Source code for kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset


    - [ ] We get better speeds with raw SQL over alchemy. Can we mitigate the
        speed difference so we can take advantage of alchemy's expressiveness?

Finally got a baseline implementation of an SQLite backend for COCO
datasets. This mostly plugs into my existing tools (as long as only read
operations are used; haven't impelmented writing yet) by duck-typing the
dict API.

This solves the issue of forking and then accessing nested dictionaries in
the JSON-style COCO objects. (When you access the dictionary Python will
increment a reference count which triggers copy-on-write for whatever
memory page that data happened to live in. Non-contiguous access had the
effect of excessive memory copies).

For "medium sized" datasets its quite a bit slower. Running through a torch
DataLoader with 4 workers for 10,000 images executes at a rate of 100Hz but
takes 850MB of RAM. Using the duck-typed SQL backend only uses 500MB (which
includes the cost of caching), but runs at 45Hz (which includes the benefit
of caching).

However, once I scale up to 100,000 images I start seeing benefits.  The
in-memory dictionary interface chugs at 1.05HZ, and is taking more than 4GB
of memory at the time I killed the process (eta was over an hour). The SQL
backend ran at 45Hz and took about 3 minutes and used about 2.45GB of memory.

Without a cache, SQL runs at 30HZ and takes 400MB for 10,000 images, and
for 100,000 images it gets 30Hz with 1.1GB. There is also a much larger startup
time. I'm not exactly sure what it is yet, but its probably some preprocessing
I'm doing.

Using a LRU cache we get 45Hz and 1.05GB of memory, so that's a clear win.  We
do need to be sure to disable the cache if we ever implement write mode.

I'd like to be a bit faster on the medium sized datasets (I'd really like
to avoid caching rows, which is why the speed is currently
semi-reasonable), but I don't think I can do any better than this because
single-row lookup time is `O(log(N))` for sqlite, whereas its `O(1)` for
dictionaries. (I wish sqlite had an option to create a hash-table index for
a table, but I dont think it does). I optimized as many of the dictionary
operations as possible (for instance, iterating through keys, values, and
items should be O(N) instead of `O(N log(N))`), but the majority of the
runtime cost is in the single-row lookup time.

There are a few questions I still have if anyone has insight:

    * Say I want to select a subset of K rows from a table with N entries,
      and I have a list of all of the rowids that I want. Is there any
      way to do this better than ``O(K log(N))``? I tried using a
      ``SELECT col FROM table WHERE id IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ...)`` filling in
      enough `?` as there are rows in my subset. I'm not sure what the
      complexity of using a query like this is. I'm not sure what the `IN`
      implementation looks like. Can this be done more efficiently by
      with a temporary table and a ``JOIN``?

    * There really is no way to do ``O(1)`` row lookup in sqlite right?
      Is there a way in PostgreSQL or some other backend sqlalchemy

I found that PostgreSQL does support hash indexes: I'm really not
interested in setting up a global service though 😞. I also found a 10-year
old thread with a hash-index feature request for SQLite, which I
unabashedly resurrected
import json
import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import os
from os.path import exists, dirname

from kwcoco.util.dict_like import DictLike  # NOQA
from kwcoco.abstract_coco_dataset import AbstractCocoDataset
from kwcoco.coco_dataset import (  # NOQA
    MixinCocoAccessors, MixinCocoObjects,
    MixinCocoStats, MixinCocoDraw

