Source code for kwcoco.demo.perterb

import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np

[docs]def perterb_coco(coco_dset, **kwargs): """ Perterbs a coco dataset Args: rng (int, default=0): box_noise (int, default=0): cls_noise (int, default=0): null_pred (bool, default=False): with_probs (bool, default=False): score_noise (float, default=0.2): hacked (int, default=1): Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import * # NOQA >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import _demo_construct_probs >>> import kwcoco >>> coco_dset = true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> kwargs = { >>> 'box_noise': 0.5, >>> 'n_fp': 3, >>> 'with_probs': 1, >>> 'with_heatmaps': 1, >>> } >>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, **kwargs) >>> pred_dset._check_json_serializable() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> gid = 1 >>> canvas = true_dset.delayed_load(gid).finalize() >>> canvas = true_dset.annots(gid=gid).detections.draw_on(canvas, color='green') >>> canvas = pred_dset.annots(gid=gid).detections.draw_on(canvas, color='blue') >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas) Ignore: import xdev from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco # NOQA defaultkw = xdev.get_func_kwargs(perterb_coco) for k, v in defaultkw.items(): desc = '' print('{} ({}, default={}): {}'.format(k, type(v).__name__, v, desc)) """ import kwimage import kwarray # Parse kwargs rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(kwargs.get('rng', 0)) box_noise = kwargs.get('box_noise', 0) cls_noise = kwargs.get('cls_noise', 0) null_pred = kwargs.get('null_pred', False) with_probs = kwargs.get('with_probs', False) with_heatmaps = kwargs.get('with_heatmaps', False) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', 0) # specify an amount of overlap between true and false scores score_noise = kwargs.get('score_noise', 0.2) # Build random variables from kwarray import distributions DiscreteUniform = distributions.DiscreteUniform.seeded(rng=rng) def _parse_arg(key, default): value = kwargs.get(key, default) try: low, high = value return (low, high + 1) except Exception: return (value, value + 1) n_fp_RV = DiscreteUniform(*_parse_arg('n_fp', 0)) n_fn_RV = DiscreteUniform(*_parse_arg('n_fn', 0)) box_noise_RV = distributions.Normal(0, box_noise, rng=rng) cls_noise_RV = distributions.Bernoulli(cls_noise, rng=rng) # the values of true and false scores starts off with no overlap and # the overlap increases as the score noise increases. def _interp(v1, v2, alpha): return v1 * alpha + (1 - alpha) * v2 mid = 0.5 # true_high = 2.0 true_high = 1.0 false_low = 0.0 true_low = _interp(0, mid, score_noise) false_high = _interp(true_high, mid - 1e-3, score_noise) true_mean = _interp(0.5, .8, score_noise) false_mean = _interp(0.5, .2, score_noise) true_score_RV = distributions.TruncNormal( mean=true_mean, std=.5, low=true_low, high=true_high, rng=rng) false_score_RV = distributions.TruncNormal( mean=false_mean, std=.5, low=false_low, high=false_high, rng=rng) # Create the category hierarcy classes = coco_dset.object_categories() cids = coco_dset.cats.keys() cidxs = [classes.id_to_idx[c] for c in cids] frgnd_cx_RV = distributions.CategoryUniform(cidxs, rng=rng) new_dset = coco_dset.copy() remove_aids = [] false_anns = [] index_invalidated = False for gid in ub.ProgIter(coco_dset.imgs.keys(), desc='perterb imgs', verbose=verbose): # Sample random variables n_fp_ = n_fp_RV() n_fn_ = n_fn_RV() true_annots = coco_dset.annots(gid=gid) aids = true_annots.aids for aid in aids: # Perterb box coordinates ann = new_dset.anns[aid] old_bbox = np.array(ann['bbox']) new_bbox = (old_bbox + box_noise_RV(4)).tolist() new_x, new_y, new_w, new_h = new_bbox allow_neg_boxes = 0 if not allow_neg_boxes: new_w = max(new_w, 0) new_h = max(new_h, 