Source code for kwcoco.kw18

A helper for converting COCO to / from KW18 format.

KW18 File Format

The kw18.trk files are text files, space delimited; each row is one
frame of one track and all rows have the same number of columns. The fields are:

.. code ::

    01) track_ID         : identifies the track
    02) num_frames:     number of frames in the track
    03) frame_id        : frame number for this track sample
    04) loc_x        : X-coordinate of the track (image/ground coords)
    05) loc_y        : Y-coordinate of the track (image/ground coords)
    06) vel_x        : X-velocity of the object (image/ground coords)
    07) vel_y        : Y-velocity of the object (image/ground coords)
    08) obj_loc_x        : X-coordinate of the object (image coords)
    09) obj_loc_y        : Y-coordinate of the object (image coords)
    10) bbox_min_x    : minimum X-coordinate of bounding box (image coords)
    11) bbox_min_y    : minimum Y-coordinate of bounding box (image coords)
    12) bbox_max_x    : maximum X-coordinate of bounding box (image coords)
    13) bbox_max_y    : maximum Y-coordinate of bounding box (image coords)
    14) area        : area of object (pixels)
    15) world_loc_x    : X-coordinate of object in world
    16) world_loc_y    : Y-coordinate of object in world
    17) world_loc_z    : Z-coordiante of object in world
    18) timestamp        : timestamp of frame (frames)
    For the location and velocity of object centroids, use fields 4-7.
    Bounding box is specified using coordinates of the top-left and bottom
    right corners. Fields 15-17 may be ignored.

    The kw19.trk and kw20.trk files, when present, add the following field(s):
    19) object class: estimated class of the object, either 1 (person), 2
    (vehicle), or 3 (other).
    20) Activity ID -- refer to activities.txt for index and list of activities.
import kwarray
import numpy as np