# __docstubs__ = """
# from typing import TypeVar
# F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable)
# """

[docs]class FallbackCocoBase: # Used when sqlalchemy doesn't exist to allow for import without error _decl_class_registry = {}
CocoBase: type try: from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Index from sqlalchemy.types import Float, Integer, String, JSON from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base # from sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api import DeclarativeMeta import sqlalchemy import sqlite3 sqlite3.register_adapter(np.int64, int) sqlite3.register_adapter(np.int32, int) CocoBase = declarative_base() except ImportError: # Hack: xdoctest should have been able to figure out that # all of these tests were diabled due to the absense of sqlalchemy # but apparently it has a bug. We can remove this hack once that is fixed sqlalchemy = None Float = ub.identity String = ub.identity JSON = ub.identity Integer = ub.identity Column = ub.identity Index = ub.identity CocoBase = FallbackCocoBase try: from psycopg2.extensions import register_adapter, AsIs def addapt_numpy_float64(numpy_float64): return AsIs(numpy_float64) def addapt_numpy_int64(numpy_int64): return AsIs(numpy_int64) register_adapter(np.float64, addapt_numpy_float64) register_adapter(np.int64, addapt_numpy_int64) except ImportError: ... # TODO: is it possible to get sclalchemy to use JSON for sqlite and JSONB for # postgresql? # from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB # JSON = JSONB # This is the column name for unstructured data that is not captured directly # in our sql schema. It will be stored as a json blob. The column names defined # in the alchemy tables must agree with this. UNSTRUCTURED = '__unstructured__' SCHEMA_VERSION = 'v009rc3'
[docs]class Category(CocoBase): __tablename__ = 'categories' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, doc='unique internal id') name = Column(String(256), doc='unique external name or identifier', index=True, unique=True) alias = Column(JSON, doc='list of alter egos') supercategory = Column(String(256), doc='coarser category name') __unstructured__ = Column(JSON, default=dict())
[docs]class KeypointCategory(CocoBase): __tablename__ = 'keypoint_categories' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, doc='unique internal id') name = Column(String(256), doc='unique external name or identifier', index=True, unique=True) alias = Column(JSON, doc='list of alter egos') supercategory = Column(String(256), doc='coarser category name') reflection_id = Column(Integer, doc='if augmentation reflects the image, change keypoint id to this') __unstructured__ = Column(JSON, default=dict())
[docs]class Video(CocoBase): __tablename__ = 'videos' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, doc='unique internal id') name = Column(String(256), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True) caption = Column(JSON) width = Column(Integer) height = Column(Integer) __unstructured__ = Column(JSON, default=dict())
[docs]class Image(CocoBase): __tablename__ = 'images' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, doc='unique internal id') name = Column(String(512), nullable=True, index=True, unique=True) file_name = Column(String(512), nullable=True, index=True, unique=True) width = Column(Integer) height = Column(Integer) video_id = Column(Integer, index=True, unique=False) timestamp = Column(String(48), nullable=True) frame_index = Column(Integer) channels = Column(JSON, doc='See ChannelSpec') warp_img_to_vid = Column(JSON, doc='See TransformSpec') auxiliary = Column(JSON) # TODO: change name to assets (or better yet make an assets table) __unstructured__ = Column(JSON, default=dict())
# TODO: # Track # SharedPolygon?
[docs]class Annotation(CocoBase): __tablename__ = 'annotations' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) image_id = Column(Integer, doc='', index=True, unique=False) category_id = Column(Integer, doc='', index=True, unique=False) # track_id = Column(JSON, index=True, unique=False) # fixme: via postgresql gin index # track_id = Column(Integer, index=True, unique=False) track_id = Column(JSON) segmentation = Column(JSON) keypoints = Column(JSON) bbox = Column(JSON) _bbox_x = Column(Float) _bbox_y = Column(Float) _bbox_w = Column(Float) _bbox_h = Column(Float) # weight = Column(Float) score = Column(Float) weight = Column(Float) prob = Column(JSON) iscrowd = Column(Integer) caption = Column(JSON) __unstructured__ = Column(JSON, default=dict())
# __table_args__ = ( # # # Index( # "index_Annotation_on_track_id_gin", track_id, # # postgresql_using="gin", # ), # ) # As long as the flavor of sql conforms to our raw sql commands set # this to 0, which uses the faster raw variant. ALCHEMY_MODE_DEFAULT = 1 # Global book keeping (It would be nice to find a way to avoid this) CocoBase.TBLNAME_TO_CLASS = {} # sqlalchemy v 1.3.23 is the last to have _decl_class_registry # v1.4 does not have it if hasattr(CocoBase, '_decl_class_registry'): for classname, cls in CocoBase._decl_class_registry.items(): if not classname.startswith('_'): tblname = cls.__tablename__ CocoBase.TBLNAME_TO_CLASS[tblname] = cls else: for mapper in CocoBase.registry.mappers: cls = mapper.class_ classname = cls.__name__ if not classname.startswith('_'): tblname = cls.__tablename__ CocoBase.TBLNAME_TO_CLASS[tblname] = cls
[docs]def orm_to_dict(obj): item = obj.__dict__.copy() item.pop('_sa_instance_state', None) item = dict_restructure(item) return item
[docs]def dict_restructure(item): """ Removes the unstructured field so the API is transparent to the user. """ item.update(item.pop(UNSTRUCTURED, {})) return item
def _orm_yielder(query, size=300): """ TODO: figure out the best way to yield, in batches or otherwise """ if 1: yield from query.all() else: yield from query.yield_per(size) def _raw_yielder(result, size=300): """ TODO: figure out the best way to yield, in batches or otherwise """ if 1: chunk = result.fetchall() for item in chunk: yield item else: chunk = result.fetchmany(size) while chunk: for item in chunk: yield item chunk = result.fetchmany(size) def _new_proxy_cache(): """ By returning None, we wont use item caching """ # return None try: from ndsampler.utils import util_lru return, impl='auto') except Exception: return {}
[docs]class SqlListProxy(ub.NiceRepr): """ A view of an SQL table that behaves like a Python list """ def __init__(proxy, session, cls): proxy.cls = cls proxy.session = session proxy._colnames = None proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = ALCHEMY_MODE_DEFAULT def __len__(proxy): query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls) return query.count() def __nice__(proxy): return '{}: {}'.format(proxy.cls.__tablename__, len(proxy)) def __iter__(proxy): if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls).order_by( for obj in _orm_yielder(query): item = orm_to_dict(obj) yield item else: if proxy._colnames is None: from sqlalchemy import inspect import json inspector = inspect(proxy.session.get_bind()) colinfo = inspector.get_columns(proxy.cls.__tablename__) # Huge hack to fixup json columns. # the session.execute seems to do this for # some columns, but not all, hense the isinstance def _json_caster(x): if isinstance(x, str): return json.loads(x) else: return x casters = [] for c in colinfo: t = c['type'] caster = ub.identity if t.__class__.__name__ == 'JSON': caster = _json_caster # caster = t.result_processor(dialect, t) casters.append(caster) proxy._casters = casters proxy._colnames = [c['name'] for c in colinfo] colnames = proxy._colnames casters = proxy._casters # Using raw SQL seems much faster result = proxy.session.execute( 'SELECT * FROM {} ORDER BY id'.format(proxy.cls.__tablename__)) for row in _raw_yielder(result): cast_row = [f(x) for f, x in zip(proxy._casters, row)] # Note: assert colnames == list(result.keys()) item = dict(zip(colnames, cast_row)) yield item def __getitem__(proxy, index): query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls) if isinstance(index, slice): assert index.step in {None, 1}, 'slice queries must be contiguous' objs = query.slice(index.start, index.stop).all() items = [orm_to_dict(obj) for obj in objs] return items else: obj = query.slice(index, index + 1).all()[0] item = orm_to_dict(obj) return item def __contains__(proxy, item): raise Exception('cannot perform contains operations on SqlListProxy') def __setitem__(proxy, index, value): raise Exception('SqlListProxy is immutable') def __delitem__(proxy, index): raise Exception('SqlListProxy is immutable')
