Source code for kwcoco.util.lazy_frame_backends

Ducktyped interfaces for loading subregions of images with standard slice
import os
import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np
import kwimage
from os.path import join, exists

from collections import OrderedDict

    import xdev
    profile = xdev.profile
except Exception:
    profile = ub.identity

[docs]class CacheDict(OrderedDict): """ Dict with a limited length, ejecting LRUs as needed. Example: >>> c = CacheDict(cache_len=2) >>> c[1] = 1 >>> c[2] = 2 >>> c[3] = 3 >>> c CacheDict([(2, 2), (3, 3)]) >>> c[2] 2 >>> c[4] = 4 >>> c CacheDict([(2, 2), (4, 4)]) >>> References: """ def __init__(self, *args, cache_len: int = 10, **kwargs): assert cache_len > 0 self.cache_len = cache_len super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__(key, value) super().move_to_end(key) while len(self) > self.cache_len: oldkey = next(iter(self)) super().__delitem__(oldkey) def __getitem__(self, key): val = super().__getitem__(key) super().move_to_end(key) return val
# Only can use this cache if we assume we are in readonly mode # GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE = CacheDict(cache_len=32) GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE = None @ub.memoize def _have_gdal(): try: from osgeo import gdal except ImportError: return False else: return gdal is not None @ub.memoize def _have_rasterio(): try: import rasterio except ImportError: return False else: return rasterio is not None @ub.memoize def _have_spectral(): try: import spectral except ImportError: return False else: return spectral is not None _GDAL_DTYPE_LUT = { 1: np.uint8, 2: np.uint16, 3: np.int16, 4: np.uint32, 5: np.int32, 6: np.float32, 7: np.float64, 8: np.complex_, 9: np.complex_, 10: np.complex64, 11: np.complex128 }
[docs]class LazySpectralFrameFile(ub.NiceRepr): """ Potentially faster than GDAL for HDR formats. """ def __init__(self, fpath): self.fpath = fpath @ub.memoize_property def _ds(self): import spectral from os.path import exists if not exists(self.fpath): raise Exception('File does not exist: {}'.format(self.fpath)) ds = return ds
[docs] @classmethod def available(self): """ Returns True if this backend is available """ return _have_spectral()
@property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape) @property def shape(self): return self._ds.shape @property def dtype(self): return self._ds.dtype def __nice__(self): from os.path import basename return '.../' + basename(self.fpath) @profile def __getitem__(self, index): ds = self._ds height, width, C = ds.shape if not ub.iterable(index): index = [index] index = list(index) if len(index) < 3: n = (3 - len(index)) index = index + [None] * n ypart = _rectify_slice_dim(index[0], height) xpart = _rectify_slice_dim(index[1], width) channel_part = _rectify_slice_dim(index[2], C) trailing_part = [channel_part] if len(trailing_part) == 1: channel_part = trailing_part[0] if isinstance(channel_part, list): band_indices = channel_part else: band_indices = range(*channel_part.indices(C)) else: band_indices = range(C) assert len(trailing_part) <= 1 ystart, ystop = map(int, [ypart.start, ypart.stop]) xstart, xstop = map(int, [xpart.start, xpart.stop]) img_part = ds.read_subregion( row_bounds=(ystart, ystop), col_bounds=(xstart, xstop), bands=band_indices) return img_part
[docs]class LazyRasterIOFrameFile(ub.NiceRepr): """ fpath = '/home/joncrall/.cache/kwcoco/demo/large_hyperspectral/big_img_128.bsq' lazy_rio = LazyRasterIOFrameFile(fpath) ds = lazy_rio._ds Ignore: # Can rasterio read multiple bands at once? # Seems like that is an overhead for hyperspectral images import rasterio riods = import timerit ti = timerit.Timerit(1, bestof=1, verbose=2) b = tuple(range(1, riods.count + 1)) for timer in ti.reset('rasterio'): with timer: lazy_rio = LazyRasterIOFrameFile(fpath) for timer in ti.reset('LazyRasterIOFrameFile'): with timer: lazy_rio[:] lazy_gdal = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath) for timer in ti.reset('LazyGDalFrameFile'): with timer: lazy_gdal[:] """ def __init__(self, fpath): self.fpath = fpath
