Source code for

Downloads the CamVid data if necessary, and converts it to COCO.
from os.path import relpath
from os.path import exists
from os.path import join
import ubelt as ub

def _devcheck_sample_full_image():
    import kwimage
    import numpy as np

    sampler = grab_camvid_sampler()

    cid_to_cidx = sampler.catgraph.id_to_idx
    classes = sampler.catgraph

    # Try loading an entire image
    img, annots = sampler.load_image_with_annots(1)

    file = img['imdata']
    imdata = file[:]

    aids = [ann['id'] for ann in annots]
    _annots = sampler.dset.annots(aids)

    sseg_list = []
    for s in _annots.lookup('segmentation'):
        m = kwimage.MultiPolygon.coerce(s)

    aids = _annots.aids
    cids = _annots.cids
    boxes = _annots.boxes
    segmentations = kwimage.PolygonList(sseg_list)
    class_idxs = np.array([cid_to_cidx[cid] for cid in cids])

    dets = kwimage.Detections(

    if 1:
        print('dets = {!r}'.format(dets))
        print(' = {!r}'.format(
        print('dets.meta = {!r}'.format(dets.meta))

    if ub.argflag('--show'):
        import kwplot

        with ub.Timer('dets.draw_on'):
            canvas = imdata.copy()
            canvas = dets.draw_on(canvas)
            kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=(1, 2, 1), title='dets.draw_on')

        with ub.Timer('dets.draw'):
            kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), docla=True, title='dets.draw')

def _devcheck_load_sub_image():
    import kwimage
    import numpy as np

    sampler = grab_camvid_sampler()

    cid_to_cidx = sampler.catgraph.id_to_idx
    classes = sampler.catgraph

    # Try loading a subregion of an image
    sample = sampler.load_positive(2)
    imdata = sample['im']
    annots = sample['annots']
    aids = annots['aids']
    cids = annots['cids']
    boxes = annots['rel_boxes']
    class_idxs = np.array([cid_to_cidx[cid] for cid in cids])
    segmentations = annots['rel_ssegs']

    raw_dets = kwimage.Detections(

    # Clip boxes to the image boundary
    input_dims = imdata.shape[0:2]['boxes'] = raw_dets.boxes.clip(0, 0, input_dims[1], input_dims[0])

    keep = []
    for i, s in enumerate(['segmentations']):
        # TODO: clip polygons
        m = s.to_mask(input_dims)
        if m.area > 0:
    dets = raw_dets.take(keep)

    heatmap = dets.rasterize(bg_size=(1, 1), input_dims=input_dims)

    if 1:
        print('dets = {!r}'.format(dets))
        print(' = {!r}'.format(
        print('dets.meta = {!r}'.format(dets.meta))

    if ub.argflag('--show'):
        import kwplot


        draw_boxes = 1

        with ub.Timer('dets.draw_on'):
            canvas = imdata.copy()
            # TODO: add logic to color by class
            canvas = dets.draw_on(canvas, boxes=draw_boxes, color='random')
            kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=(1, 2, 1), title='dets.draw_on')

        with ub.Timer('dets.draw'):
            kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), docla=True, title='dets.draw')
            dets.draw(boxes=draw_boxes, color='random')