[docs]class SqlDictProxy(DictLike): """ Duck-types an SQL table as a dictionary of dictionaries. The key is specified by an indexed column (by default it is the `id` column). The values are dictionaries containing all data for that row. Note: With SQLite indexes are B-Trees so lookup is O(log(N)) and not O(1) as will regular dictionaries. Iteration should still be O(N), but databases have much more overhead than Python dictionaries. Args: session (Session): the sqlalchemy session cls (Type): the declarative sqlalchemy table class keyattr : the indexed column to use as the keys ignore_null (bool): if True, ignores any keys set to NULL, otherwise NULL keys are allowed. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> import pytest >>> sql_dset, dct_dset = demo(num=10) >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.anns >>> keys = list(proxy.keys()) >>> values = list(proxy.values()) >>> items = list(proxy.items()) >>> item_keys = [t[0] for t in items] >>> item_vals = [t[1] for t in items] >>> lut_vals = [proxy[key] for key in keys] >>> assert item_vals == lut_vals == values >>> assert item_keys == keys >>> assert len(proxy) == len(keys) >>> goodkey1 = keys[1] >>> badkey1 = -100000000000 >>> badkey2 = 'foobarbazbiz' >>> badkey3 = object() >>> assert goodkey1 in proxy >>> assert badkey1 not in proxy >>> assert badkey2 not in proxy >>> assert badkey3 not in proxy >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> proxy[badkey1] >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> proxy[badkey2] >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> proxy[badkey3] >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import _benchmark_dict_proxy_ops >>> ti = _benchmark_dict_proxy_ops(proxy) >>> print('ti.measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti.measures, nl=2, align=':', precision=6))) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> # Test the variant of the SqlDictProxy where we ignore None keys >>> # This is the case for name_to_img and file_name_to_img >>> dct_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes1') >>> dct_dset.add_image(name='no_file_image1') >>> dct_dset.add_image(name='no_file_image2') >>> dct_dset.add_image(name='no_file_image3') >>> sql_dset = dct_dset.view_sql(memory=True) >>> assert len(dct_dset.index.imgs) == 4 >>> assert len(dct_dset.index.file_name_to_img) == 1 >>> assert len(dct_dset.index.name_to_img) == 3 >>> assert len(sql_dset.index.imgs) == 4 >>> assert len(sql_dset.index.file_name_to_img) == 1 >>> assert len(sql_dset.index.name_to_img) == 3 >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.file_name_to_img >>> assert len(list(proxy.keys())) == 1 >>> assert len(list(proxy.values())) == 1 >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.name_to_img >>> assert len(list(proxy.keys())) == 3 >>> assert len(list(proxy.values())) == 3 >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.imgs >>> assert len(list(proxy.keys())) == 4 >>> assert len(list(proxy.values())) == 4 """ def __init__(proxy, session, cls, keyattr=None, ignore_null=False): proxy.cls = cls proxy.session = session proxy.keyattr = keyattr proxy._colnames = None proxy._casters = None proxy.ignore_null = ignore_null # It seems like writing the raw sql ourselves is fater than # using the ORM in most cases. proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = ALCHEMY_MODE_DEFAULT # ONLY USE IN READONLY MODE proxy._cache = _new_proxy_cache() def __len__(proxy): if proxy.keyattr is None: query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls) else: query = proxy.session.query(proxy.keyattr) if proxy.ignore_null: query = query.filter(proxy.keyattr != None) # NOQA return query.count() def __nice__(proxy): if proxy.keyattr is None: return 'id -> {}: {}'.format(proxy.cls.__tablename__, len(proxy)) else: return '{} -> {}: {}'.format(, proxy.cls.__tablename__, len(proxy)) def __contains__(proxy, key): if proxy._cache is not None: if key in proxy._cache: return True if proxy.ignore_null and key is None: return False keyattr = proxy.keyattr if keyattr is None: keyattr = try: query = proxy.session.query( == key) flag = query.count() > 0 except sqlalchemy.exc.InterfaceError as ex: if 'unsupported type' in str(ex): return False else: raise return flag def _uncached_getitem(proxy, key): """ The uncached getitem call """ if proxy.ignore_null and key is None: raise KeyError(key) try: session = proxy.session cls = proxy.cls if proxy.keyattr is None: query = session.query(cls) obj = query.get(key) if obj is None: raise KeyError(key) else: keyattr = proxy.keyattr query = session.query(cls) results = query.filter(keyattr == key).all() if len(results) == 0: raise KeyError(key) elif len(results) > 1: raise AssertionError('Should only have 1 result') else: obj = results[0] except sqlalchemy.exc.InterfaceError as ex: if 'unsupported type' in str(ex): raise KeyError(key) else: raise return obj def __getitem__(proxy, key): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> # Test unstructured keys >>> import kwcoco >>> # the msi-multisensor dataset has unstructured data >>> dct_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce('vidshapes3-msi-multisensor') >>> sql_dset = dct_dset.view_sql() >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.imgs >>> key = 1 >>> item = proxy[key] """ if proxy._cache is not None: if key in proxy._cache: return proxy._cache[key] obj = proxy._uncached_getitem(key) item = orm_to_dict(obj) if proxy._cache is not None: proxy._cache[key] = item return item
[docs] def keys(proxy): if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: if proxy.keyattr is None: query = proxy.session.query( else: query = proxy.session.query(proxy.keyattr).order_by( if proxy.ignore_null: query = query.filter(proxy.keyattr != None) # NOQA for item in _orm_yielder(query): key = item[0] yield key else: # Using raw SQL seems much faster keyattr = 'id' if proxy.keyattr is None else proxy.keyattr.key if proxy.ignore_null: expr = 'SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {} IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id'.format( keyattr, proxy.cls.__tablename__, keyattr) else: expr = 'SELECT {} FROM {} ORDER BY id'.format( keyattr, proxy.cls.__tablename__) result = proxy.session.execute(expr) for item in _raw_yielder(result): yield item[0]
[docs] def values(proxy): if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls) if proxy.ignore_null: # I think this is only needed in the autoreload session # otherwise it might be possible to jsut use proxy.keyattr cls_keyattr = getattr(proxy.cls, proxy.keyattr.key) query = query.filter(cls_keyattr != None) # NOQA query = query.order_by( for obj in _orm_yielder(query): item = orm_to_dict(obj) yield item else: if proxy._colnames is None: from sqlalchemy import inspect import json inspector = inspect(proxy.session.get_bind()) colinfo = inspector.get_columns(proxy.cls.__tablename__) # HACK: to fixup json columns, session.execute seems to fix # the type for some columns, but not all, hense the isinstance def _json_caster(x): if isinstance(x, str): return json.loads(x) else: return x casters = [] for c in colinfo: t = c['type'] caster = ub.identity if t.__class__.__name__ == 'JSON': caster = _json_caster # caster = t.result_processor(dialect, t) casters.append(caster) proxy._casters = casters proxy._colnames = [c['name'] for c in colinfo] colnames = proxy._colnames casters = proxy._casters # Using raw SQL seems much faster if proxy.ignore_null: keyattr = 'id' if proxy.keyattr is None else proxy.keyattr.key expr = 'SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {} IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id'.format( keyattr, proxy.cls.__tablename__, keyattr) else: expr = ( 'SELECT * FROM {} ORDER BY id'.format(proxy.cls.__tablename__)) result = proxy.session.execute(expr) for row in _raw_yielder(result): cast_row = [f(x) for f, x in zip(proxy._casters, row)] # Note: assert colnames == list(result.keys()) item = dict(zip(colnames, cast_row)) item = dict_restructure(item) yield item
[docs] def items(proxy): if proxy.keyattr is None: keyattr_name = 'id' else: keyattr_name = for value in proxy.values(): yield (value[keyattr_name], value)