0) old_cxywh = kwimage.Boxes([old_bbox], 'xywh').to_cxywh() new_cxywh = kwimage.Boxes([new_bbox], 'xywh').to_cxywh() old_sseg = kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(ann['segmentation']) # Compute the transform of the box so we can modify the # other attributes (TODO: we could use a random affine transform # for everything) offset =[0, 0:2] -[0, 0:2] scale =[0, 2:4] /[0, 2:4] old_to_new = kwimage.Affine.coerce(offset=offset, scale=scale) new_sseg = old_sseg.warp(old_to_new) # Overwrite the data ann['segmentation'] = new_sseg.to_coco(style='new') ann['bbox'] = [new_x, new_y, new_w, new_h] ann['score'] = float(true_score_RV(1)[0]) if cls_noise_RV(): # Perterb class predictions ann['category_id'] = classes.idx_to_id[frgnd_cx_RV()] index_invalidated = True # Drop true positive boxes if n_fn_: import kwarray drop_idxs = kwarray.shuffle(np.arange(len(aids)), rng=rng)[0:n_fn_] remove_aids.extend(list(ub.take(aids, drop_idxs))) # Add false positive boxes if n_fp_: try: img = coco_dset.imgs[gid] scale = (img['width'], img['height']) except KeyError: scale = 100 false_boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random(num=n_fp_, scale=scale, rng=rng, format='cxywh') false_cxs = frgnd_cx_RV(n_fp_) false_scores = false_score_RV(n_fp_) false_dets = kwimage.Detections( boxes=false_boxes, class_idxs=false_cxs, scores=false_scores, classes=classes, ) for ann in list(false_dets.to_coco('new')): ann['category_id'] = classes.node_to_id[ann.pop('category_name')] ann['image_id'] = gid x, y, w, h = ann['bbox'] sseg = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random().scale((w, h)).translate((x, y)) ann['segmentation'] = sseg false_anns.append(ann) if null_pred: raise NotImplementedError if index_invalidated: new_dset.index.clear() new_dset._build_index() new_dset.remove_annotations(remove_aids) for ann in false_anns: new_dset.add_annotation(**ann) # Hack in the probs if with_probs: annots = new_dset.annots() pred_cids = annots.lookup('category_id') pred_cxs = np.array([classes.id_to_idx[cid] for cid in pred_cids]) pred_scores = np.array(annots.lookup('score')) # Transform the scores for the assigned class into a predicted # probability for each class. (Currently a bit hacky). pred_probs = _demo_construct_probs( pred_cxs, pred_scores, classes, rng, hacked=kwargs.get('hacked', 1)) for aid, prob in zip(annots.aids, pred_probs): new_dset.anns[aid]['prob'] = prob.tolist() # Hack in the per-class heatmaps if with_heatmaps: for gid in ub.ProgIter(new_dset.images(), desc='Perterb heatmaps', verbose=verbose): annots = new_dset.annots(gid=gid) img = new_dset.index.imgs[gid] w = img['width'] h = img['height'] c = len(classes) # Build up basic prob masks heatmaps = np.zeros((c, h, w), dtype=np.float32) for ann in annots.objs: poly = kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(ann['segmentation']).to_multi_polygon() cid = ann['category_id'] cidx = classes.id_to_idx[cid] probs = heatmaps[cidx] poly.fill(probs, 1) chan_datas = [] # Add lots of noise to the data dims = (h, w) for cidx in range(len(classes)): chan_data = heatmaps[cidx] chan_data += (rng.randn(*dims) * 0.1) chan_data + chan_data.clip(0, 1) chan_data = kwimage.gaussian_blur(chan_data, sigma=1.2) chan_data = chan_data.clip(0, 1) mask = rng.randn(*dims) chan_data = chan_data * ((kwimage.fourier_mask(chan_data, mask)[..., 0]) + .5) chan_data += (rng.randn(*dims) * 0.1) chan_data = chan_data.clip(0, 1) chan_datas.append(chan_data) hwc_probs = np.stack(chan_datas, axis=2) coco_img = new_dset.coco_image(gid) chanspec = '|'.join(list(classes)) # heatmap_fpath = dummy_heatmap_dpath / 'dummy_heatmap_{}.tif'.format(img['id']) # kwimage.imwrite(heatmap_fpath, hwc_probs, backend='gdal', compress='NONE', # blocksize=96) coco_img.add_auxiliary_item( # file_name=str(heatmap_fpath), imdata=hwc_probs, channels=chanspec, ) return new_dset
