Source code for kwcoco.cli.coco_toydata

import scriptconfig as scfg
import ubelt as ub

[docs]class CocoToyDataCLI(object):
[docs] name = 'toydata'
[docs] class CLIConfig(scfg.Config): """ Create COCO toydata for demo and testing purposes. """
[docs] default = { 'key': scfg.Value('shapes8', help=ub.paragraph( ''' Special demodata code. Basic options that define which flavor of demodata to generate are: `photos`, `shapes`, and `vidshapes`. A numeric suffix e.g. `vidshapes8` can be specified to indicate the size of the generated demo dataset. There are other special suffixes that are available. See the code in :method:`kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo` for details on what is allowed. As a quick summary: the vidshapes key is the most robust and mature demodata set, and here are several useful variants of the vidshapes key. (1) vidshapes8 - the 8 suffix is the number of videos in this case. (2) vidshapes8-multispectral - generate 8 multispectral videos. (3) vidshapes8-msi - msi is an alias for multispectral. (4) vidshapes8-frames5 - generate 8 videos with 5 frames each. (4) vidshapes2-speed0.1-frames7 - generate 2 videos with 7 frames where the objects move with with a speed of 0.1. '''), position=1), 'dst': scfg.Value(None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' Output path for the final kwcoco json file. Note, that even when given, a data.kwcoco.json file will also be generated in a bundle_dpath. ''')), 'bundle_dpath': scfg.Value(None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' Creates a bundled dataset in the specified location. If unspecified, a bundle name is generated based on the toydata config. ''')), 'use_cache': scfg.Value(True, help=ub.paragraph( ''' if False, this will force the dataset to be regenerated. Otherwise, it will only regenerate the data if it doesn't already exist. '''))
[docs] epilog = """ Example Usage: kwcoco toydata --key=shapes8 --dst=toydata.kwcoco.json kwcoco toydata --key=shapes8 --bundle_dpath=my_test_bundle_v1 kwcoco toydata --key=shapes8 --bundle_dpath=my_test_bundle_v1 kwcoco toydata \ --key=shapes8 \ --dst=./shapes8.kwcoco/dataset.kwcoco.json TODO: - [ ] allow specification of images directory """
[docs] def main(cls, cmdline=True, **kw): """ Example: >>> kw = {'key': 'shapes8', 'dst': 'test.json'} >>> cmdline = False >>> cls = CocoToyDataCLI >>> cls.main(cmdline, **kw) """ import kwcoco config = cls.CLIConfig(kw, cmdline=cmdline) demo_kwargs = { 'use_cache': config['use_cache'], } if config['bundle_dpath'] is not None: bundle_dpath = config['bundle_dpath'] dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(config['key'], bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath, **demo_kwargs) # dset.reroot(absolute=True) else: if config['dst'] is not None: fpath = config['dst'] from os.path import dirname dpath = dirname(fpath) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(config['key'], dpath=dpath, **demo_kwargs) dset.fpath = fpath else: dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(config['key'], **demo_kwargs) dset.reroot(absolute=True) if config['dst'] is not None: print('dset.fpath = {!r}'.format(dset.fpath)) print('Writing to dset.fpath = {!r}'.format(dset.fpath)) dset.dump(dset.fpath, newlines=True)
[docs]_CLI = CocoToyDataCLI
if __name__ == '__main__': _CLI._main()