[docs]class SqlIdGroupDictProxy(DictLike): """ Similar to :class:`SqlDictProxy`, but maps ids to groups of other ids. Simulates a dictionary that maps ids of a parent table to all ids of another table corresponding to rows where a specific column has that parent id. The items in the group can be sorted by the ``group_order_attr`` if specified. For example, imagine two tables: images with one column (id) and annotations with two columns (id, image_id). This class can help provide a mpaping from each `` to a `Set[]` where those annotation rows have `annotation.image_id =`. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> sql_dset, dct_dset = demo(num=10) >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.gid_to_aids >>> keys = list(proxy.keys()) >>> values = list(proxy.values()) >>> items = list(proxy.items()) >>> item_keys = [t[0] for t in items] >>> item_vals = [t[1] for t in items] >>> lut_vals = [proxy[key] for key in keys] >>> assert item_vals == lut_vals == values >>> assert item_keys == keys >>> assert len(proxy) == len(keys) >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import _benchmark_dict_proxy_ops >>> ti = _benchmark_dict_proxy_ops(proxy) >>> print('ti.measures = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti.measures, nl=2, align=':', precision=6))) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> # Test the group sorted variant of this by using vidid_to_gids >>> # where the "gids" must be sorted by the image frame indexes >>> dct_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes1') >>> dct_dset.add_image(name='frame-index-order-demo1', frame_index=-30, video_id=1) >>> dct_dset.add_image(name='frame-index-order-demo2', frame_index=10, video_id=1) >>> dct_dset.add_image(name='frame-index-order-demo3', frame_index=3, video_id=1) >>> dct_dset.add_video(name='empty-video1') >>> dct_dset.add_video(name='empty-video2') >>> dct_dset.add_video(name='empty-video3') >>> sql_dset = dct_dset.view_sql(memory=True) >>> orig = dct_dset.index.vidid_to_gids >>> proxy = sql_dset.index.vidid_to_gids >>> from kwcoco.util.util_json import indexable_allclose >>> assert indexable_allclose(orig, dict(proxy)) >>> items = list(proxy.items()) >>> vals = list(proxy.values()) >>> keys = list(proxy.keys()) >>> assert len(keys) == len(vals) >>> assert dict(zip(keys, vals)) == dict(items) """ def __init__(proxy, session, valattr, keyattr, parent_keyattr, group_order_attr=None): proxy.valattr = valattr proxy.keyattr = keyattr proxy.session = session proxy.parent_keyattr = parent_keyattr proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 0 proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = ALCHEMY_MODE_DEFAULT proxy._cache = _new_proxy_cache() # if specified, the items within groups are ordered by this attr proxy.group_order_attr = group_order_attr def __nice__(self): return str(len(self)) def __len__(proxy): query = proxy.session.query(proxy.parent_keyattr) return query.count() def _uncached_getitem(proxy, key): """ getitem without the caceh """ session = proxy.session keyattr = proxy.keyattr valattr = proxy.valattr if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: query = session.query(valattr).filter(keyattr == key) if proxy.group_order_attr is not None: query = query.order_by(proxy.group_order_attr) item = [row[0] for row in query.all()] else: if proxy.group_order_attr is None: sql_expr = 'SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {}=:key'.format(, proxy.keyattr.class_.__tablename__,, ) else: sql_expr = 'SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {}=:key ORDER BY {}'.format(, proxy.keyattr.class_.__tablename__,,, ) result = proxy.session.execute(sql_expr, params={'key': key}) item = [row[0] for row in result.fetchall()] _set = set if proxy.group_order_attr is None else ub.oset item = _set(item) return item def __getitem__(proxy, key): if proxy._cache is not None: if key in proxy._cache: return proxy._cache[key] item = proxy._uncached_getitem(key) if proxy._cache is not None: proxy._cache[key] = item return item def __contains__(proxy, key): if proxy._cache is not None: if key in proxy._cache: return True try: query = (proxy.session.query(proxy.parent_keyattr) .filter(proxy.parent_keyattr == key)) flag = query.count() > 0 except sqlalchemy.exc.InterfaceError as ex: if 'unsupported type' in str(ex): return False else: raise return flag
[docs] def keys(proxy): if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: query = proxy.session.query(proxy.parent_keyattr) query = query.order_by(proxy.parent_keyattr) for item in _orm_yielder(query): key = item[0] yield key else: result = proxy.session.execute( 'SELECT {} FROM {} ORDER BY {}'.format(, proxy.parent_keyattr.class_.__tablename__, )) for item in _raw_yielder(result): yield item[0]
[docs] def items(proxy): _set = set if proxy.group_order_attr is None else ub.oset if proxy.group_order_attr is not None: # print('proxy.group_order_attr = {!r}'.format(proxy.group_order_attr)) # ALTERNATIVE MODE, EXPERIMENTAL MODE # groups based on post processing. this might be faster or more # robust than the group json array? Requires a hack to yield empty # groups. Should consolidate to use one method or the other. from collections import deque import itertools as it # hack to yield, empty groups all_keys = deque(proxy.keys()) if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: keyattr = proxy.keyattr valattr = proxy.valattr session = proxy.session table = keyattr.class_.__table__ query = session.query(keyattr, valattr).order_by( keyattr, proxy.group_order_attr) result = session.execute(query) yielder = _raw_yielder(result) else: table = proxy.keyattr.class_.__tablename__ keycol = table + '.' + valcol = table + '.' + groupcol = table + '.' + expr = ( 'SELECT {keycol}, {valcol} ' 'FROM {table} ' 'ORDER BY {keycol}, {group_order_attr}').format( table=table, keycol=keycol, valcol=valcol, group_order_attr=groupcol, ) result = proxy.session.execute(expr) yielder = _raw_yielder(result) for key, grouper in it.groupby(yielder, key=lambda x: x[0]): next_key = all_keys.popleft() while next_key != key: # Hack to yield empty groups next_group = _set() next_tup = (next_key, next_group) next_key = all_keys.popleft() yield next_tup group = _set([g[1] for g in grouper]) tup = (key, group) yield tup # any remaining groups are empty for key in all_keys: group = _set() tup = (key, group) yield tup else: if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: parent_keyattr = proxy.parent_keyattr keyattr = proxy.keyattr valattr = proxy.valattr session = proxy.session parent_table = parent_keyattr.class_.__table__ table = keyattr.class_.__table__ grouped_vals = sqlalchemy.func.json_group_array(valattr, type_=JSON) # Hack: have to cast to str because I don't know how to make # the json type work. # Update: New version of sqlalchemy needs an explicit cast to # "text" to represent a text query. grouped_vals = sqlalchemy.sql.text(str(grouped_vals)) query = ( session.query(parent_keyattr, grouped_vals) .outerjoin(table, parent_keyattr == keyattr) .group_by(parent_keyattr) .order_by(parent_keyattr) ) for row in query.all(): key = row[0] group = json.loads(row[1]) if group[0] is None: group = _set() else: group = _set(group) tup = (key, group) yield tup else: parent_table = proxy.parent_keyattr.class_.__tablename__ table = proxy.keyattr.class_.__tablename__ parent_keycol = parent_table + '.' + keycol = table + '.' + valcol = table + '.' + expr = ( 'SELECT {parent_keycol}, json_group_array({valcol}) ' 'FROM {parent_table} ' 'LEFT OUTER JOIN {table} ON {keycol} = {parent_keycol} ' 'GROUP BY {parent_keycol} ORDER BY {parent_keycol}').format( parent_table=parent_table, table=table, parent_keycol=parent_keycol, keycol=keycol, valcol=valcol, ) result = proxy.session.execute(expr) for row in result.fetchall(): key = row[0] group = json.loads(row[1]) if group[0] is None: group = _set() else: group = _set(group) tup = (key, group) yield tup
[docs] def values(proxy): # Not sure if there if iterating over just the valuse can be more # efficient than iterating over the items and discarding the values. for key, val in proxy.items(): yield val
# _set = set if proxy.group_order_attr is None else ub.oset # if proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE: # else: # parent_table = proxy.parent_keyattr.class_.__tablename__ # table = proxy.keyattr.class_.__tablename__ # parent_keycol = parent_table + '.' + # keycol = table + '.' + # valcol = table + '.' + # expr = ( # 'SELECT {parent_keycol}, json_group_array({valcol}) ' # 'FROM {parent_table} ' # 'LEFT OUTER JOIN {table} ON {keycol} = {parent_keycol} ' # 'GROUP BY {parent_keycol} ORDER BY {parent_keycol}').format( # parent_table=parent_table, # table=table, # parent_keycol=parent_keycol, # keycol=keycol, # valcol=valcol, # ) # # print(expr) # result = proxy.session.execute(expr) # for row in result.fetchall(): # group = json.loads(row[1]) # if group[0] is None: # group = _set() # else: # group = _set(group) # yield group
[docs]class CocoSqlIndex(object): """ Simulates the dictionary provided by :class:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.CocoIndex` """ def __init__(index): index.anns = None index.imgs = None index.videos = None index.cats = None index.file_name_to_img = None index.name_to_cat = None index.name_to_img = None index.dataset = None index._id_lookup = None
