kwcoco.examples.getting_started_existing_dataset module


If you want to start using the Python API. Just open IPython and try:

>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2')
>>> #
>>> aids = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> annots = dset.annots(aids)
>>> print('annots = {!r}'.format(annots))
annots = <Annots(num=4) at ...>
>>> annots.lookup('bbox')
[[346.5, 335.2, 33.2, 99.4],
 [344.5, 327.7, 48.8, 111.1],
 [548.0, 154.4, 57.2, 62.1],
 [548.7, 151.0, 59.4, 80.5]]
>>> gids = annots.lookup('image_id')
>>> print('gids = {!r}'.format(gids))
gids = [1, 2, 1, 2]
>>> images = dset.images(gids)
>>> list(zip(images.lookup('width'), images.lookup('height')))
[(600, 600), (600, 600), (600, 600), (600, 600)]