Source code for kwcoco.coco_dataset

An implementation and extension of the original MS-COCO API [CocoFormat]_.

Extends the format to also include line annotations.

The following describes psuedo-code for the high level spec (some of which may
not be have full support in the Python API). A formal json-schema is defined in

    The main object in this file is :class:`CocoDataset`, which is composed of
    several mixin classes. See the class and method documentation for more

An informal description of the spec given in: `coco_schema_informal.rst <coco_schema_informal.rst>`_.

For a formal description of the spec see the  `coco_schema.json
<coco_schema.json>`_, which is generated by :py:mod`kwcoco/coco_schema`.

    - [ ] Use ijson (modified to support NaN) to lazilly load pieces of the
        dataset in the background or on demand. This will give us faster access
        to categories / images, whereas we will always have to wait for
        annotations etc...

    - [X] Should img_root be changed to bundle_dpath?

    - [ ] Read video data, return numpy arrays (requires API for images)

    - [ ] Spec for video URI, and convert to frames @ framerate function.

    - [x] Document channel spec

    - [x] Document sensor-channel spec

    - [X] Add remove videos method

    - [ ] Efficiency: Make video annotations more efficient by only tracking
          keyframes, provide an API to obtain a dense or interpolated
          annotation on an intermediate frame.

    - [ ] Efficiency: Allow each section of the kwcoco file to be written as a
          separate json file. Perhaps allow genric pointer support? Might get

    - [ ] Reroot needs to be redesigned very carefully.

    - [ ] Allow parts of the kwcoco file to be references to other json files.

    - [X] Add top-level track table

    - [ ] Fully transition to integer track ids (in progress)

    .. [CocoFormat]
    .. [PyCocoToolsMask]
    .. [CocoTutorial]
import copy
import sys
import itertools as it
import numbers
import os
import ubelt as ub
import warnings

from packaging.version import parse as Version
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from os.path import (dirname, basename, join, exists, isdir, relpath)
from functools import partial

# Vectorized ORM-Like containers
from kwcoco.coco_objects1d import (
    Categories, Videos, Images, Annots, Tracks
from kwcoco.abstract_coco_dataset import AbstractCocoDataset
from kwcoco import exceptions

from kwcoco._helpers import (
    SortedSet, UniqueNameRemapper, _NextId,
    _delitems, _lut_image_frame_index, _lut_annot_frame_index,
    _load_and_postprocess, _image_corruption_check
from kwcoco._helpers import _ID_Remapper

import json as pjson
from types import ModuleType
# The ujson library is faster than Python's json, but the API has some
# limitations and requires a minimum version. Currently we only use it to read,
# we have to wait for to land
# before we use it to write.
    import ujson
except ImportError:
    ujson = None

KWCOCO_USE_UJSON = bool(os.environ.get('KWCOCO_USE_UJSON'))

if ujson is not None and Version(ujson.__version__) >= Version('5.2.0') and KWCOCO_USE_UJSON:
    json_r: ModuleType = ujson
    json_w: ModuleType = pjson
    json_r: ModuleType = pjson
    json_w: ModuleType = pjson

if sys.version_info <= (3, 6):
    _dict = OrderedDict
    _dict = dict

__docstubs__ = """
from kwcoco.coco_image import CocoImage

# These are the keys that are / should be supported by the API
    'keypoint_categories',  # support only partially implemented

