Source code for kwcoco.examples.loading_multispectral_data

[docs]def demo_load_msi_data(): import kwcoco import kwimage coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-msi') # Get the "CocoImage" for a gid (imaGe id) gid = 3 coco_img = coco_dset.coco_image(gid) # Request specific channels via the pipe-separated kwcoco channel spec channels = 'B1|B8a|B8|B11|B10' # The delayed image is just a reference, it does not load data # until you finish describing all the operations you want to do delayed = coco_img.delay(channels=channels) delayed = delayed.crop((slice(30, 130), slice(20, 200))) delayed = delayed.warp(kwimage.Affine.scale(2), dsize='auto') # Calling finalize returns the warped and aligned sub-patch of data imdata = delayed.finalize() print('imdata.shape = {!r}'.format(imdata.shape)) # imdata.shape = (200, 360, 5) # # Note: It is also possible to get similar behavior with ndsampler # which has the benefit that it also returns any underlying annotations # in image-space or video-space (depending on what the user requests) import ndsampler import numpy as np import ubelt as ub sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler(coco_dset) tr = { 'gid': gid, 'channels': kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec.coerce(channels), 'space_slice': (slice(-10, 512), slice(20, 512)), } sample = sampler.load_sample(tr) imdata = sample['im'] annots = sample['annots']['frame_dets'][0] # hack to workaround minor bug in kwimage 0.8.0['class_idxs'] = np.array(list(ub.take(annots.classes.id_to_idx,['cids']))) # Do PCA to make a false-color image import sklearn import sklearn.decomposition pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(n_components=3) projected = pca.fit_transform(imdata.reshape(-1, 5)).reshape(imdata.shape[0:2] + (3,)) false_color = kwimage.normalize_intensity(projected) canvas = false_color.copy() # Draw annotations on the canvas canvas = annots.draw_on(canvas) import kwplot kwplot.autompl() kwplot.imshow(canvas)