[docs] @classmethod def available(self): """ Returns True if this backend is available """ return _have_rasterio()
@ub.memoize_property def _ds(self): import rasterio from os.path import exists if not exists(self.fpath): raise Exception('File does not exist: {}'.format(self.fpath)) ds =, mode='r') return ds @property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape) @property def shape(self): ds = self._ds return (ds.height, ds.width, ds.count) @property def dtype(self): # Assume the first is the same as the rest ds = self._ds dtype = getattr(np, ds.dtypes[0]) return dtype def __nice__(self): from os.path import basename return '.../' + basename(self.fpath) @profile def __getitem__(self, index): ds = self._ds width = ds.width height = ds.height C = ds.count if not ub.iterable(index): index = [index] index = list(index) if len(index) < 3: n = (3 - len(index)) index = index + [None] * n ypart = _rectify_slice_dim(index[0], height) xpart = _rectify_slice_dim(index[1], width) channel_part = _rectify_slice_dim(index[2], C) trailing_part = [channel_part] if len(trailing_part) == 1: channel_part = trailing_part[0] if isinstance(channel_part, list): band_indices = channel_part else: band_indices = range(*channel_part.indices(C)) else: band_indices = range(C) assert len(trailing_part) <= 1 ystart, ystop = map(int, [ypart.start, ypart.stop]) xstart, xstop = map(int, [xpart.start, xpart.stop]) indexes = [b + 1 for b in band_indices] img_part =, window=((ystart, ystop), (xstart, xstop))) img_part = img_part.transpose(1, 2, 0) return img_part
def _demo_geoimg_with_nodata(): """ Example: from kwcoco.util.lazy_frame_backends import * # NOQA fpath = _demo_geoimg_with_nodata() self = LazyGDalFrameFile.demo() """ import kwimage from osgeo import osr # gdal.UseExceptions() # Make a dummy geotiff imdata = kwimage.grab_test_image('airport') dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/test/geotiff').ensuredir() geo_fpath = dpath / 'dummy_geotiff.tif' # compute dummy values for a geotransform to CRS84 img_h, img_w = imdata.shape[0:2] img_box = kwimage.Boxes([[0, 0, img_w, img_h]], 'xywh') wld_box = kwimage.Boxes([[-73.7595528, 42.6552404, 0.0001, 0.0001]], 'xywh') img_corners = img_box.corners() wld_corners = wld_box.corners() transform =, wld_corners) nodata = -9999 srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) crs = srs.ExportToWkt() # Set a region to be nodata imdata = imdata.astype(np.int16) imdata[-100:] = nodata imdata[0:200:, -200:-180] = nodata kwimage.imwrite(geo_fpath, imdata, backend='gdal', nodata=-9999, crs=crs, transform=transform) return geo_fpath
[docs]class LazyGDalFrameFile(ub.NiceRepr): """ TODO: - [ ] Move to its own backend module - [ ] When used with COCO, allow the image metadata to populate the height, width, and channels if possible. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile.demo() >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> self[0:3, 0:3] >>> self[:, :, 0] >>> self[0] >>> self[0, 3] >>> # import kwplot >>> # kwplot.imshow(self[:]) Args: fpath (str): the path to the file to load nodata_method (None | int | str): how to handle nodata overview (int): The overview level to load (zero is no overview) Example: >>> # See if we can reproduce the INTERLEAVE bug data = np.random.rand(128, 128, 64) import kwimage import ubelt as ub from os.path import join dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco/tests/reader') fpath = join(dpath, 'foo.tiff') kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data, backend='skimage') recon1 = kwimage.imread(fpath) recon1.shape self = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath) self.shape self[:] """ def __init__(self, fpath, nodata_method=None, overview=None): self.fpath = fpath self.nodata_method = nodata_method self.overview = overview if self.overview is None: self.overview = 0 self._ds_cache = None
[docs] @classmethod def available(self): """ Returns True if this backend is available """ return _have_gdal()
