
Module Contents



An object-oriented representation of a coco image.


_delay_load_imglike(bundle_dpath, obj)



class kwcoco.coco_image.CocoImage(img, dset=None)[source]

Bases: ubelt.NiceRepr

An object-oriented representation of a coco image.

It provides helper methods that are specific to a single image.

This operates directly on a single coco image dictionary, but it can optionally be connected to a parent dataset, which allows it to use CocoDataset methods to query about relationships and resolve pointers.

This is different than the Images class in coco_object1d, which is just a vectorized interface to multiple objects.


>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = CocoImage(dset1.imgs[1], dset1)
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> print('self.channels = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.channels, nl=1)))
>>> self = CocoImage(dset2.imgs[1], dset2)
>>> print('self.channels = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.channels, nl=1)))
>>> self.primary_asset()
classmethod from_gid(cls, dset, gid)[source]
property bundle_dpath(self)[source]
property video(self)[source]

Helper to grab the video for this image if it exists


Removes references to the underlying coco dataset, but keeps special information such that it wont be needed.



>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> with ub.CaptureStdout() as cap:
...     dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> self = CocoImage(dset.dataset['images'][0], dset)
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo()
>>> self = CocoImage(dset.dataset['images'][0], dset)
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
__getitem__(self, key)[source]
get(self, key, default=ub.NoParam)[source]

Duck type some of the dict interface

property channels(self)[source]
property num_channels(self)[source]
property dsize(self)[source]
primary_image_filepath(self, requires=None)[source]
primary_asset(self, requires=None)[source]

Compute a “main” image asset.


Uses a heuristic.

  • First, try to find the auxiliary image that has with the smallest

distortion to the base image (if known via warp_aux_to_img)

  • Second, break ties by using the largest image if w / h is known

  • Last, if previous information not available use the first auxiliary image.


requires (List[str]) – list of attribute that must be non-None to consider an object as the primary one.


  • [ ] Add in primary heuristics


>>> import kwarray
>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0)
>>> def random_auxiliary(name, w=None, h=None):
>>>     return {'file_name': name, 'width': w, 'height': h}
>>> self = CocoImage({
>>>     'auxiliary': [
>>>         random_auxiliary('1'),
>>>         random_auxiliary('2'),
>>>         random_auxiliary('3'),
>>>     ]
>>> })
>>> assert self.primary_asset()['file_name'] == '1'
>>> self = CocoImage({
>>>     'auxiliary': [
>>>         random_auxiliary('1'),
>>>         random_auxiliary('2', 3, 3),
>>>         random_auxiliary('3'),
>>>     ]
>>> })
>>> assert self.primary_asset()['file_name'] == '2'

Iterate through base + auxiliary dicts that have file paths


dict – an image or auxiliary dictionary

add_auxiliary_item(self, file_name=None, channels=None, imdata=None, warp_aux_to_img=None, width=None, height=None, imwrite=False)[source]

Adds an auxiliary item to the image dictionary.

This operation can be done purely in-memory (the default), or the image data can be written to a file on disk (via the imwrite=True flag).

  • file_name (str | None) – The name of the file relative to the bundle directory. If unspecified, imdata must be given.

  • channels (str | kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec) – The channel code indicating what each of the bands represents. These channels should be disjoint wrt to the existing data in this image (this is not checked).

  • imdata (ndarray | None) – The underlying image data this auxiliary item represents. If unspecified, it is assumed file_name points to a path on disk that will eventually exist. If imdata, file_name, and the special imwrite=True flag are specified, this function will write the data to disk.

  • warp_aux_to_img (kwimage.Affine) – The transformation from this auxiliary space to image space. If unspecified, assumes this item is related to image space by only a scale factor.

  • width (int) – Width of the data in auxiliary space (inferred if unspecified)

  • height (int) – Height of the data in auxiliary space (inferred if unspecified)

  • imwrite (bool) – If specified, both imdata and file_name must be specified, and this will write the data to disk. Note: it it recommended that you simply call imwrite yourself before or after calling this function. This lets you better control imwrite parameters.


  • [ ] Allow imwrite to specify an executor that is used to

return a Future so the imwrite call does not block.


>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> imdata = np.random.rand(32, 32, 5)
>>> channels = kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('Aux:5')
>>> coco_img.add_auxiliary_item(imdata=imdata, channels=channels)
delay(self, channels=None, space='image', bundle_dpath=None)[source]

Perform a delayed load on the data in this image.

The delayed load can load a subset of channels, and perform lazy warping operations. If the underlying data is in a tiled format this can reduce the amount of disk IO needed to read the data if only a small crop or lower resolution view of the data is needed.


This method is experimental and relies on the delayed load proof-of-concept.

  • gid (int) – image id to load

  • channels (FusedChannelSpec) – specific channels to load. if unspecified, all channels are loaded.

  • space (str) – can either be “image” for loading in image space, or “video” for loading in video space.


  • [X] Currently can only take all or none of the channels from each

    base-image / auxiliary dict. For instance if the main image is r|g|b you can’t just select g|b at the moment.

  • [X] The order of the channels in the delayed load should

    match the requested channel order.

  • [X] TODO: add nans to bands that don’t exist or throw an error

  • [ ] This function could stand to have a better name. Maybe imread

    with a delayed=True flag? Or maybe just delayed_load?


>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> gid = 1
>>> #
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = CocoImage(dset.imgs[gid], dset)
>>> delayed = self.delay()
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize(as_xarray=True)))
>>> #
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(gid)
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize(as_xarray=True)))
>>> crop = delayed.delayed_crop((slice(0, 3), slice(0, 3)))
>>> crop.finalize()
>>> crop.finalize(as_xarray=True)
>>> # TODO: should only select the "red" channel
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> delayed = CocoImage(dset.imgs[gid], dset).delay(channels='r')
>>> import kwcoco
>>> gid = 1
>>> #
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(gid, channels='B1|B2', space='image')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize(as_xarray=True)))
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(gid, channels='B1|B2|B11', space='image')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize(as_xarray=True)))
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(gid, channels='B8|B1', space='video')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize(as_xarray=True)))
>>> delayed = dset.delayed_load(gid, channels='B8|foo|bar|B1', space='video')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize(as_xarray=True)))


>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo()
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> # Test case where nothing is registered in the dataset
>>> delayed = coco_img.delay()
>>> final = delayed.finalize()
>>> assert final.shape == (512, 512, 3)


>>> # Test that delay works when imdata is stored in the image
>>> # dictionary itself.
>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> imdata = np.random.rand(6, 6, 5)
>>> imdata[:] = np.arange(5)[None, None, :]
>>> channels = kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('Aux:5')
>>> coco_img.add_auxiliary_item(imdata=imdata, channels=channels)
>>> delayed = coco_img.delay(channels='B1|Aux:2:4')
>>> final = delayed.finalize()
kwcoco.coco_image._delay_load_imglike(bundle_dpath, obj)[source]