[docs] def build(index, parent): session = parent.session index.anns = SqlDictProxy(session, Annotation) index.imgs = SqlDictProxy(session, Image) index.cats = SqlDictProxy(session, Category) index.kpcats = SqlDictProxy(session, KeypointCategory) index.videos = SqlDictProxy(session, Video) index.name_to_cat = SqlDictProxy(session, Category, # These indexes are allowed to have null keys index.name_to_img = SqlDictProxy(session, Image,, ignore_null=True) index.file_name_to_img = SqlDictProxy(session, Image, Image.file_name, ignore_null=True) index.gid_to_aids = SqlIdGroupDictProxy( session,, Annotation.image_id, index.cid_to_aids = SqlIdGroupDictProxy( session,, Annotation.category_id, index.cid_to_gids = SqlIdGroupDictProxy( session, Annotation.image_id, Annotation.category_id, # TODO: # index.trackid_to_aids = SqlIdGroupDictProxy( # session,, Annotation.track_id) index.vidid_to_gids = SqlIdGroupDictProxy( session,, Image.video_id,, group_order_attr=Image.frame_index) # Make a list like view for algorithms index.dataset = { 'annotations': SqlListProxy(session, Annotation), 'videos': SqlListProxy(session, Video), 'categories': SqlListProxy(session, Category), 'keypoint_categories': SqlListProxy(session, KeypointCategory), 'images': SqlListProxy(session, Image), } index._id_lookup = { 'categories': index.cats, 'images': index.imgs, 'annotations': index.anns, 'videos': index.videos, }
def _set_alchemy_mode(index, mode): for v in index.__dict__.values(): if hasattr(v, 'ALCHEMY_MODE'): v.ALCHEMY_MODE = mode for v in index.dataset.values(): if hasattr(v, 'ALCHEMY_MODE'): v.ALCHEMY_MODE = mode
def _handle_sql_uri(uri): """ Temporary function to deal with URI. Modern tools seem to use RFC 3968 URIs, but sqlalchemy uses RFC 1738. Attempt to gracefully handle special cases. With a better understanding of the above specs, this function may be able to be written more eloquently. Ignore: _handle_sql_uri(':memory:') _handle_sql_uri('special:foobar') _handle_sql_uri('sqlite:///:memory:') _handle_sql_uri('/foo/bar') _handle_sql_uri('foo/bar') _handle_sql_uri('postgresql:///tutorial.db') _handle_sql_uri('postgresql+psycopg2://kwcoco:kwcoco_pw@localhost:5432/mydb') """ import uritools uri_parsed = uritools.urisplit(uri) normalized = None local_path = None parent = None file_prefix = '/file:' scheme, authority, path, query, fragment = uri_parsed if scheme == 'special': pass elif scheme is None: # Add in the SQLite scheme scheme = 'sqlite' if path == ':memory:': path = '/:memory:' elif not path.startswith(file_prefix): path = file_prefix + path if authority is None: authority = '' elif scheme == 'sqlite': ... elif scheme == 'postgresql': raise ValueError('use postgresql+psycopg2 instead') elif scheme == 'postgresql+psycopg2': ... else: raise NotImplementedError(scheme) if path == '/:memory:': local_path = None elif path.startswith(file_prefix): local_path = path[len(file_prefix):] else: local_path = None if local_path is not None: parent = dirname(local_path) normalized = uritools.uricompose(scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) uri_info = { 'uri': uri, 'normalized': normalized, 'local_path': local_path, 'parsed': uri_parsed, 'parent': parent, 'scheme': scheme, } return uri_info
[docs]class CocoSqlDatabase(AbstractCocoDataset, MixinCocoAccessors, MixinCocoObjects, MixinCocoStats, MixinCocoDraw, ub.NiceRepr): """ Provides an API nearly identical to :class:`kwcoco.CocoDatabase`, but uses an SQL backend data store. This makes it robust to copy-on-write memory issues that arise when forking, as discussed in [1]_. Note: By default constructing an instance of the CocoSqlDatabase does not create a connection to the databse. Use the :func:`connect` method to open a connection. References: .. [1] Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> sql_dset, dct_dset = demo() >>> dset1, dset2 = sql_dset, dct_dset >>> tag1, tag2 = 'dset1', 'dset2' >>> assert_dsets_allclose(sql_dset, dct_dset) """ MEMORY_URI = 'sqlite:///:memory:' def __init__(self, uri=None, tag=None, img_root=None): if uri is None: uri = self.MEMORY_URI # TODO: make this more robust if img_root is None: img_root = _handle_sql_uri(uri)['parent'] self.uri = uri self.img_root = img_root self.session = None self.engine = None self.index = CocoSqlIndex() self.tag = tag def __nice__(self): if self.dataset is None: return 'not connected' parts = [] parts.append('tag={}'.format(self.tag)) if self.dataset is not None: info = ub.repr2(self.basic_stats(), kvsep='=', si=1, nobr=1, nl=0) parts.append(info) return ', '.join(parts)
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(self, data, backend=None): """ Create an SQL CocoDataset from the input pointer. Example: import kwcoco dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') data = dset.fpath self = CocoSqlDatabase.coerce(data) from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import CocoSqlDatabase import kwcoco dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce('spacenet7.kwcoco.json') self = CocoSqlDatabase.coerce(dset) from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import CocoSqlDatabase sql_dset = CocoSqlDatabase.coerce('spacenet7.kwcoco.json') # from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import CocoSqlDatabase import kwcoco sql_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce('_spacenet7.kwcoco.view.v006.sqlite') """ import kwcoco import pathlib if isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.Path)): import os data = os.fspath(data) if data.endswith('.json'): dct_db_fpath = data self = cached_sql_coco_view(dct_db_fpath=dct_db_fpath, backend=backend) else: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(data, kwcoco.CocoDataset): self = cached_sql_coco_view(dset=data, backend=backend) else: raise NotImplementedError return self
def __getstate__(self): """ Return only the minimal info when pickling this object. Note: This object IS pickling when the multiprocessing context is "spawn". This object is NOT pickled when the multiprocessing context is "fork". In this case the user needs to be careful to create new connections in the forked subprocesses. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> sql_dset, dct_dset = demo() >>> # Test pickling works correctly >>> import pickle >>> serialized = pickle.dumps(sql_dset) >>> assert len(serialized) < 3e4, 'should be very small' >>> copy = pickle.loads(serialized) >>> dset1, dset2, tag1, tag2 = sql_dset, copy, 'orig', 'copy' >>> assert_dsets_allclose(dset1, dset2, tag1, tag2) >>> # --- other methods of copying --- >>> rw_copy = CocoSqlDatabase( >>> sql_dset.uri, img_root=sql_dset.img_root, tag=sql_dset.tag) >>> rw_copy.connect() >>> ro_copy = CocoSqlDatabase( >>> sql_dset.uri, img_root=sql_dset.img_root, tag=sql_dset.tag) >>> ro_copy.connect(readonly=True) >>> assert_dsets_allclose(dset1, ro_copy, tag1, 'ro-copy') >>> assert_dsets_allclose(dset1, rw_copy, tag1, 'rw-copy') """ if self.uri == self.MEMORY_URI: raise Exception('Cannot Pickle Anonymous In-Memory Databases') return { 'uri': self.uri, 'img_root': self.img_root, 'tag': self.tag, } def __setstate__(self, state): """ Reopen new readonly connnections when unpickling the object. """ self.__dict__.update(state) self.session = None self.engine = None # Make unpickled objects readonly self.connect(readonly=True)
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Drop references to any SQL or cache objects """ self.session = None self.engine = None self.index = None