[docs]class KW18(kwarray.DataFrameArray): """ A DataFrame like object that stores KW18 column data Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> from kwcoco.kw18 import KW18 >>> coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes') >>> kw18_dset = KW18.from_coco(coco_dset) >>> print(kw18_dset.pandas()) """ # Define the ordering of the kw18 columns DEFAULT_COLUMNS = [ 'track_id', # 1 'track_length', # 2 'frame_number', # 3 'tracking_plane_loc_x', 'tracking_plane_loc_y', # 4-5 'velocity_x', 'velocity_y', # 6-7 'image_loc_x', 'image_loc_y', # 8-9 'img_bbox_tl_x', 'img_bbox_tl_y', # 10-13 'img_bbox_br_x', 'img_bbox_br_y', 'area', # 14 'world_loc_x', 'world_loc_y', 'world_loc_z', # 15-17 'timestamp', # 18 # kw18 can have more than 18 columns. 'confidence', # 19 'object_type_id', # 20 'activity_type_id', # 21 ] def __init__(self, data): """ Args: data : the kw18 data frame. """ super().__init__(data)
[docs] @classmethod def demo(KW18): import kwcoco coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') self = KW18.from_coco(coco_dset) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco(KW18, coco_dset): import kwimage raw = {col: None for col in KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS} anns = coco_dset.dataset['annotations'] boxes = kwimage.Boxes(np.array([ann['bbox'] for ann in anns]), 'xywh') tlbr = boxes.to_tlbr() cxywh = tlbr.to_cxywh() tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = cx =[:, 0] cy =[:, 1] # Create track ids if not given track_ids = np.array([ann.get('track_id', np.nan) for ann in anns]) missing = np.isnan(track_ids) valid_track_ids = track_ids[~missing] if len(valid_track_ids) == 0: next_track_id = 1 else: next_track_id = valid_track_ids.max() + 1 num_need = np.sum(missing) new_track_ids = np.arange(next_track_id, next_track_id + num_need) track_ids[missing] = new_track_ids track_ids = track_ids.astype(int) scores = np.array([ann.get('score', -1) for ann in anns]) image_ids = np.array([ann['image_id'] for ann in anns]) cids = np.array([ann.get('category_id', -1) for ann in anns]) num = len(anns) raw['track_id'] = track_ids raw['track_length'] = np.full(num, fill_value=-1) raw['frame_number'] = image_ids raw['tracking_plane_loc_x'] = cx raw['tracking_plane_loc_y'] = cy raw['velocity_x'] = np.full(num, fill_value=0) raw['velocity_y'] = np.full(num, fill_value=0) raw['image_loc_x'] = cx raw['image_loc_y'] = cy raw['img_bbox_tl_x'] = tl_x raw['img_bbox_tl_y'] = tl_y raw['img_bbox_br_x'] = br_x raw['img_bbox_br_y'] = br_y raw['area'] = boxes.area.ravel() raw['world_loc_x'] = np.full(num, fill_value=-1) raw['world_loc_y'] = np.full(num, fill_value=-1) raw['world_loc_z'] = np.full(num, fill_value=-1) raw['timestamp'] = np.full(num, fill_value=-1) raw['confidence'] = scores raw['object_type_id'] = cids raw = {k: v for k, v in raw.items() if v is not None} track_ids, groupxs = kwarray.group_indices(raw['track_id']) for groupx in groupxs: raw['track_length'][groupx] = len(groupx) self = KW18(raw) return self
[docs] def to_coco(self, image_paths=None, video_name=None): """ Translates a kw18 files to a CocoDataset. Note: kw18 does not contain complete information, and as such the returned coco dataset may need to be augmented. Args: image_paths (Dict[int, str], default=None): if specified, maps frame numbers to image file paths. video_name (str, default=None): if specified records the name of the video this kw18 belongs to TODO: - [X] allow kwargs to specify path to frames / videos Example: >>> from kwcoco.kw18 import KW18 >>> from os.path import join >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import kwimage >>> # Prep test data - autogen a demo kw18 and write it to disk >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco/kw18') >>> kw18_fpath = join(dpath, 'test.kw18') >>> KW18.demo().dump(kw18_fpath) >>> # >>> # Load the kw18 file >>> self = KW18.load(kw18_fpath) >>> # Pretend that these image correspond to kw18 frame numbers >>> frame_names = [kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath(k) for k in kwimage.grab_test_image.keys()] >>> frame_ids = sorted(set(self['frame_number'])) >>> image_paths = dict(zip(frame_ids, frame_names)) >>> # >>> # Convert the kw18 to kwcoco and specify paths to images >>> coco_dset = self.to_coco(image_paths=image_paths, video_name='dummy.mp4') >>> # >>> # Now we can draw images >>> canvas = coco_dset.draw_image(1) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--draw) >>> kwimage.imwrite('foo.jpg', canvas) >>> # Draw all iamges >>> for gid in coco_dset.imgs.keys(): >>> canvas = coco_dset.draw_image(gid) >>> fpath = join(dpath, 'gid_{}.jpg'.format(gid)) >>> print('write fpath = {!r}'.format(fpath)) >>> kwimage.imwrite(fpath, canvas) """ import kwcoco import ubelt as ub dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset() # kw18s don't have category names, so use ids as proxies unique_category_ids = sorted(set(self['object_type_id'])) for cid in unique_category_ids: dset.ensure_category('class_{}'.format(cid), id=cid) unique_frame_idxs = ub.argunique(self['frame_number']) # kw18 files correspond to one video vidid = 1 dset.add_video(id=vidid, name='unknown_kw18_video') # Index frames of the video for idx in unique_frame_idxs: frame_num = self['frame_number'][idx] timestamp = self['timestamp'][idx] if image_paths and frame_num in image_paths: file_name = image_paths[frame_num] else: file_name = '<unknown_image_{}>'.format(frame_num) dset.add_image( id=frame_num, file_name=file_name, video_id=vidid, frame_index=frame_num, timestamp=timestamp ) for rx, row in self.iterrows(): tl_x = row['img_bbox_tl_x'] tl_y = row['img_bbox_tl_y'] br_x = row['img_bbox_br_x'] br_y = row['img_bbox_br_y'] w = br_x - tl_x h = br_y - tl_y bbox = [tl_x, tl_y, w, h] world_loc = (row['world_loc_x'], row['world_loc_y'], row['world_loc_z']) velocity = (row['velocity_x'], row['velocity_y']) kw = {} if 'confidence' in row: kw['score'] = row['confidence'] dset.add_annotation( id=rx, image_id=row['frame_number'], category_id=row['object_type_id'], track_id=row['track_id'], bbox=bbox, area=row['area'], velocity=velocity, world_loc=world_loc, **kw) return dset
[docs] @classmethod def load(KW18, file): """ Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> from kwcoco.kw18 import KW18 >>> coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes') >>> kw18_dset = KW18.from_coco(coco_dset) >>> print(kw18_dset.pandas()) """ import pandas as pd try: EmptyDataError = pd.errors.EmptyDataError except Exception: EmptyDataError = try: df = pd.read_csv( file, sep=' +', comment='#', header=None, engine='python') except EmptyDataError: df = pd.DataFrame() renamer = dict(zip(df.columns, KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)) raw = df.rename(columns=renamer) raw = _ensure_kw18_column_order(raw) self = KW18(raw) return self
[docs] @classmethod def loads(KW18, text): """ Example: >>> self = KW18.demo() >>> text = self.dumps() >>> self2 = KW18.loads(text) >>> empty = KW18.loads('') """ import io file = io.StringIO() file.write(text) self = KW18.load(file) return self
[docs] def dump(self, file): if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, 'w') as fp: self.dump(fp) else: df = self.pandas() # Write column header file.write('#' + ' '.join(df.columns) + '\n') df.to_csv(file, sep=' ', mode='a', index=False, header=False)
[docs] def dumps(self): """ Example: >>> self = KW18.demo() >>> text = self.dumps() >>> print(text) """ import io file = io.StringIO() self.dump(file) text = return text
def _ensure_kw18_column_order(df): """ Ensure expected kw18 columns exist and are in the correct order. Example: >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame(columns=KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS[0:18]) >>> _ensure_kw18_column_order(df) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(columns=KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS[0:19]) >>> _ensure_kw18_column_order(df) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(columns=KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS[0:18] + KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS[20:21]) >>> assert np.all(_ensure_kw18_column_order(df).columns == df.columns) """ columns = list(KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS) # Columns after the 18th are optional # (note: the post 18th column spec not well defined in general) optional_columns = KW18.DEFAULT_COLUMNS[18:] for col in optional_columns[::-1]: if col not in df.columns: columns.remove(col) if len(df) == 0: # Ensure empty data frames have columns df = df.reindex(columns=columns) missing_cols = [c for c in columns if c not in df.columns] unknown_cols = [c for c in df.columns if c not in columns] if missing_cols: raise ValueError('missing_cols = {!r}'.format(missing_cols)) if unknown_cols: raise ValueError('unknown_cols = {!r}'.format(unknown_cols)) df = df.reindex(columns=columns) return df