Source code for delayed_image.delayed_leafs

Terminal nodes

import kwarray
import kwimage
import numpy as np
import warnings
from delayed_image.delayed_nodes import DelayedImage, TRACE_OPTIMIZE
# from delayed_image.delayed_nodes import DelayedArray

    from xdev import profile
except ImportError:
    from ubelt import identity as profile

__docstubs__ = """
from delayed_image.channel_spec import FusedChannelSpec

[docs] class DelayedImageLeaf(DelayedImage):
[docs] def get_transform_from_leaf(self): """ Returns the transformation that would align data with the leaf Returns: kwimage.Affine """ return kwimage.Affine.eye()
[docs] @profile def optimize(self): return self
[docs] class DelayedLoad(DelayedImageLeaf): """ Points to an image on disk to be loaded. This is the starting point for most delayed operations. Disk IO is avoided until the ``finalize`` operation is called. Calling ``prepare`` can read image headers if metadata like the image width, height, and number of channels is not provided, but most operations can be performed while these are still unknown. If a gdal backend is available, and the underlying image is in the appropriate formate (e.g. COG), finalize will return a lazy reference that enables fast overviews and crops. For image formats that do not allow for tiling / overviews, then there is no way to avoid reading entire image as an ndarray. Example: >>> from delayed_image import * # NOQA >>> self = DelayedLoad.demo(dsize=(16, 16)).prepare() >>> data1 = self.finalize() Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> # Demo code to develop support for overviews >>> from delayed_image import * # NOQA >>> import kwimage >>> import ubelt as ub >>> fpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath(overviews=3) >>> self = DelayedLoad(fpath, channels='r|g|b').prepare() >>> print(f'self={self}') >>> print('self.meta = {}'.format(ub.repr2(self.meta, nl=1))) >>> quantization = { >>> 'quant_max': 255, >>> 'nodata': 0, >>> } >>> node0 = self >>> node1 = node0.get_overview(2) >>> node2 = node1[13:900, 11:700] >>> node3 = node2.dequantize(quantization) >>> node4 = node3.warp({'scale': 0.05}) >>> # >>> data0 = node0._validate().finalize() >>> data1 = node1._validate().finalize() >>> data2 = node2._validate().finalize() >>> data3 = node3._validate().finalize() >>> data4 = node4._validate().finalize() >>> node4.write_network_text() Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> # Test delayed ops with int16 and nodata values >>> from delayed_image import * # NOQA >>> import kwimage >>> from delayed_image.helpers import quantize_float01 >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('delayed_image/tests/test_delay_nodata').ensuredir() >>> fpath = dpath / 'data.tif' >>> data = kwimage.ensure_float01(kwimage.grab_test_image()) >>> poly = kwimage.Polygon.random(rng=321032).scale(data.shape[0]) >>> poly.fill(data, np.nan) >>> data_uint16, quantization = quantize_float01(data) >>> nodata = quantization['nodata'] >>> kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data_uint16, nodata=nodata, backend='gdal', overviews=3) >>> # Test loading the data >>> self = DelayedLoad(fpath, channels='r|g|b', nodata_method='float').prepare() >>> node0 = self >>> node1 = node0.dequantize(quantization) >>> node2 = node1.warp({'scale': 0.51}, interpolation='lanczos') >>> node3 = node2[13:900, 11:700] >>> node4 = node3.warp({'scale': 0.9}, interpolation='lanczos') >>> node4.write_network_text() >>> node5 = node4.optimize() >>> node5.write_network_text() >>> node6 = node5.warp({'scale': 8}, interpolation='lanczos').optimize() >>> node6.write_network_text() >>> # >>> data0 = node0._validate().finalize() >>> data1 = node1._validate().finalize() >>> data2 = node2._validate().finalize() >>> data3 = node3._validate().finalize() >>> data4 = node4._validate().finalize() >>> data5 = node5._validate().finalize() >>> data6 = node6._validate().finalize() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> stack1 = kwimage.stack_images([data1, data2, data3, data4, data5]) >>> stack2 = kwimage.stack_images([stack1, data6], axis=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(stack2) """ def __init__(self, fpath, channels=None, dsize=None, nodata_method=None): """ Args: fpath (str | PathLike): URI pointing at the image data to load channels (int | str | FusedChannelSpec | None): the underlying channels of the image if known a-priori dsize (Tuple[int, int]): The width / height of the image if known a-priori nodata_method (str | None): How to handle nodata values in the file itself. Can be "auto", "float", or "ma". """ super().__init__(channels=channels, dsize=dsize) self.meta['fpath'] = fpath self.meta['nodata_method'] = nodata_method self.lazy_ref = None @property def fpath(self): return self.meta['fpath']