[docs] class MixinCocoDepricate: """ These functions are marked for deprication and will be removed """
[docs] def keypoint_annotation_frequency(self): """ DEPRECATED Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes', rng=0) >>> hist = self.keypoint_annotation_frequency() >>> hist = ub.odict(sorted(hist.items())) >>> # FIXME: for whatever reason demodata generation is not determenistic when seeded >>> print(ub.urepr(hist)) # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT { 'bot_tip': 6, 'left_eye': 14, 'mid_tip': 6, 'right_eye': 14, 'top_tip': 6, } """ ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', name='keypoint_annotation_frequency', type='method', deprecate='0.3.4', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', migration=( 'Implement this functionality explicitly. ' 'It is too niche for a the core API.' 'Or propose a better way on ' ' ' ) ) ann_kpcids = [kp['keypoint_category_id'] for ann in self.dataset['annotations'] for kp in ann.get('keypoints', [])] kpcid_to_name = {kpcat['id']: kpcat['name'] for kpcat in self.dataset['keypoint_categories']} kpcid_to_num = ub.dict_hist(ann_kpcids, labels=list(kpcid_to_name.keys())) kpname_to_num = ub.map_keys(kpcid_to_name, kpcid_to_num) return kpname_to_num
[docs] def category_annotation_type_frequency(self): """ DEPRECATED Reports the number of annotations of each type for each category Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> hist = self.category_annotation_frequency() >>> print(ub.urepr(hist)) """ catname_to_nannot_types = {} ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', name='category_annotation_type_frequency', type='method', deprecate='0.3.4', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', migration=( 'Implement this functionality explicitly. ' 'It is too niche for a the core API.' 'Or propose a better way on ' ' ' ) ) def _annot_type(ann): """ Returns what type of annotation ``ann`` is. """ return tuple(sorted(set(ann) & {'bbox', 'line', 'keypoints'})) for cid, aids in self.index.cid_to_aids.items(): name = self.cats[cid]['name'] hist = ub.dict_hist(map(_annot_type, ub.take(self.anns, aids))) catname_to_nannot_types[name] = ub.map_keys( lambda k: k[0] if len(k) == 1 else k, hist) return catname_to_nannot_types
[docs] def imread(self, gid): """ DEPRECATED: use load_image or delayed_image Loads a particular image """ ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', name='imread', type='method', deprecate='0.3.4', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', migration=( 'use `self.coco_image(gid).imdelay().finalize()`.' ) ) return self.load_image(gid)
[docs] class MixinCocoAccessors: """ TODO: better name """
[docs] def delayed_load(self, gid, channels=None, space='image'): """ Experimental method Args: gid (int): image id to load channels (kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec): specific channels to load. if unspecified, all channels are loaded. space (str): can either be "image" for loading in image space, or "video" for loading in video space. TODO: - [X] Currently can only take all or none of the channels from each base-image / auxiliary dict. For instance if the main image is r|g|b you can't just select g|b at the moment. - [X] The order of the channels in the delayed load should match the requested channel order. - [X] TODO: add nans to bands that don't exist or throw an error Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> gid = 1 >>> # >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral') >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid) >>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed)) >>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize())) >>> # >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid) >>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed)) >>> print('delayed.finalize() = {!r}'.format(delayed.finalize())) >>> crop = delayed.crop((slice(0, 3), slice(0, 3))) >>> crop.finalize() >>> # TODO: should only select the "red" channel >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid, channels='r') >>> import kwcoco >>> gid = 1 >>> # >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral') >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid, channels='B1|B2', space='image') >>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed)) >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid, channels='B1|B2|B11', space='image') >>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed)) >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid, channels='B8|B1', space='video') >>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed)) >>> delayed = self.delayed_load(gid, channels='B8|foo|bar|B1', space='video') >>> print('delayed = {!r}'.format(delayed)) """ ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', 'delayed_load', 'method', migration='Use ".coco_image(gid).imdelay(...)" instead.', deprecate='0.7.3', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', ) coco_img = self.coco_image(gid) delayed = coco_img.imdelay(channels=channels, space=space) return delayed
[docs] def load_image(self, gid_or_img, channels=None): """ Reads an image from disk and Args: gid_or_img (int | dict): image id or image dict channels (str | None): if specified, load data from auxiliary channels instead Returns: np.ndarray : the image Note: Prefer to use the CocoImage methods instead """ try: import kwimage gpath = self.get_image_fpath(gid_or_img, channels=channels) np_img = kwimage.imread(gpath) except Exception: img = self._resolve_to_img(gid_or_img) np_img = self.delayed_load(img['id'], channels=channels).finalize() return np_img return np_img
[docs] def get_image_fpath(self, gid_or_img, channels=None): """ Returns the full path to the image Args: gid_or_img (int | dict): image id or image dict channels (str | None): if specified, return a path to data containing auxiliary channels instead Note: Prefer to use the CocoImage methods instead Returns: PathLike: full path to the image """ if channels is not None: gpath = self.get_auxiliary_fpath(gid_or_img, channels) else: img = self._resolve_to_img(gid_or_img) gpath = ub.Path(self.bundle_dpath) / img['file_name'] return gpath
[docs] def _get_img_auxiliary(self, gid_or_img, channels): """ returns the auxiliary dictionary for a specific channel """ img = self._resolve_to_img(gid_or_img) found = None if 'auxiliary' in img: auxlist = img['auxiliary'] elif 'assets' in img: auxlist = img['assets'] else: raise KeyError('no auxiliary data') for aux in auxlist: if aux['channels'] == channels: found = aux break if found is None: raise Exception( 'Image does not have auxiliary channels={}'.format(channels)) return found
[docs] def get_auxiliary_fpath(self, gid_or_img, channels): """ Returns the full path to auxiliary data for an image Args: gid_or_img (int | dict): an image or its id channels (str): the auxiliary channel to load (e.g. disparity) Note: Prefer to use the CocoImage methods instead Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8', aux=True) >>> self.get_auxiliary_fpath(1, 'disparity') """ aux = self._get_img_auxiliary(gid_or_img, channels) fpath = ub.Path(self.bundle_dpath) / aux['file_name'] return fpath
[docs] def load_annot_sample(self, aid_or_ann, image=None, pad=None): """ Reads the chip of an annotation. Note this is much less efficient than using a sampler, but it doesn't require disk cache. Maybe deprecate? Args: aid_or_int (int | dict): annot id or dict image (ArrayLike | None): preloaded image (note: this process is inefficient unless image is specified) Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> sample = self.load_annot_sample(2, pad=100) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(sample['im']) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwarray import numpy as np ann = self._resolve_to_ann(aid_or_ann) if image is None: image = self.load_image(ann['image_id']) x, y, w, h = ann['bbox'] in_slice = ( slice(int(y), int(np.ceil(y + h))), slice(int(x), int(np.ceil(x + w))), ) data_sliced, transform = kwarray.padded_slice(image, in_slice, pad=pad, return_info=True) sample = { 'im': data_sliced, 'transform': transform, } return sample
[docs] def _resolve_to_id(self, id_or_dict): """ Ensures output is an id """ if isinstance(id_or_dict, numbers.Integral): resolved_id = id_or_dict else: resolved_id = id_or_dict['id'] return resolved_id
[docs] def _resolve_to_cid(self, id_or_name_or_dict): """ Ensures output is an category id Note: this does not resolve aliases (yet), for that see _alias_to_cat TODO: we could maintain an alias index to make this fast """ if isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, numbers.Integral): resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict elif isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, str): resolved_id = self.index.name_to_cat[id_or_name_or_dict]['id'] else: resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict['id'] return resolved_id
[docs] def _resolve_to_gid(self, id_or_name_or_dict): """ Ensures output is an category id """ if isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, numbers.Integral): resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict elif isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, str): resolved_id = self.index.file_name_to_img[id_or_name_or_dict]['id'] else: resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict['id'] return resolved_id
[docs] def _resolve_to_vidid(self, id_or_name_or_dict): """ Ensures output is an video id """ if isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, numbers.Integral): resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict elif isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, str): resolved_id = self.index.name_to_video[id_or_name_or_dict]['id'] else: resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict['id'] return resolved_id
[docs] def _resolve_to_trackid(self, id_or_name_or_dict): if isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, numbers.Integral): resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict elif isinstance(id_or_name_or_dict, str): resolved_id = self.index.name_to_track[id_or_name_or_dict]['id'] else: resolved_id = id_or_name_or_dict['id'] return resolved_id
[docs] def _resolve_to_ann(self, aid_or_ann): """ Ensures output is an annotation dictionary """ if isinstance(aid_or_ann, numbers.Integral): resolved_ann = None if self.anns is not None: resolved_ann = self.anns[aid_or_ann] else: for ann in self.dataset['annotations']: if ann['id'] == aid_or_ann: resolved_ann = ann break if not resolved_ann: raise IndexError( 'aid {} not in dataset'.format(aid_or_ann)) else: resolved_ann = aid_or_ann return resolved_ann
[docs] def _resolve_to_img(self, gid_or_img): """ Ensures output is an image dictionary """ if isinstance(gid_or_img, numbers.Integral): resolved_img = None if self.imgs is not None: resolved_img = self.imgs[gid_or_img] else: for img in self.dataset['images']: if img['id'] == gid_or_img: resolved_img = img break if not resolved_img: raise IndexError( 'gid {} not in dataset'.format(gid_or_img)) else: resolved_img = gid_or_img return resolved_img
[docs] def _resolve_to_kpcat(self, kp_identifier): """ Lookup a keypoint-category dict via its name or id Args: kp_identifier (int | str | dict): either the keypoint category name, alias, or its keypoint_category_id. Returns: Dict: keypoint category dictionary Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes') >>> kpcat1 = self._resolve_to_kpcat(1) >>> kpcat2 = self._resolve_to_kpcat('left_eye') >>> assert kpcat1 is kpcat2 >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> self._resolve_to_cat('human') """ if 'keypoint_categories' not in self.dataset: raise NotImplementedError('Must have newstyle keypoints to use') # TODO: add keypoint categories to the index and optimize if isinstance(kp_identifier, numbers.Integral): kpcat = None for _kpcat in self.dataset['keypoint_categories']: if _kpcat['id'] == kp_identifier: kpcat = _kpcat if kpcat is None: raise KeyError('unable to find keypoint category') elif isinstance(kp_identifier, str): kpcat = None for _kpcat in self.dataset['keypoint_categories']: if _kpcat['name'] == kp_identifier: kpcat = _kpcat if kpcat is None: for _kpcat in self.dataset['keypoint_categories']: alias = _kpcat.get('alias', {}) alias = alias if ub.iterable(alias) else {alias} if kp_identifier in alias: kpcat = _kpcat if kpcat is None: raise KeyError('unable to find keypoint category') elif isinstance(kp_identifier, dict): kpcat = kp_identifier else: raise TypeError(type(kp_identifier)) return kpcat
[docs] def _resolve_to_cat(self, cat_identifier): """ Lookup a coco-category dict via its name, alias, or id. Args: cat_identifier (int | str | dict): either the category name, alias, or its category_id. Raises: KeyError: if the category doesn't exist. Note: If the index is not built, the method will work but may be slow. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> cat = self._resolve_to_cat('human') >>> import pytest >>> assert self._resolve_to_cat(cat['id']) is cat >>> assert self._resolve_to_cat(cat) is cat >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> self._resolve_to_cat(32) >>> self.index.clear() >>> assert self._resolve_to_cat(cat['id']) is cat >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> self._resolve_to_cat(32) """ if isinstance(cat_identifier, numbers.Integral): if self.cats: cat = self.cats[cat_identifier] else: # If the index is not built found = None for cat in self.dataset['categories']: if cat['id'] == cat_identifier: found = cat break if found is None: raise KeyError( 'Cannot find a category with id={}'.format(cat_identifier)) elif isinstance(cat_identifier, str): cat = self._alias_to_cat(cat_identifier) elif isinstance(cat_identifier, dict): cat = cat_identifier else: raise TypeError(type(cat_identifier)) return cat
[docs] def _alias_to_cat(self, alias_catname): """ Lookup a coco-category via its name or an "alias" name. In production code, use :func:`_resolve_to_cat` instead. Args: alias_catname (str): category name or alias Returns: dict: coco category dictionary Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> cat = self._alias_to_cat('human') >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> self._alias_to_cat('person') >>> cat['alias'] = ['person'] >>> self._alias_to_cat('person') >>> cat['alias'] = 'person' >>> self._alias_to_cat('person') >>> assert self._alias_to_cat(None) is None """ if alias_catname is None: return None if self.name_to_cat and alias_catname in self.name_to_cat: fixed_catname = alias_catname fixed_cat = self.name_to_cat[fixed_catname] else: # Try to find an alias fixed_catname = None fixed_cat = None for cat in self.dataset['categories']: alias_list = cat.get('alias', []) if isinstance(alias_list, str): alias_list = [alias_list] assert isinstance(alias_list, list) alias_list = alias_list + [cat['name']] for alias in alias_list: if alias_catname.lower() == alias.lower(): fixed_cat = cat fixed_catname = cat['name'] break if fixed_cat is not None: break if fixed_cat is None: raise KeyError('Unknown category: {}'.format(alias_catname)) return fixed_cat
[docs] def category_graph(self): """ Construct a networkx category hierarchy Returns: networkx.DiGraph: graph: a directed graph where category names are the nodes, supercategories define edges, and items in each category dict (e.g. category id) are added as node properties. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> graph = self.category_graph() >>> assert 'astronaut' in graph.nodes() >>> assert 'keypoints' in graph.nodes['human'] Ignore: import graphid graphid.util.show_nx(graph) """ # TODO: should supercategories that don't exist as nodes be added here? import networkx as nx graph = nx.DiGraph() for cat in self.dataset['categories']: graph.add_node(cat['name'], **cat) if cat.get('supercategory', None) is not None: u = cat['supercategory'] v = cat['name'] if u != v: graph.add_edge(u, v) return graph
[docs] def object_categories(self): """ Construct a consistent CategoryTree representation of object classes Returns: kwcoco.CategoryTree: category data structure Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> classes = self.object_categories() >>> print('classes = {}'.format(classes)) """ from kwcoco.category_tree import CategoryTree graph = self.category_graph() classes = CategoryTree(graph) return classes
[docs] def keypoint_categories(self): """ Construct a consistent CategoryTree representation of keypoint classes Returns: kwcoco.CategoryTree: category data structure Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> classes = self.keypoint_categories() >>> print('classes = {}'.format(classes)) """ from kwcoco.category_tree import CategoryTree try: if self.index.kpcats is not None: kpcats = self.index.kpcats.values() else: kpcats = iter(self.dataset['keypoint_categories']) except KeyError: catnames = self._keypoint_category_names() classes = CategoryTree.coerce(catnames) else: import networkx as nx graph = nx.DiGraph() for cat in kpcats: graph.add_node(cat['name'], **cat) if cat.get('supercategory', None) is not None: graph.add_edge(cat['supercategory'], cat['name']) classes = CategoryTree(graph) return classes
[docs] def _keypoint_category_names(self): """ Construct keypoint categories names. Uses new-style if possible, otherwise this falls back on old-style. Returns: List[str]: names - list of keypoint category names Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> names = self._keypoint_category_names() >>> print(names) """ kpcats = self.dataset.get('keypoint_categories', None) if kpcats is not None: return [c['name'] for c in self.dataset['keypoint_categories']] else: names = [] cats = sorted(self.dataset['categories'], key=lambda c: c['id']) for cat in cats: if 'keypoints' in cat: names.extend(cat['keypoints']) return names
[docs] def _lookup_kpnames(self, cid): """ Get the keypoint categories for a certain class """ kpnames = None orig_cat = self.cats[cid] while kpnames is None: # Extract keypoint names for each annotation cat = self.cats[cid] parent = cat.get('supercategory', None) if 'keypoints' in cat: kpnames = cat['keypoints'] elif parent is not None: cid = self.name_to_cat[cat['supercategory']]['id'] else: raise KeyError('could not find keypoint names for cid={}, cat={}, orig_cat={}'.format(cid, cat, orig_cat)) return kpnames
[docs] def _coco_image(self, gid): ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', '_coco_image', 'method', migration='Use "coco_image" instead.', deprecate='0.5.9', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', ) return self.coco_image(gid)
[docs] def coco_image(self, gid): """ Args: gid (int): image id Returns: CocoImage """ # Experimental from kwcoco.coco_image import CocoImage img = self.index.imgs[gid] image = CocoImage(img, dset=self) return image
[docs] class MixinCocoConstructors: """ Classmethods for constructing CocoDataset objects """
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, key, sqlview=False, **kw): """ Attempt to transform the input into the intended CocoDataset. Args: key : this can either be an instance of a CocoDataset, a string URI pointing to an on-disk dataset, or a special key for creating demodata. sqlview (bool | str): If truthy, will return the dataset as a cached sql view, which can be quicker to load and use in some instances. Can be given as a string, which sets the backend that is used: either sqlite or postgresql. Defaults to False. **kw: passed to whatever constructor is chosen (if any) Returns: AbstractCocoDataset | kwcoco.CocoDataset | kwcoco.CocoSqlDatabase Example: >>> # test coerce for various input methods >>> import kwcoco >>> from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import assert_dsets_allclose >>> dct_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce('special:shapes8') >>> copy1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce(dct_dset) >>> copy2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce(dct_dset.fpath) >>> assert assert_dsets_allclose(dct_dset, copy1) >>> assert assert_dsets_allclose(dct_dset, copy2) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> sql_dset = dct_dset.view_sql() >>> copy3 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce(sql_dset) >>> copy4 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce(sql_dset.fpath) >>> assert assert_dsets_allclose(dct_dset, sql_dset) >>> assert assert_dsets_allclose(dct_dset, copy3) >>> assert assert_dsets_allclose(dct_dset, copy4) """ import kwcoco if isinstance(key, cls): self = key if isinstance(key, os.PathLike): key = str(key) if isinstance(key, str): import uritools dset_fpath = ub.expandpath(key) # Parse the the "file" URI scheme # result = uritools.urisplit(dset_fpath) if result.scheme == 'sqlite' or result.path.endswith('.sqlite'): from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import CocoSqlDatabase self = CocoSqlDatabase(dset_fpath).connect() elif result.path.endswith('.json') or '.json' in result.path or '.kwcoco' in result.path: if sqlview: from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import CocoSqlDatabase kw['backend'] = sqlview self = CocoSqlDatabase.coerce(dset_fpath, **kw) else: self = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dset_fpath, **kw) elif result.scheme == 'special': self = cls.demo(key=key, **kw) else: # This case can be env-dependant in the unlikely case where you # have a file with the same name as a demo key. But hey, you # are using the coerce function, be more explicit if you want # predictable behavior. if exists(dset_fpath): self = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dset_fpath, **kw) else: self = cls.demo(key=key, **kw) elif type(key).__name__ == 'CocoSqlDatabase': self = key elif type(key).__name__ == 'CocoDataset': self = key elif type(key).__name__ == 'CocoSampler': self = key.dset else: raise TypeError(type(key)) return self
[docs] @classmethod def demo(cls, key='photos', **kwargs): """ Create a toy coco dataset for testing and demo puposes Args: key (str): Either 'photos' (default), 'shapes', or 'vidshapes'. There are also special sufixes that can control behavior. Basic options that define which flavor of demodata to generate are: `photos`, `shapes`, and `vidshapes`. A numeric suffix e.g. `vidshapes8` can be specified to indicate the size of the generated demo dataset. There are other special suffixes that are available. See the code in this function for explicit details on what is allowed. TODO: better documentation for these demo datasets. As a quick summary: the vidshapes key is the most robust and mature demodata set, and here are several useful variants of the vidshapes key. (1) vidshapes8 - the 8 suffix is the number of videos in this case. (2) vidshapes8-multispectral - generate 8 multispectral videos. (3) vidshapes8-msi - msi is an alias for multispectral. (4) vidshapes8-frames5 - generate 8 videos with 5 frames each. (5) vidshapes2-tracks5 - generate 2 videos with 5 tracks each. (6) vidshapes2-speed0.1-frames7 - generate 2 videos with 7 frames where the objects move with with a speed of 0.1. **kwargs : if key is shapes, these arguments are passed to toydata generation. The Kwargs section of this docstring documents a subset of the available options. For full details, see :func:`demodata_toy_dset` and :func:`random_video_dset`. Notable options are: bundle_dpath (PathLike): location to write the demo bundle fpath (PathLike): location to write the demo kwcoco file Kwargs: image_size (Tuple[int, int]): width / height size of the images dpath (str | PathLike): path to the directory where any generated demo bundles will be written to. Defaults to using kwcoco cache dir. aux (bool): if True generates dummy auxiliary channels rng (int | RandomState | None): random number generator or seed verbose (int): verbosity mode. Defaults to 3. Example: >>> # Basic demodata keys >>> print(CocoDataset.demo('photos', verbose=1)) >>> print(CocoDataset.demo('shapes', verbose=1)) >>> print(CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes', verbose=1)) >>> # Varaints of demodata keys >>> print(CocoDataset.demo('shapes8', verbose=0)) >>> print(CocoDataset.demo('shapes8-msi', verbose=0)) >>> print(CocoDataset.demo('shapes8-frames1-speed0.2-msi', verbose=0)) Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes5', num_frames=5, >>> verbose=0, rng=None) >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes5', num_frames=5, >>> num_tracks=4, verbose=0, rng=44) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> pnums = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(dset.index.imgs)) >>> fnum = 1 >>> for gx, gid in enumerate(dset.index.imgs.keys()): >>> canvas = dset.draw_image(gid=gid) >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas, pnum=pnums[gx], fnum=fnum) >>> #dset.show_image(gid=gid, pnum=pnums[gx]) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes5-aux', num_frames=1, >>> verbose=0, rng=None) Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes1-multispectral', num_frames=5, >>> verbose=0, rng=None) >>> # This is the first use-case of image names >>> assert len(dset.index.file_name_to_img) == 0, ( >>> 'the multispectral demo case has no "base" image') >>> assert len(dset.index.name_to_img) == len(dset.index.imgs) == 5 >>> dset.remove_images([1]) >>> assert len(dset.index.name_to_img) == len(dset.index.imgs) == 4 >>> dset.remove_videos([1]) >>> assert len(dset.index.name_to_img) == len(dset.index.imgs) == 0 """ import parse import re kwargs.pop('autobuild', None) if key.startswith('special:'): key = key.split(':')[1] if key.startswith('shapes'): from kwcoco.demo import toydata_image res = parse.parse('shapes{num_imgs:d}', key) if res: kwargs['n_imgs'] = int(res.named['num_imgs']) if 'rng' not in kwargs and 'n_imgs' in kwargs: kwargs['rng'] = kwargs['n_imgs'] self = toydata_image.demodata_toy_dset(**kwargs) self.tag = key elif key.startswith('vidshapes'): from kwcoco.demo import toydata_video verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', 1) res = parse.parse('vidshapes{num_videos:d}', key) if res is None: res = parse.parse('vidshapes{num_videos:d}-{suffix}', key) if res is None: res = parse.parse('vidshapes-{suffix}', key) """ The rule is that the suffix will be split by the '-' character and any registered pattern or alias will impact the kwargs for random_video_dset """ suff_parts = [] if verbose > 3: print('res = {!r}'.format(res)) if res: if 'num_videos' in res.named: kwargs['num_videos'] = int(res.named['num_videos']) if 'suffix' in res.named: suff_parts = [p for p in res.named['suffix'].split('-') if p] if verbose > 3: print('suff_parts = {!r}'.format(suff_parts)) # The allowed suffix patterns and aliases are defined here vidkw = { 'render': True, 'num_videos': 1, 'num_frames': 2, 'num_tracks': 2, 'anchors': None, 'image_size': (600, 600), 'aux': None, 'multispectral': None, 'multisensor': False, 'max_speed': 0.01, 'verbose': verbose, } vidkw_aliases = { 'num_frames': {'frames'}, 'num_tracks': {'tracks'}, 'num_videos': {'videos'}, 'max_speed': {'speed'}, 'image_size': {'gsize'}, 'multispectral': {'msi'}, } alias_to_key = {k: v for v, ks in vidkw_aliases.items() for k in ks} # These are the variables the vidshapes generator accepts for part in suff_parts: match ='[\d]', part) if match is None: value = True key = part else: key = part[:match.span()[0]] value = part[match.span()[0]:] key = alias_to_key.get(key, key) if key == 'image_size': value = int(value) if key == 'num_frames': value = int(value) if key == 'num_tracks': value = int(value) if key == 'num_videos': value = int(value) if key == 'max_speed': value = float(value) if key == 'multispectral': value = bool(value) if key == 'multisensor': value = bool(value) if key == 'render': value = bool(value) # if key.startswith('rand'): # pass if key in {'randgsize', 'randsize', 'image_sizerandom'}: key = 'image_size' value = 'random' if key == 'amazon': # Hack to put in amazon background key = 'render' if isinstance(vidkw[key], dict): value = vidkw[key] else: value = {} value['background'] = 'amazon' vidkw[key] = value vidkw.update(kwargs) if 'background' in vidkw: vidkw['render'] = { 'background': vidkw.pop('background'), } if isinstance(vidkw['image_size'], int): vidkw['image_size'] = (vidkw['image_size'], vidkw['image_size']) use_cache = vidkw.pop('use_cache', True) if 'rng' not in vidkw: # Make rng determined by other params by default vidkw['rng'] = int(ub.hash_data(sorted(vidkw.items()))[0:8], 16) depends_items = vidkw.copy() depends_items.pop('verbose', None) depends = ub.hash_data(sorted(depends_items.items()), base='abc')[0:14] if verbose > 0: print('vidkw = {}'.format(ub.urepr(vidkw, nl=1))) if verbose > 3: print('depends = {!r}'.format(depends)) tag = key + '_' + depends dpath = vidkw.pop('dpath', None) fpath = vidkw.pop('fpath', None) bundle_dpath = vidkw.get('bundle_dpath', None) if fpath is not None: bundle_dpath = ub.Path(fpath).parent elif dpath is not None: bundle_dpath = dpath if bundle_dpath is None: # Even if the cache is off, we still will need this because it # will write rendered data to disk. Perhaps we can make this # optional in the future. dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco', 'demo_vidshapes').ensuredir() bundle_dpath = vidkw['bundle_dpath'] = join(dpath, tag) cache_dpath = join(bundle_dpath, '_cache') if fpath is None: fpath = join(bundle_dpath, 'data.kwcoco.json') stamp = ub.CacheStamp( 'vidshape_stamp_v{:03d}'.format(toydata_video.TOYDATA_VIDEO_VERSION), dpath=cache_dpath, depends=depends, enabled=use_cache, product=[fpath], verbose=verbose, meta=vidkw ) if verbose > 3: print('stamp = {!r}'.format(stamp)) if stamp.expired(): vidkw['dpath'] = bundle_dpath vidkw.pop('bundle_dpath', None) self = toydata_video.random_video_dset(**vidkw) if verbose > 3: print('self.fpath = {!r}'.format(self.fpath)) print('self.bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(self.bundle_dpath)) self.fpath = fpath if fpath is not None: ub.Path(fpath).parent.ensuredir() self.dump(fpath, newlines=True) stamp.renew() else: self = cls(data=fpath, bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath) elif key == 'photos': dataset = demo_coco_data() self = cls(dataset, tag=key) else: raise KeyError(key) return self