[docs] def connect(self, readonly=False, verbose=0): """ Connects this instance to the underlying database. References: # details on read only mode, some of these didnt seem to work CommandLine: KWCOCO_WITH_POSTGRESQL=1 xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ CocoSqlDatabase.connect Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:KWCOCO_WITH_POSTGRESQL) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:psycopg2) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> dset = CocoSqlDatabase('postgresql+psycopg2://kwcoco:kwcoco_pw@localhost:5432/mydb') >>> self = dset >>> dset.connect(verbose=1) """ from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy import create_engine # Create an engine that stores data at a specific uri location _uri_info = _handle_sql_uri(self.uri) if verbose: print('connecting') print('_uri_info = {}'.format(ub.repr2(_uri_info, nl=1))) uri = _uri_info['normalized'] if _uri_info['scheme'] == 'sqlite': if readonly: uri = uri + '?mode=ro&uri=true' else: uri = uri + '?uri=true' if _uri_info['scheme'].startswith('postgresql'): from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database did_exist = database_exists(uri) if not did_exist: if verbose: print('checking if database exists, no, creating') create_database(uri) else: if verbose: print('checking if database exists, yes') if verbose: print('create_engine') self.engine = create_engine(uri) # table_names = self.engine.table_names() table_names = sqlalchemy.inspect(self.engine).get_table_names() if len(table_names) == 0: # Opened an empty database, need to create the tables # Create all tables in the engine. # This is equivalent to "Create Table" statements in raw SQL. # if readonly: # raise AssertionError('must open existing table in readonly mode') if verbose: print('check for tables, none exist, making them') CocoBase.metadata.create_all(self.engine) else: if verbose: print('check for tables, they exist') DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) self.session = DBSession() if _uri_info['scheme'] == 'sqlite': self.session.execute('PRAGMA cache_size=-{}'.format(128 * 1000)) if _uri_info['scheme'].startswith('postgresql'): if 0: # postgres_knobs = [ 'max_parallel_workers_per_gather', 'parallel_setup_cost', 'parallel_tuple_cost', 'min_parallel_table_scan_size', 'min_parallel_index_scan_size', ] current = {} for k in postgres_knobs: v = self.session.execute(f'SHOW {k};').fetchone()[0] current[k] = v print('current = {}'.format(ub.repr2(current, nl=1))) self.session.execute('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 6;') self.session.execute('select pg_reload_conf();') current = {} for k in postgres_knobs: v = self.session.execute(f'SHOW {k};').fetchone()[0] current[k] = v print('current = {}'.format(ub.repr2(current, nl=1))) if verbose: print('create CocoSQLIndex') self.index = CocoSqlIndex() if verbose: print('build CocoSQLIndex') return self
@property def fpath(self): return self.uri
[docs] def delete(self, verbose=0): if verbose: print(f'delete {self.uri}') fpath = self.uri.split('///file:')[-1] if self.uri != self.MEMORY_URI and exists(fpath): if verbose: print('delete sqlite database') ub.delete(fpath) if 'postgresql+psycopg2' in self.uri: _uri_info = _handle_sql_uri(self.uri) uri = _uri_info['normalized'] from sqlalchemy_utils import drop_database from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists if database_exists(uri): if verbose: print(f'deleting postgresql database: {uri}') drop_database(uri) else: if verbose: print('deleting postgresql database, doesnt exist')
[docs] def populate_from(self, dset, verbose=1): """ Copy the information in a :class:`CocoDataset` into this SQL database. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import _benchmark_dset_readtime # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * >>> dset2 = dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> dset1 = self = CocoSqlDatabase('sqlite:///:memory:') >>> self.connect() >>> self.populate_from(dset) >>> assert_dsets_allclose(dset1, dset2, tag1='sql', tag2='dct') >>> ti_sql = _benchmark_dset_readtime(dset1, 'sql') >>> ti_dct = _benchmark_dset_readtime(dset2, 'dct') >>> print('ti_sql.rankings = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti_sql.rankings, nl=2, precision=6, align=':'))) >>> print('ti_dct.rankings = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti_dct.rankings, nl=2, precision=6, align=':'))) CommandLine: KWCOCO_WITH_POSTGRESQL=1 xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ CocoSqlDatabase.populate_from:1 Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:KWCOCO_WITH_POSTGRESQL) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:psycopg2) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self = dset1 = CocoSqlDatabase('postgresql+psycopg2://kwcoco:kwcoco_pw@localhost:5432/test_populate') >>> self.delete(verbose=1) >>> self.connect(verbose=1) >>> #self.populate_from(dset) """ from sqlalchemy import inspect import itertools as it counter = it.count() session = self.session inspector = inspect(self.engine) # table_names = self.engine.table_names() table_names = sqlalchemy.inspect(self.engine).get_table_names() batch_size = 100000 for key in table_names: colinfo = inspector.get_columns(key) colnames = {c['name'] for c in colinfo} # TODO: is there a better way to grab this information? cls = CocoBase.TBLNAME_TO_CLASS[key] for item in ub.ProgIter(dset.dataset.get(key, []), desc='Populate {}'.format(key), verbose=verbose): item_ = ub.dict_isect(item, colnames) # Everything else is a extra i.e. additional property item_[UNSTRUCTURED] = ub.dict_diff(item, item_) if key == 'annotations': # Need custom code to translate list-based properties x, y, w, h = item_.get('bbox', [None, None, None, None]) item_['_bbox_x'] = x item_['_bbox_y'] = y item_['_bbox_w'] = w item_['_bbox_h'] = h row = cls(**item_) session.add(row) if next(counter) % batch_size == 0: # Commit data in batches session.commit() if verbose: print('finish populate') session.commit()
@property def dataset(self): return self.index.dataset @property def anns(self): return self.index.anns @property def cats(self): return self.index.cats @property def imgs(self): return self.index.imgs @property def name_to_cat(self): return self.index.name_to_cat
[docs] def raw_table(self, table_name): """ Loads an entire SQL table as a pandas DataFrame Args: table_name (str): name of the table Returns: pandas.DataFrame Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> self, dset = demo() >>> table_df = self.raw_table('annotations') >>> print(table_df) """ import pandas as pd table_df = pd.read_sql_table(table_name, con=self.engine) return table_df
def _column_lookup(self, tablename, key, rowids, default=ub.NoParam, keepid=False): """ Convinience method to lookup only a single column of information Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> self, dset = demo(10) >>> tablename = 'annotations' >>> key = 'category_id' >>> rowids = list(self.anns.keys())[::3] >>> cids1 = self._column_lookup(tablename, key, rowids) >>> cids2 = self.annots(rowids).get(key) >>> cids3 = dset.annots(rowids).get(key) >>> assert cids3 == cids2 == cids1 >>> # Test json columns work >>> vals1 = self._column_lookup(tablename, 'bbox', rowids) >>> vals2 = self.annots(rowids).lookup('bbox') >>> vals3 = dset.annots(rowids).lookup('bbox') >>> assert vals1 == vals2 == vals3 >>> vals1 = self._column_lookup(tablename, 'segmentation', rowids) >>> vals2 = self.annots(rowids).lookup('segmentation') >>> vals3 = dset.annots(rowids).lookup('segmentation') >>> assert vals1 == vals2 == vals3 Ignore: import timerit ti = timerit.Timerit(10, bestof=3, verbose=2) for timer in ti.reset('time'): with timer: self._column_lookup(tablename, key, rowids) for timer in ti.reset('time'): self.anns._cache.clear() with timer: annots = self.annots(rowids) annots.get(key) for timer in ti.reset('time'): self.anns._cache.clear() with timer: anns = [self.anns[aid] for aid in rowids] cids = [ann[key] for ann in anns] """ # FIXME: Make this work for columns that need json decoding stmt = ub.paragraph( ''' SELECT {tablename}.{key} FROM {tablename} WHERE {tablename}.id = :rowid ''').format(tablename=tablename, key=key) # TODO: memoize this check table = CocoBase.TBLNAME_TO_CLASS[tablename] needs_json_decode = ( table.__table__.columns[key].type.__class__.__name__ == 'JSON' ) values = [ # self.anns[aid][key] # if aid in self.anns._cache else self.session.execute(stmt, {'rowid': rowid}).fetchone()[0] for rowid in rowids ] if needs_json_decode: values = [None if v is None else json.loads(v) for v in values] if keepid: if default is ub.NoParam: attr_list = ub.dzip(rowids, values) else: raise NotImplementedError('cannot use default') else: if default is ub.NoParam: attr_list = values else: raise NotImplementedError('cannot use default') return attr_list def _all_rows_column_lookup(self, tablename, keys): """ Convinience method to look up all rows from a table and only a few columns. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> self, dset = demo(10) >>> tablename = 'annotations' >>> keys = ['id', 'category_id'] >>> rows = self._all_rows_column_lookup(tablename, keys) """ colnames_list = ['{}.{}'.format(tablename, key) for key in keys] colnames = ', '.join(colnames_list) stmt = ub.paragraph( ''' SELECT {colnames} FROM {tablename} ORDER BY {tablename}.id ''').format(colnames=colnames, tablename=tablename) result = self.session.execute(stmt) rows = result.fetchall() return rows
