow(a.finalize(interpolation='linear'), pnum=pnum_(), title='warpAffine linear')
>>> kwplot.imshow(a.finalize(interpolation='nearest'), pnum=pnum_(), title='warpAffine nearest')
>>> kwplot.imshow(a.finalize(interpolation='nearest', antialias=False), pnum=pnum_(), title='warpAffine nearest AA=0')
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.imresize(s.finalize(), dsize=a.dsize, interpolation='area'), pnum=pnum_(), title='resize area')
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.imresize(s.finalize(), dsize=a.dsize, interpolation='linear'), pnum=pnum_(), title='resize linear')
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.imresize(s.finalize(), dsize=a.dsize, interpolation='nearest'), pnum=pnum_(), title='resize nearest')
>>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.imresize(s.finalize(), dsize=a.dsize, interpolation='cubic'), pnum=pnum_(), title='resize cubic')
take_channels(self, channels)[source]
class kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc.DelayedCrop(sub_data, sub_slices)[source]

Bases: DelayedImageOperation

Represent a delayed crop operation


>>> sub_data = DelayedLoad.demo()
>>> sub_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12))
>>> self = DelayedCrop(sub_data, sub_slices)
>>> print(ub.repr2(self.nesting(), nl=-1, sort=0))
>>> final = self.finalize()
>>> print('final.shape = {!r}'.format(final.shape))


>>> sub_data = DelayedLoad.demo()
>>> sub_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12))
>>> crop1 = DelayedCrop(sub_data, sub_slices)
>>> import pytest
>>> # Should only error while huristics are in use.
>>> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
>>>     crop2 = DelayedCrop(crop1, sub_slices)
__hack_dont_optimize__ = True[source]
property channels(self)[source]

Abstract method, which should generate all of the direct children of a node in the operation tree.

finalize(self, **kwargs)[source]
abstract _optimize_paths(self, **kwargs)[source]

Iterate through the leaf nodes, which are virtually transformed into the root space.

This returns some sort of hueristically optimized leaf repr wrt warps.

kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc._compute_leaf_subcrop(root_region_bounds, tf_leaf_to_root)[source]

Given a region in a “root” image and a trasnform between that “root” and some “leaf” image, compute the appropriate quantized region in the “leaf” image and the adjusted transformation between that root and leaf.


>>> region_slices = (slice(33, 100), slice(22, 62))
>>> region_shape = (100, 100, 1)
>>> root_region_box = kwimage.Boxes.from_slice(region_slices, shape=region_shape)
>>> root_region_bounds = root_region_box.to_polygons()[0]
>>> tf_leaf_to_root = Affine.affine(scale=7).matrix
>>> slices, tf_new = _compute_leaf_subcrop(root_region_bounds, tf_leaf_to_root)
>>> print('tf_new =\n{!r}'.format(tf_new))
>>> print('slices = {!r}'.format(slices))

Finds maximum over all shapes


>>> shapes = [
>>>     (10, 20), None, (None, 30), (40, 50, 60, None), (100,)
>>> ]
>>> largest = _largest_shape(shapes)
>>> print('largest = {!r}'.format(largest))
>>> assert largest == (100, 50, 60, None)
kwcoco.util.util_delayed_poc._auto_dsize(transform, sub_dsize)[source]