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, rng=None): """ Creates a random CocoDataset according to distribution parameters TODO: - [ ] parametarize """ from kwcoco.demo.toydata_video import random_single_video_dset dset = random_single_video_dset(num_frames=5, num_tracks=3, tid_start=1, rng=rng) return dset
[docs] class MixinCocoExtras: """ Misc functions for coco """
[docs] def _tree(self): """ developer helper Ignore: import kwcoco self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('photos') print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) self._tree() self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes1') print(self.imgs[1]) print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) self._tree() self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2') print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) print(self.imgs[1]) self._tree() """ print('self.bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(self.bundle_dpath)) print('self.fpath = {!r}'.format(self.fpath)) print('self.tag = {!r}'.format(self.tag)) if not self.bundle_dpath: raise Exception('We dont have a bundle') _ = ub.cmd('tree {}'.format(self.bundle_dpath), verbose=2) # NOQA
[docs] def _dataset_id(self): """ A human interpretable name that can be used to uniquely identify the dataset. Note: This function is currently subject to change. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> print(self._dataset_id()) >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8') >>> print(self._dataset_id()) >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> print(self._dataset_id()) """ hashid = self._cached_hashid() if self.fpath is None: raise Exception('Dataset doesnt have a fpath') coco_fpath = ub.Path(self.fpath) dset_id = '_'.join([coco_fpath.parent.stem, coco_fpath.stem, hashid[0:8]]) return dset_id
[docs] def _ensure_imgsize(self, workers=0, verbose=1, fail=False): """ Populate the imgsize field if it does not exist. Args: workers (int): number of workers for parallel processing. verbose (int): verbosity level fail (bool): if True, raises an exception if anything size fails to load. Returns: List[dict]: a list of "bad" image dictionaries where the size could not be determined. Typically these are corrupted images and should be removed. Example: >>> # Normal case >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> bad_imgs = self._ensure_imgsize() >>> assert len(bad_imgs) == 0 >>> assert self.imgs[1]['width'] == 512 >>> assert self.imgs[2]['width'] == 328 >>> assert self.imgs[3]['width'] == 256 >>> # Fail cases >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> self.add_image('does-not-exist.jpg') >>> bad_imgs = self._ensure_imgsize() >>> assert len(bad_imgs) == 1 >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(Exception): >>> self._ensure_imgsize(fail=True) """ bad_images = [] if any('width' not in img or 'height' not in img for img in self.dataset['images']): import kwimage if self.tag: desc = 'populate imgsize for ' + self.tag else: desc = 'populate imgsize for untagged coco dataset' pool = ub.JobPool('thread', max_workers=workers) bundle_dpath = self.bundle_dpath for img in ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['images'], verbose=verbose, desc='submit image size jobs'): auxiliary = img.get('auxiliary', img.get('assets', [])) for obj in [img] + auxiliary: fname = obj['file_name'] if fname is not None: gpath = join(bundle_dpath, fname) if 'width' not in obj or 'height' not in obj: job = pool.submit(kwimage.load_image_shape, gpath) job.obj = obj for job in pool.as_completed(desc=desc, progkw={'verbose': verbose}): try: h, w = job.result()[0:2] except Exception: if fail: raise bad_images.append(job.obj) else: job.obj['width'] = w job.obj['height'] = h return bad_images
[docs] def _ensure_image_data(self, gids=None, verbose=1): """ Download data from "url" fields if specified. Args: gids (List): subset of images to download """ def _gen_missing_imgs(): for img in self.dataset['images']: gpath = join(self.bundle_dpath, img['file_name']) if not exists(gpath): yield img def _has_download_permission(_HAS_PREMISSION=[False]): if not _HAS_PREMISSION[0] or ub.argflag(('-y', '--yes')): try: from rich.prompt import Confirm ans = Confirm.ask('is it ok to download?') if ans: _HAS_PREMISSION[0] = True except ImportError: ans = input('is it ok to download? (enter y for yes)') if ans in ['yes', 'y']: _HAS_PREMISSION[0] = True return _HAS_PREMISSION[0] if gids is None: gids = _gen_missing_imgs() for img in ub.ProgIter(gids, desc='ensure image data'): if 'url' in img: if _has_download_permission(): gpath = join(self.bundle_dpath, img['file_name']) ub.ensuredir(dirname(gpath)) ub.grabdata(img['url'], gpath) else: raise Exception('no permission, abort') else: raise Exception('missing image, but no url')
[docs] def missing_images(self, check_aux=True, verbose=0): """ Check for images that don't exist Args: check_aux (bool): if specified also checks auxiliary images verbose (int): verbosity level Returns: List[Tuple[int, str, int]]: bad indexes and paths and ids """ bad_paths = [] img_enum = enumerate(self.dataset['images']) for index, img in ub.ProgIter(img_enum, total=len(self.dataset['images']), desc='check for missing images', verbose=verbose): gid = img.get('id', None) fname = img.get('file_name', None) if fname is not None: gpath = join(self.bundle_dpath, fname) if not exists(gpath): bad_paths.append((index, gpath, gid)) if check_aux: for aux in img.get('auxiliary', img.get('assets', [])): gpath = join(self.bundle_dpath, aux['file_name']) if not exists(gpath): bad_paths.append((index, gpath, gid)) return bad_paths
[docs] def corrupted_images(self, check_aux=True, verbose=0, workers=0): """ Check for images that don't exist or can't be opened Args: check_aux (bool): if specified also checks auxiliary images verbose (int): verbosity level workers (int): number of background workers Returns: List[Tuple[int, str, int]]: bad indexes and paths and ids """ bad_paths = [] jobs = ub.JobPool(mode='process', max_workers=workers) img_enum = enumerate(self.dataset['images']) for index, img in ub.ProgIter(img_enum, total=len(self.dataset['images']), desc='submit corruption checks', verbose=verbose): gid = img.get('id', None) fname = img.get('file_name', None) if fname is not None: gpath = join(self.bundle_dpath, fname) job = jobs.submit(_image_corruption_check, gpath) job.input_info = (index, gpath, gid) if check_aux: for aux in img.get('auxiliary', img.get('assets', [])): gpath = join(self.bundle_dpath, aux['file_name']) job = jobs.submit(_image_corruption_check, gpath) job.input_info = (index, gpath, gid) for job in jobs.as_completed(desc='check corrupted images', progkw={'verbose': verbose}): info = job.result() if info['failed']: bad_paths.append(job.input_info) return bad_paths
[docs] def rename_categories(self, mapper, rebuild=True, merge_policy='ignore'): """ Rename categories with a potentially coarser categorization. Args: mapper (dict | Callable): maps old names to new names. If multiple names are mapped to the same category, those categories will be merged. merge_policy (str): How to handle multiple categories that map to the same name. Can be update or ignore. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self.rename_categories({'astronomer': 'person', >>> 'astronaut': 'person', >>> 'mouth': 'person', >>> 'helmet': 'hat'}) >>> assert 'hat' in self.name_to_cat >>> assert 'helmet' not in self.name_to_cat >>> # Test merge case >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> mapper = { >>> 'helmet': 'rocket', >>> 'astronomer': 'rocket', >>> 'human': 'rocket', >>> 'mouth': 'helmet', >>> 'star': 'gas' >>> } >>> self.rename_categories(mapper) """ old_cats = self.dataset['categories'] # Ignore identity mappings mapper = {k: v for k, v in mapper.items() if k != v} # Perform checks to determine what bookkeeping needs to be done orig_cnames = {cat['name'] for cat in old_cats} src_cnames = set(mapper.keys()) dst_cnames = set(mapper.values()) bad_cnames = src_cnames - orig_cnames if bad_cnames: raise ValueError( 'The following categories to not exist: {}'.format(bad_cnames)) has_orig_merges = dst_cnames.intersection(orig_cnames) has_src_merges = dst_cnames.intersection(src_cnames) has_dup_dst = set(ub.find_duplicates(mapper.values()).keys()) has_merges = has_orig_merges or has_src_merges or has_dup_dst if not has_merges: # In the simple case we are just changing the labels, so # nothing special needs to happen. for key, value in mapper.items(): for cat in self.dataset['categories']: if cat['name'] == key: cat['name'] = value else: # Remember the original categories orig_cats = {cat['name']: cat for cat in old_cats} # Remember all annotations of the original categories src_cids = [self.index.name_to_cat[c]['id'] for c in src_cnames] src_cname_to_aids = {c: self.index.cid_to_aids[cid] for c, cid in zip(src_cnames, src_cids)} # Track which srcs each dst is constructed from dst_to_srcs = ub.invert_dict(mapper, unique_vals=False) # Mark unreferenced cats for removal rm_cnames = src_cnames - dst_cnames # Mark unseen cats for addition add_cnames = dst_cnames - orig_cnames # Mark renamed cats for update update_cnames = dst_cnames - add_cnames # Populate new category information new_cats = {} for dst in sorted(dst_cnames): # Combine information between existing categories that are # being collapsed into a single category. srcs = dst_to_srcs[dst] new_cat = {} if len(srcs) <= 1: # in the case of 1 source, then there is no merger for src in srcs: new_cat.update(orig_cats[src]) elif merge_policy == 'update': # When there are multiple sources then union all # original source attributes. # Note: the order of srcs is arbitrary so we sort # to make the update order consistent for src in sorted(srcs): new_cat.update(orig_cats[src]) elif merge_policy == 'ignore': # When there are multiple sources then ignore all # original source attributes. pass else: # There may be better merge policies that should be # implemented raise KeyError('Unknown merge_policy={}'.format( merge_policy)) new_cat['name'] = dst new_cat.pop('id', None) new_cats[dst] = new_cat # Apply category deltas # Remove category names that were renamed self.remove_categories(rm_cnames, keep_annots=True) # Update any existing categories that were merged for cname in sorted(update_cnames): if merge_policy == 'ignore': new_cats[cname] = dict(orig_cats[cname]) elif merge_policy == 'update': new_cat = new_cats[cname] orig_cat = orig_cats[cname] # Only update name and non-existing information # TODO: check for conflicts? new_info = ub.dict_diff(new_cat, orig_cat) orig_cat.update(new_info) else: raise KeyError('Unknown merge_policy={}'.format( merge_policy)) # Add new category names that were created for cname in sorted(add_cnames): self.add_category(**new_cats[cname]) # Apply the annotation deltas for src, aids in src_cname_to_aids.items(): cat = self.name_to_cat[mapper[src]] cid = cat['id'] for aid in aids: self.anns[aid]['category_id'] = cid # force rebuild if any annotations we changed if src_cname_to_aids: rebuild = True if rebuild: self._build_index() else: self.index.clear() self._invalidate_hashid()
[docs] def _ensure_json_serializable(self): # inplace convert any ndarrays to lists from kwcoco.util.util_json import ensure_json_serializable _ = ensure_json_serializable(self.dataset, verbose=1)
[docs] def _aspycoco(self): """ Converts to the official pycocotools.coco.COCO object TODO: - [ ] Maybe expose as a public API? """ from pycocotools import coco pycoco = coco.COCO() pycoco.dataset = self.dataset pycoco.createIndex() return pycoco
[docs] def reroot(self, new_root=None, old_prefix=None, new_prefix=None, absolute=False, check=True, safe=True, verbose=1): """ Modify the prefix of the image/data paths onto a new image/data root. Args: new_root (str | PathLike | None): New image root. If unspecified the current ``self.bundle_dpath`` is used. If old_prefix and new_prefix are unspecified, they will attempt to be determined based on the current root (which assumes the file paths exist at that root) and this new root. Defaults to None. old_prefix (str | None): If specified, removes this prefix from file names. This also prevents any inferences that might be made via "new_root". Defaults to None. new_prefix (str | None): If specified, adds this prefix to the file names. This also prevents any inferences that might be made via "new_root". Defaults to None. absolute (bool): if True, file names are stored as absolute paths, otherwise they are relative to the new image root. Defaults to False. check (bool): if True, checks that the images all exist. Defaults to True. safe (bool): if True, does not overwrite values until all checks pass. Defaults to True. verbose (int): verbosity level, default=0. CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.coco_dataset MixinCocoExtras.reroot TODO: - [ ] Incorporate maximum ordered subtree embedding? Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:rich) >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import rich >>> def report(dset): >>> gid = 1 >>> abs_fpath = ub.Path(dset.get_image_fpath(gid)) >>> rel_fpath = dset.index.imgs[gid]['file_name'] >>> color = 'green' if abs_fpath.exists() else 'red' >>> print(ub.color_text(f'abs_fpath = {abs_fpath!r}', color)) >>> print(f'rel_fpath = {rel_fpath!r}') >>> dset = self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> # Change base relative directory >>> bundle_dpath = ub.expandpath('~') >>> rich.print('ORIG self.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.imgs, nl=1))) >>> rich.print('ORIG dset.bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(dset.bundle_dpath)) >>> rich.print('NEW(1) bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(bundle_dpath)) >>> # Test relative reroot >>> rich.print('[blue] --- 1. RELATIVE REROOT ---') >>> self.reroot(bundle_dpath, verbose=3) >>> report(self) >>> rich.print('NEW(1) self.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.imgs, nl=1))) >>> if not ub.WIN32: >>> assert self.imgs[1]['file_name'].startswith('.cache') >>> # Test absolute reroot >>> rich.print('[blue] --- 2. ABSOLUTE REROOT ---') >>> self.reroot(absolute=True, verbose=3) >>> rich.print('NEW(2) self.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.imgs, nl=1))) >>> assert self.imgs[1]['file_name'].startswith(bundle_dpath) >>> # Switch back to relative paths >>> rich.print('[blue] --- 3. ABS->REL REROOT ---') >>> self.reroot() >>> rich.print('NEW(3) self.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.imgs, nl=1))) >>> if not ub.WIN32: >>> assert self.imgs[1]['file_name'].startswith('.cache') Example: >>> # demo with auxiliary data >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8', aux=True) >>> bundle_dpath = ub.expandpath('~') >>> print(self.imgs[1]['file_name']) >>> print(self.imgs[1]['auxiliary'][0]['file_name']) >>> self.reroot(new_root=bundle_dpath) >>> print(self.imgs[1]['file_name']) >>> print(self.imgs[1]['auxiliary'][0]['file_name']) >>> if not ub.WIN32: >>> assert self.imgs[1]['file_name'].startswith('.cache') >>> assert self.imgs[1]['auxiliary'][0]['file_name'].startswith('.cache') Ignore: See ~/code/kwcoco/dev/devcheck/ """ cur_bundle_dpath = self.bundle_dpath if cur_bundle_dpath == '': cur_bundle_dpath = '.' new_bundle_dpath = self.bundle_dpath if new_root is None else new_root new_bundle_dpath = os.fspath(new_bundle_dpath) # Find the the prefix that to make new relative paths work. rel_prefix = os.path.relpath(cur_bundle_dpath, new_bundle_dpath) if absolute: new_bundle_dpath = os.fspath(ub.Path(new_bundle_dpath).absolute()) if verbose > 1: print('kwcoco.reroot') print(' * new_bundle_dpath = {}'.format(ub.urepr(new_bundle_dpath, nl=1))) print(' * cur_bundle_dpath = {}'.format(ub.urepr(cur_bundle_dpath, nl=1))) print(f' * old_prefix={old_prefix}') print(f' * new_prefix={new_prefix}') print(f' * absolute={absolute}') print(f' * safe={safe}') print(f' * check={check}') if verbose > 2: # First assets if len(self.dataset['images']): from kwcoco.coco_image import CocoImage first_image = CocoImage(self.dataset['images'][0], dset=self) first_image_filepaths = list(first_image.iter_image_filepaths(with_bundle=False)) print(' * first_image_filepaths = {}'.format(ub.urepr(first_image_filepaths, nl=1))) else: print('No images to reroot') def _normalize_prefix(path): # removes leading ./ on paths path = os.fspath(path) while path.startswith('./'): path = path[2:] return path def _reroot_path(file_name): """ Reroot a single file """ # TODO: can this logic be cleaned up, its difficult to follow and # describe. The gist is we want reroot to modify the file names of # the images based on the new root, unless we are explicitly given # information about new and old prefixes. Can we do better than # this? _old_fname = file_name file_name = _normalize_prefix(file_name) cur_gpath = join(cur_bundle_dpath, file_name) if old_prefix is not None: if file_name.startswith(old_prefix): file_name = relpath(file_name, old_prefix) elif cur_gpath.startswith(old_prefix): file_name = relpath(cur_gpath, old_prefix) # If we don't specify new or old prefixes, but new_root was # specified then modify relative file names to be correct with # respect to this new root (assuming the previous root was also # valid) DO_OLD_CHECK = 0 if DO_OLD_CHECK: if old_prefix is None and new_prefix is None: # This is not a good check, fails if we want to # do a relative reroot outside of the original dataset if new_bundle_dpath is not None and cur_gpath.startswith(new_bundle_dpath): file_name = relpath(cur_gpath, new_bundle_dpath) if new_prefix is not None: file_name = join(new_prefix, file_name) if absolute: new_file_name = join(new_bundle_dpath, file_name) else: new_file_name = join(rel_prefix, file_name) if os.path.isabs(new_file_name): # Handle absolute -> relative case new_file_name = relpath(new_file_name, new_bundle_dpath) if check: new_gpath = join(new_bundle_dpath, new_file_name) if not exists(new_gpath): print('ERROR') print(' * file_name (old) = {!r}'.format(_old_fname)) print(' * file_name (new) = {!r}'.format(file_name)) print(' * cur_gpath = {!r}'.format(cur_gpath)) print(' * new_gpath = {!r}'.format(new_gpath)) print(' * new_file_name = {!r}'.format(new_file_name)) print(' * cur_bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(cur_bundle_dpath)) print(' * new_bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(new_bundle_dpath)) raise Exception( 'Image does not exist: {!r}'.format(new_gpath)) return new_file_name # from kwcoco.util import util_reroot num_images = len(self.imgs) enable_prog = verbose > 0 if safe: # First compute all new values in memory but don't overwrite gid_to_new = {} prog = ub.ProgIter(self.imgs.items(), total=num_images, enabled=enable_prog, desc='prepare reroot') for gid, img in prog: gname = img.get('file_name', None) try: new = {} if gname is not None: new['file_name'] = _reroot_path(gname) if 'auxiliary' in img: new['auxiliary'] = aux_fname = [] for aux in img.get('auxiliary', []): aux_fname.append(_reroot_path(aux['file_name'])) if 'assets' in img: new['assets'] = aux_fname = [] for aux in img.get('assets', []): aux_fname.append(_reroot_path(aux['file_name'])) gid_to_new[gid] = new except Exception: # img_repr = ub.urepr(img) asset_fpaths = list(self.coco_image(img['id']).iter_image_filepaths()) raise Exception('Failed to reroot gid={} with fpaths={}'.format(img['id'], asset_fpaths)) # Overwrite old values prog = ub.ProgIter(gid_to_new.items(), total=num_images, enabled=enable_prog, desc='finalize reroot') for gid, new in prog: img = self.imgs[gid] img['file_name'] = new.get('file_name', None) if 'auxiliary' in new: for aux_fname, aux in zip(new['auxiliary'], img['auxiliary']): aux['file_name'] = aux_fname if 'assets' in new: for aux_fname, aux in zip(new['assets'], img['assets']): aux['file_name'] = aux_fname else: prog = ub.ProgIter(self.imgs.values(), total=num_images, enabled=enable_prog, desc='rerooting') for img in prog: try: gname = img.get('file_name', None) if gname is not None: img['file_name'] = _reroot_path(gname) for aux in img.get('auxiliary', []): aux['file_name'] = _reroot_path(aux['file_name']) for aux in img.get('assets', []): aux['file_name'] = _reroot_path(aux['file_name']) except Exception: # img_repr = ub.urepr(img) # raise Exception('Failed to reroot img={}'.format(ub.urepr(img))) asset_fpaths = list(self.coco_image(img['id']).iter_image_filepaths()) raise Exception('Failed to reroot gid={} with fpaths={}'.format(img['id'], asset_fpaths)) if self.index: # Only need to recompute the self.index.file_name_to_img # We dont have to invalidate everything # FIXME: the index should have some method for doing this # (ideally lazilly) self.index.file_name_to_img = { img['file_name']: img for img in self.index.imgs.values() if img.get('file_name', None) is not None } self.bundle_dpath = new_bundle_dpath return self
@property def data_root(self): """ In the future we will deprecate data_root for bundle_dpath """ return self.bundle_dpath @data_root.setter def data_root(self, value): self.bundle_dpath = value if value is None else os.fspath(value) @property def img_root(self): """ In the future we will deprecate img_root for bundle_dpath """ return self.bundle_dpath @img_root.setter def img_root(self, value): self.bundle_dpath = value @property def data_fpath(self): """ data_fpath is an alias of fpath """ return self.fpath @data_fpath.setter def data_fpath(self, value): self.fpath = value
[docs] class MixinCocoHashing: """ Mixin for creating and maintaining hashids (i.e. content identifiers) """
[docs] def _build_hashid(self, hash_pixels=False, verbose=0): """ Construct a hash that uniquely identifies the state of this dataset. Args: hash_pixels (bool): If False the image data is not included in the hash, which can speed up computation, but is not 100% robust. Defaults to False. verbose (int): verbosity level Returns: str: the hashid Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self._build_hashid(hash_pixels=True, verbose=3) ... >>> # Shorten hashes for readability >>> import ubelt as ub >>> walker = ub.IndexableWalker(self.hashid_parts) >>> for path, val in walker: >>> if isinstance(val, str): >>> walker[path] = val[0:8] >>> # Note: this may change in different versions of kwcoco >>> print('self.hashid_parts = ' + ub.urepr(self.hashid_parts)) >>> print('self.hashid = {!r}'.format(self.hashid[0:8])) self.hashid_parts = { 'annotations': { 'json': 'c1d1b9c3', 'num': 11, }, 'images': { 'pixels': '88e37cc3', 'json': '9b8e8be3', 'num': 3, }, 'categories': { 'json': '82d22e00', 'num': 8, }, } self.hashid = 'bf69bf15' Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self._build_hashid(hash_pixels=True, verbose=3) >>> self.hashid_parts >>> # Test that when we modify the dataset only the relevant >>> # hashid parts are recomputed. >>> orig = self.hashid_parts['categories']['json'] >>> self.add_category('foobar') >>> assert 'categories' not in self.hashid_parts >>> self.hashid_parts >>> self.hashid_parts['images']['json'] = 'should not change' >>> self._build_hashid(hash_pixels=True, verbose=3) >>> assert self.hashid_parts['categories']['json'] >>> assert self.hashid_parts['categories']['json'] != orig >>> assert self.hashid_parts['images']['json'] == 'should not change' """ # Construct nested container that we will populate with hashable # info corresponding to each type of data that we track. hashid_parts = self.hashid_parts if hashid_parts is None: hashid_parts = OrderedDict() # TODO: hashid for videos? Maybe? # Ensure hashid_parts has the proper root structure # TODO: rely on subet of SPEC_KEYS parts = ['annotations', 'images', 'categories'] for part in parts: if not hashid_parts.get(part, None): hashid_parts[part] = OrderedDict() rebuild_parts = [] reuse_parts = [] gids = None if hash_pixels: if not hashid_parts['images'].get('pixels', None): gids = sorted(self.imgs.keys()) gpaths = [join(self.bundle_dpath, gname) for gname in self.images(gids).lookup('file_name')] gpath_sha512s = [ ub.hash_file(gpath, hasher='sha512') for gpath in ub.ProgIter(gpaths, desc='hashing images', verbose=verbose) ] hashid_parts['images']['pixels'] = ub.hash_data(gpath_sha512s) rebuild_parts.append('images.pixels') else: reuse_parts.append('images.pixels') # Hash individual components with ub.Timer(label='hash coco parts', verbose=verbose > 1): # Dumping annots to json takes the longest amount of time # However, its faster than hashing the data directly def _ditems(d): # return sorted(d.items()) return list(d.items()) if isinstance(d, OrderedDict) else sorted(d.items()) if not hashid_parts['annotations'].get('json', None): aids = sorted(self.anns.keys()) _anns_ordered = (self.anns[aid] for aid in aids) anns_ordered = [_ditems(ann) for ann in _anns_ordered] try: anns_text = json_w.dumps(anns_ordered) except TypeError: if __debug__: for ann in anns_ordered: try: json_w.dumps(ann) except TypeError: print('FAILED TO ENCODE ann = {!r}'.format(ann)) break raise hashid_parts['annotations']['json'] = ub.hash_data( anns_text, hasher='sha512') hashid_parts['annotations']['num'] = len(aids) rebuild_parts.append('annotations.json') else: reuse_parts.append('annotations.json') if not hashid_parts['images'].get('json', None): if gids is None: gids = sorted(self.imgs.keys()) imgs_text = json_w.dumps( [_ditems(self.imgs[gid]) for gid in gids]) hashid_parts['images']['json'] = ub.hash_data( imgs_text, hasher='sha512') hashid_parts['images']['num'] = len(gids) rebuild_parts.append('images.json') else: reuse_parts.append('images.json') if not hashid_parts['categories'].get('json', None): cids = sorted(self.cats.keys()) cats_text = json_w.dumps( [_ditems(self.cats[cid]) for cid in cids]) hashid_parts['categories']['json'] = ub.hash_data( cats_text, hasher='sha512') hashid_parts['categories']['num'] = len(cids) rebuild_parts.append('categories.json') else: reuse_parts.append('categories.json') # TODO: # if not hashid_parts['tracks'].get('json', None): # cids = sorted(self.index.tracks.keys()) # cats_text = json_w.dumps( # [_ditems(self.index.tracks[cid]) for cid in cids]) # hashid_parts['tracks']['json'] = ub.hash_data( # cats_text, hasher='sha512') # hashid_parts['tracks']['num'] = len(cids) # rebuild_parts.append('tracks.json') # else: # reuse_parts.append('tracks.json') if verbose > 1: if reuse_parts: print('Reused hashid_parts: {}'.format(reuse_parts)) print('Rebuilt hashid_parts: {}'.format(rebuild_parts)) hashid = ub.hash_data(hashid_parts) self.hashid = hashid self.hashid_parts = hashid_parts return hashid
