Source code for

Downloads the CamVid data if necessary, and converts it to COCO.
from os.path import relpath
from os.path import exists
from os.path import join
import ubelt as ub

[docs]def _devcheck_sample_full_image(): """ """ import kwimage import numpy as np sampler = grab_camvid_sampler() cid_to_cidx = sampler.catgraph.id_to_idx classes = sampler.catgraph # Try loading an entire image img, annots = sampler.load_image_with_annots(1) file = img['imdata'] imdata = file[:] aids = [ann['id'] for ann in annots] _annots = sampler.dset.annots(aids) sseg_list = [] for s in _annots.lookup('segmentation'): m = kwimage.MultiPolygon.coerce(s) sseg_list.append(m) aids = _annots.aids cids = _annots.cids boxes = _annots.boxes segmentations = kwimage.PolygonList(sseg_list) class_idxs = np.array([cid_to_cidx[cid] for cid in cids]) dets = kwimage.Detections( aids=aids, boxes=boxes, class_idxs=class_idxs, segmentations=segmentations, classes=classes, datakeys=['aids'], ) if 1: print('dets = {!r}'.format(dets)) print(' = {!r}'.format( print('dets.meta = {!r}'.format(dets.meta)) if ub.argflag('--show'): import kwplot with ub.Timer('dets.draw_on'): canvas = imdata.copy() canvas = dets.draw_on(canvas) kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=(1, 2, 1), title='dets.draw_on') with ub.Timer('dets.draw'): kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), docla=True, title='dets.draw') dets.draw()
[docs]def _devcheck_load_sub_image(): import kwimage import numpy as np sampler = grab_camvid_sampler() cid_to_cidx = sampler.catgraph.id_to_idx classes = sampler.catgraph # Try loading a subregion of an image sample = sampler.load_positive(2) imdata = sample['im'] annots = sample['annots'] aids = annots['aids'] cids = annots['cids'] boxes = annots['rel_boxes'] class_idxs = np.array([cid_to_cidx[cid] for cid in cids]) segmentations = annots['rel_ssegs'] raw_dets = kwimage.Detections( aids=aids, boxes=boxes, class_idxs=class_idxs, segmentations=segmentations, classes=classes, datakeys=['aids'], ) # Clip boxes to the image boundary input_dims = imdata.shape[0:2]['boxes'] = raw_dets.boxes.clip(0, 0, input_dims[1], input_dims[0]) keep = [] for i, s in enumerate(['segmentations']): # TODO: clip polygons m = s.to_mask(input_dims) if m.area > 0: keep.append(i) dets = raw_dets.take(keep) heatmap = dets.rasterize(bg_size=(1, 1), input_dims=input_dims) if 1: print('dets = {!r}'.format(dets)) print(' = {!r}'.format( print('dets.meta = {!r}'.format(dets.meta)) if ub.argflag('--show'): import kwplot kwplot.autompl() heatmap.draw() draw_boxes = 1 kwplot.figure(doclf=True) with ub.Timer('dets.draw_on'): canvas = imdata.copy() # TODO: add logic to color by class canvas = dets.draw_on(canvas, boxes=draw_boxes, color='random') kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=(1, 2, 1), title='dets.draw_on') with ub.Timer('dets.draw'): kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), docla=True, title='dets.draw') dets.draw(boxes=draw_boxes, color='random')
[docs]def grab_camvid_train_test_val_splits(coco_dset, mode='segnet'): # Use the split from SegNet: split_files = { 'train': ub.grabdata(''), 'vali': ub.grabdata(''), 'test': ub.grabdata(''), } gid_subsets = {} for tag, fpath in split_files.items(): text = open(fpath, 'r').read() parts = text.replace('\n', ' ').split(' ') parts = [p for p in parts if p] from os.path import basename names = sorted(set(basename(p) for p in parts)) gids = [coco_dset.index.file_name_to_img['701_StillsRaw_full/' + name]['id'] for name in names] gid_subsets[tag] = gids return gid_subsets
[docs]def grab_camvid_sampler(): """ Grab a kwcoco.CocoSampler object for the CamVid dataset. Returns: kwcoco.CocoSampler: sampler Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--download) >>> sampler = grab_camvid_sampler() >>> print('sampler = {!r}'.format(sampler)) >>> # sampler.load_sample() >>> for gid in ub.ProgIter(sampler.image_ids, desc='load image'): >>> img = sampler.load_image(gid) """ import kwcoco dset = grab_coco_camvid() workdir = ub.Path.appdir('camvid').ensuredir() sampler = kwcoco.CocoSampler(dset, workdir=workdir) return sampler