[docs]def grab_camvid_train_test_val_splits(coco_dset, mode='segnet'): # Use the split from SegNet: split_files = { 'train': ub.grabdata(''), 'vali': ub.grabdata(''), 'test': ub.grabdata(''), } gid_subsets = {} for tag, fpath in split_files.items(): text = open(fpath, 'r').read() parts = text.replace('\n', ' ').split(' ') parts = [p for p in parts if p] from os.path import basename names = sorted(set(basename(p) for p in parts)) gids = [coco_dset.index.file_name_to_img['701_StillsRaw_full/' + name]['id'] for name in names] gid_subsets[tag] = gids return gid_subsets
[docs]def grab_camvid_sampler(): """ Grab a kwcoco.CocoSampler object for the CamVid dataset. Returns: kwcoco.CocoSampler: sampler Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--download) >>> sampler = grab_camvid_sampler() >>> print('sampler = {!r}'.format(sampler)) >>> # sampler.load_sample() >>> for gid in ub.ProgIter(sampler.image_ids, desc='load image'): >>> img = sampler.load_image(gid) """ import kwcoco dset = grab_coco_camvid() workdir = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('camvid') sampler = kwcoco.CocoSampler(dset, workdir=workdir) return sampler
[docs]def grab_coco_camvid(): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--download) >>> dset = grab_coco_camvid() >>> print('dset = {!r}'.format(dset)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> plt.clf() >>> dset.show_image(gid=1) Ignore: import xdev gid_list = list(dset.imgs) for gid in xdev.InteractiveIter(gid_list): dset.show_image(gid) xdev.InteractiveIter.draw() """ import kwcoco cache_dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco', 'camvid') coco_fpath = join(cache_dpath, 'camvid.mscoco.json') # Need to manually bump this if you make a change to loading SCRIPT_VERSION = 'v4' # Ubelt's stamp-based caches are super cheap and let you take control of # the data format. stamp = ub.CacheStamp('camvid_coco', depends=[SCRIPT_VERSION], dpath=cache_dpath, product=coco_fpath, hasher='sha1', verbose=3) if stamp.expired(): camvid_raw_info = grab_raw_camvid() dset = convert_camvid_raw_to_coco(camvid_raw_info) with ub.Timer('dumping MS-COCO dset to: {}'.format(coco_fpath)): dset.dump(coco_fpath) # Mark this process as completed by saving a small file containing the # hash of the "product" you are stamping. stamp.renew() # We can also cache the index build step independently. This uses # ubelt.Cacher, which is pickle based, and writes the actual object to # disk. Each type of caching has its own uses and tradeoffs. cacher = ub.Cacher('prebuilt-coco', depends=[SCRIPT_VERSION], dpath=cache_dpath, verbose=3) dset = cacher.tryload() if dset is None: print('Reading coco_fpath = {!r}'.format(coco_fpath)) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(coco_fpath, tag='camvid') # Directly save the file to disk. dset._build_index() dset._build_hashid() camvid_dset = dset print('Loaded camvid_dset = {!r}'.format(camvid_dset)) return camvid_dset
[docs]def grab_raw_camvid(): """ Grab the raw camvid data. """ import zipfile dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco', 'camvid') # url = '' # url = '' url = '' zip_fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname='', dpath=dpath) dset_root = join(dpath, 'camvid-master') image_dpath = join(dset_root, '701_StillsRaw_full') mask_dpath = join(dset_root, 'LabeledApproved_full') label_path = join(dset_root, 'label_colors.txt') if not exists(image_dpath): zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fpath, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(dpath) zip_ref.close() import glob img_paths = sorted([relpath(fpath, dset_root) for fpath in glob.glob(join(image_dpath, '*.png'))]) mask_paths = sorted([relpath(fpath, dset_root) for fpath in glob.glob(join(mask_dpath, '*.png'))]) camvid_raw_info = { 'img_paths': img_paths, 'mask_paths': mask_paths, 'dset_root': dset_root, 'label_path': label_path, } return camvid_raw_info
[docs]def rgb_to_cid(r, g, b): cid = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b << 0) return cid
[docs]def cid_to_rgb(cid): mask_b = (int(2 ** 8) - 1) << 0 mask_g = (int(2 ** 8) - 1) << 8 mask_r = (int(2 ** 8) - 1) << 16 r = (cid & mask_b) >> 0 g = (cid & mask_g) >> 8 b = (cid & mask_r) >> 16 rgb = (r, g, b) return rgb
