KWCoco “Vectorized” Interface

Note, this is just a quick “paste dump” from conversations I’ve had about the kwcoco vectorized interface. Reorganizing this as proper docs is left as a TODO.

The vectorized methods are the “fancy” vectorized way of looking up information in kwcoco, as opposed to accessing the dictionaries

The Mixin Coco Objects: / is where annots comes from. It also has an images, categories, and videos method.

CocoDataset methods (via MixinCocoObjects)

The logic for all of these is defined in the file and they all inherit from ObjectList1D: They are a concice way of accessing similar attributes of multiple objects at once, but they all go through the dictionary interface under the hood.

>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2')
>>> #
>>> aids = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> annots = dset.annots(aids)
>>> print('annots = {!r}'.format(annots))
annots = <Annots(num=4) at ...>

>>> annots.lookup('bbox')
[[346.5, 335.2, 33.2, 99.4],
 [344.5, 327.7, 48.8, 111.1],
 [548.0, 154.4, 57.2, 62.1],
 [548.7, 151.0, 59.4, 80.5]]

>>> gids = annots.lookup('image_id')
>>> print('gids = {!r}'.format(gids))
gids = [1, 2, 1, 2]

>>> images = dset.images(gids)
>>> list(zip(images.lookup('width'), images.lookup('height')))
[(600, 600), (600, 600), (600, 600), (600, 600)]

The “Annots” object has a “detections” convinience method

import kwimage
import kwcoco

# Demo data
dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
transform = kwimage.Affine.random()

annots_objs: kwcoco.coco_objects1d.Annots = dset.annots(gid=1)
dets: kwimage.Detections = annots_objs.detections

# Inspect to see what it holds (note it does not have everything from the ann objects themselves)

# You can see the raw ann dictionary objects as such

# The useful thing about kwimage structures is they all have a warp method
new_dets = dets.warp(transform)

# The new annot from detections will not transfer all of the properties, but the relevant geometries
# will all be warped.
new_anns = list(new_dets.to_coco(style='new'))

for old_ann, new_ann in zip(annots_objs.objs, new_anns):
    # Transfer relevant data
    new_ann['track_id'] = old_ann['track_id']
    new_ann['image_id'] = 2  # need to set this