[docs]def grab_coco_camvid(): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--download) >>> dset = grab_coco_camvid() >>> print('dset = {!r}'.format(dset)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> plt.clf() >>> dset.show_image(gid=1) Ignore: import xdev gid_list = list(dset.imgs) for gid in xdev.InteractiveIter(gid_list): dset.show_image(gid) xdev.InteractiveIter.draw() """ import kwcoco cache_dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco', 'camvid').ensuredir() coco_fpath = join(cache_dpath, 'camvid.mscoco.json') # Need to manually bump this if you make a change to loading SCRIPT_VERSION = 'v4' # Ubelt's stamp-based caches are super cheap and let you take control of # the data format. stamp = ub.CacheStamp('camvid_coco', depends=[SCRIPT_VERSION], dpath=cache_dpath, product=coco_fpath, hasher='sha1', verbose=3) if stamp.expired(): camvid_raw_info = grab_raw_camvid() dset = convert_camvid_raw_to_coco(camvid_raw_info) with ub.Timer('dumping MS-COCO dset to: {}'.format(coco_fpath)): dset.dump(coco_fpath) # Mark this process as completed by saving a small file containing the # hash of the "product" you are stamping. stamp.renew() # We can also cache the index build step independently. This uses # ubelt.Cacher, which is pickle based, and writes the actual object to # disk. Each type of caching has its own uses and tradeoffs. cacher = ub.Cacher('prebuilt-coco', depends=[SCRIPT_VERSION], dpath=cache_dpath, verbose=3) dset = cacher.tryload() if dset is None: print('Reading coco_fpath = {!r}'.format(coco_fpath)) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(coco_fpath, tag='camvid') # Directly save the file to disk. dset._build_index() dset._build_hashid() camvid_dset = dset print('Loaded camvid_dset = {!r}'.format(camvid_dset)) return camvid_dset
[docs]def grab_raw_camvid(): """ Grab the raw camvid data. """ import zipfile dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco', 'camvid').ensuredir() # url = '' # url = '' url = '' zip_fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname='', dpath=dpath) dset_root = join(dpath, 'camvid-master') image_dpath = join(dset_root, '701_StillsRaw_full') mask_dpath = join(dset_root, 'LabeledApproved_full') label_path = join(dset_root, 'label_colors.txt') if not exists(image_dpath): zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_fpath, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(dpath) zip_ref.close() import glob img_paths = sorted([relpath(fpath, dset_root) for fpath in glob.glob(join(image_dpath, '*.png'))]) mask_paths = sorted([relpath(fpath, dset_root) for fpath in glob.glob(join(mask_dpath, '*.png'))]) camvid_raw_info = { 'img_paths': img_paths, 'mask_paths': mask_paths, 'dset_root': dset_root, 'label_path': label_path, } return camvid_raw_info
[docs]def rgb_to_cid(r, g, b): cid = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b << 0) return cid
[docs]def cid_to_rgb(cid): mask_b = (int(2 ** 8) - 1) << 0 mask_g = (int(2 ** 8) - 1) << 8 mask_r = (int(2 ** 8) - 1) << 16 r = (cid & mask_b) >> 0 g = (cid & mask_g) >> 8 b = (cid & mask_r) >> 16 rgb = (r, g, b) return rgb
[docs]def convert_camvid_raw_to_coco(camvid_raw_info): """ Converts the raw camvid format to an MSCOCO based format, ( which lets use use kwcoco's COCO backend). Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--download) >>> camvid_raw_info = grab_raw_camvid() >>> # test with a reduced set of data >>> del camvid_raw_info['img_paths'][2:] >>> del camvid_raw_info['mask_paths'][2:] >>> dset = convert_camvid_raw_to_coco(camvid_raw_info) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> dset.show_image(gid=1) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> dset.show_image(gid=2) """ import re import kwimage import kwcoco print('Converting CamVid to MS-COCO format') dset_root, img_paths, label_path, mask_paths = ub.take( camvid_raw_info, 'dset_root, img_paths, label_path, mask_paths'.split(', ')) img_infos = { 'img_fname': img_paths, 'mask_fname': mask_paths, } keys = list(img_infos.keys()) next_vals = list(zip(*img_infos.values())) image_items = [{k: v for k, v in zip(keys, vals)} for vals in next_vals] dataset = { 'img_root': dset_root, 'images': [], 'categories': [], 'annotations': [], } lines = ub.readfrom(label_path).split('\n') lines = [line for line in lines if line] for line in lines: color_text, name = re.split('\t+', line) r, g, b = map(int, color_text.split(' ')) color = (r, g, b) # Parse the special camvid format cid = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b << 0) cat = { 'id': cid, 'name': name, 'color': color, } dataset['categories'].append(cat) for gid, img_item in enumerate(image_items, start=1): img = { 'id': gid, 'file_name': img_item['img_fname'], # nonstandard image field 'segmentation': img_item['mask_fname'], } dataset['images'].append(img) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dataset) dset.rename_categories({'Void': 'background'}) assert dset.name_to_cat['background']['id'] == 0 dset.name_to_cat['background'].setdefault('alias', []).append('Void') if False: _define_camvid_class_hierarcy(dset) if 1: # TODO: Binarize CCs (and efficiently encode if possible) import numpy as np bad_info = [] once = False # Add images dset.remove_annotations(list(dset.index.anns.keys())) for gid, img in ub.ProgIter(dset.imgs.items(), desc='parse label masks'): mask_fpath = join(dset_root, img['segmentation']) rgb_mask = kwimage.imread(mask_fpath, space='rgb') r, g, b = rgb_mask.T.astype(np.int64) cid_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(rgb_to_cid(r, g, b).T) cids = set(np.unique(cid_mask)) - {0} for cid in cids: if cid not in dset.cats: if gid == 618: # Handle a known issue with image 618 c_mask = (cid == cid_mask).astype(np.uint8) total_bad = c_mask.sum() if total_bad < 32: if not once: print('gid 618 has a few known bad pixels, ignoring them') once = True continue else: raise Exception('more bad pixels than expected') else: raise Exception('UNKNOWN cid = {!r} in gid={!r}'.format(cid, gid)) # bad_rgb = cid_to_rgb(cid) # print('bad_rgb = {!r}'.format(bad_rgb)) # print('WARNING UNKNOWN cid = {!r} in gid={!r}'.format(cid, gid)) # bad_info.append({ # 'gid': gid, # 'cid': cid, # }) else: ann = { 'category_id': cid, 'image_id': gid # 'segmentation': mask.to_coco() } assert cid in dset.cats c_mask = (cid == cid_mask).astype(np.uint8) mask = kwimage.Mask(c_mask, 'c_mask') box = kwimage.Boxes([mask.get_xywh()], 'xywh') # box = mask.to_boxes() ann['bbox'] = ub.peek(box.to_coco()) ann['segmentation'] = mask.to_coco() dset.add_annotation(**ann) if 0: bad_cids = [i['cid'] for i in bad_info] print(sorted([c['color'] for c in dataset['categories']])) print(sorted(set([cid_to_rgb(i['cid']) for i in bad_info]))) gid = 618 img = dset.imgs[gid] mask_fpath = join(dset_root, img['segmentation']) rgb_mask = kwimage.imread(mask_fpath, space='rgb') r, g, b = rgb_mask.T.astype(np.int64) cid_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(rgb_to_cid(r, g, b).T) cid_hist = ub.dict_hist(cid_mask.ravel()) bad_cid_hist = {} for cid in bad_cids: bad_cid_hist[cid] = cid_hist.pop(cid) import kwplot kwplot.autompl() kwplot.imshow(rgb_mask) if 0: import kwplot plt = kwplot.autoplt() plt.clf() dset.show_image(1) import xdev gid_list = list(dset.imgs) for gid in xdev.InteractiveIter(gid_list): dset.show_image(gid) xdev.InteractiveIter.draw() dset._build_index() dset._build_hashid() return dset
[docs]def _define_camvid_class_hierarcy(dset): # add extra supercategories # NOTE: life-conscious, and life-inanimate are disjoint in this # forumlation because we are restricted to a tree structure. If # this changse, then we can try rencoding with multiple parents. extra_structure = { # Break down the image into things that are part of the system, and # things that aren't 'background': 'root', 'system': 'root', # The system is made up of environmental components and actor # components. 'environment': 'system', 'actor': 'system', # Break actors (things with complex movement) into subtypes 'life-conscious': 'actor', 'vehicle-land': 'actor', 'actor-other': 'actor', # Break the environment (things with simple movement) info subtypes 'life-inanimate': 'environment', 'civil-structure': 'environment', 'civil-notice': 'environment', 'transport-way': 'environment', # Subclassify transport mediums 'drive-way': 'transport-way', 'walk-way': 'transport-way', } for child, parent in extra_structure.items(): if child in dset.name_to_cat: dset.name_to_cat[child]['supercategory'] = parent else: dset.add_category(name=child, supercategory=parent) dset.name_to_cat['background']['supercategory'] = 'root' dset.name_to_cat['Sky']['supercategory'] = 'environment' dset.name_to_cat['Animal']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['Bicyclist']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['Pedestrian']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['Child']['supercategory'] = 