@profile def _reload_cache(self): from osgeo import gdal _fpath = os.fspath(self.fpath) if _fpath.endswith('.hdr'): # Use spectral-like process to point gdal to the correct file given # the hdr ext = '.' + _read_envi_header(_fpath)['interleave'] _fpath = ub.augpath(_fpath, ext=ext) if GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE is not None and _fpath in GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE: self._ds_cache = GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE[_fpath] else: ds = gdal.Open(_fpath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if ds is None: if not exists(self.fpath): raise Exception('File does not exist: {}'.format(self.fpath)) raise Exception(( 'GDAL Failed to open the fpath={!r} for an unknown reason. ' 'Call gdal.UseExceptions() beforehand to get the ' 'real exception').format(self.fpath)) self._ds_cache = ds if GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE is not None: GLOBAL_GDAL_CACHE[_fpath] = ds
[docs] def get_overview(self, overview): """ Returns the overview relative to this one. """ return self.get_absolute_overview(overview + self.overview)
[docs] def get_absolute_overview(self, overview): """ Returns the overview relative to the base """ new = self.__class__(self.fpath, nodata_method=self.nodata_method, overview=overview) new._ds_cache = self._ds_cache return new
@property def _ds(self): if self._ds_cache is None: self._reload_cache() ds = self._ds_cache return ds
[docs] @classmethod def demo(cls, key='astro', dsize=None): """ Ignore: >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile.demo(dsize=(6600, 4400)) """ cache_dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco/demo') fpath = join(cache_dpath, key + '.cog.tiff') depends = ub.odict(dsize=dsize) stamp = ub.CacheStamp(fname=key, depends=depends, dpath=cache_dpath, product=[fpath]) if stamp.expired(): img = kwimage.grab_test_image(key, dsize=dsize) kwimage.imwrite(fpath, img, backend='gdal') stamp.renew() self = cls(fpath) return self
@property def ndim(self): return len(self.shape) @ub.memoize_property def num_overviews(self): return self.num_absolute_overviews - self.overview @ub.memoize_property def num_absolute_overviews(self): ds = self._ds default_band0 = ds.GetRasterBand(1) num_overviews = default_band0.GetOverviewCount() return num_overviews @ub.memoize_property def shape(self): ds = self._ds default_band0 = ds.GetRasterBand(1) if self.overview: num_overviews = default_band0.GetOverviewCount() self.load_overview = min(self.overview, num_overviews) if self.load_overview: self.post_overview = self.overview - self.load_overview if self.post_overview != 0: raise ValueError('unhandled: overview does not exist') # Overviews are zero indexed in gdal, inconsistent, I know band0 = default_band0.GetOverview(self.load_overview - 1) else: band0 = default_band0 else: band0 = default_band0 self.num_channels = ds.RasterCount self.width = band0.XSize self.height = band0.YSize width = self.width height = self.height C = self.num_channels return (height, width, C) @property def dtype(self): main_band = self._ds.GetRasterBand(1) dtype = _GDAL_DTYPE_LUT[main_band.DataType] return dtype def __nice__(self): from os.path import basename return '.../' + basename(self.fpath) @profile def __getitem__(self, index): """ References: Ignore: >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile.demo(dsize=(6600, 4400)) >>> index = [slice(2100, 2508, None), slice(4916, 5324, None), None] >>> img_part = self[index] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img_part) >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile.demo(dsize=(6600, 4400)) >>> self.nodata_method = 0 >>> index = [slice(2100, 2508, None), slice(4916, 5324, None), None] >>> img_part = self[index] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img_part / 255) Example: >>> # Test nodata works correctly >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> from kwcoco.util.lazy_frame_backends import * # NOQA >>> from kwcoco.util.lazy_frame_backends import _demo_geoimg_with_nodata >>> fpath = _demo_geoimg_with_nodata() >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, nodata_method='auto') >>> imdata = self[:] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> import kwarray >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> imdata = kwimage.normalize_intensity(imdata) >>> imdata = np.nan_to_num(imdata) >>> kwplot.imshow(imdata) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--ipfs) >>> # Demo code to develop support for overviews >>> import kwimage >>> from kwcoco.util.lazy_frame_backends import * # NOQA >>> fpath = ub.grabdata('', fname='PXL_20210411_150641385.jpg') >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=2) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=0).shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=1).shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=2).shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=3).shape) >>> # print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=4).shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=0)[:].shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=1)[:].shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=2)[:].shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=3)[:].shape) >>> print(LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=3)[0:20].shape) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> import kwarray >>> import timerit >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> datas = [] >>> ti = timerit.Timerit(50, bestof=3, verbose=0) >>> for overview in range(0, 4): >>> import timerit >>> for timer in ti.reset('time'): >>> with timer: >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=overview) >>> imdata = self[100:200, 100:200] >>> sec = ti.mean() >>> imdata = kwimage.draw_header_text(imdata, f'{overview=}\n{self.shape}\n[100:200, 100:200]\n{sec:0.6f}', fit='shrink') >>> datas.append(imdata) >>> for overview in range(0, 4): >>> import timerit >>> aff = kwimage.Affine.coerce(scale=1 / (2 ** overview)) >>> crop_box = kwimage.Boxes.from_slice((slice(100, 200), slice(100, 200))) >>> raw_crop = crop_box.warp(aff.inv()).quantize().to_slices()[0] >>> for timer in ti.reset('time'): >>> with timer: >>> self = LazyGDalFrameFile(fpath, overview=0) >>> raw_imdata = self[raw_crop] >>> imdata = kwimage.warp_affine(raw_imdata, aff, dsize=(100, 100), interpolation='lanczos', antialias=1) >>> sec = ti.mean() >>> def _slicestr(sl): >>> return '{}:{}'.format(sl.start, sl.stop) >>> crop_str = '[{}, {}]'.format(_slicestr(raw_crop[0]), _slicestr(raw_crop[1])) >>> imdata = kwimage.draw_header_text(imdata, f'simulate overview\n{self.shape}\n{crop_str}\n{sec:0.6f}', fit='shrink') >>> datas.append(imdata) >>> # TODO: time the alternative case where you load everything and then crop >>> canvas = kwimage.stack_images_grid(datas, chunksize=4, axis=0, pad=10) >>> canvas = kwimage.draw_header_text(canvas, 'demo of lazy crops with overviews', fit='shrink') >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas) """ ds = self._ds height, width, C = self.shape if 1: INTERLEAVE = ds.GetMetadata('IMAGE_STRUCTURE').get('INTERLEAVE', '') if INTERLEAVE == 'BAND': if len(ds.GetSubDatasets()) > 0: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot handle interleaved files yet') if not ub.iterable(index): index = [index] else: index = list(index) TOTAL_DIMS = 3 # (always H, W, C) # Handle ellipsis num_ellipsis = index.count(Ellipsis) if num_ellipsis > 1: raise Exception('an index can only have a single ellipsis') elif num_ellipsis == 1: # Expand the ellipsis ell_idx = index.index(Ellipsis) n = (1 + TOTAL_DIMS - len(index)) if n > 0: index = index[:ell_idx] + ([slice(None, None)] * n) + index[ell_idx + 1:] # index = index[:ell_idx] + ([None] * n) + index[ell_idx + 1:] else: # Expand trailing dims if len(index) < TOTAL_DIMS: n = (TOTAL_DIMS - len(index)) index = index + [slice(None, None)] * n # index = index + [None] * n ypart = _rectify_slice_dim(index[0], height) xpart = _rectify_slice_dim(index[1], width) channel_part = _rectify_slice_dim(index[2], C) trailing_part = [channel_part] if len(trailing_part) == 1: channel_part = trailing_part[0] if isinstance(channel_part, list): band_indices = channel_part else: band_indices = range(*channel_part.indices(C)) else: band_indices = range(C) assert len(trailing_part) <= 1 ystart, ystop = map(int, [ypart.start, ypart.stop]) xstart, xstop = map(int, [xpart.start, xpart.stop]) ysize = ystop - ystart xsize = xstop - xstart gdalkw = dict(xoff=xstart, yoff=ystart, win_xsize=xsize, win_ysize=ysize) from kwimage.im_io import _gdal_read gdal_dset = ds nodata_method = self.nodata_method if nodata_method == 'auto': nodata_method = 'float' # just use floats ignore_color_table = True overview = self.overview imdata, _ = _gdal_read(gdal_dset=gdal_dset, overview=overview, nodata_method=nodata_method, nodata_value=None, ignore_color_table=ignore_color_table, band_indices=band_indices, gdalkw=gdalkw) return imdata def __array__(self): """ Allow this object to be passed to np.asarray References: """ return self[:]
def _rectify_slice_dim(part, D): if part is None: return slice(0, D) elif isinstance(part, slice): start = 0 if part.start is None else max(0, part.start) stop = D if part.stop is None else min(D, part.stop) if stop < 0: stop = D + stop assert part.step is None part = slice(start, stop) return part elif isinstance(part, int): part = slice(part, part + 1) elif isinstance(part, list): part = part else: raise TypeError(part) return part def _validate_nonzero_data(file): """ Test to see if the image is all black. May fail on all-black images Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> import kwimage >>> gpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath() >>> file = LazyGDalFrameFile(gpath) >>> _validate_nonzero_data(file) """ try: import numpy as np # Find center point of the image cx, cy = np.array(file.shape[0:2]) // 2 center = [cx, cy] # Check if the center pixels have data, look at more data if needbe sizes = [8, 512, 2048, 5000] for d in sizes: index = tuple(slice(c - d, c + d) for c in center) partial_data = file[index] total = partial_data.sum() if total > 0: break if total == 0: total = file[:].sum() has_data = total > 0 except Exception: has_data = False return has_data def _read_envi_header(file): """ USAGE: hdr = _read_envi_header(file) Reads an ENVI ".hdr" file header and returns the parameters in a dictionary as strings. Header field names are treated as case insensitive and all keys in the dictionary are lowercase. Modified from spectral/io/ References: """ f = open(file, 'r') try: starts_with_ENVI = f.readline().strip().startswith('ENVI') except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = ( 'File does not appear to be an ENVI header (appears to be a ' 'binary file).') f.close() raise Exception(msg) else: if not starts_with_ENVI: msg = ('File does not appear to be an ENVI header (missing "ENVI" ' 'at beginning of first line).') f.close() raise Exception(msg) lines = f.readlines() f.close() dict = {} have_nonlowercase_param = False support_nonlowercase_params = False try: while lines: line = lines.pop(0) if line.find('=') == -1: continue if line[0] == ';': continue (key, sep, val) = line.partition('=') key = key.strip() if not key.islower(): have_nonlowercase_param = True if not support_nonlowercase_params: key = key.lower() val = val.strip() if val and val[0] == '{': str = val.strip() while str[-1] != '}': line = lines.pop(0) if line[0] == ';': continue str += '\n' + line.strip() if key == 'description': dict[key] = str.strip('{}').strip() else: vals = str[1:-1].split(',') for j in range(len(vals)): vals[j] = vals[j].strip() dict[key] = vals else: dict[key] = val if have_nonlowercase_param and not support_nonlowercase_params: import warnings msg = 'Parameters with non-lowercase names encountered ' \ 'and converted to lowercase. To retain source file ' \ 'parameter name capitalization, set ' \ 'spectral.settings.envi_support_nonlowercase_params to ' \ 'True.' warnings.warn(msg) return dict except Exception: raise