Source code for kwcoco.coco_schema

    python -m kwcoco.coco_schema
    xdoctest -m kwcoco.coco_schema __doc__

    >>> import kwcoco
    >>> from kwcoco.coco_schema import COCO_SCHEMA
    >>> import jsonschema
    >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes1')
    >>> # print('dset.dataset = {}'.format(ub.repr2(dset.dataset, nl=2)))
    >>> COCO_SCHEMA.validate(dset.dataset)

    >>> try:
    >>>     jsonschema.validate(dset.dataset, schema=COCO_SCHEMA)
    >>> except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ex:
    >>>     vali_ex = ex
    >>>     print('ex = {!r}'.format(ex))
    >>>     raise
    >>> except jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError as ex:
    >>>     print('ex = {!r}'.format(ex))
    >>>     schema_ex = ex
    >>>     print('schema_ex.instance = {}'.format(ub.repr2(schema_ex.instance, nl=-1)))
    >>>     raise

    >>> # Test the multispectral image defintino
    >>> import copy
    >>> dataset = dset.copy().dataset
    >>> img = dataset['images'][0]
    >>> img.pop('file_name')
    >>> import pytest
    >>> with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError):
    >>>     COCO_SCHEMA.validate(dataset)
    >>> import pytest
    >>> img['auxiliary'] = [{'file_name': 'foobar'}]
    >>> with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError):
    >>>     COCO_SCHEMA.validate(dataset)
    >>> img['name'] = 'aux-only images must have a name'
    >>> COCO_SCHEMA.validate(dataset)

from kwcoco.util.jsonschema_elements import SchemaElements
from collections import OrderedDict
import ubelt as ub