[docs] @classmethod def demo(DelayedLoad, key='astro', channels=None, dsize=None, nodata_method=None, overviews=None): """ Creates a demo DelayedLoad node that points to a file generated by :func:`kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath`. If metadata like dsize and channels are not provided, then the :func:`prepare` can be used to auto-populate them at the cost of the disk IO to read image headers. Args: key (str): which test image to grab. Valid choices are: astro - an astronaught carl - Carl Sagan paraview - ParaView logo stars - picture of stars in the sky channels (str): if specified, these channels will be stored in the delayed load metadata. Note: these are not auto-populated. Usually the key corresponds to 3-channel data, dsize (None | Tuple[int, int]): if specified, we will return a variant of the data with the specific dsize nodata_method (str | None): How to handle nodata values in the file itself. Can be "auto", "float", or "ma". overviews (None | int): if specified, will return a variant of the data with overviews Returns: DelayedLoad Example: >>> from delayed_image.delayed_leafs import * # NOQA >>> import delayed_image >>> delayed = delayed_image.DelayedLoad.demo() >>> print(f'delayed={delayed}') >>> delayed.prepare() >>> print(f'delayed={delayed}') >>> delayed = DelayedLoad.demo(channels='r|g|b', nodata_method='float') >>> print(f'delayed={delayed}') >>> delayed.prepare() >>> print(f'delayed={delayed}') >>> delayed.finalize() """ fpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath(key, dsize=dsize, overviews=overviews) self = DelayedLoad(fpath, channels=channels, dsize=dsize, nodata_method=nodata_method) return self
[docs] @profile def _load_reference(self): nodata_method = self.meta.get('nodata_method', None) if self.lazy_ref is None: from delayed_image import lazy_loaders using_gdal = lazy_loaders.LazyGDalFrameFile.available() if using_gdal: # the nodata arg here isn't named that great self.lazy_ref = lazy_loaders.LazyGDalFrameFile( self.fpath, nodata_method=nodata_method) else: if nodata_method == 'auto': raise Exception('need gdal for auto no-data') self.lazy_ref = NotImplemented return self
[docs] @profile def prepare(self): """ If metadata is missing, perform minimal IO operations in order to prepopulate metadata that could help us better optimize the operation tree. Returns: DelayedLoad """ self._load_metadata() return self
[docs] @profile def _load_metadata(self): self._load_reference() if self.lazy_ref is NotImplemented: shape = kwimage.load_image_shape(self.fpath) if len(shape) == 2: shape = shape + (1,) num_overviews = 0 else: shape = self.lazy_ref.shape num_overviews = self.lazy_ref.num_overviews h, w, c = shape if self.dsize is None: self.meta['dsize'] = (w, h) if self.num_channels is None: self.meta['num_channels'] = c self.meta['num_overviews'] = num_overviews return self
[docs] @profile def _finalize(self): """ Returns: ArrayLike Example: >>> # Check difference between finalize and _finalize >>> from delayed_image.delayed_leafs import * # NOQA >>> self = DelayedLoad.demo().prepare() >>> final_arr = self.finalize() >>> assert isinstance(final_arr, np.ndarray), 'finalize should always return an array' >>> final_ref = self._finalize() >>> if self.lazy_ref is not NotImplemented: >>> assert not isinstance(final_ref, np.ndarray), ( >>> 'A pure load with gdal should return a reference that is ' >>> 'similiar to but not quite an array') """ self._load_reference() if self.lazy_ref is NotImplemented: warnings.warn('DelayedLoad may not be efficient without gdal') pre_final = kwimage.imread(self.fpath) pre_final = kwarray.atleast_nd(pre_final, 3) return pre_final else: # Need to ensure that if any metadata changed, we modify the # underlying lazy ref. self.lazy_ref.nodata_method = self.meta.get('nodata_method', None) return self.lazy_ref
