Source code for kwcoco.util.util_archive

from os.path import dirname
from os.path import exists
from os.path import join
import ubelt as ub

import os
import tarfile
import zipfile
from os.path import relpath

[docs]class Archive(object): """ Abstraction over zipfile and tarfile TODO: see if we can use one of these other tools instead SeeAlso: Example: >>> from os.path import join >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt', 'tests', 'archive') >>> ub.delete(dpath) >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir(dpath) >>> import pathlib >>> dpath = pathlib.Path(dpath) >>> # >>> # >>> mode = 'w' >>> self1 = Archive(str(dpath / ''), mode=mode) >>> self2 = Archive(str(dpath / 'demo.tar.gz'), mode=mode) >>> # >>> open(dpath / 'data_1only.txt', 'w').write('bazbzzz') >>> open(dpath / 'data_2only.txt', 'w').write('buzzz') >>> open(dpath / 'data_both.txt', 'w').write('foobar') >>> # >>> self1.add(dpath / 'data_both.txt') >>> self1.add(dpath / 'data_1only.txt') >>> # >>> self2.add(dpath / 'data_both.txt') >>> self2.add(dpath / 'data_2only.txt') >>> # >>> self1.close() >>> self2.close() >>> # >>> self1 = Archive(str(dpath / ''), mode='r') >>> self2 = Archive(str(dpath / 'demo.tar.gz'), mode='r') >>> # >>> extract_dpath = ub.ensuredir(str(dpath / 'extracted')) >>> extracted1 = self1.extractall(extract_dpath) >>> extracted2 = self2.extractall(extract_dpath) >>> for fpath in extracted2: >>> print(open(fpath, 'r').read()) >>> for fpath in extracted1: >>> print(open(fpath, 'r').read()) """ def __init__(self, fpath=None, mode='r', backend=None, file=None): self.fpath = fpath self.mode = mode self.file = file self.backend = backend if file is None: file, backend = self._open(fpath, mode) self.file = file self.backend = backend @classmethod
[docs] def _open(cls, fpath, mode): if isinstance(fpath, os.PathLike): fpath = str(fpath) exist_flag = os.path.exists(fpath) if fpath.endswith('.tar.gz'): backend = tarfile elif fpath.endswith('.zip'): backend = zipfile else: if exist_flag and zipfile.is_zipfile(fpath): backend = zipfile elif exist_flag and tarfile.is_tarfile(fpath): backend = tarfile else: raise NotImplementedError('no-exist case') if backend is zipfile: if exist_flag and not zipfile.is_zipfile(fpath): raise Exception('corrupted zip?') file = zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, mode=mode) elif backend is tarfile: if exist_flag and not tarfile.is_tarfile(fpath): raise Exception('corrupted tar.gz?') file =, mode + ':gz') else: raise NotImplementedError return file, backend
[docs] def __iter__(self): if self.backend is tarfile: return ( for mem in self.file) elif self.backend is zipfile: # does zip have an iterable structure? return iter(self.file.namelist())
[docs] def coerce(cls, data): """ Either open an archive file path or coerce an existing ZipFile or tarfile structure into this wrapper class """ if isinstance(data, str): return cls(data) if isinstance(data, zipfile.ZipFile): fpath = return cls(fpath, file=data, backend=zipfile) else: pass
[docs] def add(self, fpath, arcname=None): if arcname is None: arcname = relpath(fpath, dirname(self.fpath)) if self.backend is tarfile: self.file.add(fpath, arcname) if self.backend is zipfile: self.file.write(fpath, arcname)
[docs] def close(self): return self.file.close()
[docs] def __enter__(self): self.__file__.__enter__() return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, *args): self.__file__.__exit__(*args)
[docs] def extractall(self, output_dpath='.', verbose=1, overwrite=True): if verbose: print('Enumerate members') archive_namelist = list(ub.ProgIter(iter(self), desc='enumerate members')) unarchived_paths = [] for member in ub.ProgIter(archive_namelist, desc='extracting', verbose=verbose): fpath = join(output_dpath, member) unarchived_paths.append(fpath) if not overwrite and exists(fpath): continue ub.ensuredir(dirname(fpath)) self.file.extract(member, path=output_dpath) return unarchived_paths
# def move_internal(self, src, dst): # """ # Move a file in the archive to a new location # """ # # Seems to be tricky # if self.backend is zipfile: # raise # else: # raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def unarchive_file(archive_fpath, output_dpath='.', verbose=1, overwrite=True): import tarfile import zipfile if verbose: print('Unarchive archive_fpath = {!r} in {}'.format(archive_fpath, output_dpath)) archive_file = None try: if tarfile.is_tarfile(archive_fpath): archive_file =, 'r:gz') archive_namelist = [ mem.path for mem in ub.ProgIter( iter(archive_file), desc='enumerate members') ] elif zipfile.is_zipfile(archive_fpath): zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_fpath) if verbose: print('Enumerate members') archive_namelist = zip_file.namelist() else: raise NotImplementedError unarchived_paths = [] for member in ub.ProgIter(archive_namelist, desc='extracting', verbose=verbose): fpath = join(output_dpath, member) unarchived_paths.append(fpath) if not overwrite and exists(fpath): continue ub.ensuredir(dirname(fpath)) archive_file.extract(member, path=output_dpath) finally: if archive_file is not None: archive_file.close() return unarchived_paths