[docs] def _invalidate_hashid(self, parts=None): """ Called whenever the coco dataset is modified. It is possible to specify which parts were modified so unmodified parts can be reused next time the hash is constructed. TODO: - [ ] Rename to _notify_modification --- or something like that """ self._state['was_modified'] = True self.hashid = None if parts is not None and self.hashid_parts is not None: for part in parts: self.hashid_parts.pop(part, None) else: self.hashid_parts = None
[docs] def _cached_hashid(self): """ Under Construction. The idea is to cache the hashid when we are sure that the dataset was loaded from a file and has not been modified. We can record the modification time of the file (because we know it hasn't changed in memory), and use that as a key to the cache. If the modification time on the file is different than the one recorded in the cache, we know the cache could be invalid, so we recompute the hashid. TODO: - [ ] This is reasonably stable, elevate this to a public API function. """ cache_miss = True enable_cache = ( self._state['was_loaded'] and not self._state['was_modified'] ) if enable_cache: coco_fpath = ub.Path(self.fpath) enable_cache = coco_fpath.exists() if enable_cache: cache_dpath = (coco_fpath.parent / '_cache') cache_fname = + '.hashid.cache' hashid_sidecar_fpath = cache_dpath / cache_fname # Generate current lookup key fpath_stat = coco_fpath.stat() status_key = { 'st_size': fpath_stat.st_size, 'st_mtime': fpath_stat.st_mtime } if hashid_sidecar_fpath.exists(): cached_data = json_r.loads(hashid_sidecar_fpath.read_text()) if cached_data['status_key'] == status_key: self.hashid = cached_data['hashid'] self.hashid_parts = cached_data['hashid_parts'] cache_miss = False if cache_miss: self._build_hashid() if enable_cache: hashid_cache_data = { 'hashid': self.hashid, 'hashid_parts': self.hashid_parts, 'status_key': status_key, } try: hashid_sidecar_fpath.parent.ensuredir() hashid_sidecar_fpath.write_text(json_w.dumps(hashid_cache_data)) except PermissionError as ex: warnings.warn(f'Cannot write a cached hashid: {repr(ex)}') return self.hashid
[docs] @classmethod def _cached_hashid_for(cls, fpath): """ Lookup the cached hashid for a kwcoco json file if it exists. """ coco_fpath = ub.Path(fpath) enable_cache = coco_fpath.exists() if enable_cache: cache_dpath = (coco_fpath.parent / '_cache') cache_fname = + '.hashid.cache' hashid_sidecar_fpath = cache_dpath / cache_fname # Generate current lookup key fpath_stat = coco_fpath.stat() status_key = { 'st_size': fpath_stat.st_size, 'st_mtime': fpath_stat.st_mtime } if hashid_sidecar_fpath.exists(): cached_data = json_r.loads(hashid_sidecar_fpath.read_text()) if cached_data['status_key'] == status_key: cached_data['hashid'] cached_data['hashid_parts'] cache_miss = False if cache_miss: # TODO: fixme? # self._build_hashid() # if enable_cache: # hashid_cache_data = { # 'hashid': self.hashid, # 'hashid_parts': self.hashid_parts, # 'status_key': status_key, # } # hashid_sidecar_fpath.parent.ensuredir() # hashid_sidecar_fpath.write_text(json_w.dumps(hashid_cache_data)) raise Exception("cache miss")
[docs] class MixinCocoObjects: """ Expose methods to construct object lists / groups. This is an alternative vectorized ORM-like interface to the coco dataset """
[docs] def annots(self, annot_ids=None, image_id=None, track_id=None, video_id=None, trackid=None, aids=None, gid=None): """ Return vectorized annotation objects Args: annot_ids (List[int] | None): annotation ids to reference, if unspecified all annotations are returned. An alias is "aids", which may be removed in the future. image_id (int | None): return all annotations that belong to this image id. Mutually exclusive with other arguments. An alias is "gids", which may be removed in the future. track_id (int | None): return all annotations that belong to this track. mutually exclusive with other arguments. An alias is "trackid", which may be removed in the future. video_id (int | None): return all annotations that belong to this video. mutually exclusive with other arguments. Returns: kwcoco.coco_objects1d.Annots: vectorized annotation object Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> annots = self.annots() >>> print(annots) <Annots(num=11)> >>> sub_annots = annots.take([1, 2, 3]) >>> print(sub_annots) <Annots(num=3)> >>> print(ub.urepr(sub_annots.get('bbox', None))) [ [350, 5, 130, 290], None, None, ] """ if image_id is None: image_id = gid if annot_ids is None: annot_ids = aids if trackid is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', 'trackid', 'argument of CocoDataset.annots', migration='Use "track_id" instead.', deprecate='0.5.9', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', ) track_id = trackid if image_id is not None: annot_ids = sorted(self.index.gid_to_aids[image_id]) if track_id is not None: annot_ids = self.index.trackid_to_aids[track_id] if video_id is not None: annot_ids = sorted(ub.flatten([ self.index.gid_to_aids[gid] for gid in self.index.vidid_to_gids[video_id]])) if annot_ids is None: annot_ids = sorted(self.index.anns.keys()) return Annots(annot_ids, self)
[docs] def images(self, image_ids=None, video_id=None, names=None, gids=None, vidid=None): """ Return vectorized image objects Args: image_ids (List[int] | None): image ids to reference, if unspecified all images are returned. An alias is `gids`. video_id (int | None): returns all images that belong to this video id. mutually exclusive with `image_ids` arg. names (List[str] | None): lookup images by their names. Returns: kwcoco.coco_objects1d.Images: vectorized image object Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> images = self.images() >>> print(images) <Images(num=3)> >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2') >>> video_id = 1 >>> images = self.images(video_id=video_id) >>> assert all(v == video_id for v in images.lookup('video_id')) >>> print(images) <Images(num=2)> """ if image_ids is None: image_ids = gids if vidid is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', 'vidid', 'argument of CocoDataset.images', migration='Use "video_id" instead.', deprecate='0.5.0', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', ) video_id = vidid if video_id is not None: image_ids = self.index.vidid_to_gids[video_id] if names is not None: image_ids = [self.index.name_to_img[name]['id'] for name in names] if image_ids is None: image_ids = sorted(self.index.imgs.keys()) return Images(image_ids, self)
[docs] def categories(self, category_ids=None, cids=None): """ Return vectorized category objects Args: category_ids (List[int] | None): category ids to reference, if unspecified all categories are returned. The `cids` argument is an alias. Returns: kwcoco.coco_objects1d.Categories: vectorized category object Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> categories = self.categories() >>> print(categories) <Categories(num=8)> """ if category_ids is None: category_ids = cids if cids is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', 'cids', 'argument of CocoDataset.categories', migration='Use "category_ids" instead.', deprecate='0.7.3', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', ) if category_ids is None: category_ids = sorted(self.index.cats.keys()) return Categories(category_ids, self)
[docs] def videos(self, video_ids=None, names=None, vidids=None): """ Return vectorized video objects Args: video_ids (List[int] | None): video ids to reference, if unspecified all videos are returned. The `vidids` argument is an alias. Mutually exclusive with other args. names (List[str] | None): lookup videos by their name. Mutually exclusive with other args. Returns: kwcoco.coco_objects1d.Videos: vectorized video object TODO: - [ ] This conflicts with what should be the property that should redirect to ``index.videos``, we should resolve this somehow. E.g. all other main members of the index (anns, imgs, cats) have a toplevel dataset property, we don't have one for videos because the name we would pick conflicts with this. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2') >>> videos = self.videos() >>> print(videos) >>> videos.lookup('name') >>> videos.lookup('id') >>> print('videos.objs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(videos.objs[0:2], nl=1))) """ if video_ids is None: video_ids = vidids if video_ids is None: video_ids = sorted(self.index.videos.keys()) if names is not None: video_ids = [self.index.name_to_video[name]['id'] for name in names] return Videos(video_ids, self)
[docs] def tracks(self, track_ids=None, names=None): """ Return vectorized track objects Args: track_ids (List[int] | None): track ids to reference, if unspecified all tracks are returned. names (List[str] | None): lookup tracks by their name. Mutually exclusive with other args. Returns: kwcoco.coco_objects1d.Tracks: vectorized video object Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2') >>> tracks = self.tracks() >>> print(tracks) >>> tracks.lookup('name') >>> tracks.lookup('id') >>> print('tracks.objs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(tracks.objs[0:2], nl=1))) """ if track_ids is None: track_ids = sorted(self.index.tracks.keys()) if names is not None: track_ids = [self.index.name_to_track[name]['id'] for name in names] return Tracks(track_ids, self)
[docs] class MixinCocoStats: """ Methods for getting stats about the dataset """ @property def n_annots(self): """ The number of annotations in the dataset """ return len(self.dataset.get('annotations', [])) @property def n_images(self): """ The number of images in the dataset """ return len(self.dataset.get('images', [])) @property def n_cats(self): """ The number of categories in the dataset """ return len(self.dataset.get('categories', [])) @property def n_tracks(self): """ The number of tracks in the dataset """ return len(self.dataset.get('tracks', [])) @property def n_videos(self): """ The number of videos in the dataset """ return len(self.dataset.get('videos', []))
[docs] def category_annotation_frequency(self): """ Reports the number of annotations of each category Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> hist = self.category_annotation_frequency() >>> print(ub.urepr(hist)) { 'astroturf': 0, 'human': 0, 'astronaut': 1, 'astronomer': 1, 'helmet': 1, 'rocket': 1, 'mouth': 2, 'star': 5, } """ catname_to_nannots = ub.map_keys( lambda x: None if x is None else self.cats[x]['name'], ub.map_vals(len, self.index.cid_to_aids)) catname_to_nannots = ub.odict(sorted(catname_to_nannots.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]))) return catname_to_nannots
[docs] def conform(self, **config): """ Make the COCO file conform a stricter spec, infers attibutes where possible. Corresponds to the ``kwcoco conform`` CLI tool. KWArgs: **config : pycocotools_info (default=True): returns info required by pycocotools ensure_imgsize (default=True): ensure image size is populated mmlab (default=False): if True tries to convert data to be compatible with open-mmlab tooling. legacy (default=False): if True tries to convert data structures to items compatible with the original pycocotools spec workers (int): number of parallel jobs for IO tasks Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> dset.index.imgs[1].pop('width') >>> dset.conform(legacy=True) >>> assert 'width' in dset.index.imgs[1] >>> assert 'area' in dset.index.anns[1] """ if config.get('ensure_imgsize', True): self._ensure_imgsize(workers=config.get('workers', 8)) for vidid, gids in self.index.vidid_to_gids.items(): if len(gids): # Each image in a video should be the same size (unless we # implement some transform from image to video space) # populate each video with the consistent width/height video = self.index.videos[vidid] vid_frames = self.images(gids) width_cand = vid_frames.lookup('width') height_cand = vid_frames.lookup('height') if ub.allsame(height_cand) and ub.allsame(width_cand): video['width'] = width_cand[0] video['height'] = height_cand[0] if config.get('pycocotools_info', True): for ann in ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['annotations'], desc='update anns'): if 'iscrowd' not in ann: ann['iscrowd'] = False if 'ignore' not in ann: ann['ignore'] = ann.get('weight', 1.0) < .5 if 'area' not in ann: # Use segmentation if available if 'segmentation' in ann: try: import kwimage poly = kwimage.MultiPolygon.from_coco(ann['segmentation']) ann['area'] = float(poly.to_shapely().area) except Exception: import warnings warnings.warn(ub.paragraph( ''' Unable to coerce segmentation to a polygon. This may be indicative of a bug in `kwimage.MultiPolygon.coerce` or a misformatted segmentation ''')) else: try: x, y, w, h = ann['bbox'] except KeyError: warnings.warn(ub.paragraph( ''' Unable to add "area" key because an annotation is missing or has a malformed "bbox" entry ''')) else: ann['area'] = w * h if config.get('mmlab', False): # Add support for open-mmlab coco dataset ingestion if self.dataset.get('videos', None): for images in self.videos().images: # mmdet wants the frame_id property for frame_index, img in enumerate(images.objs): img['frame_id'] = frame_index # mmdet wants the instance_id property for ann in enumerate(self.dataset['annotations']): if 'track_id' in ann: ann['instance_id'] = ann['track_id'] if config.get('legacy', False): try: kpcats = self.keypoint_categories() except Exception: kpcats = None for ann in ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['annotations'], desc='update orig coco anns'): # Use segmentation if available if 'segmentation' in ann: # TODO: any original style coco dict is ok, we dont # always need it to be a poly if it is RLE import kwimage poly = kwimage.MultiPolygon.from_coco(ann['segmentation']) # Hack, looks like kwimage does not wrap the original # coco polygon with a list, but pycocotools needs that ann['segmentation'] = poly.to_coco(style='orig') if 'keypoints' in ann: import kwimage # TODO: these have to be in some defined order for # each category, currently it is arbitrary pts = kwimage.Points.from_coco(ann['keypoints'], classes=kpcats) ann['keypoints'] = pts.to_coco(style='orig')
[docs] def validate(self, **config): """ Performs checks on this coco dataset. Corresponds to the ``kwcoco validate`` CLI tool. Args: **config : schema (default=True): if True, validate the json-schema unique (default=True): if True, validate unique secondary keys missing (default=True): if True, validate registered files exist corrupted (default=False): if True, validate data in registered files channels (default=True): if True, validate that channels in auxiliary/asset items are all unique. require_relative (default=False): if True, causes validation to fail if paths are non-portable, i.e. all paths must be relative to the bundle directory. if>0, paths must be relative to bundle root. if>1, paths must be inside bundle root. img_attrs (default='warn'): if truthy, check that image attributes contain width and height entries. If 'warn', then warn if they do not exist. If 'error', then fail. verbose (default=1): verbosity flag workers (int): number of workers for parallel checks. defaults to 0 fastfail (default=False): if True raise errors immediately Returns: dict: result containing keys - status (bool): False if any errors occurred errors (List[str]): list of all error messages missing (List): List of any missing images corrupted (List): List of any corrupted images SeeAlso: :func:`_check_integrity` - performs internal checks Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.warns(UserWarning): >>> result = self.validate() >>> assert not result['errors'] >>> assert result['warnings'] """ dset = self result = { 'errors': [], 'warnings': [], } verbose = config.get('verbose', 1) fastfail = config.get('fastfail', 0) def _error(msg): if verbose: print(msg) if fastfail: raise Exception(msg) result['errors'].append(msg) def _warn(msg): if verbose: print(msg) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) result['warnings'].append(msg) if config.get('schema', True): import jsonschema from kwcoco.coco_schema import COCO_SCHEMA if verbose: print('Validate json-schema') try: COCO_SCHEMA.validate(dset.dataset) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ex: err = ex print(f'err.absolute_path={err.absolute_path}') msg = 'Failed to validate schema: {}'.format(str(err)) _error(msg) def _check_unique(dset, table_key, col_key, required=True): if verbose: print('Check table {!r} has unique {!r}'.format( table_key, col_key)) items = dset.dataset.get(table_key, []) seen = set() num_unset = 0 for obj in items: value = obj.get(col_key, None) if value is None: num_unset += 1 else: if value in seen: msg = 'Duplicate {} {} = {!r}'.format( table_key, col_key, value) _error(msg) else: seen.add(value) if num_unset > 0: msg = ub.paragraph( ''' Table {!r} is missing {} / {} values for column {!r} ''' ).format(table_key, num_unset, len(items), col_key) if required: _error(msg) else: _warn(msg) def _check_attrs(dset, table_key, col_key, required=True): if verbose: print('Check table {!r} entries have attr {!r}'.format( table_key, col_key)) items = dset.dataset.get(table_key, []) num_unset = 0 for obj in items: value = obj.get(col_key, None) if value is None: num_unset += 1 if num_unset > 0: msg = ub.paragraph( ''' Table {!r} is missing {} / {} values for column {!r} ''' ).format(table_key, num_unset, len(items), col_key) if required: _error(msg) else: _warn(msg) def _check_subtable_attrs(dset, table_key, subtable_keys, col_key, required=True): if verbose: print('Check subtable {!r} / {!r} entries have attr {!r}'.format( table_key, subtable_keys, col_key)) items = dset.dataset.get(table_key, []) num_unset = 0 num_subobjs = 0 for obj in items: # hack for asset/auxiliary _ = ub.dict_isect(obj, subtable_keys) sub_objs = ub.peek(_.values()) if _ else None if sub_objs: for sub_obj in sub_objs: num_subobjs += 1 value = sub_obj.get(col_key, None) if value is None: num_unset += 1 if num_unset > 0: msg = ub.paragraph( ''' Subtable {!r}/{!r} is missing {} / {} values for column {!r} ''' ).format(table_key, subtable_keys, num_unset, num_subobjs, col_key) if required: _error(msg) else: _warn(msg) if config.get('unique', True): _check_unique(dset, table_key='categories', col_key='name') _check_unique(dset, table_key='videos', col_key='name') _check_unique(dset, table_key='images', col_key='name', required=False) _check_unique(dset, table_key='images', col_key='id') _check_unique(dset, table_key='videos', col_key='id') _check_unique(dset, table_key='annotations', col_key='id') _check_unique(dset, table_key='categories', col_key='id') if config.get('img_attrs', False): required = config.get('img_attrs', False) == 'error' # Refine this? _check_attrs(dset, table_key='images', col_key='width', required=required) _check_attrs(dset, table_key='images', col_key='height', required=required) _check_subtable_attrs(dset, table_key='images', subtable_keys=['asset', 'auxiliary'], col_key='width', required=required) _check_subtable_attrs(dset, table_key='images', subtable_keys=['asset', 'auxiliary'], col_key='height', required=required) if config.get('annot_attrs', True): required = config.get('annot_attrs', False) == 'error' _check_attrs(dset, table_key='annotations', col_key='bbox', required=False) if config.get('channels', True): for img in self.dataset.get('images', []): seen = set() assets = img.get('auxiliary', []) + img.get('assets', []) for obj in assets: channels = obj.get('channels', None) if channels is None: gid = img['id'] _error('Asset in gid={} is missing channels, obj={}'.format(gid, obj)) else: from kwcoco import FusedChannelSpec channels = FusedChannelSpec.coerce(channels) for chan in channels.as_list(): if chan in seen: gid = img['id'] _error('The chan={} is specified more than once in gid={}'.format(chan, gid)) seen.add(chan) if config.get('missing', True): missing = dset.missing_images(check_aux=True, verbose=verbose) if missing: msg = ub.paragraph( f''' There are {len(missing)} missing images. The first one is {missing[0][1]!r}. ''') _error(msg) result['missing'] = missing if config.get('corrupted', False): corrupted = dset.corrupted_images(check_aux=True, verbose=verbose, workers=config.get('workers', 0)) if corrupted: msg = ub.paragraph( f''' There are {len(corrupted)} corrupted images. The first one is {corrupted[0][1]!r}. ''') _error(msg) result['corrupted'] = corrupted if config.get('require_relative', False): rr = config.get('require_relative', False) for gid in dset.imgs.keys(): coco_img = dset.coco_image(gid) for obj in coco_img.iter_asset_objs(): fname = ub.Path(obj['file_name']) if rr > 0: if fname.is_absolute(): _error('non relative fname = {!r}'.format(fname)) if rr > 1: if '..' in _error('non internal fname = {!r}'.format(fname)) return result
[docs] def stats(self, **kwargs): """ Compute summary statistics to describe the dataset at a high level This function corresponds to :mod:`kwcoco.cli.coco_stats`. KWargs: basic(bool): return basic stats', default=True extended(bool): return extended stats', default=True catfreq(bool): return category frequency stats', default=True boxes(bool): return bounding box stats', default=False annot_attrs(bool): return annotation attribute information', default=True image_attrs(bool): return image attribute information', default=True Returns: dict: info """ config = kwargs dset = self info = {} if config.get('basic', True): info['basic'] = dset.basic_stats() if config.get('extended', True): info['extended'] = dset.extended_stats() if config.get('catfreq', True): info['catfreq'] = dset.category_annotation_frequency() def varied(obj_lut): attrs = ub.ddict(lambda: 0) unique = ub.ddict(set) for obj in obj_lut.values(): for key, value in obj.items(): if value: attrs[key] += 1 try: unique[key].add(value) except TypeError: unique[key].add(ub.hash_data(value, hasher='sha1')) varied_attrs = { key: {'num_unique': len(unique[key]), 'num_total': num} for key, num in attrs.items() } return varied_attrs if config.get('image_attrs', True): image_attrs = varied(dset.index.imgs) info['image_attrs'] = image_attrs if config.get('annot_attrs', True): annot_attrs = varied(dset.index.anns) info['annot_attrs'] = annot_attrs if config.get('video_attrs', True): annot_attrs = varied(dset.index.videos) info['video_attrs'] = annot_attrs if config.get('boxes', False): info['boxes'] = dset.boxsize_stats() return info
[docs] def basic_stats(self): """ Reports number of images, annotations, and categories. SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoStats.basic_stats` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoStats.extended_stats` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> print(ub.urepr(self.basic_stats())) { 'n_anns': 11, 'n_imgs': 3, 'n_videos': 0, 'n_cats': 8, 'n_tracks': 0, } >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata_video import random_video_dset >>> dset = random_video_dset(render=True, num_frames=2, num_tracks=10, rng=0) >>> print(ub.urepr(dset.basic_stats())) { 'n_anns': 20, 'n_imgs': 2, 'n_videos': 1, 'n_cats': 3, 'n_tracks': 10, } """ n_tracks = self.n_tracks if len(self.index.trackid_to_aids) > n_tracks + 3: n_tracks = len(self.index.trackid_to_aids) if None in self.index.trackid_to_aids: n_tracks -= 1 info = ub.odict([ ('n_anns', self.n_annots), ('n_imgs', self.n_images), ('n_videos', self.n_videos), ('n_cats', self.n_cats), ('n_tracks', n_tracks), ]) return info
[docs] def extended_stats(self): """ Reports number of images, annotations, and categories. SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoStats.basic_stats` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoStats.extended_stats` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> print(ub.urepr(self.extended_stats())) """ import kwarray def mapping_stats(xid_to_yids): n_yids = list(ub.map_vals(len, xid_to_yids).values()) return kwarray.stats_dict(n_yids, n_extreme=True) if hasattr(self, '_all_rows_column_lookup'): # Hack for SQL speed, still slow though aid_to_cid = dict(self._all_rows_column_lookup( 'annotations', ['id', 'category_id'])) gid_to_cidfreq = {} for gid, aids in self.index.gid_to_aids.items(): gid_to_cidfreq[gid] = ub.dict_hist( ub.take(aid_to_cid, aids)) # for gid, aids in self.index.gid_to_aids.items(): # cids = self._column_lookup( # 'annotations', 'category_id', rowids=aids) # gid_to_cidfreq[gid] = ub.dict_hist(cids) else: # this is slow for sql. gid_to_cidfreq = ub.map_vals( lambda aids: ub.dict_hist([ self.anns[aid]['category_id'] for aid in aids]), self.index.gid_to_aids) gid_to_cids = { gid: list(cidfreq.keys()) for gid, cidfreq in gid_to_cidfreq.items() } trackid_to_aids = ub.udict(self.index.trackid_to_aids) - {None} img_has_anns = [int(len(aids) > 0) for gid, aids in self.index.gid_to_aids.items()] imgs_with_annots = kwarray.stats_dict(img_has_anns, n_extreme=True, quantile=False) return ub.odict([ ('annots_per_img', mapping_stats(self.index.gid_to_aids)), ('imgs_per_cat', mapping_stats(self.index.cid_to_gids)), ('cats_per_img', mapping_stats(gid_to_cids)), ('annots_per_cat', mapping_stats(self.index.cid_to_aids)), ('imgs_per_video', mapping_stats(self.index.vidid_to_gids)), ('annots_per_track', mapping_stats(trackid_to_aids)), ('imgs_with_annots', imgs_with_annots), ])
[docs] def boxsize_stats(self, anchors=None, perclass=True, gids=None, aids=None, verbose=0, clusterkw={}, statskw={}): """ Compute statistics about bounding box sizes. Also computes anchor boxes using kmeans if ``anchors`` is specified. Args: anchors (int | None): if specified also computes box anchors via KMeans clustering perclass (bool): if True also computes stats for each category gids (List[int] | None): if specified only compute stats for these image ids. Defaults to None. aids (List[int] | None): if specified only compute stats for these annotation ids. Defaults to None. verbose (int): verbosity level clusterkw (dict): kwargs for :class:`sklearn.cluster.KMeans` used if computing anchors. statskw (dict): kwargs for :func:`kwarray.stats_dict` Returns: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict | ndarray]]: Stats are returned in width-height format. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes32') >>> infos = self.boxsize_stats(anchors=4, perclass=False) >>> print(ub.urepr(infos, nl=-1, precision=2)) >>> infos = self.boxsize_stats(gids=[1], statskw=dict(median=True)) >>> print(ub.urepr(infos, nl=-1, precision=2)) """ import kwarray import numpy as np cname_to_box_sizes = defaultdict(list) if bool(gids) and bool(aids): raise ValueError('specifying gids and aids is mutually exclusive') if gids is not None: aids = ub.flatten(ub.take(self.index.gid_to_aids, gids)) if aids is not None: anns = ub.take(self.anns, aids) else: anns = self.dataset.get('annotations', []) for ann in anns: if 'bbox' in ann: cname = self.cats[ann['category_id']]['name'] cname_to_box_sizes[cname].append(ann['bbox'][2:4]) cname_to_box_sizes = ub.map_vals(np.array, cname_to_box_sizes) def _boxes_info(box_sizes): box_info = { 'stats': kwarray.stats_dict(box_sizes, axis=0, **statskw) } if anchors: from sklearn import cluster defaultkw = { 'n_clusters': anchors, 'n_init': 20, 'max_iter': 10000, 'tol': 1e-6, 'algorithm': 'elkan', 'verbose': verbose } kmkw = ub.dict_union(defaultkw, clusterkw) algo = cluster.KMeans(**kmkw) anchor_sizes = algo.cluster_centers_ box_info['anchors'] = anchor_sizes return box_info infos = {} if perclass: cid_to_info = {} for cname, box_sizes in cname_to_box_sizes.items(): if verbose: print('compute {} bbox stats'.format(cname)) cid_to_info[cname] = _boxes_info(box_sizes) infos['perclass'] = cid_to_info if verbose: print('compute all bbox stats') all_sizes = np.vstack(list(cname_to_box_sizes.values())) all_info = _boxes_info(all_sizes) infos['all'] = all_info return infos