[docs]def deprecated(*args): return ANY(description='deprecated')
[docs]def TUPLE(*args, **kw): if args and ub.allsame(args): return ARRAY(TYPE=ub.peek(args), numItems=len(args), **kw) else: return ARRAY(TYPE=ANY, numItems=len(args), **kw)
elem = SchemaElements() ALLOF = elem.ALLOF ANY = elem.ANY ANYOF = elem.ANYOF ARRAY = elem.ARRAY BOOLEAN = elem.BOOLEAN INTEGER = elem.INTEGER NOT = elem.NOT NULL = elem.NULL NUMBER = elem.NUMBER OBJECT = elem.OBJECT ONEOF = elem.ONEOF STRING = elem.STRING UUID = STRING PATH = STRING KWCOCO_KEYPOINT = OBJECT( title='KWCOCO_KEYPOINT', PROPERTIES={ 'xy': TUPLE(NUMBER, NUMBER, description='<x1, y1> in pixels'), 'visible': INTEGER(description='choice(0, 1, 2)'), 'keypoint_category_id': INTEGER, 'keypoint_category': STRING(description='only to be used as a hint')} ) KWCOCO_POLYGON = OBJECT( PROPERTIES={ 'exterior': ARRAY( ARRAY(NUMBER, numItems=2), description='counter-clockwise xy exterior points'), 'interiors': ARRAY( ARRAY( ARRAY(NUMBER, numItems=2), description='clockwise xy hole'), ) }, title='KWCOCO_POLYGON', description='a simply polygon format that supports holes', ) ORIG_COCO_KEYPOINTS = ARRAY( INTEGER, description='old format (x1,y1,v1,...,xk,yk,vk)', title='MSCOCO_KEYPOINTS') KWCOCO_KEYPOINTS = ARRAY(KWCOCO_KEYPOINT) KEYPOINTS = ANYOF(ORIG_COCO_KEYPOINTS, KWCOCO_KEYPOINTS) ORIG_COCO_POLYGON = ARRAY(TYPE=NUMBER, title='ORIG_COCO_POLYGON', description='[x1,y1,v1,...,xk,yk,vk]') ORIG_COCO_MULTI_POLYGON = ARRAY(ORIG_COCO_POLYGON) POLYGON = ANYOF( KWCOCO_POLYGON, ARRAY(KWCOCO_POLYGON), ORIG_COCO_POLYGON, ORIG_COCO_MULTI_POLYGON, ) RUN_LENGTH_ENCODING = STRING(description='format read by pycocotools') BBOX = ARRAY( TYPE=NUMBER, title='bbox', numItems=4, description='[top-left x, top-left-y, width, height] in pixels' ) ### ------------------------ SEGMENTATION = ANYOF(POLYGON, RUN_LENGTH_ENCODING) CATEGORY = OBJECT({ 'id': INTEGER(description='unique internal id'), 'name': STRING(description='unique external name or identifier'), 'alias': ARRAY(STRING, description='list of alter egos'), 'supercategory': ANYOF(STRING(description='coarser category name'), NULL), 'parents': ARRAY(STRING, description='used for multiple inheritence'), # Legacy 'keypoints': deprecated(ARRAY(STRING)), 'skeleton': deprecated(ARRAY(TUPLE(INTEGER, INTEGER))), }, required=['id', 'name'], title='CATEGORY') KEYPOINT_CATEGORY = OBJECT({ 'name': STRING, 'id': INTEGER, 'supercategory': ANYOF(STRING, NULL), 'reflection_id': ANYOF(INTEGER, NULL), }, required=['id', 'name'], title='KEYPOINT_CATEGORY') # Extension VIDEO = OBJECT( PROPERTIES={ 'id': INTEGER, 'name': STRING, 'caption': STRING, }, required=['id', 'name'], title='VIDEO' ) CHANNELS = STRING(title='CHANNEL_SPEC', description='experimental. todo: refine') IMAGE = OBJECT(OrderedDict(( ('id', INTEGER), ('file_name', PATH(description=ub.paragraph( ''' A relative or absolute path to the main image file. If this file_name is unspecified, then a name and auxiliary file paths must be specified. This should only be unspecified for multispectral observations that dont have a clear default file. ''')) | NULL), ('name', STRING(description=ub.paragraph( ''' Unique name for the image. If unspecified the file_name should be used as the default value for the name property. ''')) | NULL), ('width', INTEGER), ('height', INTEGER), # Extension ('video_id', INTEGER), # FIXME: timestamp could be a float, integer, or string in an isoformat ('timestamp', NUMBER(description='todo describe format. flicks?')), ('frame_index', INTEGER), ('channels', CHANNELS | NULL), # TODO: optional world localization information # TODO: camera information? ('auxiliary', ARRAY( TYPE=OBJECT({ 'file_name': PATH, 'channels': CHANNELS, 'width': INTEGER, 'height': INTEGER, }, title='aux', required=['file_name']) )), )), title='IMAGE', # required=['id', 'file_name'] anyOf=[ {'required': ['id', 'file_name']}, {'required': ['id', 'name', 'auxiliary']}, ], ) ANNOTATION = OBJECT(OrderedDict(( ('id', INTEGER), ('image_id', INTEGER), ('bbox', BBOX), ('category_id', INTEGER), ('track_id', ANYOF(INTEGER, STRING, UUID)), ('segmentation', SEGMENTATION), ('keypoints', KEYPOINTS), ('prob', ARRAY(NUMBER, description=ub.paragraph( ''' This needs to be in the same order as categories. probability order currently needs to be known a-priori, typically in *order* of the classes, but its hard to always keep that consistent. '''))), ('score', NUMBER(description='Typically assigned to predicted annotations')), ('weight', NUMBER(description='Typically given to truth annotations to indicate quality.')), ('iscrowd', ANYOF(INTEGER, BOOLEAN)), # legacy ('caption', STRING), )), required=['id', 'image_id'], title='ANNOTATION', ) COCO_SCHEMA = OBJECT( title='KWCOCO_SCHEMA', required=[], PROPERTIES=ub.odict([ ('info', ANY), ('licenses', ANY), ('categories', ARRAY(CATEGORY)), ('keypoint_categories', ARRAY(KEYPOINT_CATEGORY)), ('videos', ARRAY(VIDEO)), ('images', ARRAY(IMAGE)), ('annotations', ARRAY(ANNOTATION)), ]) ) if ub.argflag('--debug'): COCO_SCHEMA.validate() if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ python ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ > ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/coco_schema.json jq .properties.images ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/coco_schema.json """ # import json print(ub.repr2(COCO_SCHEMA, nl=-1, trailsep=False, sort=False).replace("'", '"')) # print(json.dumps(COCO_SCHEMA, indent=' ')) # print('COCO_SCHEMA = {}'.format(ub.repr2(COCO_SCHEMA, nl=-1)))