[docs] def tabular_targets(self): """ Convinience method to create an in-memory summary of basic annotation properties with minimal SQL overhead. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA >>> self, dset = demo() >>> targets = self.tabular_targets() >>> print(targets.pandas()) """ import kwarray stmt = ub.paragraph( ''' SELECT, image_id, category_id, _bbox_x + (_bbox_w / 2), _bbox_y + (_bbox_h / 2), _bbox_w, _bbox_h, images.width, images.height FROM annotations JOIN images on = annotations.image_id ''') result = self.session.execute(stmt) rows = result.fetchall() aids, gids, cids, cxs, cys, ws, hs, img_ws, img_hs = list(zip(*rows)) table = { # Annotation / Image / Category ids 'aid': np.array(aids, dtype=np.int32), 'gid': np.array(gids, dtype=np.int32), 'category_id': np.array(cids, dtype=np.int32), # Subpixel box localizations wrt parent image 'cx': np.array(cxs, dtype=np.float32), 'cy': np.array(cys, dtype=np.float32), 'width': np.array(ws, dtype=np.float32), 'height': np.array(hs, dtype=np.float32), } # Parent image id and width / height table['img_width'] = np.array(img_ws, dtype=np.int32) table['img_height'] = np.array(img_hs, dtype=np.int32) targets = kwarray.DataFrameArray(table) return targets
@property def bundle_dpath(self): return self.img_root @bundle_dpath.setter def bundle_dpath(self, value): self.img_root = value @property def data_fpath(self): """ data_fpath is an alias of fpath """ return self.fpath @data_fpath.setter def data_fpath(self, value): self.fpath = value def _orig_coco_fpath(self): """ Hack to reconstruct the original name. Makes assumptions about how naming is handled elsewhere. There should be centralized logic about how to construct side-car names that can be queried for inversed like this. """ # view_fpath = ub.Path(self.fpath) view_fpath = _handle_sql_uri(self.fpath)['parsed'].path view_fpath = ub.Path(view_fpath) if '.view' not in raise ValueError('We are assuming this is a view of an existing json file') orig_fname =[1:].split('.view')[0] + '.json' coco_fpath = view_fpath.parent / orig_fname return coco_fpath def _cached_hashid(self): """ Compatibility with the way the exiting cached hashid in the coco dataset is used. Both of these functions are private and subject to change (and need optimization). """ coco_fpath = self._orig_coco_fpath() # Logic to construct the cache name cache_miss = True cache_dpath = (coco_fpath.parent / '_cache') cache_fname = + '.hashid.cache' hashid_sidecar_fpath = cache_dpath / cache_fname # Generate current lookup key fpath_stat = coco_fpath.stat() status_key = { 'st_size': fpath_stat.st_size, 'st_mtime': fpath_stat.st_mtime } if hashid_sidecar_fpath.exists(): import json cached_data = json.loads(hashid_sidecar_fpath.read_text()) if cached_data['status_key'] == status_key: self.hashid = cached_data['hashid'] self.hashid_parts = cached_data['hashid_parts'] cache_miss = False if cache_miss: raise AssertionError('The cache id should have been written already') return self.hashid
[docs]def cached_sql_coco_view(dct_db_fpath=None, sql_db_fpath=None, dset=None, force_rewrite=False, backend=None): """ Attempts to load a cached SQL-View dataset, only loading and converting the json dataset if necessary. Ignore: pass """ # import os import kwcoco if dct_db_fpath is not None: if dset is not None: raise ValueError('must specify dset xor dct_db_fpath') bundle_dpath = dirname(dct_db_fpath) tag = None elif dset is not None: if dct_db_fpath is not None: raise ValueError('must specify dset xor dct_db_fpath') dct_db_fpath = dset.fpath bundle_dpath = dset.bundle_dpath tag = dset.tag else: raise AssertionError if backend is None: backend = 'sqlite' # TODO: the filename needs to include the hashed state. if sql_db_fpath is None: ext = '.view.' + SCHEMA_VERSION + '.' + backend if backend == 'sqlite': sql_db_fpath = ub.augpath(dct_db_fpath, prefix='_', ext=ext) elif backend == 'postgresql': # TODO: better way of handling authentication # prefix = 'postgresql+psycopg2://kwcoco:kwcoco_pw@localhost:5432' host = os.environ.get('KWCOCO_HOST', 'localhost') port = os.environ.get('KWCOCO_PORT', '5432') user = os.environ.get('KWCOCO_USER', 'admin') passwd = os.environ.get('KWCOCO_PASSWD', 'admin') # Note: a postgres database name can only be 63 characters at most. # Very annoying. from kwcoco.util.util_truncate import smart_truncate postgres_name = smart_truncate( ub.augpath(dct_db_fpath, ext=ext), trunc_loc=0, max_length=60, trunc_char='_').lstrip('/') prefix = f'postgresql+psycopg2://{user}:{passwd}@{host}:{port}' sql_db_fpath = prefix + '/' + postgres_name # ub.augpath(dct_db_fpath, prefix='_', ext=ext) else: raise KeyError(backend) if backend == 'sqlite': cache_product = [sql_db_fpath] else: cache_product = [] self = CocoSqlDatabase(sql_db_fpath, img_root=bundle_dpath, tag=tag) _cache_dpath = (ub.Path(bundle_dpath) / '_cache').ensuredir() enable_cache = not force_rewrite if os.fspath(sql_db_fpath) == ':memory:': enable_cache = False # Note: we don't have a way of comparing timestamps for postgresql # databases, but that shouldn't matter too much stamp = ub.CacheStamp('kwcoco-sql-cache-' + SCHEMA_VERSION, dpath=_cache_dpath, depends=[dct_db_fpath], product=cache_product, enabled=enable_cache, hasher=None, ext='.json', verbose=4) if stamp.expired(): # TODO: use a CacheStamp instead self.delete() self.connect() if dset is None: print('Loading json dataset for SQL conversion') dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dct_db_fpath) # Write the cacheid when making a view, so the view can access it dset._cached_hashid() # Convert a coco file to an sql database print(f'Start SQL({backend}_ conversion') self.populate_from(dset, verbose=1) if stamp.cacher.enabled: stamp.renew() else: self.connect() return self
[docs]def ensure_sql_coco_view(dset, db_fpath=None, force_rewrite=False, backend=None): """ Create a cached on-disk SQL view of an on-disk COCO dataset. # DEPREICATE, use cache function instead Note: This function is fragile. It depends on looking at file modified timestamps to determine if it needs to write the dataset. """ return cached_sql_coco_view(dset=dset, sql_db_fpath=db_fpath, force_rewrite=force_rewrite, backend=backend)
[docs]def demo(num=10, backend=None): import kwcoco dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo( 'vidshapes', num_videos=1, num_frames=num, image_size=(64, 64)) HACK = 1 if HACK: gids = list(dset.imgs.keys()) aids1 = dset.gid_to_aids[gids[-2]] aids2 = dset.gid_to_aids[gids[-4]] # print('aids1 = {!r}'.format(aids1)) # print('aids2 = {!r}'.format(aids2)) dset.remove_annotations(aids1 | aids2) dset.fpath = ub.augpath(dset.fpath, suffix='_hack', multidot=True) if not exists(dset.fpath): dset.dump(dset.fpath, newlines=True) self = dset.view_sql(backend=backend) return self, dset
[docs]def assert_dsets_allclose(dset1, dset2, tag1='dset1', tag2='dset2'): from kwcoco.util.util_json import indexable_allclose # Test that the duck types are working compare = {} compare['gid_to_aids'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.gid_to_aids), tag2: dict(dset2.index.gid_to_aids)} compare['cid_to_aids'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.cid_to_aids), tag2: dict(dset2.index.cid_to_aids)} compare['vidid_to_gids'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.vidid_to_gids), tag2: dict(dset2.index.vidid_to_gids)} for key, pair in compare.items(): lut1 = pair[tag1] lut2 = pair[tag2] assert lut1 == lut2, ( 'Failed {} on lut1={!r}, lut2={!r}'.format(key, lut1, lut2)) # ------ # The row dictionaries may have extra Nones on the SQL side # So the comparison logic is slightly more involved here compare = {} compare['imgs'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.imgs), tag2: dict(dset2.index.imgs)} compare['anns'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.anns), tag2: dict(dset2.index.anns)} compare['cats'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.cats), tag2: dict(dset2.index.cats)} compare['file_name_to_img'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.file_name_to_img), tag2: dict(dset2.index.file_name_to_img)} compare['name_to_cat'] = { tag1: dict(dset1.index.name_to_cat), tag2: dict(dset2.index.name_to_cat)} special_cols = {'_bbox_x', '_bbox_y', '_bbox_w', '_bbox_h'} for key, pair in compare.items(): lut1 = pair[tag1] lut2 = pair[tag2] keys = set(lut1.keys()) & set(lut2.keys()) assert len(keys) == len(lut2) == len(lut1) for key in keys: item1 = ub.dict_diff(lut1[key], special_cols) item2 = ub.dict_diff(lut2[key], special_cols) item1.update(item1.pop(UNSTRUCTURED, {})) item2.update(item2.pop(UNSTRUCTURED, {})) common1 = ub.dict_isect(item2, item1) common2 = ub.dict_isect(item1, item2) diff1 = ub.dict_diff(item1, common2) diff2 = ub.dict_diff(item2, common1) assert indexable_allclose(common2, common1) assert all(v is None for v in diff2.values()) assert all(v is None for v in diff1.values()) return True