def _demo_construct_probs(pred_cxs, pred_scores, classes, rng, hacked=1): """ Constructs random probabilities for demo data Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> import kwarray >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> classes = kwcoco.CategoryTree.coerce(10) >>> hacked = 1 >>> pred_cxs = rng.randint(0, 10, 10) >>> pred_scores = rng.rand(10) >>> probs = _demo_construct_probs(pred_cxs, pred_scores, classes, rng, hacked) >>> probs.sum(axis=1) """ # Setup probs such that the assigned class receives a probability # equal-(ish) to the assigned score. # Its a bit tricky to setup hierarchical probs such that we get the # scores in the right place. We punt and just make probs # conditional. The right thing to do would be to do this, and then # perterb ancestor categories such that the probability evenetually # converges on the right value at that specific classes depth. # import torch # Ensure probs pred_scores2 = pred_scores.clip(0, 1.0) class_energy = rng.rand(len(pred_scores2), len(classes)).astype(np.float32) is_mutex = 0 if hasattr(classes, 'is_mutex') and classes.is_mutex(): is_mutex = 1 if isinstance(classes, (list, tuple)): is_mutex = 1 if is_mutex: class_energy = class_energy / class_energy.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) for p, x, s in zip(class_energy, pred_cxs, pred_scores2): # ensure sum to 1 when classes are known mutex rest = p[0:x].sum() + p[x + 1:].sum() if s <= 1: p[:] = p * ((1 - s) / rest) p[x] = s else: for p, x, s in zip(class_energy, pred_cxs, pred_scores2): p[x] = s if hacked: # HACK! All that nice work we did is too slow for doctests return class_energy raise AssertionError('must be hacked') # class_energy = torch.Tensor(class_energy) # cond_logprobs = classes.conditional_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=1) # cond_probs = torch.exp(cond_logprobs).numpy() # # I was having a difficult time getting this right, so an # # inefficient per-item non-vectorized implementation it is. # # Note: that this implementation takes 70% of the time in this function # # and is a bottleneck for the doctests. A vectorized implementation would # # be nice. # idx_to_ancestor_idxs = classes.idx_to_ancestor_idxs() # idx_to_groups = {idx: group for group in classes.idx_groups for idx in group} # def set_conditional_score(row, cx, score, idx_to_groups): # group_cxs = np.array(idx_to_groups[cx]) # flags = group_cxs == cx # group_row = row[group_cxs] # # Ensure that that heriarchical probs sum to 1 # current = group_row[~flags] # other = current * (1 - score) / current.sum() # other = np.nan_to_num(other) # group_row[~flags] = other # group_row[flags] = score # row[group_cxs] = group_row # for row, cx, score in zip(cond_probs, pred_cxs, pred_scores2): # set_conditional_score(row, cx, score, idx_to_groups) # for ancestor_cx in idx_to_ancestor_idxs[cx]: # if ancestor_cx != cx: # # Hack all parent probs to 1.0 so conditional probs # # turn into real probs. # set_conditional_score(row, ancestor_cx, 1.0, idx_to_groups) # # TODO: could add a fudge factor here so the # # conditional prob is higher than score, but parent # # probs are less than 1.0 # # TODO: could also maximize entropy of descendant nodes # # so classes.decision2 would stop at this node # # For each level the conditional probs must sum to 1 # if cond_probs.size > 0: # for idxs in classes.idx_groups: # level = cond_probs[:, idxs] # totals = level.sum(axis=1) # assert level.shape[1] == 1 or np.allclose(totals, 1.0), str(level) + ' : ' + str(totals) # cond_logprobs = torch.Tensor(cond_probs).log() # class_probs = classes._apply_logprob_chain_rule(cond_logprobs, dim=1).exp().numpy() # class_probs = class_probs.reshape(-1, len(classes)) # # print([p[x] for p, x in zip(class_probs, pred_cxs)]) # # print(pred_scores2) # return class_probs