kwcoco.cli.coco_conform module

class kwcoco.cli.coco_conform.CocoConformCLI[source]

Bases: object

name = 'conform'
class CLIConfig(data=None, default=None, cmdline=False)[source]

Bases: Config

Infer properties to make the COCO file conform to different specs.

Arguments can be used to control which information is inferred. By default, information such as image size, annotation area, are added to the file.

Other arguments like --legacy and --mmlab can be used to conform to specifications expected by external tooling.

  • data (object) – filepath, dict, or None

  • default (dict | None) – overrides the class defaults

  • cmdline (bool | List[str] | str | dict) – If False, then no command line information is used. If True, then sys.argv is parsed and used. If a list of strings that used instead of sys.argv. If a string, then that is parsed using shlex and used instead

    of sys.argv.

    If a dictionary grants fine grained controls over the args passed to Config._read_argv(). Can contain:

    • strict (bool): defaults to False

    • argv (List[str]): defaults to None

    • special_options (bool): defaults to True

    • autocomplete (bool): defaults to False

    Defaults to False.


Avoid setting cmdline parameter here. Instead prefer to use the cli classmethod to create a command line aware config instance..

epilog = '\n        Example Usage:\n            kwcoco conform --help\n            kwcoco conform --src=special:shapes8 --dst conformed.json\n            kwcoco conform special:shapes8 conformed.json\n        '
default = {'compress': <Value('auto')>, 'dst': <Value(None)>, 'ensure_imgsize': <Value(True)>, 'legacy': <Value(False)>, 'mmlab': <Value(False)>, 'pycocotools_info': <Value(True)>, 'src': <Value(None)>, 'workers': <Value(8)>}
classmethod main(cmdline=True, **kw)[source]


>>> from kwcoco.cli.coco_conform import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/cli/conform').ensuredir()
>>> dst = dpath / 'out.kwcoco.json'
>>> kw = {'src': 'special:shapes8', 'dst': dst, 'compress': True}
>>> cmdline = False
>>> cls = CocoConformCLI
>>> cls.main(cmdline, **kw)

alias of CocoConformCLI