
Wraps the logic in kwcoco/ with a command line script

Module Contents



Base class for custom configuration objects



main(cmdline=True, **kw)


  • [X] should live in kwcoco.cli.coco_eval



class kwcoco.cli.coco_eval.CocoEvalCLIConfig(data=None, default=None, cmdline=False)[source]

Bases: scriptconfig.Config

Base class for custom configuration objects

A configuration that can be specified by commandline args, a yaml config file, and / or a in-code dictionary. To use, define a class variable named “default” and assing it to a dict of default values. You can also use special Value classes to denote types. You can also define a method normalize, to postprocess the arguments after this class receives them.


Create a class that herits from this class.

Assign the “default” class-level variable as a dictionary of options

The keys of this dictionary must be command line friendly strings.

The values of the “defaults dictionary” can be literal values or instances of the scriptconfig.Value class, which allows for specification of default values, type information, help strings, and aliases.

You may also implement normalize (function with that takes no args and has no return) to postprocess your results after initialization.

When creating an instance of the class the defaults variable is used to make a dictionary-like object. You can override defaults by specifying the data keyword argument to either a file path or another dictionary. You can also specify cmdline=True to allow the contents of sys.argv to influence the values of the new object.

An instance of the config class behaves like a dictinary, except that you cannot set keys that do not already exist (as specified in the defaults dict).

Key Methods:

  • dump - dump a json representation to a file

  • dumps - dump a json representation to a string

  • argparse - create the argparse object associated with this config

  • argparse - create an argparse.ArgumentParser object that

    is defined by the defaults of this config.

  • load - rewrite the values based on a filepath, dictionary, or

    command line contents.

  • _data – this protected variable holds the raw state of the config object and is accessed by the dict-like

  • _default – this protected variable maintains the default values for this config.


>>> # Inherit from `Config` and assign `default`
>>> import scriptconfig as scfg
>>> class MyConfig(scfg.Config):
>>>     default = {
>>>         'option1': scfg.Value((1, 2, 3), tuple),
>>>         'option2': 'bar',
>>>         'option3': None,
>>>     }
>>> # You can now make instances of this class
>>> config1 = MyConfig()
>>> config2 = MyConfig(default=dict(option1='baz'))
class kwcoco.cli.coco_eval.CocoEvalCLI[source]
name = eval[source]
classmethod main(cls, cmdline=True, **kw)[source]


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot)
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> from kwcoco.cli.coco_eval import *  # NOQA
>>> from os.path import join
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco/tests/eval')
>>> true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco
>>> kwargs = {
>>>     'box_noise': 0.5,
>>>     'n_fp': (0, 10),
>>>     'n_fn': (0, 10),
>>> }
>>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, **kwargs)
>>> true_dset.fpath = join(dpath, 'true.mscoco.json')
>>> pred_dset.fpath = join(dpath, 'pred.mscoco.json')
>>> true_dset.dump(true_dset.fpath)
>>> pred_dset.dump(pred_dset.fpath)
>>> draw = False  # set to false for faster tests
>>> CocoEvalCLI.main(
>>>     true_dataset=true_dset.fpath,
>>>     pred_dataset=pred_dset.fpath,
>>>     draw=draw)
kwcoco.cli.coco_eval.main(cmdline=True, **kw)[source]


  • [X] should live in kwcoco.cli.coco_eval


# Generate test data
xdoctest -m kwcoco.cli.coco_eval CocoEvalCLI.main

kwcoco eval \
    --true_dataset=$HOME/.cache/kwcoco/tests/eval/true.mscoco.json \
    --pred_dataset=$HOME/.cache/kwcoco/tests/eval/pred.mscoco.json \
    --out_dpath=$HOME/.cache/kwcoco/tests/eval/out \
    --force_pycocoutils=False \

nautilus $HOME/.cache/kwcoco/tests/eval/out