[docs] def find_representative_images(self, gids=None): r""" Find images that have a wide array of categories. Attempt to find the fewest images that cover all categories using images that contain both a large and small number of annotations. Args: gids (None | List): Subset of image ids to consider when finding representative images. Uses all images if unspecified. Returns: List: list of image ids determined to be representative Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> gids = self.find_representative_images() >>> print('gids = {!r}'.format(gids)) >>> gids = self.find_representative_images([3]) >>> print('gids = {!r}'.format(gids)) >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> gids = self.find_representative_images() >>> print('gids = {!r}'.format(gids)) >>> valid = {7, 1} >>> gids = self.find_representative_images(valid) >>> assert valid.issuperset(gids) >>> print('gids = {!r}'.format(gids)) """ import kwarray if gids is None: gids = sorted(self.imgs.keys()) gid_to_aids = self.index.gid_to_aids else: gid_to_aids = ub.dict_subset(self.index.gid_to_aids, gids) all_cids = set(self.index.cid_to_aids.keys()) # Select representative images to draw such that each category # appears at least once. gid_to_cidfreq = ub.map_vals( lambda aids: ub.dict_hist([self.anns[aid]['category_id'] for aid in aids]), gid_to_aids) gid_to_nannots = ub.map_vals(len, gid_to_aids) gid_to_cids = { gid: list(cidfreq.keys()) for gid, cidfreq in gid_to_cidfreq.items() } for gid, nannots in gid_to_nannots.items(): if nannots == 0: # Add a dummy category to note images without any annotations gid_to_cids[gid].append(-1) all_cids.add(-1) all_cids = list(all_cids) # Solve setcover with different weight schemes to get a better # representative sample. candidate_sets = gid_to_cids.copy() selected = {} large_image_weights = gid_to_nannots small_image_weights = ub.map_vals(lambda x: 1 / (x + 1), gid_to_nannots) cover1 = kwarray.setcover(candidate_sets, items=all_cids) selected.update(cover1) candidate_sets = ub.dict_diff(candidate_sets, cover1) cover2 = kwarray.setcover( candidate_sets, items=all_cids, set_weights=large_image_weights) selected.update(cover2) candidate_sets = ub.dict_diff(candidate_sets, cover2) cover3 = kwarray.setcover( candidate_sets, items=all_cids, set_weights=small_image_weights) selected.update(cover3) candidate_sets = ub.dict_diff(candidate_sets, cover3) selected_gids = sorted(selected.keys()) return selected_gids
[docs] class MixinCocoDraw: """ Matplotlib / display functionality """
[docs] def draw_image(self, gid, channels=None): """ Use kwimage to draw all annotations on an image and return the pixels as a numpy array. Args: gid (int): image id to draw channels (kwcoco.ChannelSpec): the channel to draw on Returns: ndarray: canvas SeeAlso :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoDraw.draw_image` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoDraw.show_image` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> self.draw_image(1) >>> # Now you can dump the annotated image to disk / whatever >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas) """ import kwimage # Load the raw image pixels coco_img = self.coco_image(gid) delayed = coco_img.imdelay(space='image', channels=channels) if delayed.channels is not None and delayed.channels.numel() > 3: import warnings warnings.warn('Requested drawing more than 3 channels. ' 'Only picking first 3') first_channels = coco_img.imdelay(space='image').channels.fuse()[0:3] delayed = delayed.take_channels(first_channels) canvas = delayed.finalize() canvas = _normalize_intensity_if_needed(canvas) # Get annotation IDs from this image aids = self.index.gid_to_aids[gid] # Grab relevant annotation dictionaries anns = [self.anns[aid] for aid in aids] # Transform them into a kwimage.Detections datastructure dset = self try: classes = dset.object_categories() except Exception: classes = list(dset.name_to_cat.keys()) try: kp_classes = dset.keypoint_categories() except Exception: # hack anns = [ann.copy() for ann in anns] for ann in anns: ann.pop('keypoints', None) kp_classes = None cats = dset.dataset['categories'] # dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots(anns, dset=self) dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots( anns, classes=classes, cats=cats, kp_classes=kp_classes) canvas = dets.draw_on(canvas) return canvas
[docs] def show_image(self, gid=None, aids=None, aid=None, channels=None, setlim=None, **kwargs): """ Use matplotlib to show an image with annotations overlaid Args: gid (int | None): image id to show aids (list | None): aids to highlight within the image aid (int | None): a specific aid to focus on. If gid is not give, look up gid based on this aid. setlim (None | str): if 'image' sets the limit to the image extent **kwargs: show_annots, show_aid, show_catname, show_kpname, show_segmentation, title, show_gid, show_filename, show_boxes, SeeAlso :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoDraw.draw_image` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoDraw.show_image` Ignore: # Programmatically collect the kwargs for docs generation import xinspect import kwcoco kwargs = xinspect.get_kwargs(kwcoco.CocoDataset.show_image) print(ub.urepr(list(kwargs.keys()), nl=1, si=1)) CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.coco_dataset MixinCocoDraw.show_image --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-msi') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> # xdoctest: -REQUIRES(--show) >>> dset.show_image(gid=1, channels='B8') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import kwimage import kwplot import numpy as np figkw = {k: kwargs[k] for k in ['fnum', 'pnum', 'doclf', 'docla'] if k in kwargs} if figkw: kwplot.figure(**figkw) if gid is None: primary_ann = self.anns[aid] gid = primary_ann['image_id'] show_all = kwargs.get('show_all', True) show_annots = kwargs.get('show_annots', True) show_labels = kwargs.get('show_labels', True) highlight_aids = set() if aid is not None: highlight_aids.add(aid) if aids is not None: highlight_aids.update(aids) coco_img = self.coco_image(gid) img = coco_img.img aids = self.index.gid_to_aids.get(img['id'], []) # Collect annotation overlays colored_segments = defaultdict(list) keypoints = [] rects = [] texts = [] sseg_masks = [] sseg_polys = [] if show_annots: for aid in aids: ann = self.anns[aid] if 'keypoints' in ann: cid = ann['category_id'] if ann['keypoints'] is not None and len(ann['keypoints']) > 0: # TODO: rely on kwimage.Points to parse multiple format info? kpts_data = ann['keypoints'] if isinstance(ub.peek(kpts_data), dict): xys = np.array([p['xy'] for p in kpts_data]) isvisible = np.array([p.get('visible', True) for p in kpts_data]) kpnames = None isvisible = np.array([p.get('visible', True) for p in kpts_data]) else: try: kpnames = self._lookup_kpnames(cid) except KeyError: kpnames = None kpts = np.array(ann['keypoints']).reshape(-1, 3) isvisible = kpts.T[2] > 0 xys = kpts.T[0:2].T[isvisible] else: kpnames = None xys = None else: kpnames = None xys = None # Note standard coco bbox is [x,y,width,height] if 'bbox' in ann: x1, y1 = ann['bbox'][0:2] elif 'line' in ann: x1, y1 = ann['line'][0:2] elif 'keypoints' in ann: x1, y1 = xys.min(axis=0) else: raise Exception('no bbox, line, or keypoint position') cid = ann.get('category_id', None) if cid is not None: cat = self.cats[cid] catname = cat['name'] else: cat = None catname = ann.get('category_name', 'None') textkw = { 'horizontalalignment': 'left', 'verticalalignment': 'top', 'backgroundcolor': (0, 0, 0, .3), 'color': 'white', 'fontproperties': mpl.font_manager.FontProperties( size=6, family='monospace'), } annot_text_parts = [] if show_labels: if kwargs.get('show_aid', show_all): annot_text_parts.append('aid={}'.format(aid)) if kwargs.get('show_catname', show_all): annot_text_parts.append(catname) if annot_text_parts: annot_text = ' '.join(annot_text_parts) texts.append((x1, y1, annot_text, textkw)) color = 'orange' if aid in highlight_aids else 'blue' if 'obox' in ann: # Oriented bounding box segs = np.array(ann['obox']).reshape(-1, 3)[:, 0:2] for pt1, pt2 in ub.iter_window(segs, wrap=True): colored_segments[color].append([pt1, pt2]) elif 'bbox' in ann: [x, y, w, h] = ann['bbox'] rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, facecolor='none', edgecolor=color) rects.append(rect) if 'line' in ann: x1, y1, x2, y2 = ann['line'] pt1, pt2 = (x1, y1), (x2, y2) colored_segments[color].append([pt1, pt2]) if 'keypoints' in ann: if xys is not None and len(xys): keypoints.append(xys) if show_labels and kwargs.get('show_kpname', True): if kpnames is not None: for (kp_x, kp_y), kpname in zip(xys, kpnames): texts.append((kp_x, kp_y, kpname, textkw)) if ann.get('segmentation', None) is not None and kwargs.get('show_segmentation', True): sseg = ann['segmentation'] # Respect the 'color' attribute of categories if cat is not None: catcolor = cat.get('color', None) else: catcolor = None if catcolor is not None: catcolor = kwplot.Color(catcolor).as01() # TODO: Unify masks and polygons into a kwimage # segmentation class sseg = kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(sseg).data if isinstance(sseg, kwimage.Mask): m = sseg.to_c_mask() sseg_masks.append((, catcolor)) else: # TODO: interior multipoly = sseg.to_multi_polygon() for poly in poly_xys =['exterior'].data polykw = {} if catcolor is not None: polykw['color'] = catcolor poly = mpl.patches.Polygon(poly_xys, **polykw) try: # hack poly.area = sseg.to_shapely().area except Exception: pass sseg_polys.append(poly) # Show image avail_channels = coco_img.channels if channels is None and avail_channels is not None: avail_spec = avail_channels.fuse().normalize() num_chans = avail_spec.numel() if num_chans == 0: raise Exception('no channels!') elif num_chans <= 2: print('Auto choosing 1 channel') channels = avail_spec.parsed[0] elif num_chans > 3: print('Auto choosing 3 channel') sensible_defaults = [ 'red|green|blue', 'r|g|b', ] chosen = None for sensible in sensible_defaults: cand = avail_spec & sensible if cand.numel() == 3: chosen = cand break if chosen is None: chosen = avail_spec[0:3] channels = chosen print('loading image') delayed = coco_img.imdelay(space='image', channels=channels) np_img = delayed.finalize() print('loaded image') np_img = kwimage.atleast_3channels(np_img) np_img01 = None if np_img.max() > 255: np_img01 = _normalize_intensity_if_needed(np_img) fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca() ax.cla() if sseg_masks: if np_img01 is None: np_img01 = kwimage.ensure_float01(np_img) layers = [] layers.append(kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(np_img01)) distinct_colors = kwplot.Color.distinct(len(sseg_masks)) for (mask, _catcolor), col in zip(sseg_masks, distinct_colors): if _catcolor is not None: col = kwimage.ensure_float01(np.array(_catcolor)).tolist() col = np.array(col + [1])[None, None, :] alpha_mask = col * mask[:, :, None] alpha_mask[..., 3] = mask * 0.5 layers.append(alpha_mask) masked_img = kwimage.overlay_alpha_layers(layers[::-1]) ax.imshow(masked_img) else: if np_img01 is not None: ax.imshow(np_img01) else: ax.imshow(np_img) title = kwargs.get('title', None) if title is None: title_parts = [] if kwargs.get('show_gid', True): title_parts.append('gid={}'.format(gid)) if kwargs.get('show_filename', True): title_parts.append(str(img['file_name'])) title = ' '.join(title_parts) if title: ax.set_title(title) if sseg_polys: # print('sseg_polys = {!r}'.format(sseg_polys)) # hack: show smaller polygons first. if len(sseg_polys): areas = np.array([getattr(p, 'area', np.inf) for p in sseg_polys]) sortx = np.argsort(areas)[::-1] sseg_polys = list(ub.take(sseg_polys, sortx)) poly_col = mpl.collections.PatchCollection( sseg_polys, match_original=True, alpha=0.4) ax.add_collection(poly_col) # Show all annotations inside it if kwargs.get('show_boxes', True): for (x1, y1, catname, textkw) in texts: ax.text(x1, y1, catname, **textkw) for color, segments in colored_segments.items(): line_col = mpl.collections.LineCollection(segments, linewidths=2, color=color) ax.add_collection(line_col) rect_col = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(rects, match_original=True) ax.add_collection(rect_col) if keypoints: xs, ys = np.vstack(keypoints).T ax.plot(xs, ys, 'bo') if setlim: if not isinstance(setlim, str): setlim = 'image' if setlim == 'image': ax.set_xlim(0, img['width']) ax.set_ylim(img['height'], 0) else: raise NotImplementedError(setlim) return ax
[docs] def _normalize_intensity_if_needed(canvas): # We really need a function that can adapt to dynamic ranges # in a robust way that ensures at least something is visible. # Normalize intensity is pretty good, but has common edge cases. import kwimage max_value = canvas.max() min_value = canvas.min() if canvas.dtype.kind in ['u', 'i'] and max_value > 255 or min_value < 0: canvas = kwimage.normalize_intensity(canvas) elif max_value > 0 or min_value < 0: canvas = kwimage.normalize_intensity(canvas) return canvas
[docs] class MixinCocoAddRemove: """ Mixin functions to dynamically add / remove annotations images and categories while maintaining lookup indexes. """
[docs] def add_video(self, name, id=None, **kw): """ Register a new video with the dataset Args: name (str): Unique name for this video. id (None | int): ADVANCED. Force using this image id. **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new video Returns: int : the video id assigned to the new video Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> print('self.index.videos = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.index.videos, nl=1))) >>> print('self.index.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.index.imgs, nl=1))) >>> print('self.index.vidid_to_gids = {!r}'.format(self.index.vidid_to_gids)) >>> vidid1 = self.add_video('foo', id=3) >>> vidid2 = self.add_video('bar') >>> vidid3 = self.add_video('baz') >>> print('self.index.videos = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.index.videos, nl=1))) >>> print('self.index.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.index.imgs, nl=1))) >>> print('self.index.vidid_to_gids = {!r}'.format(self.index.vidid_to_gids)) >>> gid1 = self.add_image('foo1.jpg', video_id=vidid1, frame_index=0) >>> gid2 = self.add_image('foo2.jpg', video_id=vidid1, frame_index=1) >>> gid3 = self.add_image('foo3.jpg', video_id=vidid1, frame_index=2) >>> gid4 = self.add_image('bar1.jpg', video_id=vidid2, frame_index=0) >>> print('self.index.videos = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.index.videos, nl=1))) >>> print('self.index.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.index.imgs, nl=1))) >>> print('self.index.vidid_to_gids = {!r}'.format(self.index.vidid_to_gids)) >>> self.remove_images([gid2]) >>> print('self.index.vidid_to_gids = {!r}'.format(self.index.vidid_to_gids)) """ if id is None: id = self._next_ids.get('videos') video = ub.odict() video['id'] = id video['name'] = name video.update(**kw) try: self.dataset['videos'].append(video) except KeyError: self.dataset['videos'] = [] self.dataset['videos'].append(video) self.index._add_video(id, video) # self._invalidate_hashid(['videos']) return id
[docs] def add_image(self, file_name=None, id=None, **kw): """ Register a new image with the dataset Args: file_name (str | None): relative or absolute path to image. if not given, then "name" must be specified and we will expect that "auxiliary" assets are eventually added. id (None | int): ADVANCED. Force using this image id. name (str): a unique key to identify this image width (int): base width of the image height (int): base height of the image channels (ChannelSpec): specification of base channels. Only relevant if file_name is given. auxiliary (List[Dict]): specification of auxiliary assets. See :func:`CocoImage.add_asset` for details video_id (int): id of parent video, if applicable frame_index (int): frame index in parent video timestamp (number | str): timestamp of frame index warp_img_to_vid (Dict): this transform is used to align the image to a video if it belongs to one. **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new image Returns: int : the image id assigned to the new image SeeAlso: :func:`add_image` :func:`add_images` :func:`ensure_image` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> import kwimage >>> gname = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath('paraview') >>> gid = self.add_image(gname) >>> assert self.imgs[gid]['file_name'] == gname """ if id is None: id = self._next_ids.get('images') elif self.imgs and id in self.imgs: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError('Image id={} already exists'.format(id)) img = _dict() img['id'] = int(id) try: img['file_name'] = os.fspath(file_name) except TypeError: img['file_name'] = file_name img.update(**kw) self.index._add_image(id, img) self.dataset['images'].append(img) self._invalidate_hashid() return id
[docs] def add_asset(self, gid, file_name=None, channels=None, **kwargs): """ Adds an auxiliary / asset item to the image dictionary. Args: gid (int): The image id to add the auxiliary/asset item to. file_name (str | None): The name of the file relative to the bundle directory. If unspecified, imdata must be given. channels (str | kwcoco.FusedChannelSpec): The channel code indicating what each of the bands represents. These channels should be disjoint wrt to the existing data in this image (this is not checked). **kwargs: See :func:`CocoImage.add_asset` for more details Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> gid = dset.add_image(name='my_image_name', width=200, height=200) >>> dset.add_asset(gid, 'path/fake_B0.tif', channels='B0', width=200, >>> height=200, warp_aux_to_img={'scale': 1.0}) """ coco_img = self.coco_image(gid) coco_img.add_asset(file_name=file_name, channels=channels, **kwargs)
# TODO: deprecated add_auxiliary_item for add_asset add_auxiliary_item = add_asset
[docs] def add_annotation(self, image_id, category_id=None, bbox=ub.NoParam, segmentation=ub.NoParam, keypoints=ub.NoParam, id=None, track_id=None, **kw): """ Register a new annotation with the dataset Args: image_id (int): image_id the annotation is added to. category_id (int | None): category_id for the new annotation bbox (list | kwimage.Boxes): bounding box in xywh format segmentation (Dict | List | Any): keypoints in some accepted format, see :func:`kwimage.Mask.to_coco` and :func:`kwimage.MultiPolygon.to_coco`. Extended types: `MaskLike | MultiPolygonLike`. keypoints (Any): keypoints in some accepted format, see :func:`kwimage.Keypoints.to_coco`. Extended types: `KeypointsLike`. id (None | int): Force using this annotation id. Typically you should NOT specify this. A new unused id will be chosen and returned. track_id (int | str | None): Some value used to associate annotations that belong to the same "track". In the future we may remove support for strings. **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new image, Common respected key/values include but are not limited to the following: score : float prob : List[float] weight (float): a weight, usually used to indicate if a ground truth annotation is difficult / important. This generalizes standard "is_hard" or "ignore" attributes in other formats. caption (str): a text caption for this annotation Returns: int : the annotation id assigned to the new annotation SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_annotation` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_annotations` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> image_id = 1 >>> cid = 1 >>> bbox = [10, 10, 20, 20] >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id, cid, bbox) >>> assert self.anns[aid]['bbox'] == bbox Example: >>> import kwimage >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> new_det = kwimage.Detections.random(1, segmentations=True, keypoints=True) >>> # kwimage datastructures have methods to convert to coco recognized formats >>> new_ann_data = list(new_det.to_coco(style='new'))[0] >>> image_id = 1 >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id, **new_ann_data) >>> # Lookup the annotation we just added >>> ann = self.index.anns[aid] >>> print('ann = {}'.format(ub.urepr(ann, nl=-2))) Example: >>> # Attempt to add annot without a category or bbox >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> image_id = 1 >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id) >>> assert None in self.index.cid_to_aids Example: >>> # Attempt to add annot using various styles of kwimage structures >>> import kwcoco >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> image_id = 1 >>> #-- >>> kw = {} >>> kw['segmentation'] = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> kw['keypoints'] = kwimage.Points.random() >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id, **kw) >>> ann = self.index.anns[aid] >>> print('ann = {}'.format(ub.urepr(ann, nl=2))) >>> #-- >>> kw = {} >>> kw['segmentation'] = kwimage.Mask.random() >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id, **kw) >>> ann = self.index.anns[aid] >>> assert ann.get('segmentation', None) is not None >>> print('ann = {}'.format(ub.urepr(ann, nl=2))) >>> #-- >>> kw = {} >>> kw['segmentation'] = kwimage.Mask.random().to_array_rle() >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id, **kw) >>> ann = self.index.anns[aid] >>> assert ann.get('segmentation', None) is not None >>> print('ann = {}'.format(ub.urepr(ann, nl=2))) >>> #-- >>> kw = {} >>> kw['segmentation'] = kwimage.Polygon.random().to_coco() >>> kw['keypoints'] = kwimage.Points.random().to_coco() >>> aid = self.add_annotation(image_id, **kw) >>> ann = self.index.anns[aid] >>> assert ann.get('segmentation', None) is not None >>> assert ann.get('keypoints', None) is not None >>> print('ann = {}'.format(ub.urepr(ann, nl=2))) """ try: import kwimage except ImportError: kwimage = None if id is None: id = self._next_ids.get('annotations') elif self.anns and id in self.anns: raise IndexError('Annot id={} already exists'.format(id)) ann = _dict() ann['id'] = int(id) ann['image_id'] = int(image_id) ann['category_id'] = None if category_id is None else int(category_id) if kwimage is not None and hasattr(bbox, 'to_coco'): # to_coco works different for boxes atm, might update in future try: ann['bbox'] = ub.peek(bbox.to_coco(style='new')) except Exception: ann['bbox'] = bbox.to_xywh().data.tolist() elif bbox is not ub.NoParam: ann['bbox'] = bbox else: assert bbox is ub.NoParam if kwimage is not None and hasattr(keypoints, 'to_coco'): ann['keypoints'] = keypoints.to_coco(style='new') elif keypoints is not ub.NoParam: ann['keypoints'] = keypoints else: assert keypoints is ub.NoParam if kwimage is not None and hasattr(segmentation, 'to_coco'): ann['segmentation'] = segmentation.to_coco(style='new') elif segmentation is not ub.NoParam: ann['segmentation'] = segmentation else: assert segmentation is ub.NoParam if track_id is not None: ann['track_id'] = track_id ann.update(**kw) self.dataset['annotations'].append(ann) self.index._add_annotation(id, image_id, category_id, track_id, ann) self._invalidate_hashid(['annotations']) return id
[docs] def add_category(self, name, supercategory=None, id=None, **kw): """ Register a new category with the dataset Args: name (str): name of the new category supercategory (str | None): parent of this category id (int | None): use this category id, if it was not taken **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new image Returns: int : the category id assigned to the new category SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_category` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.ensure_category` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> prev_n_cats = self.n_cats >>> cid = self.add_category('dog', supercategory='object') >>> assert self.cats[cid]['name'] == 'dog' >>> assert self.n_cats == prev_n_cats + 1 >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(ValueError): >>> self.add_category('dog', supercategory='object') """ index = self.index if index.cats and name in index.name_to_cat: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError('Category name={!r} already exists'.format(name)) if id is None: id = self._next_ids.get('categories') elif index.cats and id in index.cats: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError('Category id={} already exists'.format(id)) cat = _dict() cat['id'] = int(id) cat['name'] = str(name) if supercategory: cat['supercategory'] = supercategory cat.update(**kw) # Add to raw data structure self.dataset['categories'].append(cat) # And add to the indexes index._add_category(id, name, cat) self._invalidate_hashid(['categories']) return id
[docs] def add_track(self, name, id=None, **kw): """ Register a new track with the dataset Args: name (str): name of the new track id (int | None): use this track id, if it was not taken **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new image Returns: int : the track id assigned to the new track Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> prev_n_tracks = self.n_tracks >>> track_id = self.add_track('dog') >>> assert self.index.tracks[track_id]['name'] == 'dog' >>> assert self.n_tracks == prev_n_tracks + 1 >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(ValueError): >>> self.add_track('dog') """ index = self.index if index.tracks and name in index.name_to_track: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError('Track name={!r} already exists'.format(name)) if id is None: id = self._next_ids.get('tracks') elif index.tracks and id in index.tracks: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError('Track id={} already exists'.format(id)) track = _dict() track['id'] = int(id) track['name'] = str(name) track.update(**kw) # Add to raw data structure try: self.dataset['tracks'].append(track) except KeyError: self.dataset['tracks'] = [track] # And add to the indexes index._add_track(id, name, track) self._invalidate_hashid(['tracks']) return id
[docs] def ensure_video(self, name, id=None, **kw): """ Register a video if it is new or returns an existing id. Like :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_video`, but returns the existing video id if it already exists instead of failing. In this case all metadata is ignored. Args: file_name (str): relative or absolute path to video id (None | int): ADVANCED. Force using this video id. **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new video Returns: int: the existing or new video id SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_video` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.ensure_video` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> id1 = self.ensure_video('video1') >>> id2 = self.ensure_video('video1') >>> assert id1 == id2 """ try: id = self.add_video(name=name, id=id, **kw) except exceptions.DuplicateAddError: obj = self.index.name_to_video[name] id = obj['id'] return id
[docs] def ensure_track(self, name, id=None, **kw): """ Register a track if it is new or returns an existing id. Like :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_track`, but returns the existing track id if it already exists instead of failing. In this case all metadata is ignored. Args: file_name (str): relative or absolute path to track id (None | int): ADVANCED. Force using this track id. **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new track Returns: int: the existing or new track id SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_track` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.ensure_track` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> track_id1 = self.ensure_track('dog') >>> track_id2 = self.ensure_track('dog') >>> assert track_id1 == track_id2 """ try: id = self.add_track(name=name, id=id, **kw) except exceptions.DuplicateAddError: obj = self.index.name_to_track[name] id = obj['id'] return id
