kwcoco.coco_image module

Defines the CocoImage class which is an object oriented way of manipulating data pointed to by a COCO image dictionary.

Notably this provides the .imdelay method for delayed image loading ( which enables things like fast loading of subimage-regions / coarser scales in images that contain tiles / overviews - e.g. Cloud Optimized Geotiffs or COGs (Medical image formats may be supported in the future).

class kwcoco.coco_image.CocoImage(img, dset=None)[source]

Bases: AliasedDictProxy, NiceRepr

An object-oriented representation of a coco image.

It provides helper methods that are specific to a single image.

This operates directly on a single coco image dictionary, but it can optionally be connected to a parent dataset, which allows it to use CocoDataset methods to query about relationships and resolve pointers.

This is different than the Images class in coco_object1d, which is just a vectorized interface to multiple objects.


>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = kwcoco.CocoImage(dset1.imgs[1], dset1)
>>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self))
>>> print('self.channels = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.channels, nl=1)))
>>> self = kwcoco.CocoImage(dset2.imgs[1], dset2)
>>> print('self.channels = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.channels, nl=1)))
>>> self.primary_asset()
>>> assert 'auxiliary' in self
classmethod from_gid(dset, gid)[source]
property bundle_dpath
property video

Helper to grab the video for this image if it exists


Removes references to the underlying coco dataset, but keeps special information such that it wont be needed.

property assets
property datetime

Try to get datetime information for this image. Not always possible.


a 1d annotations object referencing annotations in this image

Return type


get(key, default=NoParam)[source]

Proxy getter attribute for underlying self.img dictionary

property channels
property num_channels
property dsize

Compute a “main” image asset.


Uses a heuristic.

  • First, try to find the auxiliary image that has with the smallest

distortion to the base image (if known via warp_aux_to_img)

  • Second, break ties by using the largest image if w / h is known

  • Last, if previous information not available use the first auxiliary image.


requires (List[str] | None) – list of attribute that must be non-None to consider an object as the primary one.


the asset dict or None if it is not found

Return type

None | dict


  • [ ] Add in primary heuristics


>>> import kwarray
>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0)
>>> def random_auxiliary(name, w=None, h=None):
>>>     return {'file_name': name, 'width': w, 'height': h}
>>> self = CocoImage({
>>>     'auxiliary': [
>>>         random_auxiliary('1'),
>>>         random_auxiliary('2'),
>>>         random_auxiliary('3'),
>>>     ]
>>> })
>>> assert self.primary_asset()['file_name'] == '1'
>>> self = CocoImage({
>>>     'auxiliary': [
>>>         random_auxiliary('1'),
>>>         random_auxiliary('2', 3, 3),
>>>         random_auxiliary('3'),
>>>     ]
>>> })
>>> assert self.primary_asset()['file_name'] == '2'

Could rename to iter_asset_filepaths


with_bundle (bool) – If True, prepends the bundle dpath to fully specify the path. Otherwise, just returns the registered string in the file_name attribute of each asset. Defaults to True.




Iterate through base + auxiliary dicts that have file paths


dict – an image or auxiliary dictionary


Find the asset dictionary with the specified channels


>>> import kwcoco
>>> coco_img = kwcoco.CocoImage({'width': 128, 'height': 128})
>>> coco_img.add_auxiliary_item(
>>>     'rgb.png', channels='red|green|blue', width=32, height=32)
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('red') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('green') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('blue') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('red|blue') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('red|green|blue') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('red|green|blue') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('black') is None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('r') is None


>>> # Test with concise channel code
>>> import kwcoco
>>> coco_img = kwcoco.CocoImage({'width': 128, 'height': 128})
>>> coco_img.add_auxiliary_item(
>>>     'msi.png', channels='foo.0:128', width=32, height=32)
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('foo') is None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('foo.3') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('foo.3:5') is not None
>>> assert coco_img.find_asset_obj('foo.3000') is None

Adds an annotation to this image.

This is a convinience method, and requires that this CocoImage is still connected to a parent dataset.


**ann – annotation attributes (e.g. bbox, category_id)


the new annotation id

Return type




add_asset(file_name=None, channels=None, imdata=None, warp_aux_to_img=None, width=None, height=None, imwrite=False)[source]

Adds an auxiliary / asset item to the image dictionary.

This operation can be done purely in-memory (the default), or the image data can be written to a file on disk (via the imwrite=True flag).