'life-conscious' dset.name_to_cat['OtherMoving']['supercategory'] = 'actor-other' dset.name_to_cat['CartLuggagePram']['supercategory'] = 'actor-other' dset.name_to_cat['Car']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['Train']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['Truck_Bus']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['SUVPickupTruck']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['MotorcycleScooter']['supercategory'] = 'vehicle-land' dset.name_to_cat['VegetationMisc']['supercategory'] = 'life-inanimate' dset.name_to_cat['Tree']['supercategory'] = 'life-inanimate' dset.name_to_cat['Column_Pole']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Fence']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Wall']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Building']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Archway']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Bridge']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['Tunnel']['supercategory'] = 'civil-structure' dset.name_to_cat['TrafficCone']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['TrafficLight']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['LaneMkgsDriv']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['LaneMkgsNonDriv']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['SignSymbol']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['ParkingBlock']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['Misc_Text']['supercategory'] = 'civil-notice' dset.name_to_cat['Road']['supercategory'] = 'drive-way' dset.name_to_cat['RoadShoulder']['supercategory'] = 'drive-way' dset.name_to_cat['Sidewalk']['supercategory'] = 'walk-way' for cat in list(dset.cats.values()): parent = cat.get('supercategory', None) if parent is not None: if parent not in dset.name_to_cat: print('Missing parent = {!r}'.format(parent)) dset.add_category(name=parent, supercategory=parent) if 0: graph = dset.category_graph() import graphid graphid.util.show_nx(graph) # Add in some hierarcy information if 0: for x in dset.name_to_cat: print("dset.name_to_cat[{!r}]['supercategory'] = 'object'".format(x)) if 0: example_cat_aids = [] for cat in dset.cats.values(): cname = cat['name'] aids = dset.index.cid_to_aids[dset.name_to_cat[cname]['id']] if len(aids): aid = ub.peek(aids) example_cat_aids.append(aid) else: print('No examples of cat = {!r}'.format(cat)) import xdev import kwplot kwplot.autompl() for aid in xdev.InteractiveIter(example_cat_aids): print('aid = {!r}'.format(aid)) ann = dset.anns[aid] cat = dset.cats[ann['category_id']] print('cat = {!r}'.format(cat)) dset.show_image(aid=aid) xdev.InteractiveIter.draw() if 0: cname = 'CartLuggagePram' cname = 'ParkingBlock' cname = 'LaneMkgsDriv' aids = dset.index.cid_to_aids[dset.name_to_cat[cname]['id']] if len(aids): aid = ub.peek(aids) print('aid = {!r}'.format(aid)) ann = dset.anns[aid] cat = dset.cats[ann['category_id']] print('cat = {!r}'.format(cat)) dset.show_image(aid=aid)
[docs]def main(): """ Dump the paths to the coco file to stdout By default these will go to in the path: ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master The four files will be: ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-full.mscoco.json ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-train.mscoco.json ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-vali.mscoco.json ~/.cache/kwcoco/camvid/camvid-master/camvid-test.mscoco.json """ # import scriptconfig as scfg # class GrabCamVid_Config(scfg.Config): # default = { # 'dpath': scfg.Path( # ub.gPath.appdir('kwcoco', 'camvid'), help='download location') # } # config = GrabCamVid_Config() coco_dset = grab_coco_camvid() # Use the same train/test/vali splits used in segnet gid_subsets = grab_camvid_train_test_val_splits(coco_dset, mode='segnet') dpath = coco_dset.dataset['img_root'] # Dump the full dataset fpath = join(dpath, 'camvid-full.mscoco.json') print(fpath) coco_dset.dump(open(fpath, 'w')) # Dump the train/vali/test splits for tag, gids in gid_subsets.items(): subset = coco_dset.subset(gids) fpath = join(dpath, 'camvid-{}.mscoco.json'.format(tag)) print(fpath) subset.dump(open(fpath, 'w'))
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m """ main()