def _benchmark_dset_readtime(dset, tag='?', n=4, post_iterate=False): """ Helper for understanding the time differences between backends Note: post_iterate ensures that all of the returned data is looked at by the python interpreter. Makes this a more fair comparison because python can just return pointers to the data, but only in the case where most of the data will touched. For one attribute lookups it is not a good test. Ignore: # Try a RAM disk sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ramdisk sudo chmod -v 777 /mnt/ramdisk sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk Ignore: import kwcoco datasets = {} dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes-videos1-frames20-tracks128', render=False, verbose=3) datasets['dictionary'] = dset datasets['postgres_am0'] = dset.view_sql(backend='postgresql') datasets['postgres_am0'].index._set_alchemy_mode(0) datasets['postgres_am1'] = dset.view_sql(backend='postgresql') datasets['postgres_am1'].index._set_alchemy_mode(1) datasets['sqlite_am1'] = dset.view_sql(backend='sqlite') datasets['sqlite_am1'].index._set_alchemy_mode(1) datasets['sqlite_am0'] = dset.view_sql(backend='sqlite') datasets['sqlite_am0'].index._set_alchemy_mode(0) # datasets['sqlite_memory'] = dset.view_sql(backend='sqlite', memory=True) # datasets['sqlite_ramdisk'] = dset.view_sql(backend='sqlite', sql_db_fpath='/mnt/ramdisk/tmp_ramdisk4.sqlite3') post_iterate = 1 _bkw = dict(post_iterate=post_iterate, n=4) from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import _benchmark_dset_readtime # NOQA print('--') tis = {} for k, v in datasets.items(): print(f' --- {k} ---') tis[k] = _benchmark_dset_readtime(v, k, **_bkw) import pandas as pd rows = [] for ti in tis.values(): for k in ti.measures['min'].keys(): v1 = ti.measures['min'][k] v2 = ti.measures['mean'][k] t, _, c = k.partition(' ') rows.append({'label': t, 'test': c, 'min': v1, 'mean': v2}) tests = list(ub.unique([r['test'] for r in rows])) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) piv = df.pivot('test', 'label', 'mean').loc[tests] import rich rich.print(piv.to_string()) """ import timerit ti = timerit.Timerit(n, bestof=2, verbose=2) for timer in ti.reset('{} dict(gid_to_aids)'.format(tag)): with timer: r = dict(dset.index.gid_to_aids) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} dict(cid_to_aids)'.format(tag)): with timer: r = dict(dset.index.cid_to_aids) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} dict(imgs)'.format(tag)): with timer: r = dict(dset.index.imgs) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} dict(cats)'.format(tag)): with timer: r = dict(dset.index.cats) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} dict(anns)'.format(tag)): with timer: r = dict(dset.index.anns) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} dict(vidid_to_gids)'.format(tag)): with timer: r = dict(dset.index.vidid_to_gids) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} ann list iteration'.format(tag)): with timer: r = list(dset.dataset['annotations']) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} ann dict iteration'.format(tag)): with timer: r = list(dset.index.anns.items()) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) for timer in ti.reset('{} ann random lookup'.format(tag)): aids = list(dset.index.anns.keys())[0:10] with timer: for aid in aids: r = dset.index.anns[aid] if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) def _take_test(attr): for timer in ti.reset('{} take ann.{}'.format(tag, attr)): with timer: r = [ann.get(attr, None) for ann in dset.dataset['annotations']] if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) def _lookup_test(attr): for timer in ti.reset('{} annots.lookup({})'.format(tag, attr)): with timer: r = dset.annots().lookup(attr, default=None) if post_iterate: list(ub.IndexableWalker(r)) _take_test('image_id') _lookup_test('image_id') _take_test('bbox') _lookup_test('bbox') _take_test('segmentation') _lookup_test('segmentation') return ti def _benchmark_dict_proxy_ops(proxy): """ Get insight on the efficiency of operations """ import timerit orig_mode = proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE ti = timerit.Timerit(1, bestof=1, verbose=2) results = ub.ddict(dict) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 1 for timer in ti.reset('keys alc sql'): with timer: results['keys']['alc'] = list(proxy.keys()) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 0 for timer in ti.reset('keys raw sql'): with timer: results['keys']['raw'] = list(proxy.keys()) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 1 for timer in ti.reset('values alc sql'): with timer: results['vals']['alc'] = list(proxy.values()) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 0 for timer in ti.reset('values raw sql'): with timer: results['vals']['raw'] = list(proxy.values()) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 1 for timer in ti.reset('naive values'): with timer: results['vals']['alc-naive'] = [proxy[key] for key in proxy.keys()] proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 0 for timer in ti.reset('naive values'): with timer: results['vals']['raw-naive'] = [proxy[key] for key in proxy.keys()] proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 1 for timer in ti.reset('items alc sql'): with timer: results['items']['alc'] = list(proxy.items()) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = 0 for timer in ti.reset('items raw sql'): with timer: results['items']['raw'] = list(proxy.items()) for key, modes in results.items(): if not ub.allsame(modes.values()): raise AssertionError('Inconsistency in {!r}'.format(key)) proxy.ALCHEMY_MODE = orig_mode return ti
[docs]def devcheck(): """ Scratch work for things that should eventually become unit or doc tests from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import * # NOQA self, dset = demo() """ # self, dset = demo(backend='sqlite') self, dset = demo(backend='postgresql') ti_sql = _benchmark_dset_readtime(self, 'sql') ti_dct = _benchmark_dset_readtime(dset, 'dct') print('ti_sql.rankings = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti_sql.rankings, nl=2, precision=6, align=':'))) print('ti_dct.rankings = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti_dct.rankings, nl=2, precision=6, align=':'))) # Read the sql tables into pandas # table_names = self.engine.table_names() # deprecated table_names = sqlalchemy.inspect(self.engine).get_table_names() for key in table_names: print('\n----') print('key = {!r}'.format(key)) table_df = self.raw_table(key) print(table_df) import ndsampler self.hashid = 'foobarjunk' sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler(self, backend=None) regions = sampler.regions regions.isect_index regions.get_segmentations([1, 3]) regions.get_positive(1) regions.get_negative() import timerit with timerit.Timer('annots'): self.annots() proxy = self.index.imgs gids = list(proxy.keys()) chosen_gids = gids[1:1000:4] query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls).order_by( print(query.statement) query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls).filter( stmt = query.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}) print(stmt) with timerit.Timer('query with in hardcode'): query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls).filter( stmt = query.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}) items0 = proxy.session.execute(str(stmt)).fetchall() # NOQA with timerit.Timer('query with in'): query = proxy.session.query(proxy.cls).filter( items1 = query.all() # NOQA with timerit.Timer('naive'): items2 = [proxy[gid] for gid in chosen_gids] # NOQA print(query.statement)