  • file_name (str | PathLike | None) – The name of the file relative to the bundle directory. If unspecified, imdata must be given.

  • channels (str | kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec | None) – The channel code indicating what each of the bands represents. These channels should be disjoint wrt to the existing data in this image (this is not checked).

  • imdata (ndarray | None) – The underlying image data this auxiliary item represents. If unspecified, it is assumed file_name points to a path on disk that will eventually exist. If imdata, file_name, and the special imwrite=True flag are specified, this function will write the data to disk.

  • warp_aux_to_img (kwimage.Affine | None) – The transformation from this auxiliary space to image space. If unspecified, assumes this item is related to image space by only a scale factor.

  • width (int | None) – Width of the data in auxiliary space (inferred if unspecified)

  • height (int | None) – Height of the data in auxiliary space (inferred if unspecified)

  • imwrite (bool) – If specified, both imdata and file_name must be specified, and this will write the data to disk. Note: it it recommended that you simply call imwrite yourself before or after calling this function. This lets you better control imwrite parameters.


  • [ ] Allow imwrite to specify an executor that is used to

return a Future so the imwrite call does not block.


>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> imdata = np.random.rand(32, 32, 5)
>>> channels = kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('Aux:5')
>>> coco_img.add_asset(imdata=imdata, channels=channels)


>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset()
>>> gid = dset.add_image(name='my_image_name', width=200, height=200)
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(gid)
>>> coco_img.add_asset('path/img1_B0.tif', channels='B0', width=200, height=200)
>>> coco_img.add_asset('path/img1_B1.tif', channels='B1', width=200, height=200)
>>> coco_img.add_asset('path/img1_B2.tif', channels='B2', width=200, height=200)
>>> coco_img.add_asset('path/img1_TCI.tif', channels='r|g|b', width=200, height=200)
imdelay(channels=None, space='image', resolution=None, bundle_dpath=None, interpolation='linear', antialias=True, nodata_method=None, RESOLUTION_KEY=None)[source]

Perform a delayed load on the data in this image.

The delayed load can load a subset of channels, and perform lazy warping operations. If the underlying data is in a tiled format this can reduce the amount of disk IO needed to read the data if only a small crop or lower resolution view of the data is needed.


This method is experimental and relies on the delayed load proof-of-concept.

  • gid (int) – image id to load

  • channels (kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec) – specific channels to load. if unspecified, all channels are loaded.

  • space (str) – can either be “image” for loading in image space, or “video” for loading in video space.

  • resolution (None | str | float) – If specified, applies an additional scale factor to the result such that the data is loaded at this specified resolution. This requires that the image / video has a registered resolution attribute and that its units agree with this request.


  • [ ] This function could stand to have a better name. Maybe imread

    with a delayed=True flag? Or maybe just delayed_load?


>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> gid = 1
>>> #
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = CocoImage(dset.imgs[gid], dset)
>>> delayed = self.imdelay()
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> #
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> delayed = dset.coco_image(gid).imdelay()
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> crop = delayed.crop((slice(0, 3), slice(0, 3)))
>>> crop.finalize()
>>> # TODO: should only select the "red" channel
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> delayed = CocoImage(dset.imgs[gid], dset).imdelay(channels='r')
>>> import kwcoco
>>> gid = 1
>>> #
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> delayed = dset.coco_image(gid).imdelay(channels='B1|B2', space='image')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> delayed = dset.coco_image(gid).imdelay(channels='B1|B2|B11', space='image')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> delayed = dset.coco_image(gid).imdelay(channels='B8|B1', space='video')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))
>>> delayed = dset.coco_image(gid).imdelay(channels='B8|foo|bar|B1', space='video')
>>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed))
>>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize()))


>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo()
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> # Test case where nothing is registered in the dataset
>>> delayed = coco_img.imdelay()
>>> final = delayed.finalize()
>>> assert final.shape == (512, 512, 3)
>>> delayed = coco_img.imdelay()
>>> final = delayed.finalize()
>>> print('final.shape = {}'.format(ub.urepr(final.shape, nl=1)))
>>> assert final.shape == (512, 512, 3)


>>> # Test that delay works when imdata is stored in the image
>>> # dictionary itself.
>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> imdata = np.random.rand(6, 6, 5)
>>> imdata[:] = np.arange(5)[None, None, :]
>>> channels = kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('Aux:5')
>>> coco_img.add_auxiliary_item(imdata=imdata, channels=channels)
>>> delayed = coco_img.imdelay(channels='B1|Aux:2:4')
>>> final = delayed.finalize()


