Source code for kwcoco.cli.coco_subset

#!/usr/bin/env python
import ubelt as ub
import scriptconfig as scfg

[docs]class CocoSubsetCLI(object): name = 'subset'
[docs] class CLIConfig(scfg.Config): """ Take a subset of this dataset and write it to a new file """ default = { 'src': scfg.Value(None, help='input dataset path', position=1), 'dst': scfg.Value(None, help='output dataset path', position=2), 'include_categories': scfg.Value( None, type=str, help=ub.paragraph( ''' a comma separated list of categories, if specified only images containing these categories will be included. ''')), # TODO: pattern matching? 'gids': scfg.Value( None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' A comma separated list of image ids. If specified, only consider these image ids ''')), 'select_images': scfg.Value( None, type=str, help=ub.paragraph( ''' A json query (via the jq spec) that specifies which images belong in the subset. Note, this is a passed as the body of the following jq query format string to filter valid ids '.images[] | select({select_images}) | .id'. Examples for this argument are as follows: '.id < 3' will select all image ids less than 3. '.file_name | test(".*png")' will select only images with file names that end with png. '.file_name | test(".*png") | not' will select only images with file names that do not end with png. '.myattr == "foo"' will select only image dictionaries where the value of myattr is "foo". '.id < 3 and (.file_name | test(".*png"))' will select only images with id less than 3 that are also pngs. .myattr | in({"val1": 1, "val4": 1}) will take images where myattr is either val1 or val4. Requries the "jq" python library is installed. ''')), 'channels': scfg.Value( None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' if specified select only images that contain these channels (specified as a kwcoco channel spec) ''')), 'select_videos': scfg.Value( None, help=ub.paragraph( ''' A json query (via the jq spec) that specifies which videos belong in the subset. Note, this is a passed as the body of the following jq query format string to filter valid ids '.videos[] | select({select_images}) | .id'. Examples for this argument are as follows: '.file_name | startswith("foo")' will select only videos where the name starts with foo. Only applicable for dataset that contain videos. Requries the "jq" python library is installed. ''')), 'copy_assets': scfg.Value(False, help='if True copy the assests to the new bundle directory'), 'absolute': scfg.Value('auto', help=ub.paragraph( ''' if True will reroot all paths to be absolute before writing. If "auto", becomes True if the dest dataset is written outside of the source bundle directory and copy_assets is False. ''' )) # TODO: Add more filter criteria # # image size # image timestamp # image file name matches # annotations with segmentations / keypoints? # iamges/annotations that contain a special attribute? # images with a maximum / minimum number of annotations? # 'rng': scfg.Value(None, help='random seed'), } epilog = """ Example Usage: kwcoco subset --src special:shapes8 --dst=foo.kwcoco.json # Take only the even image-ids kwcoco subset --src special:shapes8 --dst=foo-even.kwcoco.json --select_images '.id % 2 == 0' # Take only the videos where the name ends with 2 kwcoco subset --src special:vidshapes8 --dst=vidsub.kwcoco.json --select_videos '.name | endswith("2")' """
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, cmdline=True, **kw): """ Example: >>> from kwcoco.cli.coco_subset import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/cli/union').ensuredir() >>> kw = {'src': 'special:shapes8', >>> 'dst': dpath / 'subset.json', >>> 'include_categories': 'superstar'} >>> cmdline = False >>> cls = CocoSubsetCLI >>> cls.main(cmdline, **kw) """ import kwcoco config = cls.CLIConfig(kw, cmdline=cmdline) print('config = {}'.format(ub.repr2(dict(config), nl=1))) if config['src'] is None: raise Exception('must specify subset src: {}'.format(config['src'])) if config['dst'] is None: raise Exception('must specify subset dst: {}'.format(config['dst'])) print('reading fpath = {!r}'.format(config['src'])) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce(config['src']) dst_fpath = ub.Path(config['dst']) if config['absolute'] == 'auto' and not config['copy_assets']: src_fpath = ub.Path(dset.fpath) src_bundle_dpath = src_fpath.absolute().parent dst_bundle_dpath = dst_fpath.absolute().parent # Destinations are different, we will need to force a reroot absolute = (src_bundle_dpath.resolve() != dst_bundle_dpath.resolve()) else: absolute = config['absolute'] new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) if absolute: new_dset.reroot(absolute=absolute) new_dset.fpath = dst_fpath if config['copy_assets']: # Create a copy of the data, (currently only works for relative # kwcoco files) from