[docs] def ensure_image(self, file_name, id=None, **kw): """ Register an image if it is new or returns an existing id. Like :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_image`, but returns the existing image id if it already exists instead of failing. In this case all metadata is ignored. Args: file_name (str): relative or absolute path to image id (None | int): ADVANCED. Force using this image id. **kw : stores arbitrary key/value pairs in this new image Returns: int: the existing or new image id SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_image` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_images` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.ensure_image` """ try: id = self.add_image(file_name=file_name, id=id, **kw) except exceptions.DuplicateAddError: img = self.index.file_name_to_img[file_name] id = img['id'] return id
[docs] def ensure_category(self, name, supercategory=None, id=None, **kw): """ Register a category if it is new or returns an existing id. Like :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_category`, but returns the existing category id if it already exists instead of failing. In this case all metadata is ignored. Returns: int: the existing or new category id SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_category` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.ensure_category` """ try: id = self.add_category(name=name, supercategory=supercategory, id=id, **kw) except exceptions.DuplicateAddError: cat = self.index.name_to_cat[name] id = cat['id'] return id
[docs] def add_annotations(self, anns): """ Faster less-safe multi-item alternative to add_annotation. We assume the annotations are well formatted in kwcoco compliant dictionaries, including the "id" field. No validation checks are made when calling this function. Args: anns (List[Dict]): list of annotation dictionaries SeeAlso: :func:`add_annotation` :func:`add_annotations` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> anns = [self.anns[aid] for aid in [2, 3, 5, 7]] >>> self.remove_annotations(anns) >>> assert self.n_annots == 7 and self._check_integrity() >>> self.add_annotations(anns) >>> assert self.n_annots == 11 and self._check_integrity() """ self.dataset['annotations'].extend(anns) self.index._add_annotations(anns) self._invalidate_hashid(['annotations'])
[docs] def add_images(self, imgs): """ Faster less-safe multi-item alternative We assume the images are well formatted in kwcoco compliant dictionaries, including the "id" field. No validation checks are made when calling this function. Note: THIS FUNCTION WAS DESIGNED FOR SPEED, AS SUCH IT DOES NOT CHECK IF THE IMAGE-IDs or FILE_NAMES ARE DUPLICATED AND WILL BLINDLY ADD DATA EVEN IF IT IS BAD. THE SINGLE IMAGE VERSION IS SLOWER BUT SAFER. Args: imgs (List[Dict]): list of image dictionaries SeeAlso: :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_image` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.add_images` :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.ensure_image` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> imgs = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo().dataset['images'] >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> self.add_images(imgs) >>> assert self.n_images == 3 and self._check_integrity() """ self.dataset['images'].extend(imgs) self.index._add_images(imgs) self._invalidate_hashid(['images'])
[docs] def clear_images(self): """ Removes all images and annotations (but not categories) Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self.clear_images() >>> print(ub.urepr(self.basic_stats(), nobr=1, nl=0, si=1)) n_anns: 0, n_imgs: 0, n_videos: 0, n_cats: 8, n_tracks: 0 """ # self.dataset['images'].clear() # self.dataset['annotations'].clear() del self.dataset['images'][:] del self.dataset['annotations'][:] self.index._remove_all_images() self._invalidate_hashid(['images', 'annotations'])
[docs] def clear_annotations(self): """ Removes all annotations and tracks (but not images and categories) Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self.clear_annotations() >>> print(ub.urepr(self.basic_stats(), nobr=1, nl=0, si=1)) n_anns: 0, n_imgs: 3, n_videos: 0, n_cats: 8, n_tracks: 0 """ # self.dataset['annotations'].clear() self.dataset['annotations'].clear() if 'tracks' in self.dataset: self.dataset['tracks'].clear() self.index._remove_all_annotations() self._invalidate_hashid(['annotations', 'tracks'])
[docs] def remove_annotation(self, aid_or_ann): """ Remove a single annotation from the dataset If you have multiple annotations to remove its more efficient to remove them in batch with :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoAddRemove.remove_annotations` Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> aids_or_anns = [self.anns[2], 3, 4, self.anns[1]] >>> self.remove_annotations(aids_or_anns) >>> assert len(self.dataset['annotations']) == 7 >>> self._check_integrity() """ # Do the simple thing, its O(n) anyway, remove_ann = self._resolve_to_ann(aid_or_ann) self.dataset['annotations'].remove(remove_ann) self.index.clear() self._invalidate_hashid(['annotations'])
[docs] def remove_annotations(self, aids_or_anns, verbose=0, safe=True): """ Remove multiple annotations from the dataset. Args: anns_or_aids (List): list of annotation dicts or ids safe (bool): if True, we perform checks to remove duplicates and non-existing identifiers. Defaults to True. Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> prev_n_annots = self.n_annots >>> aids_or_anns = [self.anns[2], 3, 4, self.anns[1]] >>> self.remove_annotations(aids_or_anns) # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT {'annotations': 4} >>> assert len(self.dataset['annotations']) == prev_n_annots - 4 >>> self._check_integrity() """ remove_info = {'annotations': None} # Do nothing if given no input if aids_or_anns: # build mapping from aid to index O(n) # TODO: it would be nice if this mapping was as part of the index. aid_to_index = { ann['id']: index for index, ann in enumerate(self.dataset['annotations']) } remove_aids = list(map(self._resolve_to_id, aids_or_anns)) if safe: remove_aids = sorted(set(remove_aids)) remove_info['annotations'] = len(remove_aids) # Lookup the indices to remove, sort in descending order if verbose > 1: print('Removing {} annotations'.format(len(remove_aids))) remove_idxs = list(ub.take(aid_to_index, remove_aids)) self.index._remove_annotations(remove_aids, verbose=verbose) _delitems(self.dataset['annotations'], remove_idxs) self._invalidate_hashid(['annotations']) return remove_info
[docs] def remove_categories(self, cat_identifiers, keep_annots=False, verbose=0, safe=True): """ Remove categories and all annotations in those categories. Currently does not change any hierarchy information Args: cat_identifiers (List): list of category dicts, names, or ids keep_annots (bool): if True, keeps annotations, but removes category labels. Defaults to False. safe (bool): if True, we perform checks to remove duplicates and non-existing identifiers. Defaults to True. Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> cat_identifiers = [self.cats[1], 'rocket', 3] >>> self.remove_categories(cat_identifiers) >>> assert len(self.dataset['categories']) == 5 >>> self._check_integrity() """ remove_info = {'annotations': None, 'categories': None} if cat_identifiers: if verbose > 1: print('Removing annots of removed categories') if safe: remove_cids = set() for identifier in cat_identifiers: try: cid = self._resolve_to_cid(identifier) remove_cids.add(cid) except Exception: pass remove_cids = sorted(remove_cids) else: remove_cids = list(map(self._resolve_to_cid, cat_identifiers)) # First remove any annotation that belongs to those categories if self.index.cid_to_aids: remove_aids = list(it.chain(*[self.index.cid_to_aids[cid] for cid in remove_cids])) else: remove_aids = [ann['id'] for ann in self.dataset['annotations'] if ann['category_id'] in remove_cids] if keep_annots: # Simply remove category information instead of removing the # entire annotation. for aid in remove_aids: self.anns[aid].pop('category_id') else: rminfo = self.remove_annotations(remove_aids, verbose=verbose) remove_info.update(rminfo) remove_info['categories'] = len(remove_cids) if verbose > 1: print('Removing {} category entries'.format(len(remove_cids))) id_to_index = { cat['id']: index for index, cat in enumerate(self.dataset['categories']) } # Lookup the indices to remove, sort in descending order remove_idxs = list(ub.take(id_to_index, remove_cids)) _delitems(self.dataset['categories'], remove_idxs) self.index._remove_categories(remove_cids, verbose=verbose) self._invalidate_hashid(['categories', 'annotations']) return remove_info
[docs] def remove_tracks(self, track_identifiers, keep_annots=False, verbose=0, safe=True): """ Remove tracks and all annotations in those tracks. Args: track_identifiers (List): list of track dicts, names, or ids keep_annots (bool): if True, keeps annotations, but removes tracks labels. Defaults to False. safe (bool): if True, we perform checks to remove duplicates and non-existing identifiers. Defaults to True. Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes1') >>> for ann in self.dataset['annotations']: ... ann.pop('segmentation') ... ann.pop('keypoints') >>> print('self.dataset = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.dataset, nl=2))) >>> track_identifiers = [2] >>> assert len(self.dataset['tracks']) == 2 >>> self.remove_tracks(track_identifiers) >>> print('self.dataset = {}'.format(ub.urepr(self.dataset, nl=2))) >>> assert len(self.dataset['tracks']) == 1 >>> self._check_integrity() """ remove_info = {'annotations': None, 'tracks': None} if track_identifiers: if verbose > 1: print('Removing annots of removed tracks') if safe: remove_trackids = set() for identifier in track_identifiers: try: trackid = self._resolve_to_trackid(identifier) remove_trackids.add(trackid) except Exception: pass remove_trackids = sorted(remove_trackids) else: remove_trackids = list(map(self._resolve_to_trackid, track_identifiers)) # First remove any annotation that belongs to those tracks if self.index.trackid_to_aids: remove_aids = list(it.chain(*[self.index.trackid_to_aids[trackid] for trackid in remove_trackids])) else: remove_aids = [ann['id'] for ann in self.dataset['annotations'] if ann['track_id'] in remove_trackids] if keep_annots: # Simply remove track information instead of removing the # entire annotation. for aid in remove_aids: self.anns[aid].pop('track_id') else: rminfo = self.remove_annotations(remove_aids, verbose=verbose) remove_info.update(rminfo) remove_info['tracks'] = len(remove_trackids) if verbose > 1: print('Removing {} track entries'.format(len(remove_trackids))) id_to_index = { track['id']: index for index, track in enumerate(self.dataset['tracks']) } # Lookup the indices to remove, sort in descending order remove_idxs = list(ub.take(id_to_index, remove_trackids)) _delitems(self.dataset['tracks'], remove_idxs) self.index._remove_tracks(remove_trackids, verbose=verbose) self._invalidate_hashid(['tracks', 'annotations']) return remove_info
[docs] def remove_images(self, gids_or_imgs, verbose=0, safe=True): """ Remove images and any annotations contained by them Args: gids_or_imgs (List): list of image dicts, names, or ids safe (bool): if True, we perform checks to remove duplicates and non-existing identifiers. Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> assert len(self.dataset['images']) == 3 >>> gids_or_imgs = [self.imgs[2], 'astro.png'] >>> self.remove_images(gids_or_imgs) # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT {'annotations': 11, 'images': 2} >>> assert len(self.dataset['images']) == 1 >>> self._check_integrity() >>> gids_or_imgs = [3] >>> self.remove_images(gids_or_imgs) >>> assert len(self.dataset['images']) == 0 >>> self._check_integrity() """ remove_info = {'annotations': None, 'images': None} if gids_or_imgs: if verbose > 1: print('Removing images') remove_gids = list(map(self._resolve_to_gid, gids_or_imgs)) if safe: remove_gids = sorted(set(remove_gids)) # First remove any annotation that belongs to those images if self.index.gid_to_aids: remove_aids = list(it.chain(*[self.index.gid_to_aids[gid] for gid in remove_gids])) else: remove_aids = [ann['id'] for ann in self.dataset['annotations'] if ann['image_id'] in remove_gids] rminfo = self.remove_annotations(remove_aids, verbose=verbose) remove_info.update(rminfo) remove_info['images'] = len(remove_gids) if verbose > 1: print('Removing {} image entries'.format(len(remove_gids))) id_to_index = { img['id']: index for index, img in enumerate(self.dataset['images']) } # Lookup the indices to remove, sort in descending order remove_idxs = list(ub.take(id_to_index, remove_gids)) _delitems(self.dataset['images'], remove_idxs) self.index._remove_images(remove_gids, verbose=verbose) self._invalidate_hashid(['images', 'annotations']) return remove_info
[docs] def remove_videos(self, vidids_or_videos, verbose=0, safe=True): """ Remove videos and any images / annotations contained by them Args: vidids_or_videos (List): list of video dicts, names, or ids safe (bool): if True, we perform checks to remove duplicates and non-existing identifiers. Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8') >>> assert len(self.dataset['videos']) == 8 >>> vidids_or_videos = [self.dataset['videos'][0]['id']] >>> self.remove_videos(vidids_or_videos) # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT {'annotations': 4, 'images': 2, 'videos': 1} >>> assert len(self.dataset['videos']) == 7 >>> self._check_integrity() """ remove_info = {'annotations': None, 'images': None, 'videos': None} if vidids_or_videos: if verbose > 1: print('Removing videos') remove_vidids = list(map(self._resolve_to_vidid, vidids_or_videos)) if safe: remove_vidids = sorted(set(remove_vidids)) # First remove any annotation that belongs to those images if self.index.vidid_to_gids: remove_gids = list(it.chain(*[self.index.vidid_to_gids[vidid] for vidid in remove_vidids])) else: remove_gids = [ann['id'] for ann in self.dataset['videos'] if ann['image_id'] in remove_gids] rminfo = self.remove_images(remove_gids, verbose=verbose, safe=safe) remove_info.update(rminfo) remove_info['videos'] = len(remove_vidids) if verbose > 1: print('Removing {} video entries'.format(len(remove_vidids))) id_to_index = { video['id']: index for index, video in enumerate(self.dataset['videos']) } # Lookup the indices to remove, sort in descending order remove_idxs = list(ub.take(id_to_index, remove_vidids)) _delitems(self.dataset['videos'], remove_idxs) self.index._remove_videos(remove_vidids, verbose=verbose) self._invalidate_hashid(['videos', 'images', 'annotations']) return remove_info
[docs] def remove_annotation_keypoints(self, kp_identifiers): """ Removes all keypoints with a particular category Args: kp_identifiers (List): list of keypoint category dicts, names, or ids Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed """ # kpnames = {k['name'] for k in remove_kpcats} # TODO: needs optimization remove_kpcats = list(map(self._resolve_to_kpcat, kp_identifiers)) kpcids = {k['id'] for k in remove_kpcats} num_kps_removed = 0 for ann in self.dataset['annotations']: remove_idxs = [ kp_idx for kp_idx, kp in enumerate(ann['keypoints']) if kp['keypoint_category_id'] in kpcids ] num_kps_removed += len(remove_idxs) _delitems(ann['keypoints'], remove_idxs) remove_info = {'annotation_keypoints': num_kps_removed} return remove_info
[docs] def remove_keypoint_categories(self, kp_identifiers): """ Removes all keypoints of a particular category as well as all annotation keypoints with those ids. Args: kp_identifiers (List): list of keypoint category dicts, names, or ids Returns: Dict: num_removed: information on the number of items removed Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes', rng=0) >>> kp_identifiers = ['left_eye', 'mid_tip'] >>> remove_info = self.remove_keypoint_categories(kp_identifiers) >>> print('remove_info = {!r}'.format(remove_info)) >>> # FIXME: for whatever reason demodata generation is not determenistic when seeded >>> # assert remove_info == {'keypoint_categories': 2, 'annotation_keypoints': 16, 'reflection_ids': 1} >>> assert self._resolve_to_kpcat('right_eye')['reflection_id'] is None """ remove_info = { 'keypoint_categories': None, 'annotation_keypoints': None } remove_kpcats = list(map(self._resolve_to_kpcat, kp_identifiers)) _ann_remove_info = self.remove_annotation_keypoints(remove_kpcats) remove_info.update(_ann_remove_info) remove_kpcids = {k['id'] for k in remove_kpcats} for kpcat in remove_kpcats: self.dataset['keypoint_categories'].remove(kpcat) # handle reflection ids remove_reflect_ids = 0 for kpcat in self.dataset['keypoint_categories']: if kpcat.get('reflection_id', None) in remove_kpcids: kpcat['reflection_id'] = None remove_reflect_ids += 1 remove_info['reflection_ids'] = remove_reflect_ids remove_info['keypoint_categories'] = len(remove_kpcats) return remove_info
[docs] def set_annotation_category(self, aid_or_ann, cid_or_cat): """ Sets the category of a single annotation Args: aid_or_ann (dict | int): annotation dict or id cid_or_cat (dict | int): category dict or id Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> old_freq = self.category_annotation_frequency() >>> aid_or_ann = aid = 2 >>> cid_or_cat = new_cid = self.ensure_category('kitten') >>> self.set_annotation_category(aid, new_cid) >>> new_freq = self.category_annotation_frequency() >>> print('new_freq = {}'.format(ub.urepr(new_freq, nl=1))) >>> print('old_freq = {}'.format(ub.urepr(old_freq, nl=1))) >>> assert sum(new_freq.values()) == sum(old_freq.values()) >>> assert new_freq['kitten'] == 1 """ new_cid = self._resolve_to_cid(cid_or_cat) ann = self._resolve_to_ann(aid_or_ann) aid = ann['id'] if self.index: if 'category_id' in ann: old_cid = ann['category_id'] self.index.cid_to_aids[old_cid].remove(aid) ann['category_id'] = new_cid if self.index: self.index.cid_to_aids[new_cid].add(aid) self._invalidate_hashid(['annotations'])
[docs] class CocoIndex: """ Fast lookup index for the COCO dataset with dynamic modification Attributes: imgs (Dict[int, dict]): mapping between image ids and the image dictionaries anns (Dict[int, dict]): mapping between annotation ids and the annotation dictionaries cats (Dict[int, dict]): mapping between category ids and the category dictionaries tracks (Dict[int, dict]): mapping between track ids and the track dictionaries kpcats (Dict[int, dict]): mapping between keypoint category ids and keypoint category dictionaries gid_to_aids (Dict[int, List[int]]): mapping between an image-id and annotation-ids that belong to it cid_to_aids (Dict[int, List[int]]): mapping between an category-id and annotation-ids that belong to it cid_to_gids (Dict[int, List[int]]): mapping between an category-id and image-ids that contain at least one annotation with this cateogry id. trackid_to_aids (Dict[int, List[int]]): mapping between a track-id and annotation-ids that belong to it vidid_to_gids (Dict[int, List[int]]): mapping between an video-id and images-ids that belong to it name_to_video (Dict[str, dict]): mapping between a video name and the video dictionary. name_to_cat (Dict[str, dict]): mapping between a category name and the category dictionary. name_to_img (Dict[str, dict]): mapping between a image name and the image dictionary. name_to_track (Dict[str, dict]): mapping between a track name and the track dictionary. file_name_to_img (Dict[str, dict]): mapping between a image file_name and the image dictionary. """ # _set = ub.oset # many operations are much slower for oset _set = set
[docs] def _images_set_sorted_by_frame_index(index, gids=None): """ Helper for ensuring that vidid_to_gids returns image ids ordered by frame index. """ return SortedSet(gids, key=partial(_lut_image_frame_index, index.imgs))
# Backwards compat _set_sorted_by_frame_index = _images_set_sorted_by_frame_index
[docs] def _annots_set_sorted_by_frame_index(index, aids=None): """ Helper for ensuring that vidid_to_gids returns image ids ordered by frame index. """ # if aids is None: # return set() # return set(aids) return SortedSet(aids, key=partial(_lut_annot_frame_index, index.imgs, index.anns))
def __init__(index): index.anns = None index.imgs = None index.videos = None index.cats = None index.tracks = None index.kpcats = None index._id_lookup = None index.gid_to_aids = None index.cid_to_aids = None index.vidid_to_gids = None index.trackid_to_aids = None index.name_to_video = None index.name_to_cat = None index.name_to_img = None index.name_to_track = None index.file_name_to_img = None index._CHECKS = True # index.kpcid_to_aids = None # TODO def __bool__(index): return index.anns is not None # On-demand lookup tables @property def cid_to_gids(index): """ Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> self.index.cid_to_gids """ from scriptconfig.dict_like import DictLike class ProxyCidToGids(DictLike): def __init__(self, index): self.index = index def getitem(self, cid): aids = self.index.cid_to_aids[cid] gids = {self.index.anns[aid]['image_id'] for aid in aids} return gids def keys(self): return self.index.cid_to_aids.keys() cid_to_gids = ProxyCidToGids(index=index) return cid_to_gids
[docs] def _add_video(index, vidid, video): if index.videos is not None: name = video['name'] if index._CHECKS: if name in index.name_to_video: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError( 'video with name={} already exists'.format(name)) index.videos[vidid] = video if vidid not in index.vidid_to_gids: index.vidid_to_gids[vidid] = index._images_set_sorted_by_frame_index() index.name_to_video[name] = video
[docs] def _add_image(index, gid, img): """ Example: >>> # Test adding image to video that doesnt exist >>> import kwcoco >>> self = dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset() >>> dset.add_image(file_name='frame1', video_id=1, frame_index=0) >>> dset.add_image(file_name='frame2', video_id=1, frame_index=0) >>> dset._check_integrity() >>> print('dset.index.vidid_to_gids = {!r}'.format(dset.index.vidid_to_gids)) >>> assert len(dset.index.vidid_to_gids) == 1 >>> dset.add_video(name='foo-vid', id=1) >>> assert len(dset.index.vidid_to_gids) == 1 >>> dset._check_integrity() """ if index.imgs is not None: file_name = img.get('file_name', None) name = img.get('name', None) if index._CHECKS: if file_name is None and name is None: raise exceptions.InvalidAddError( 'at least one of file_name or name must be specified') if file_name in index.file_name_to_img: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError( 'image with file_name={} already exists'.format( file_name)) if name in index.name_to_img: raise exceptions.DuplicateAddError( 'image with name={} already exists'.format(name)) index.imgs[gid] = img index.gid_to_aids[gid] = index._set() if file_name is not None: index.file_name_to_img[file_name] = img if name is not None: index.name_to_img[name] = img if 'video_id' in img: if img.get('frame_index', None) is None: raise exceptions.InvalidAddError( 'Images with video-ids must have a frame_index') vidid = img['video_id'] try: index.vidid_to_gids[vidid].add(gid) except KeyError: # Should warning messages contain data-specific info? # msg = ('Adding image-id={} to ' # 'non-existing video-id={}').format(gid, vidid) msg = 'Adding image to non-existing video' warnings.warn(msg) index.vidid_to_gids[vidid] = index._images_set_sorted_by_frame_index() index.vidid_to_gids[vidid].add(gid)
[docs] def _add_images(index, imgs): """ See ../dev/bench/ Note: THIS FUNCTION WAS DESIGNED FOR SPEED, AS SUCH IT DOES NOT CHECK IF THE IMAGE-IDs or FILE_NAMES ARE DUPLICATED AND WILL BLINDLY ADD DATA EVEN IF IT IS BAD. THE SINGLE IMAGE VERSION IS SLOWER BUT SAFER. """ if index.imgs is not None: gids = [img['id'] for img in imgs] new_imgs = dict(zip(gids, imgs)) index.imgs.update(new_imgs) index.file_name_to_img.update( {img['file_name']: img for img in imgs if img.get('file_name', None) is not None}) index.name_to_img.update( {img['name']: img for img in imgs if img.get('name', None) is not None}) for gid in gids: index.gid_to_aids[gid] = index._set() if index.vidid_to_gids: vidid_to_gids = ub.group_items( [g['id'] for g in imgs], [g.get('video_id', None) for g in imgs] ) vidid_to_gids.pop(None, None) for vidid, gids in vidid_to_gids.items(): index.vidid_to_gids[vidid].update(gids)
[docs] def _add_annotation(index, aid, gid, cid, tid, ann): if index.anns is not None: index.anns[aid] = ann # Note: it should be ok to have None's here index.gid_to_aids[gid].add(aid) index.cid_to_aids[cid].add(aid) # index.trackid_to_aids[tid].add(aid) try: index.trackid_to_aids[tid].add(aid) except KeyError: if tid is not None: msg = 'Adding annotation to non-existing track' warnings.warn(msg) # Be careful to not apply sorting to trackless annotations if tid is None: index.trackid_to_aids[tid] = set() else: index.trackid_to_aids[tid] = index._annots_set_sorted_by_frame_index() index.trackid_to_aids[tid].add(aid)
[docs] def _add_annotations(index, anns): if index.anns is not None: aids = [ann['id'] for ann in anns] gids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in anns] cids = [ann['category_id'] for ann in anns] tids = [ann.get('track_id', None) for ann in anns] new_anns = dict(zip(aids, anns)) index.anns.update(new_anns) for gid, cid, tid, aid in zip(gids, cids, tids, aids): index.gid_to_aids[gid].add(aid) index.cid_to_aids[cid].add(aid) try: index.trackid_to_aids[tid].add(aid) except KeyError: if tid is None: index.trackid_to_aids[tid] = set() else: index.trackid_to_aids[tid] = index._annots_set_sorted_by_frame_index() index.trackid_to_aids[tid].add(aid)
[docs] def _add_category(index, cid, name, cat): if index.cats is not None: index.cats[cid] = cat index.cid_to_aids[cid] = index._set() index.name_to_cat[name] = cat
[docs] def _add_track(index, trackid, name, track): if index.tracks is not None: index.tracks[trackid] = track index.trackid_to_aids[trackid] = index._annots_set_sorted_by_frame_index() index.name_to_track[name] = track
[docs] def _remove_all_annotations(index): # Keep the category and image indexes alive if index.anns is not None: for _ in index.gid_to_aids.values(): _.clear() for _ in index.cid_to_aids.values(): _.clear() # for _ in index.trackid_to_aids.values(): # _.clear() index.anns.clear() index.tracks.clear() index.trackid_to_aids.clear() index.name_to_track.clear()
[docs] def _remove_all_images(index): # Keep the category indexes alive if index.imgs is not None: index.imgs.clear() index.anns.clear() index.gid_to_aids.clear() index.file_name_to_img.clear() for _ in index.cid_to_aids.values(): _.clear() for _ in index.vidid_to_gids.values(): _.clear()
[docs] def _remove_annotations(index, remove_aids, verbose=0): if index.anns is not None: if verbose > 1: print('Updating annotation index') # This is faster for simple set cid_to_aids for aid in remove_aids: ann = index.anns[aid] gid = ann['image_id'] cid = ann.get('category_id', None) track_id = ann.get('track_id', None) index.trackid_to_aids[track_id].remove(aid) index.cid_to_aids[cid].remove(aid) index.gid_to_aids[gid].remove(aid) index.anns.pop(aid)
[docs] def _remove_tracks(index, remove_trackids, verbose=0): # dynamically update the track index if index.tracks is not None: for tid in remove_trackids: track = index.tracks.pop(tid) del index.trackid_to_aids[tid] del index.name_to_track[track['name']] if verbose > 2: print('Updated track index')
[docs] def _remove_categories(index, remove_cids, verbose=0): # dynamically update the category index if index.cats is not None: for cid in remove_cids: cat = index.cats.pop(cid) del index.cid_to_aids[cid] del index.name_to_cat[cat['name']] if verbose > 2: print('Updated category index')
[docs] def _remove_images(index, remove_gids, verbose=0): # dynamically update the image index if index.imgs is not None: for gid in remove_gids: img = index.imgs[gid] vidid = img.get('video_id', None) if vidid in index.vidid_to_gids: index.vidid_to_gids[vidid].remove(gid) del index.gid_to_aids[gid] gname = img.get('file_name', None) if gname is not None: del index.file_name_to_img[gname] name = img.get('name', None) if name is not None: del index.name_to_img[name] del index.imgs[gid] if verbose > 2: print('Updated image index')
[docs] def _remove_videos(index, remove_vidids, verbose=0): # dynamically update the video index lut = index.videos if lut is not None: for item_id in remove_vidids: item = lut.pop(item_id) del index.vidid_to_gids[item_id] if index.name_to_video is not None: del index.name_to_video[item['name']] if verbose > 2: print('Updated video index')