>>> # Test delay when loading in asset space
>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-msi-multisensor')
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> stream1 = coco_img.channels.streams()[0]
>>> stream2 = coco_img.channels.streams()[1]
>>> asset_delayed = coco_img.imdelay(stream1, space='asset')
>>> img_delayed = coco_img.imdelay(stream1, space='image')
>>> vid_delayed = coco_img.imdelay(stream1, space='video')
>>> #
>>> aux_imdata = asset_delayed.as_xarray().finalize()
>>> img_imdata = img_delayed.as_xarray().finalize()
>>> assert aux_imdata.shape != img_imdata.shape
>>> # Cannot load multiple asset items at the same time in
>>> # asset space
>>> import pytest
>>> fused_channels = stream1 | stream2
>>> from delayed_image.delayed_nodes import CoordinateCompatibilityError
>>> with pytest.raises(CoordinateCompatibilityError):
>>>     aux_delayed2 = coco_img.imdelay(fused_channels, space='asset')


>>> # Test loading at a specific resolution.
>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-msi-multisensor')
>>> coco_img = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> coco_img.img['resolution'] = '1 meter'
>>> img_delayed1 = coco_img.imdelay(space='image')
>>> vid_delayed1 = coco_img.imdelay(space='video')
>>> # test with unitless request
>>> img_delayed2 = coco_img.imdelay(space='image', resolution=3.1)
>>> vid_delayed2 = coco_img.imdelay(space='video', resolution='3.1 meter')
>>> np.ceil(img_delayed1.shape[0] / 3.1) == img_delayed2.shape[0]
>>> np.ceil(vid_delayed1.shape[0] / 3.1) == vid_delayed2.shape[0]
>>> # test with unitless data
>>> coco_img.img['resolution'] = 1
>>> img_delayed2 = coco_img.imdelay(space='image', resolution=3.1)
>>> vid_delayed2 = coco_img.imdelay(space='video', resolution='3.1 meter')
>>> np.ceil(img_delayed1.shape[0] / 3.1) == img_delayed2.shape[0]
>>> np.ceil(vid_delayed1.shape[0] / 3.1) == vid_delayed2.shape[0]

If this image has a valid polygon, return it in image, or video space

property warp_vid_from_img

Affine transformation that warps image space -> video space.

property warp_img_from_vid

Affine transformation that warps video space -> image space.

resolution(space='image', channel=None, RESOLUTION_KEY=None)[source]

Returns the resolution of this CocoImage in the requested space if known. Errors if this information is not registered.

  • space (str) – the space to the resolution of. Can be either “image”, “video”, or “asset”.

  • channel (str | kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec | None) – a channel that identifies a single asset, only relevant if asking for asset space


has items mag (with the magnitude of the resolution) and unit, which is a convinience and only loosely enforced.

Return type



>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> self.img['resolution'] = 1
>>> self.resolution()
>>> self.img['resolution'] = '1 meter'
>>> self.resolution(space='video')
{'mag': (1.0, 1.0), 'unit': 'meter'}
>>> self.resolution(space='asset', channel='B11')
>>> self.resolution(space='asset', channel='B1')

Show the image with matplotlib if possible




>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot)
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autoplt()

Draw the image on an ndarray using opencv




>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> self = dset.coco_image(1)
>>> canvas = self.draw()
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(canvas)
class kwcoco.coco_image.CocoAsset(asset)[source]

Bases: AliasedDictProxy, NiceRepr

A Coco Asset / Auxiliary Item

Represents one 2D image file relative to a parent img.

Could be a single asset, or an image with sub-assets, but sub-assets are ignored here.

Initially we called these “auxiliary” items, but I think we should change their name to “assets”, which better maps with STAC terminology.


>>> from kwcoco.coco_image import *  # NOQA
>>> self = CocoAsset({'warp_aux_to_img': 'foo'})
>>> assert 'warp_aux_to_img' in self
>>> assert 'warp_img_from_asset' in self
>>> assert 'warp_wld_from_asset' not in self
>>> assert 'warp_to_wld' not in self
>>> self['warp_aux_to_img'] = 'bar'
>>> assert self._proxy == {'warp_aux_to_img': 'bar'}