[docs]def convert_camvid_raw_to_coco(camvid_raw_info): """ Converts the raw camvid format to an MSCOCO based format, ( which lets use use kwcoco's COCO backend). Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--download) >>> camvid_raw_info = grab_raw_camvid() >>> # test with a reduced set of data >>> del camvid_raw_info['img_paths'][2:] >>> del camvid_raw_info['mask_paths'][2:] >>> dset = convert_camvid_raw_to_coco(camvid_raw_info) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> dset.show_image(gid=1) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> dset.show_image(gid=2) """ import re import kwimage import kwcoco print('Converting CamVid to MS-COCO format') dset_root, img_paths, label_path, mask_paths = ub.take( camvid_raw_info, 'dset_root, img_paths, label_path, mask_paths'.split(', ')) img_infos = { 'img_fname': img_paths, 'mask_fname': mask_paths, } keys = list(img_infos.keys()) next_vals = list(zip(*img_infos.values())) image_items = [{k: v for k, v in zip(keys, vals)} for vals in next_vals] dataset = { 'img_root': dset_root, 'images': [], 'categories': [], 'annotations': [], } lines = ub.readfrom(label_path).split('\n') lines = [line for line in lines if line] for line in lines: color_text, name = re.split('\t+', line) r, g, b = map(int, color_text.split(' ')) color = (r, g, b) # Parse the special camvid format cid = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b << 0) cat = { 'id': cid, 'name': name, 'color': color, } dataset['categories'].append(cat) for gid, img_item in enumerate(image_items, start=1): img = { 'id': gid, 'file_name': img_item['img_fname'], # nonstandard image field 'segmentation': img_item['mask_fname'], } dataset['images'].append(img) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dataset) dset.rename_categories({'Void': 'background'}) assert dset.name_to_cat['background']['id'] == 0 dset.name_to_cat['background'].setdefault('alias', []).append('Void') if False: _define_camvid_class_hierarcy(dset) if 1: # TODO: Binarize CCs (and efficiently encode if possible) import numpy as np bad_info = [] once = False # Add images dset.remove_annotations(list(dset.index.anns.keys())) for gid, img in ub.ProgIter(dset.imgs.items(), desc='parse label masks'): mask_fpath = join(dset_root, img['segmentation']) rgb_mask = kwimage.imread(mask_fpath, space='rgb') r, g, b = rgb_mask.T.astype(np.int64) cid_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(rgb_to_cid(r, g, b).T) cids = set(np.unique(cid_mask)) - {0} for cid in cids: if cid not in dset.cats: if gid == 618: # Handle a known issue with image 618 c_mask = (cid == cid_mask).astype(np.uint8) total_bad = c_mask.sum() if total_bad < 32: if not once: print('gid 618 has a few known bad pixels, ignoring them') once = True continue else: raise Exception('more bad pixels than expected') else: raise Exception('UNKNOWN cid = {!r} in gid={!r}'.format(cid, gid)) # bad_rgb = cid_to_rgb(cid) # print('bad_rgb = {!r}'.format(bad_rgb)) # print('WARNING UNKNOWN cid = {!r} in gid={!r}'.format(cid, gid)) # bad_info.append({ # 'gid': gid, # 'cid': cid, # }) else: ann = { 'category_id': cid, 'image_id': gid # 'segmentation': mask.to_coco() } assert cid in dset.cats c_mask = (cid == cid_mask).astype(np.uint8) mask = kwimage.Mask(c_mask, 'c_mask') box = kwimage.Boxes([mask.get_xywh()], 'xywh') # box = mask.to_boxes() ann['bbox'] = ub.peek(box.to_coco()) ann['segmentation'] = mask.to_coco() dset.add_annotation(**ann) if 0: bad_cids = [i['cid'] for i in bad_info] print(sorted([c['color'] for c in dataset['categories']])) print(sorted(set([cid_to_rgb(i['cid']) for i in bad_info]))) gid = 618 img = dset.imgs[gid] mask_fpath = join(dset_root, img['segmentation']) rgb_mask = kwimage.imread(mask_fpath, space='rgb') r, g, b = rgb_mask.T.astype(np.int64) cid_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(rgb_to_cid(r, g, b).T) cid_hist = ub.dict_hist(cid_mask.ravel()) bad_cid_hist = {} for cid in bad_cids: bad_cid_hist[cid] = cid_hist.pop(cid) import kwplot kwplot.autompl() kwplot.imshow(rgb_mask) if 0: import kwplot plt = kwplot.autoplt() plt.clf() dset.show_image(1) import xdev gid_list = list(dset.imgs) for gid in xdev.InteractiveIter(gid_list): dset.show_image(gid) xdev.InteractiveIter.draw() dset._build_index() dset._build_hashid() return dset
def _define_camvid_class_hierarcy(dset): # add extra supercategories # NOTE: life-conscious, and life-inanimate are disjoint in this # forumlation because we are restricted to a tree structure. If # this changse, then we can try rencoding with multiple parents. extra_structure = { # Break down the image into things that are part of the system, and # things that aren't 'background': 'root', 'system': 'root', # The system is made up of environmental components and actor # components. 