[docs] def clear(index): index.anns = None index.imgs = None index.videos = None index.cats = None index.tracks = None index.kpcats = None index._id_lookup = None index.gid_to_aids = None index.vidid_to_gids = None index.cid_to_aids = None index.name_to_cat = None index.file_name_to_img = None index.name_to_video = None index.trackid_to_aids = None index.name_to_track = None
# index.kpcid_to_aids = None # TODO
[docs] def build(index, parent): """ Build all id-to-obj reverse indexes from scratch. Args: parent (kwcoco.CocoDataset): the dataset to index Notation: aid - Annotation ID gid - imaGe ID cid - Category ID vidid - Video ID tid - Track ID Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> parent = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes1', num_frames=4, rng=1) >>> index = parent.index >>> """ # create index anns, cats, imgs = {}, {}, {} videos = {} tracks = {} # Build one-to-one index-lookup maps for cat in parent.dataset.get('categories', []): cid = cat['id'] if cid in cat: warnings.warn( 'Categories have the same id in {}:\n{} and\n{}'.format( parent, cats[cid], cat)) cats[cid] = cat for video in parent.dataset.get('videos', []): vidid = video['id'] if vidid in videos: warnings.warn( 'Video has the same id in {}:\n{} and\n{}'.format( parent, videos[vidid], video)) videos[vidid] = video for img in parent.dataset.get('images', []): gid = img['id'] if gid in imgs: warnings.warn( 'Images have the same id in {}:\n{} and\n{}'.format( parent, imgs[gid], img)) imgs[gid] = img for ann in parent.dataset.get('annotations', []): aid = ann['id'] if aid in anns: warnings.warn( 'Annotations at index {} and {} ' 'have the same id in {}:\n{} and\n{}'.format( parent.dataset['annotations'].index(anns[aid]), parent.dataset['annotations'].index(ann), parent, anns[aid], ann)) anns[aid] = ann for track in parent.dataset.get('tracks', []): tid = track['id'] if tid in track: warnings.warn( 'Tracks have the same id in {}:\n{} and\n{}'.format( parent, tracks[tid], track)) tracks[tid] = track # Build one-to-many lookup maps vidid_to_gids = ub.group_items( [g['id'] for g in imgs.values()], [g.get('video_id', None) for g in imgs.values()] ) vidid_to_gids.pop(None, None) if 0: # The following is slightly slower, but it is also many fewer lines # Not sure if its correct to replace the else block or not aids = [d['id'] for d in anns.values()] gid_to_aids = ub.group_items(aids, (d['image_id'] for d in anns.values())) cid_to_aids = ub.group_items(aids, (d.get('category_id', None) for d in anns.values())) trackid_to_aids = ub.group_items(aids, (d.get('track_id', None) for d in anns.values())) cid_to_aids.pop(None, None) gid_to_aids = ub.map_vals(index._set, gid_to_aids) cid_to_aids = ub.map_vals(index._set, cid_to_aids) trackid_to_aids = ub.map_vals(index._set, trackid_to_aids) vidid_to_gids = ub.map_vals(index._images_set_sorted_by_frame_index, vidid_to_gids) else: gid_to_aids = defaultdict(index._set) cid_to_aids = defaultdict(index._set) trackid_to_aids = defaultdict(index._set) for ann in anns.values(): try: aid = ann['id'] gid = ann['image_id'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Annotation does not have ids {}'.format(ann)) if not isinstance(aid, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError('bad aid={} type={}'.format(aid, type(aid))) if not isinstance(gid, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError('bad gid={} type={}'.format(gid, type(gid))) gid_to_aids[gid].add(aid) if gid not in imgs: warnings.warn('Annotation {} in {} references ' 'unknown image_id'.format(ann, parent)) try: cid = ann['category_id'] except KeyError: warnings.warn('Annotation {} in {} is missing ' 'a category_id'.format(ann, parent)) else: cid_to_aids[cid].add(aid) if not isinstance(cid, numbers.Integral) and cid is not None: raise TypeError('bad cid={} type={}'.format(cid, type(cid))) if cid not in cats and cid is not None: warnings.warn('Annotation {} in {} references ' 'unknown category_id'.format(ann, parent)) trackid = ann.get('track_id', None) trackid_to_aids[trackid].add(aid) # Fix one-to-zero cases for cid in cats.keys(): if cid not in cid_to_aids: cid_to_aids[cid] = index._set() for gid in imgs.keys(): if gid not in gid_to_aids: gid_to_aids[gid] = index._set() for vidid in videos.keys(): if vidid not in vidid_to_gids: vidid_to_gids[vidid] = index._set() # create class members index._id_lookup = { 'categories': cats, 'images': imgs, 'annotations': anns, 'videos': videos, 'tracks': tracks, } index.anns = anns index.imgs = imgs index.cats = cats index.kpcats = None # TODO index.videos = videos index.tracks = tracks # Remove defaultdict like behavior gid_to_aids.default_factory = None # Actually, its important to have defaultdict like behavior for # categories so we can allow for the category_id=None case # cid_to_aids.default_factory = None # vidid_to_gids.default_factory = None # Ensure that the values are cast to the appropriate set type # This needs to happen after index.imgs is populated vidid_to_gids = ub.map_vals(index._images_set_sorted_by_frame_index, vidid_to_gids) # Be careful to not apply sorting to trackless annotations _notrack_aids = trackid_to_aids.pop(None, None) trackid_to_aids = ub.map_vals(index._annots_set_sorted_by_frame_index, trackid_to_aids) if _notrack_aids is not None: trackid_to_aids[None] = set(_notrack_aids) index.gid_to_aids = gid_to_aids index.cid_to_aids = cid_to_aids index.vidid_to_gids = vidid_to_gids index.trackid_to_aids = trackid_to_aids index.name_to_cat = {cat['name']: cat for cat in index.cats.values()} index.file_name_to_img = { img['file_name']: img for img in index.imgs.values() if img.get('file_name', None) is not None } index.name_to_img = { img['name']: img for img in index.imgs.values() if img.get('name', None) is not None } index.name_to_video = { video['name']: video for video in index.videos.values() if video.get('name', None) is not None } index.name_to_track = { track['name']: track for track in index.tracks.values() if track.get('name', None) is not None }
[docs] class MixinCocoIndex: """ Give the dataset top level access to index attributes """ @property def anns(self): return self.index.anns @property def imgs(self): return self.index.imgs @property def cats(self): return self.index.cats # NOTE: API Issue, overloads previous method # @property # def videos(self): # return self.index.videos @property def gid_to_aids(self): return self.index.gid_to_aids @property def cid_to_aids(self): return self.index.cid_to_aids @property def name_to_cat(self): return self.index.name_to_cat
[docs] class CocoDataset(AbstractCocoDataset, MixinCocoAddRemove, MixinCocoStats, MixinCocoObjects, MixinCocoDraw, MixinCocoAccessors, MixinCocoConstructors, MixinCocoExtras, MixinCocoHashing, MixinCocoIndex, MixinCocoDepricate, ub.NiceRepr): """ The main coco dataset class with a json dataset backend. Attributes: dataset (Dict): raw json data structure. This is the base dictionary that contains {'annotations': List, 'images': List, 'categories': List} index (CocoIndex): an efficient lookup index into the coco data structure. The index defines its own attributes like ``anns``, ``cats``, ``imgs``, ``gid_to_aids``, ``file_name_to_img``, etc. See :class:`CocoIndex` for more details on which attributes are available. fpath (PathLike | None): if known, this stores the filepath the dataset was loaded from tag (str | None): A tag indicating the name of the dataset. bundle_dpath (PathLike | None) : If known, this is the root path that all image file names are relative to. This can also be manually overwritten by the user. hashid (str | None) : If computed, this will be a hash uniquely identifing the dataset. To ensure this is computed see :func:`kwcoco.coco_dataset.MixinCocoExtras._build_hashid`. References: CommandLine: python -m kwcoco.coco_dataset CocoDataset --show Example: >>> from kwcoco.coco_dataset import demo_coco_data >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> # Returns a coco json structure >>> dataset = demo_coco_data() >>> # Pass the coco json structure to the API >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dataset, tag='demo') >>> # Now you can access the data using the index and helper methods >>> # >>> # Start by looking up an image by it's COCO id. >>> image_id = 1 >>> img = self.index.imgs[image_id] >>> print(ub.urepr(img, nl=1, sort=1)) { 'file_name': 'astro.png', 'id': 1, 'url': '', } >>> # >>> # Use the (gid_to_aids) index to lookup annotations in the iamge >>> annotation_id = sorted(self.index.gid_to_aids[image_id])[0] >>> ann = self.index.anns[annotation_id] >>> print(ub.urepr((ub.udict(ann) - {'segmentation'}).sorted_keys(), nl=1)) { 'bbox': [10, 10, 360, 490], 'category_id': 1, 'id': 1, 'image_id': 1, 'keypoints': [247, 101, 2, 202, 100, 2], } >>> # >>> # Use annotation category id to look up that information >>> category_id = ann['category_id'] >>> cat = self.index.cats[category_id] >>> print('cat = {}'.format(ub.urepr(cat, nl=1, sort=1))) cat = { 'id': 1, 'name': 'astronaut', 'supercategory': 'human', } >>> # >>> # Now play with some helper functions, like extended statistics >>> extended_stats = self.extended_stats() >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT >>> print('extended_stats = {}'.format(ub.urepr(extended_stats, nl=1, precision=2, sort=1))) extended_stats = { 'annots_per_img': {'mean': 3.67, 'std': 3.86, 'min': 0.00, 'max': 9.00, 'nMin': 1, 'nMax': 1, 'shape': (3,)}, 'imgs_per_cat': {'mean': 0.88, 'std': 0.60, 'min': 0.00, 'max': 2.00, 'nMin': 2, 'nMax': 1, 'shape': (8,)}, 'cats_per_img': {'mean': 2.33, 'std': 2.05, 'min': 0.00, 'max': 5.00, 'nMin': 1, 'nMax': 1, 'shape': (3,)}, 'annots_per_cat': {'mean': 1.38, 'std': 1.49, 'min': 0.00, 'max': 5.00, 'nMin': 2, 'nMax': 1, 'shape': (8,)}, 'imgs_per_video': {'empty_list': True}, } >>> # You can "draw" a raster of the annotated image with cv2 >>> canvas = self.draw_image(2) >>> # Or if you have matplotlib you can "show" the image with mpl objects >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) >>> self.show_image(gid=2) >>> ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) >>> ax2.imshow(canvas) >>> ax1.set_title('show with matplotlib') >>> ax2.set_title('draw with cv2') >>> """ def __init__(self, data=None, tag=None, bundle_dpath=None, img_root=None, fname=None, autobuild=True): """ Args: data (str | PathLike | dict | None): Either a filepath to a coco json file, or a dictionary containing the actual coco json structure. For a more generally coercable constructor see func:`CocoDataset.coerce`. tag (str | None) : Name of the dataset for display purposes, and does not influence behavior of the underlying data structure, although it may be used via convinience methods. We attempt to autopopulate this via information in ``data`` if available. If unspecfied and ``data`` is a filepath this becomes the basename. bundle_dpath (str | None): the root of the dataset that images / external data will be assumed to be relative to. If unspecfied, we attempt to determine it using information in ``data``. If ``data`` is a filepath, we use the dirname of that path. If ``data`` is a dictionary, we look for the "img_root" key. If unspecfied and we fail to introspect then, we fallback to the current working directory. img_root (str | None): deprecated alias for bundle_dpath """ self._fpath = None # Info about what was the origin of this object and if anything # happened to it over its lifetime. self._state = { 'was_loaded': False, 'was_saved': False, 'was_modified': 0, } if img_root is not None: bundle_dpath = img_root if data is None: # TODO: rely on subset of SPEC keys data = { 'categories': [], 'videos': [], 'images': [], 'annotations': [], 'tracks': [], 'licenses': [], 'info': [], } fpath = None inferred_date_type = None if isinstance(data, dict): # Assumption: If data is a dict and are not explicitly given # bundle_dpath, then we assume it is relative to the cwd. assumed_root = '.' inferred_date_type = 'json-dict' elif isinstance(data, (str, os.PathLike)): path = os.fspath(data) if isdir(path): # data was a pointer to hopefully a kwcoco bundle if bundle_dpath is None: bundle_dpath = path else: if bundle_dpath != path: raise Exception('ambiguous') inferred_date_type = 'bundle-path' else: # data was a pointer to hopefully a kwcoco filepath # TODO: do some validation of that here fpath = data if bundle_dpath is None: bundle_dpath = dirname(fpath) inferred_date_type = 'file-path' else: raise TypeError( 'data must be a dict or path to json file, ' 'but got: {!r}'.format(type(data))) if fpath is None and bundle_dpath is not None and inferred_date_type == 'bundle-path': # This should probably be reserved for a coercion method # If we are givena bundle path, assume a standard name convention if fname is None: import glob candidates = [ 'data', 'data.json', 'data.kwcoco.json', '', # Allow zipfiles '', '*.kwcoco.json', '*.mscoco.json', ] # Check for standard bundle manifest names manifest_candidate_iter = iter(ub.oset(ub.flatten([ glob.glob(join(bundle_dpath, p)) for p in candidates]))) try: fpath = ub.peek(manifest_candidate_iter) except StopIteration: fpath = join(bundle_dpath, 'data.kwcoco.json') # raise Exception('No manifest in Dataset Bundle') else: remain = list(manifest_candidate_iter) if len(remain) > 0: raise Exception('Ambiguous Dataset Bundle {}: {}'.format(fpath, remain)) else: fpath = join(bundle_dpath, fname) key = basename(bundle_dpath) if fpath is not None: fname = basename(fpath) if fname == 'data.kwcoco.json': if bundle_dpath is not None: bundle_dpath = dirname(fpath) key = basename(bundle_dpath) else: key = fname if bundle_dpath is not None: assumed_root = bundle_dpath if isinstance(data, (str, os.PathLike)): if not exists(fpath): raise Exception(ub.paragraph( ''' Specified fpath={} does not exist. If you are trying to create a new dataset fist create a CocoDataset without any arguments, and then set the fpath attribute. We may loosen this requirement in the future. ''').format(fpath)) self._state['was_loaded'] = True # Test to see if the kwcoco file is compressed import zipfile if zipfile.is_zipfile(fpath): with open(fpath, 'rb') as file: with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zfile: members = zfile.namelist() if len(members) != 1: raise Exception( 'Currently only zipfiles with exactly 1 ' 'kwcoco member are supported') text =[0]).decode('utf8') data = json_r.loads(text) else: with open(fpath, 'r') as file: data = json_r.load(file) # If data is a path it gives us the absolute location of the root if tag is None: tag = key # Backwards compat hack, allow the coco file to specify the # bundle_dpath # TODO: deprecate img_root if isinstance(data, dict) and 'img_root' in data: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwcoco', name='img_root', type='dataset member', deprecate='0.6.3', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', migration=ub.paragraph( ''' Ensure the location of the saved kwcoco file encodes the bundle dpath or ensure bundle_dpath is correctly set in the in-memory CocoDataset object. ''') ) # allow image root to be specified in the dataset # we refer to this as a json data "body root". body_root = data.get('img_root', '') if body_root is None: body_root = '' elif isinstance(body_root, str): _tmp = ub.expandpath(body_root) if exists(_tmp): body_root = _tmp else: if isinstance(body_root, list) and body_root == []: body_root = '' else: raise TypeError('body_root = {!r}'.format(body_root)) try: bundle_dpath = join(assumed_root, body_root) except Exception: print('body_root = {!r}'.format(body_root)) print('assumed_root = {!r}'.format(assumed_root)) raise if bundle_dpath is None: bundle_dpath = assumed_root bundle_dpath = ub.expandpath(bundle_dpath) if fpath is None: fpath = join(bundle_dpath, 'data.kwcoco.json') self.index = CocoIndex() self.hashid = None self.hashid_parts = None self.tag = tag self.dataset = data self.data_fpath = fpath self.bundle_dpath = bundle_dpath self.cache_dpath = None self.assets_dpath = None # Keep track of an unused id we may use self._next_ids = _NextId(self) self._infer_dirs() if autobuild: self._build_index() @property def fpath(self): """ In the future we will deprecate img_root for bundle_dpath """ return self._fpath @fpath.setter def fpath(self, value): # Cant use update fpath because of reroot checks. # self._update_fpath(value) self._fpath = value self._infer_dirs()
[docs] def _update_fpath(self, new_fpath): # New method for more robustly updating the file path and bundle # directory, still a WIP. Only works when the current dataset is # already valid. if new_fpath is None: # Bundle directory is clobbered, so we should make everything # absolute self.reroot(absolute=True) else: old_fpath = self.fpath if old_fpath is not None: old_fpath_ = ub.Path(old_fpath) new_fpath_ = ub.Path(new_fpath) same_bundle = ( (old_fpath_.parent == new_fpath_.parent) or (old_fpath_.resolve() == new_fpath_.resolve()) ) if not same_bundle: # The bundle directory has changed, so we need to reroot new_root = new_fpath_.parent self.reroot(new_root) self._fpath = new_fpath self._infer_dirs()
[docs] def _infer_dirs(self): """ Ignore: self = dset """ data_fpath = self.fpath if data_fpath is not None: bundle_dpath = dirname(data_fpath) assets_dpath = join(bundle_dpath, '_assets') cache_dpath = join(bundle_dpath, '_cache') # OPINION: Do we want conditions? # data_fname = basename(data_fpath) # bundle_conditions = { # # 'name': data_fname == 'data.kwcoco.json', # # 'ext': data_fname.endswith('.kwcoco.json'), # # 'has_assets': exists(assets_dpath), # } # is_bundle = all(bundle_conditions.values()) self.bundle_dpath = bundle_dpath self.assets_dpath = assets_dpath self.cache_dpath = cache_dpath
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(CocoDataset, data, bundle_dpath=None, img_root=None): """ Constructor from a json dictionary Returns: CocoDataset: """ coco_dset = CocoDataset(data, bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath, img_root=img_root) return coco_dset
[docs] @classmethod def from_image_paths(CocoDataset, gpaths, bundle_dpath=None, img_root=None): """ Constructor from a list of images paths. This is a convinience method. Args: gpaths (List[str]): list of image paths Returns: CocoDataset: Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.from_image_paths(['a.png', 'b.png']) >>> assert coco_dset.n_images == 2 """ coco_dset = CocoDataset(bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath, img_root=img_root) for gpath in gpaths: coco_dset.add_image(gpath) return coco_dset
[docs] @classmethod def from_class_image_paths(CocoDataset, root): """ Ingest classification data in the common format where images of different categories are stored in folders with the category label. Args: root (str | PathLike): the path to a directory containing class-subdirectories Returns: CocoDataset: """ import kwimage root = ub.Path(root) subdirs = [child for child in root.glob('*') if child.is_dir()] coco_dset = CocoDataset(bundle_dpath=root) for subdir in subdirs: catname = cat_id = coco_dset.ensure_category(catname) for gpath in subdir.glob('*'): h, w = kwimage.load_image_shape(gpath)[0:2] image_id = coco_dset.add_image(gpath) coco_dset.add_annotation( bbox=[0, 0, w, h], category_id=cat_id, image_id=image_id) return coco_dset
[docs] @classmethod def coerce_multiple(cls, datas, workers=0, mode='process', verbose=1, postprocess=None, ordered=True, **kwargs): """ Coerce multiple CocoDataset objects in parallel. Args: datas (List): list of kwcoco coercables to load workers (int | str): number of worker threads / processes. Can also accept coerceable workers. mode (str): thread, process, or serial. Defaults to process. verbose (int): verbosity level postprocess (Callable | None): A function taking one arg (the loaded dataset) to run on the loaded kwcoco dataset in background workers. This can be more efficient when postprocessing is independent per kwcoco file. ordered (bool): if True yields datasets in the same order as given. Otherwise results are yielded as they become available. Defaults to True. **kwargs: arguments passed to the constructor Yields: CocoDataset SeeAlso: * load_multiple - like this function but is a strict file-path-only loader CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.coco_dataset CocoDataset.coerce_multiple Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes1') >>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> dset3 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8') >>> dsets = [dset1, dset2, dset3] >>> input_fpaths = [d.fpath for d in dsets] >>> results = list(kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce_multiple(input_fpaths, ordered=True)) >>> result_fpaths = [r.fpath for r in results] >>> assert result_fpaths == input_fpaths >>> # Test unordered >>> results1 = list(kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce_multiple(input_fpaths, ordered=False)) >>> result_fpaths = [r.fpath for r in results] >>> assert set(result_fpaths) == set(input_fpaths) >>> # >>> # Coerce from existing datasets >>> results2 = list(kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce_multiple(dsets, ordered=True, workers=0)) >>> assert results2[0] is dsets[0] """ import kwcoco from kwcoco.util.util_parallel import coerce_num_workers _loader = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce workers = coerce_num_workers(workers) workers = min(workers, len(datas)) # Reuse coerce_multiple logic but overload the loader function. yield from cls._load_multiple(_loader, datas, workers=workers, mode=mode, verbose=verbose, postprocess=postprocess, ordered=ordered, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def load_multiple(cls, fpaths, workers=0, mode='process', verbose=1, postprocess=None, ordered=True, **kwargs): """ Load multiple CocoDataset objects in parallel. Args: fpaths (List[str | PathLike]): list of paths to multiple coco files to be loaded workers (int): number of worker threads / processes mode (str): thread, process, or serial. Defaults to process. verbose (int): verbosity level postprocess (Callable | None): A function taking one arg (the loaded dataset) to run on the loaded kwcoco dataset in background workers and returns the modified dataset. This can be more efficient when postprocessing is independent per kwcoco file. ordered (bool): if True yields datasets in the same order as given. Otherwise results are yielded as they become available. Defaults to True. **kwargs: arguments passed to the constructor Yields: CocoDataset SeeAlso: * coerce_multiple - like this function but accepts general coercable inputs. """ import kwcoco _loader = kwcoco.CocoDataset # Reuse coerce_multiple logic but overload the loader function. yield from cls._load_multiple(_loader, fpaths, workers=workers, mode=mode, verbose=verbose, postprocess=postprocess, ordered=ordered, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def _load_multiple(cls, _loader, inputs, workers=0, mode='process', verbose=1, postprocess=None, ordered=True, **kwargs): """ Shared logic for multiprocessing loaders. SeeAlso: * coerce_multiple * load_multiple """ _submit_prog = ub.ProgIter(inputs, desc='submit load kwcoco jobs', enabled=workers > 0, verbose=verbose) executor = ub.Executor(mode=mode, max_workers=workers) with executor: jobs = [] for job_idx, data in enumerate(_submit_prog): job = executor.submit( _load_and_postprocess, data=data, loader=_loader, postprocess=postprocess, **kwargs) job.job_idx = job_idx jobs.append(job) if ordered: _jobiter = jobs else: from concurrent.futures import as_completed _jobiter = as_completed(jobs) _collect_prog = ub.ProgIter(_jobiter, total=len(jobs), desc='loading kwcoco files', verbose=verbose) for job in _collect_prog: # Clear the reference to this job jobs[job.job_idx] = None yield job.result()
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco_paths(CocoDataset, fpaths, max_workers=0, verbose=1, mode='thread', union='try'): """ Constructor from multiple coco file paths. Loads multiple coco datasets and unions the result Note: if the union operation fails, the list of individually loaded files is returned instead. Args: fpaths (List[str]): list of paths to multiple coco files to be loaded and unioned. max_workers (int): number of worker threads / processes verbose (int): verbosity level mode (str): thread, process, or serial union (str | bool): If True, unions the result datasets after loading. If False, just returns the result list. If 'try', then try to preform the union, but return the result list if it fails. Default='try' Note: This may be deprecated. Use load_multiple or coerce_multiple and then manually perform the union. """ results = CocoDataset.load_multiple( fpaths, workers=max_workers, verbose=verbose, mode=mode, ordered=False, autobuild=False) results = list(results) if union: try: if verbose: # TODO: it would be nice if we had a way to combine results # on the fly, so we can work while the remaining io jobs # are loading print('combining results') coco_dset = CocoDataset.union(*results) except Exception as ex: if union == 'try': warnings.warn( 'Failed to union coco results: {!r}'.format(ex)) return results else: raise else: return coco_dset else: return results
[docs] def copy(self): """ Deep copies this object Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> new = self.copy() >>> assert new.imgs[1] is new.dataset['images'][0] >>> assert new.imgs[1] == self.dataset['images'][0] >>> assert new.imgs[1] is not self.dataset['images'][0] """ new = copy.copy(self) new.index = CocoIndex() new.hashid_parts = copy.deepcopy(self.hashid_parts) new.dataset = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset) new._next_ids = _NextId(new) new._build_index() return new
def __nice__(self): parts = [] parts.append('tag={}'.format(self.tag)) if self.dataset is not None: info = ub.urepr(self.basic_stats(), kvsep='=', si=1, nobr=1, nl=0) parts.append(info) return ', '.join(parts)
[docs] def dumps(self, indent=None, newlines=False): """ Writes the dataset out to the json format Args: newlines (bool) : if True, each annotation, image, category gets its own line indent (int | str | None): indentation for the json file. See :func:`json.dump` for details. newlines (bool): if True, each annotation, image, category gets its own line. Note: Using newlines=True is similar to: print(ub.urepr(dset.dataset, nl=2, trailsep=False)) However, the above may not output valid json if it contains ndarrays. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> import json >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> text = self.dumps(newlines=True) >>> print(text) >>> self2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset(json.loads(text), tag='demo2') >>> assert self2.dataset == self.dataset >>> assert self2.dataset is not self.dataset >>> text = self.dumps(newlines=True) >>> print(text) >>> self2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset(json.loads(text), tag='demo2') >>> assert self2.dataset == self.dataset >>> assert self2.dataset is not self.dataset Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.coerce('vidshapes1-msi-multisensor', verbose=3) >>> self.remove_annotations(self.annots()) >>> text = self.dumps(newlines=0, indent=' ') >>> print(text) >>> text = self.dumps(newlines=True, indent=' ') >>> print(text) """ from kwcoco.util import util_special_json # Instead of using json to dump the whole thing make the text a bit # more pretty. try: if newlines: # TODO: make this work faster! text = util_special_json._special_kwcoco_pretty_dumps_orig(self.dataset) else: # TODO: do main key sorting here as well text = util_special_json._json_dumps(self.dataset, indent=indent) except Exception as ex: print('Failed to dump ex = {!r}'.format(ex)) self._check_json_serializable() raise return text