[docs] class DelayedNans(DelayedImageLeaf): """ Constructs nan channels as needed Example: self = DelayedNans((10, 10), channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('rgb')) region_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12)) delayed = self.crop(region_slices) Example: >>> from delayed_image.delayed_leafs import * # NOQA >>> from delayed_image import DelayedChannelConcat >>> dsize = (307, 311) >>> c1 = DelayedNans(dsize=dsize, channels='foo') >>> c2 = DelayedLoad.demo('astro', dsize=dsize, channels='R|G|B').prepare() >>> cat = DelayedChannelConcat([c1, c2]) >>> warped_cat = cat.warp({'scale': 1.07}, dsize=(328, 332))._validate() >>> warped_cat._validate().optimize().finalize() """ def __init__(self, dsize=None, channels=None): super().__init__(channels=channels, dsize=dsize) self._kwargs = {}
[docs] @profile def _finalize(self): """ Returns: ArrayLike """ shape = self.shape from delayed_image.helpers import _ensure_valid_shape shape = _ensure_valid_shape(shape) final = np.full(shape, fill_value=np.nan) return final
[docs] @profile def _optimized_crop(self, space_slice=None, chan_idxs=None): """ Crops an image along integer pixel coordinates. Args: space_slice (Tuple[slice, slice]): y-slice and x-slice. chan_idxs (List[int]): indexes of bands to take Returns: DelayedImage """ if chan_idxs is None: channels = self.channels else: channels = self.channels[chan_idxs] dsize = self.dsize data_dims = dsize[::-1] data_slice, extra_pad = kwarray.embed_slice(space_slice, data_dims) box = kwimage.Boxes.from_slice(data_slice) new_width = box.width.ravel()[0] new_height = box.height.ravel()[0] new_dsize = (new_width, new_height) new = self.__class__(new_dsize, channels=channels, **self._kwargs) if TRACE_OPTIMIZE: new._opt_logs.append('Nans._optimized_crop') return new
[docs] @profile def _optimized_warp(self, transform, dsize=None, **warp_kwargs): """ Returns: DelayedImage """ # Warping does nothing to nans, except maybe changing the dsize new = self.__class__(dsize, channels=self.channels, **self._kwargs) if TRACE_OPTIMIZE: new._opt_logs.append('Nans._optimized_warp') return new
class DelayedNodata(DelayedNans): """ Constructs nan or masked array depending on what is needed Example: >>> from delayed_image.delayed_leafs import * # NOQA >>> dsize = (307, 311) >>> self1 = DelayedNodata(dsize=dsize, channels='foo', nodata_method='float') >>> self2 = DelayedNodata(dsize=dsize, channels='foo', nodata_method='ma') >>> im1 = self1.finalize() >>> im2 = self2.finalize() >>> assert im1.dtype.kind == 'f' >>> assert not hasattr(im1, 'mask') >>> assert hasattr(im2, 'mask') """ def __init__(self, dsize=None, channels=None, nodata_method='float'): super().__init__(channels=channels, dsize=dsize) self.meta['nodata_method'] = nodata_method self._kwargs['nodata_method'] = nodata_method @profile def _finalize(self): """ Returns: ArrayLike """ shape = self.shape from delayed_image.helpers import _ensure_valid_shape shape = _ensure_valid_shape(shape) nodata_method = self.meta['nodata_method'] if nodata_method == 'ma': # TODO: dtype should probably depend on what it will be combined # with? wrapped = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.uint8) final =, dtype=np.uint8, mask=True) elif nodata_method is None or nodata_method in {'float', 'nan'}: final = np.full(shape, fill_value=np.nan) else: raise KeyError(nodata_method) return final
[docs] class DelayedIdentity(DelayedImageLeaf): """ Returns an ndarray as-is Example: self = DelayedNans((10, 10), channel_spec.FusedChannelSpec.coerce('rgb')) region_slices = (slice(5, 10), slice(1, 12)) delayed = self.crop(region_slices) Example: >>> from delayed_image import * # NOQA >>> arr = kwimage.checkerboard() >>> self = DelayedIdentity(arr, channels='gray') >>> warp = self.warp({'scale': 1.07}) >>> warp.optimize().finalize() """ def __init__(self, data, channels=None, dsize=None): super().__init__(channels=channels) = data self.meta['num_channels'] = kwimage.num_channels(data) if dsize is None: dsize = data.shape[0:2][::-1] self.meta['dsize'] = dsize
[docs] def _finalize(self): """ Returns: ArrayLike """ return