os.path import join, dirname import shutil print('Copying assets') # new_dset.reroot(new_dset.bundle_dpath, old_prefix=dset.bundle_dpath) tocopy = [] dstdirs = set() for gid, new_img in new_dset.index.imgs.items(): old_img = dset.index.imgs[gid] if new_img.get('file_name', None) is not None: new_fpath = join(new_dset.bundle_dpath, new_img['file_name']) old_fpath = join(dset.bundle_dpath, old_img['file_name']) dstdirs.add(dirname(new_fpath)) tocopy.append((old_fpath, new_fpath)) new_aux_list = new_img.get('auxiliary', []) old_aux_list = old_img.get('auxiliary', []) for old_aux, new_aux in zip(old_aux_list, new_aux_list): new_fpath = join(new_dset.bundle_dpath, new_aux['file_name']) old_fpath = join(dset.bundle_dpath, old_aux['file_name']) dstdirs.add(dirname(new_fpath)) tocopy.append((old_fpath, new_fpath)) # Ensure directories for dpath in dstdirs: ub.ensuredir(dpath) pool = ub.JobPool(max_workers=4) for src, dst in tocopy: pool.submit(shutil.copy2, src, dst) for future in pool.as_completed(desc='copy assets'): future.result() print('Writing new_dset.fpath = {!r}'.format(new_dset.fpath)) new_dset.dump(new_dset.fpath, newlines=True)
[docs]def query_subset(dset, config): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:jq) >>> from kwcoco.cli.coco_subset import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> assert dset.n_images == 3 >>> # >>> config = CocoSubsetCLI.CLIConfig({'select_images': '.id < 3'}) >>> new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) >>> assert new_dset.n_images == 2 >>> # >>> config = CocoSubsetCLI.CLIConfig({'select_images': '.file_name | test(".*.png")'}) >>> new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) >>> assert all(n.endswith('.png') for n in new_dset.images().lookup('file_name')) >>> assert new_dset.n_images == 2 >>> # >>> config = CocoSubsetCLI.CLIConfig({'select_images': '.file_name | test(".*.png") | not'}) >>> new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) >>> assert not any(n.endswith('.png') for n in new_dset.images().lookup('file_name')) >>> assert new_dset.n_images == 1 >>> # >>> config = CocoSubsetCLI.CLIConfig({'select_images': '.id < 3 and (.file_name | test(".*.png"))'}) >>> new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) >>> assert new_dset.n_images == 1 >>> # >>> config = CocoSubsetCLI.CLIConfig({'select_images': '.id < 3 or (.file_name | test(".*.png"))'}) >>> new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) >>> assert new_dset.n_images == 3 Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:jq) >>> from kwcoco.cli.coco_subset import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8') >>> assert dset.n_videos == 8 >>> assert dset.n_images == 16 >>> config = CocoSubsetCLI.CLIConfig({'select_videos': '.name == "toy_video_3"'}) >>> new_dset = query_subset(dset, config) >>> assert new_dset.n_images == 2 >>> assert new_dset.n_videos == 1 """ valid_gids = set(dset.imgs.keys()) if config['gids'] is not None: if isinstance(config['gids'], str): valid_gids &= set(map(int, config['gids'].split(','))) elif ub.iterable(config['gids']): valid_gids &= set(map(int, config['gids'])) else: raise KeyError(config['gids']) if config['include_categories'] is not None: catnames = config['include_categories'].split(',') chosen_cids = [] for cname in catnames: cid = dset._resolve_to_cat(cname)['id'] chosen_cids.append(cid) category_gids = set(ub.flatten(ub.take( dset.index.cid_to_gids, set(chosen_cids)))) valid_gids &= category_gids if config['select_images'] is not None: try: import jq except Exception: print('The jq library is required to run a generic image query') raise try: query_text = ".images[] | select({select_images}) | .id".format(**config) query = jq.compile(query_text) found_gids = query.input(dset.dataset).all() found_gids = set(found_gids) valid_gids &= found_gids except Exception: print('JQ Query Failed: {}'.format(query_text)) raise if config['select_videos'] is not None: if not dset.dataset.get('videos', []): raise ValueError('Dataset does not contain videos') try: import jq except Exception: print('The jq library is required to run a generic image query') raise try: query_text = ".videos[] | select({select_videos}) | .id".format(**config) query = jq.compile(query_text) found_vidids = query.input(dset.dataset).all() found_vidids = set(found_vidids) found_gids = set(ub.flatten(dset.index.vidid_to_gids[vidid] for vidid in found_vidids)) valid_gids &= found_gids except Exception: print('JQ Query Failed: {}'.format(query_text)) raise if config['channels'] is not None: import kwcoco requested_chans = kwcoco.ChannelSpec(config['channels']) valid_gids = [ gid for gid in valid_gids if (requested_chans & dset.coco_image(gid).channels).numel() == requested_chans.numel() ] new_dset = dset.subset(valid_gids) return new_dset
_CLI = CocoSubsetCLI if __name__ == '__main__': _CLI.main()