'environment': 'system', 'actor': 'system', # Break actors (things with complex movement) into subtypes 'life-conscious': 'actor', 'vehicle-land': 'actor', 'actor-other': 'actor', # Break the environment (things with simple movement) info subtypes 'life-inanimate': 'environment', 'civil-structure': 'environment', 'civil-notice': 'environment', 'transport-way': 'environment', # Subclassify transport mediums 'drive-way': 'transport-way', 'walk-way': 'transport-way', } for child, parent in extra_structure.items(): if child in dset.name_to_cat: dset.name_to_cat[child]['supercategory'] = parent else: dset.add_category(name=child, supercategory=parent) dset.name_to_cat['background']['supercategory'] = 'root' dset.name_to_cat['Sky']['supercategory'] = 'environment' dset.name_to_cat['Animal']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['Bicyclist']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['Pedestrian']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['Child']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['OtherMoving']['supercategory'] = 'actor-other' dset.name_to_cat['CartLuggagePram']['supercategory'] = 'actor-other' dset.name_to_cat['Car']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['Train']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['Truck_Bus']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['SUVPickupTruck']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['MotorcycleScooter']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['VegetationMisc']['supercategory'] = 'life-inanimate' dset.name_to_cat['Tree']['supercategory'] = 'life-inanimate' dset.name_to_cat['Column_Pole']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Fence']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Wall']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Building']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Archway']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Bridge']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Tunnel']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['TrafficCone']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['TrafficLight']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['LaneMkgsDriv']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['LaneMkgsNonDriv']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['SignSymbol']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['ParkingBlock']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['Misc_Text']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['Road']['supercategory'] = 'drive-way' dset.name_to_cat['RoadShoulder']['supercategory'] = 'drive-way' dset.name_to_cat['Sidewalk']['supercategory'] = 'walk-way' for cat in list(dset.cats.values()): parent = cat.get('supercategory', None) if parent is not None: if parent not in dset.name_to_cat: print('Missing parent = {!r}'.format(parent)) dset.add_category(name=parent, supercategory=parent) if 0: graph = dset.category_graph() import graphid graphid.util.show_nx(graph) # Add in some hierarcy information if 0: for x in dset.name_to_cat: print("dset.name_to_cat[{!r}]['supercategory'] = 'object'".format(x)) if 0: example_cat_aids = [] for cat in dset.cats.values(): cname = cat['name'] aids = dset.index.cid_to_aids[dset.name_to_cat[cname]['id']] if len(aids): aid = ub.peek(aids) example_cat_aids.append(aid) else: print('No examples of cat = {!r}'.format(cat)) import xdev import kwplot kwplot.autompl() for aid in xdev.InteractiveIter(example_cat_aids): print('aid = {!r}'.format(aid)) ann = dset.anns[aid] cat = dset.cats[ann['category_id']] print('cat = {!r}'.format(cat)) dset.show_image(aid=aid) xdev.InteractiveIter.draw() if 0: cname = 'CartLuggagePram' cname = 'ParkingBlock' cname = 'LaneMkgsDriv' aids = dset.index.cid_to_aids[dset.name_to_cat[cname]['id']] if len(aids): aid = ub.peek(aids) print('aid = {!r}'.format(aid)) ann = dset.anns[aid] cat = dset.cats[ann['category_id']] print('cat = {!r}'.format(cat)) dset.show_image(aid=aid)
[docs]def main(): """ Dump the paths to the coco file to stdout By default these will go to in the path: ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master The four files will be: ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-full.mscoco.json ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-train.mscoco.json ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-vali.mscoco.json ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-test.mscoco.json """ # import scriptconfig as scfg # class GrabCamVid_Config(scfg.Config): # default = { # 'dpath': scfg.Path( # ub.get_app_cache_dir('kwcoco', 'camvid'), help='download location') # } # config = GrabCamVid_Config() coco_dset = grab_coco_camvid() # Use the same train/test/vali splits used in segnet gid_subsets = grab_camvid_train_test_val_splits(coco_dset, mode='segnet') dpath = coco_dset.dataset['img_root'] # Dump the full dataset fpath = join(dpath, 'camvid-full.mscoco.json') print(fpath) coco_dset.dump(open(fpath, 'w')) # Dump the train/vali/test splits for tag, gids in gid_subsets.items(): subset = coco_dset.subset(gids) fpath = join(dpath, 'camvid-{}.mscoco.json'.format(tag)) print(fpath) subset.dump(open(fpath, 'w'))
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m """ main()