[docs] def _compress_dump_to_fileptr(self, file, arcname=None, indent=None, newlines=False): """ Experimental method to save compressed kwcoco files, may be folded into dump in the future. """ import zipfile from kwcoco.util import util_archive compression = util_archive._coerce_zipfile_compression('auto') zipkw = { 'compression': compression, } if sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 7): zipkw['compresslevel'] = None if arcname is None: if not self.fpath: arcname = '_data.kwcoco.json' else: # Use the current name of the file to compress arcname = basename(self.fpath) if arcname.endswith('.zip'): arcname = arcname[:-4] if not arcname.endswith('.json'): arcname = arcname + '.json' with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'w', **zipkw) as zfile: # It would be nice if we could dump directly to a binary # encoded format here. Then we could use self.dump( text = self.dumps(indent=indent, newlines=newlines) zfile.writestr(arcname, text.encode('utf8'))
[docs] def _dump(self, file, indent, newlines, compress): """ Case where we are dumping to an open file pointer. We assume this means the dataset has been written to disk. """ if compress: self._compress_dump_to_fileptr( file, indent=indent, newlines=newlines) else: if newlines: file.write(self.dumps(indent=indent, newlines=newlines)) else: try: json_w.dump(self.dataset, file, indent=indent, ensure_ascii=False) except Exception as ex: print('Failed to dump ex = {!r}'.format(ex)) if 'Circular reference detected' in str(ex): raise self._check_json_serializable() raise self._state['was_saved'] = True
[docs] def dump(self, file=None, indent=None, newlines=False, temp_file='auto', compress='auto'): """ Writes the dataset out to the json format Args: file (PathLike | IO | None): Where to write the data. Can either be a path to a file or an open file pointer / stream. If unspecified, it will be written to the current ``fpath`` property. indent (int | str | None): indentation for the json file. See :func:`json.dump` for details. newlines (bool): if True, each annotation, image, category gets its own line. temp_file (bool | str): Argument to :func:``. Ignored if ``file`` is not a PathLike object. Defaults to 'auto', which is False on Windows and True everywhere else. compress (bool | str): if True, dumps the kwcoco file as a compressed zipfile. In this case a literal IO file object must be opened in binary write mode. If auto, then it will default to False unless it can introspect the file name and the name ends with .zip Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/demo/dump').ensuredir() >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> dset.fpath = dpath / 'my_coco_file.json' >>> # Calling dump writes to the current fpath attribute. >>> dset.dump() >>> assert dset.dataset == kwcoco.CocoDataset(dset.fpath).dataset >>> assert dset.dumps() == dset.fpath.read_text() >>> # >>> # Using compress=True can save a lot of space and it >>> # is transparent when reading files via CocoDataset >>> dset.dump(compress=True) >>> assert dset.dataset == kwcoco.CocoDataset(dset.fpath).dataset >>> assert dset.dumps() != dset.fpath.read_text(errors='replace') Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> # Compression auto-defaults based on the file name. >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/demo/dump').ensuredir() >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> fpath1 = dset.fpath = dpath / '' >>> dset.dump() >>> fpath2 = dset.fpath = dpath / 'my_coco_file.json' >>> dset.dump() >>> assert fpath1.read_bytes()[0:8] != fpath2.read_bytes()[0:8] """ from kwcoco.util.util_json import coerce_indent indent = coerce_indent(indent) if file is None: file = self.fpath try: fpath = os.fspath(file) except TypeError: input_was_pathlike = False else: input_was_pathlike = True if compress == 'auto': compress = False if not input_was_pathlike: fpath = getattr(file, 'name', None) if fpath is not None: if os.fspath(fpath).endswith('.zip'): compress = True mode = 'wb' if compress else 'w' if input_was_pathlike: import safer if temp_file == 'auto': temp_file = not ub.WIN32 with, mode, temp_file=temp_file) as fp: self._dump( fp, indent=indent, newlines=newlines, compress=compress) else: # We are likely dumping to a real file. self._dump( file, indent=indent, newlines=newlines, compress=compress)
[docs] def _check_json_serializable(self, verbose=1): """ Debug which part of a coco dataset might not be json serializable """ from kwcoco.util.util_json import find_json_unserializable bad_parts_gen = find_json_unserializable(self.dataset) bad_parts = [] for part in bad_parts_gen: if verbose == 3: print('part = {!r}'.format(part)) elif verbose and len(bad_parts) == 0: # print out the first one we find print('Found at least one bad part = {!r}'.format(part)) bad_parts.append(part) if verbose: # if bad_parts: # print(ub.urepr(bad_parts)) summary = 'There are {} total errors'.format(len(bad_parts)) print('summary = {}'.format(summary)) return bad_parts
[docs] def _check_integrity(self): """ perform most checks """ self._check_index() self._check_pointers() self._check_json_serializable() self.validate(img_attrs=False, annot_attrs=False, unique=False) # assert len(self.missing_images()) == 0 return True
[docs] def _check_index(self): """ Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> self._check_index() >>> # Force a failure >>> self.index.anns.pop(1) >>> self.index.anns.pop(2) >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(AssertionError): >>> self._check_index() """ # We can verify our index invariants by copying the raw dataset and # checking if the newly constructed index is the same as this index. new_dataset = copy.deepcopy(self.dataset) new = self.__class__(new_dataset, autobuild=False) new._build_index() checks = {} checks['anns'] = self.index.anns == new.index.anns checks['imgs'] = self.index.imgs == new.index.imgs checks['cats'] = self.index.cats == new.index.cats checks['tracks'] = self.index.tracks == new.index.tracks checks['gid_to_aids'] = self.index.gid_to_aids == new.index.gid_to_aids checks['cid_to_aids'] = self.index.cid_to_aids == new.index.cid_to_aids checks['name_to_cat'] = self.index.name_to_cat == new.index.name_to_cat checks['name_to_img'] = self.index.name_to_img == new.index.name_to_img checks['file_name_to_img'] = self.index.file_name_to_img == new.index.file_name_to_img checks['name_to_track'] = self.index.name_to_track == new.index.name_to_track one_to_many1 = self.index.trackid_to_aids one_to_many2 = new.index.trackid_to_aids missing2 = ub.dict_diff(one_to_many1, one_to_many2) missing1 = ub.dict_diff(one_to_many2, one_to_many1) common1 = ub.dict_isect(one_to_many1, one_to_many2) common2 = ub.dict_isect(one_to_many2, one_to_many1) checks['trackid_to_aids'] = all([ all(len(v) == 0 for v in missing1.values()), all(len(v) == 0 for v in missing2.values()), common1 == common2]) checks['vidid_to_gids'] = self.index.vidid_to_gids == new.index.vidid_to_gids failed_checks = {k: v for k, v in checks.items() if not v} if any(failed_checks): raise AssertionError( 'Failed index checks: {}'.format(list(failed_checks))) return True
[docs] def _check_pointers(self, verbose=1): """ Check that all category and image ids referenced by annotations exist """ if not self.index: raise Exception('Build index before running pointer check') errors = [] warnings = [] annots = self.dataset['annotations'] iter_ = ub.ProgIter(annots, desc='check annots', enabled=verbose) for ann in iter_: aid = ann['id'] cid = ann['category_id'] gid = ann['image_id'] trackid = ann.get('track_id', None) if cid not in self.index.cats: if cid is not None: errors.append('aid={} references bad cid={}'.format(aid, cid)) else: if self.index.cats[cid]['id'] != cid: errors.append('cid={} has a bad index'.format(cid)) if gid not in self.index.imgs: errors.append('aid={} references bad gid={}'.format(aid, gid)) else: if self.index.imgs[gid]['id'] != gid: errors.append('gid={} has a bad index'.format(gid)) if trackid is not None: if trackid not in self.index.tracks: warnings.append('aid={} references bad track_id={}'.format(aid, trackid)) iter_ = ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['images'], desc='check images', enabled=verbose) for img in iter_: gid = img['id'] vidid = img.get('video_id', None) if vidid is not None: if vidid not in self.index.videos: # Dont make this an error because a video dictionary is not # strictly necessary for images to be linked via videos. warnings.append('gid={} references bad video_id={}'.format(gid, vidid)) elif self.index.videos[vidid]['id'] != vidid: errors.append('video_id={} has a bad index'.format(vidid)) if 'categories' in self.dataset: iter_ = ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['categories'], desc='check categories', enabled=verbose) for category in iter_: category_id = category['id'] if self.index.cats[category_id]['id'] != category_id: errors.append(f'category_id={category_id} has a bad index') if 'tracks' in self.dataset: iter_ = ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['tracks'], desc='check tracks', enabled=verbose) for track in iter_: track_id = track['id'] if self.index.tracks[track_id]['id'] != track_id: errors.append(f'track_id={track_id} has a bad index') if 'videos' in self.dataset: iter_ = ub.ProgIter(self.dataset['videos'], desc='check videos', enabled=verbose) for video in iter_: video_id = video['id'] if self.index.videos[video_id]['id'] != video_id: errors.append(f'video_id={video_id} has a bad index') if errors: raise Exception('\n'.join(errors)) elif verbose: print('Pointers are consistent') return True
[docs] def _build_index(self):
[docs] def union(*others, disjoint_tracks=True, remember_parent=False, **kwargs): """ Merges multiple :class:`CocoDataset` items into one. Names and associations are retained, but ids may be different. Args: *others : a series of CocoDatasets that we will merge. Note, if called as an instance method, the "self" instance will be the first item in the "others" list. But if called like a classmethod, "others" will be empty by default. disjoint_tracks (bool): if True, we will assume track-names are disjoint and if two datasets share the same track-name, we will disambiguate them. Otherwise they will be copied over as-is. Defaults to True. In most cases you do not want to set this to False. remember_parent (bool): if True, videos and images will save information about their parent in the "union_parent" field. **kwargs : constructor options for the new merged CocoDataset Returns: kwcoco.CocoDataset: a new merged coco dataset CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.coco_dataset CocoDataset.union Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> # Test union works with different keypoint categories >>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes1') >>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> dset1.remove_keypoint_categories(['bot_tip', 'mid_tip', 'right_eye']) >>> dset2.remove_keypoint_categories(['top_tip', 'left_eye']) >>> dset_12a = kwcoco.CocoDataset.union(dset1, dset2) >>> dset_12b = dset1.union(dset2) >>> dset_21 = dset2.union(dset1) >>> def add_hist(h1, h2): >>> return {k: h1.get(k, 0) + h2.get(k, 0) for k in set(h1) | set(h2)} >>> kpfreq1 = dset1.keypoint_annotation_frequency() >>> kpfreq2 = dset2.keypoint_annotation_frequency() >>> kpfreq_want = add_hist(kpfreq1, kpfreq2) >>> kpfreq_got1 = dset_12a.keypoint_annotation_frequency() >>> kpfreq_got2 = dset_12b.keypoint_annotation_frequency() >>> assert kpfreq_want == kpfreq_got1 >>> assert kpfreq_want == kpfreq_got2 >>> # Test disjoint gid datasets >>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes3') >>> for new_gid, img in enumerate(dset1.dataset['images'], start=10): >>> for aid in dset1.gid_to_aids[img['id']]: >>> dset1.anns[aid]['image_id'] = new_gid >>> img['id'] = new_gid >>> dset1.index.clear() >>> dset1._build_index() >>> # ------ >>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> for new_gid, img in enumerate(dset2.dataset['images'], start=100): >>> for aid in dset2.gid_to_aids[img['id']]: >>> dset2.anns[aid]['image_id'] = new_gid >>> img['id'] = new_gid >>> dset1.index.clear() >>> dset2._build_index() >>> others = [dset1, dset2] >>> merged = kwcoco.CocoDataset.union(*others) >>> print('merged = {!r}'.format(merged)) >>> print('merged.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(merged.imgs, nl=1))) >>> assert set(merged.imgs) & set([10, 11, 12, 100, 101]) == set(merged.imgs) >>> # Test data is not preserved >>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes3') >>> others = (dset1, dset2) >>> cls = self = kwcoco.CocoDataset >>> merged = cls.union(*others) >>> print('merged = {!r}'.format(merged)) >>> print('merged.imgs = {}'.format(ub.urepr(merged.imgs, nl=1))) >>> assert set(merged.imgs) & set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == set(merged.imgs) >>> # Test track-ids are mapped correctly >>> dset1 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes1') >>> dset2 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2') >>> dset3 = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes3') >>> others = (dset1, dset2, dset3) >>> for dset in others: >>> [a.pop('segmentation', None) for a in dset.index.anns.values()] >>> [a.pop('keypoints', None) for a in dset.index.anns.values()] >>> cls = self = kwcoco.CocoDataset >>> merged = cls.union(*others, disjoint_tracks=1) >>> print('dset1.anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(dset1.anns, nl=1))) >>> print('dset2.anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(dset2.anns, nl=1))) >>> print('dset3.anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(dset3.anns, nl=1))) >>> print('merged.anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(merged.anns, nl=1))) Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> # Test empty union >>> empty_union = kwcoco.CocoDataset.union() >>> assert len(empty_union.index.imgs) == 0 TODO: - [ ] are supercategories broken? - [ ] reuse image ids where possible - [ ] reuse annotation / category ids where possible - [X] handle case where no inputs are given - [x] disambiguate track-ids - [x] disambiguate video-ids """ from os.path import normpath # Dev Note: # See ~/misc/tests/python/ # for tests for how to correctly implement this method such that it can # behave as a method or a classmethod if len(others) > 0: cls = type(others[0]) else: cls = CocoDataset # TODO: add an option such that the union will fail if the names # are not already disjoint. Alternatively, it could be the case # that a union between images with the same name really does # mean that they are the same image. unique_img_names = UniqueNameRemapper() unique_video_names = UniqueNameRemapper() unique_track_names = UniqueNameRemapper() def update_ifnotin(d1, d2): """ copies keys from d2 that doent exist in d1 into d1 """ for k, v in d2.items(): if k not in d1: d1[k] = v return d1 def _has_duplicates(items): seen = set() for item in items: if item in seen: return True seen.add(item) return False def _coco_union(relative_dsets, common_root): """ union of dictionary based data structure """ # TODO: rely on subset of SPEC keys merged = _dict([ ('licenses', []), ('info', []), ('categories', []), ('videos', []), ('images', []), ('tracks', []), ('annotations', []), ]) # TODO: need to handle keypoint_categories merged_cat_name_to_id = {} merged_kp_name_to_id = {} # Check if the image-ids are unique and can be preserved _all_imgs = (img for _, _, d in relative_dsets for img in d['images']) _all_gids = (img['id'] for img in _all_imgs) preserve_gids = not _has_duplicates(_all_gids) # Check if the video-ids are unique and can be preserved _all_videos = (video for _, _, d in relative_dsets for video in (d.get('videos', None) or [])) _all_vidids = (video['id'] for video in _all_videos) preserve_vidids = not _has_duplicates(_all_vidids) _all_tracks = (track for _, _, d in relative_dsets for track in (d.get('tracks', None) or [])) _all_trackids = (track['id'] for track in _all_tracks) preserve_trackids = not _has_duplicates(_all_trackids) if not disjoint_tracks: # Only relevant if we are not changing track names merged_track_name_to_id = {} # Only useful while we still support the case where a track-ids # doesn't have an associated track. hacked_track_id_map = _ID_Remapper(reuse=False) # If disjoint_tracks is True keep track of track-ids we've seen in # so far in previous datasets and ensure we dont reuse them. # TODO: do this Remapper class with other ids? # track_id_map = _ID_Remapper(reuse=False) for subdir, old_fpath, old_dset in relative_dsets: # Create temporary indexes to map from old to new cat_id_map = {None: None} img_id_map = {} video_id_map = {} track_id_map = {} kpcat_id_map = {} # Add the licenses / info into the merged dataset # Licenses / info are unused in our datas, so this might not be # correct merged['licenses'].extend(old_dset.get('licenses', [])) merged['info'].extend(old_dset.get('info', [])) # Add the categories into the merged dataset for old_cat in old_dset['categories']: new_id = merged_cat_name_to_id.get(old_cat['name'], None) # The same category might exist in different datasets. if new_id is None: # Only add if it does not yet exist new_id = len(merged_cat_name_to_id) + 1 merged_cat_name_to_id[old_cat['name']] = new_id new_cat = _dict([ ('id', new_id), ('name', old_cat['name']), # ('supercategory', old_cat['supercategory']), ]) update_ifnotin(new_cat, old_cat) merged['categories'].append(new_cat) cat_id_map[old_cat['id']] = new_id # Add the keypoint categories into the merged dataset if 'keypoint_categories' in old_dset: if 'keypoint_categories' not in merged: merged['keypoint_categories'] = [] old_id_to_name = {k['id']: k['name'] for k in old_dset['keypoint_categories']} postproc_kpcats = [] for old_kpcat in old_dset['keypoint_categories']: new_id = merged_kp_name_to_id.get(old_kpcat['name'], None) # The same kpcategory might exist in different datasets. if new_id is None: # Only add if it does not yet exist new_id = len(merged_kp_name_to_id) + 1 merged_kp_name_to_id[old_kpcat['name']] = new_id new_kpcat = _dict([ ('id', new_id), ('name', old_kpcat['name']), ]) update_ifnotin(new_kpcat, old_kpcat) old_reflect_id = new_kpcat.get('reflection_id', None) if old_reflect_id is not None: # Temporarilly overwrite reflectid with name reflect_name = old_id_to_name.get(old_reflect_id, None) new_kpcat['reflection_id'] = reflect_name postproc_kpcats.append(new_kpcat) merged['keypoint_categories'].append(new_kpcat) kpcat_id_map[old_kpcat['id']] = new_id # Fix reflection ids for kpcat in postproc_kpcats: reflect_name = kpcat['reflection_id'] new_reflect_id = merged_kp_name_to_id.get(reflect_name, None) kpcat['reflection_id'] = new_reflect_id # Add the tracks into the merged dataset for old_track in old_dset.get('tracks', []): if preserve_trackids: new_id = old_track['id'] else: new_id = len(merged['tracks']) + 1 if disjoint_tracks: # Tracks with the same name are considered distinct # and given new non-conflicting names new_trackname = unique_track_names.remap(old_track['name']) new_track = _dict([ ('id', new_id), ('name', new_trackname), ]) # copy over other metadata update_ifnotin(new_track, old_track) track_id_map[old_track['id']] = new_track['id'] if remember_parent: new_track['union_parent'] = old_fpath merged['tracks'].append(new_track) else: # Tracks with the same name are considered the same # across datasets. if old_track['name'] not in unique_track_names: new_trackname = unique_track_names.remap(old_track['name']) new_track = _dict([ ('id', new_id), ('name', new_trackname), ]) # copy over other metadata update_ifnotin(new_track, old_track) track_id_map[old_track['id']] = new_track['id'] if remember_parent: new_track['union_parent'] = old_fpath merged['tracks'].append(new_track) merged_track_name_to_id[new_trackname] = new_id else: new_id = merged_track_name_to_id[old_track['name']] track_id_map[old_track['id']] = new_id # Add the tracks into the merged dataset for old_video in old_dset.get('videos', []): if preserve_vidids: new_id = old_video['id'] else: new_id = len(merged['videos']) + 1 new_vidname = unique_video_names.remap(old_video['name']) new_video = _dict([ ('id', new_id), ('name', new_vidname), ]) # copy over other metadata update_ifnotin(new_video, old_video) video_id_map[old_video['id']] = new_video['id'] if remember_parent: new_video['union_parent'] = old_fpath merged['videos'].append(new_video) # Add the images into the merged dataset for old_img in old_dset['images']: if preserve_gids: new_id = old_img['id'] else: new_id = len(merged['images']) + 1 old_gname = old_img['file_name'] new_gname = None if old_gname is None else ( join(subdir, old_gname) ) new_img = _dict([ ('id', new_id), ('file_name', new_gname), ]) old_name = old_img.get('name', None) if old_name is not None: new_name = unique_img_names.remap(old_name) new_img['name'] = new_name if 'auxiliary' in old_img: new_auxiliary = [] for old_aux in old_img['auxiliary']: new_aux = old_aux.copy() new_aux['file_name'] = join(subdir, old_aux['file_name']) new_auxiliary.append(new_aux) new_img['auxiliary'] = new_auxiliary if 'assets' in old_img: new_auxiliary = [] for old_aux in old_img['assets']: new_aux = old_aux.copy() new_aux['file_name'] = join(subdir, old_aux['file_name']) new_auxiliary.append(new_aux) new_img['assets'] = new_auxiliary video_img_id = video_id_map.get(old_img.get('video_id'), None) if video_img_id is not None: new_img['video_id'] = video_img_id # copy over other metadata update_ifnotin(new_img, old_img) img_id_map[old_img['id']] = new_img['id'] if remember_parent: new_img['union_parent'] = old_fpath merged['images'].append(new_img) # Add the annotations into the merged dataset for old_annot in old_dset['annotations']: old_cat_id = old_annot['category_id'] old_img_id = old_annot['image_id'] new_cat_id = cat_id_map.get(old_cat_id, ub.NoParam) new_img_id = img_id_map.get(old_img_id, None) if new_cat_id is ub.NoParam: # NOTE: category_id is allowed to be None warnings.warn(f'annot {old_annot} in {subdir} has bad category-id {old_cat_id}') if new_img_id is None: warnings.warn(f'annot {old_annot} in {subdir} has bad image-id {old_img_id}') new_annot = _dict([ ('id', len(merged['annotations']) + 1), ('image_id', new_img_id), ('category_id', new_cat_id), ]) old_track_id = old_annot.get('track_id') if old_track_id is not None: new_track_id = track_id_map.get(old_track_id, None) if new_track_id is None: warnings.warn(ub.paragraph( f''' annot {old_annot} in {subdir} has track_id {old_track_id} that does not have an associated entry in the tracks table ''')) if disjoint_tracks: new_track_id = hacked_track_id_map.remap(old_track_id) else: new_track_id = old_track_id new_annot['track_id'] = new_track_id # if disjoint_tracks: # old_track_id = old_annot.get('track_id', None) # if old_track_id is not None: # new_track_id = track_id_map.remap(old_track_id) # new_annot['track_id'] = new_track_id update_ifnotin(new_annot, old_annot) if kpcat_id_map: # Need to copy keypoint dict to not clobber original # dset if 'keypoints' in new_annot: old_keypoints = new_annot['keypoints'] new_keypoints = copy.deepcopy(old_keypoints) for kp in new_keypoints: kp['keypoint_category_id'] = kpcat_id_map.get( kp['keypoint_category_id'], None) new_annot['keypoints'] = new_keypoints merged['annotations'].append(new_annot) # Mark that we are not allowed to use the same hacked track-ids # again if disjoint_tracks: hacked_track_id_map.block_seen() return merged # New behavior is simplified and I believe it is correct def longest_common_prefix(items, sep='/'): """ Example: >>> items = [ >>> '/foo/bar/always/the/same/set1/img1.png', >>> '/foo/bar/always/the/same/set1/img2.png', >>> '/foo/bar/always/the/same/set2/img1.png', >>> '/foo/bar/always/the/same/set2/img2.png', >>> '/foo/baz/file1.txt', >>> ] >>> sep = '/' >>> longest_common_prefix(items, sep=sep) >>> longest_common_prefix(items[:-1], sep=sep) """ # I would use a trie, but I don't know if pygtrie can do this efficiently # (not that this is efficient) freq = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for item in items: path = tuple(item.split(sep)) for i in range(len(path)): prefix = path[:i + 1] freq[prefix] += 1 # Find the longest common prefix if len(freq) == 0: longest_prefix = '' else: value, freq = max(freq.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], len(kv[0]))) longest_prefix = sep.join(value) return longest_prefix dset_roots = [dset.bundle_dpath for dset in others] dset_roots = [normpath(r) if r is not None else None for r in dset_roots] items = [join('.', p) for p in dset_roots] common_root = longest_common_prefix(items, sep=os.path.sep) relative_dsets = [ (relpath(normpath(d.bundle_dpath), common_root), str(d.fpath), d.dataset) for d in others] merged = _coco_union(relative_dsets, common_root) kwargs['bundle_dpath'] = common_root new_dset = cls(merged, **kwargs) return new_dset
[docs] def subset(self, gids, copy=False, autobuild=True): """ Return a subset of the larger coco dataset by specifying which images to port. All annotations in those images will be taken. Args: gids (List[int]): image-ids to copy into a new dataset copy (bool): if True, makes a deep copy of all nested attributes, otherwise makes a shallow copy. Defaults to True. autobuild (bool): if True will automatically build the fast lookup index. Defaults to True. Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> gids = [1, 3] >>> sub_dset = self.subset(gids) >>> assert len(self.index.gid_to_aids) == 3 >>> assert len(sub_dset.gid_to_aids) == 2 Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes2') >>> gids = [1, 2] >>> sub_dset = self.subset(gids, copy=True) >>> assert len(sub_dset.index.videos) == 1 >>> assert len(self.index.videos) == 2 Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> sub1 = self.subset([1]) >>> sub2 = self.subset([2]) >>> sub3 = self.subset([3]) >>> others = [sub1, sub2, sub3] >>> rejoined = kwcoco.CocoDataset.union(*others) >>> assert len(sub1.anns) == 9 >>> assert len(sub2.anns) == 2 >>> assert len(sub3.anns) == 0 >>> assert rejoined.basic_stats() == self.basic_stats() """ new_dataset = _dict([(k, []) for k in self.dataset]) new_dataset['categories'] = self.dataset['categories'] new_dataset['info'] = self.dataset.get('info', []) new_dataset['licenses'] = self.dataset.get('licenses', []) chosen_gids = sorted(set(gids)) chosen_imgs = list(ub.take(self.imgs, chosen_gids)) new_dataset['images'] = chosen_imgs if 'keypoint_categories' in self.dataset: new_dataset['keypoint_categories'] = self.dataset['keypoint_categories'] if 'videos' in self.dataset: # TODO: Take only videos with image support? vidids = sorted(set(img.get('video_id', None) for img in chosen_imgs) - {None}) chosen_vids = list(ub.take(self.index.videos, vidids)) new_dataset['videos'] = chosen_vids sub_aids = sorted([aid for gid in chosen_gids for aid in self.index.gid_to_aids.get(gid, [])]) new_dataset['annotations'] = list(ub.take(self.index.anns, sub_aids)) new_dataset['img_root'] = self.dataset.get('img_root', None) if copy: from copy import deepcopy new_dataset = deepcopy(new_dataset) sub_dset = CocoDataset(new_dataset, bundle_dpath=self.bundle_dpath, autobuild=autobuild) return sub_dset
[docs] def view_sql(self, force_rewrite=False, memory=False, backend='sqlite', sql_db_fpath=None): """ Create a cached SQL interface to this dataset suitable for large scale multiprocessing use cases. Args: force_rewrite (bool): if True, forces an update to any existing cache file on disk memory (bool): if True, the database is constructed in memory. backend (str): sqlite or postgresql sql_db_fpath (str | PathLike | None): overrides the database uri Note: This view cache is experimental and currently depends on the timestamp of the file pointed to by ``self.fpath``. In other words dont use this on in-memory datasets. CommandLine: KWCOCO_WITH_POSTGRESQL=1 xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ CocoDataset.view_sql Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:KWCOCO_WITH_POSTGRESQL) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:psycopg2) >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes32') >>> postgres_dset = dset.view_sql(backend='postgresql', force_rewrite=True) >>> sqlite_dset = dset.view_sql(backend='sqlite', force_rewrite=True) >>> list(dset.anns.keys()) >>> list(postgres_dset.anns.keys()) >>> list(sqlite_dset.anns.keys()) Ignore: import timerit ti = timerit.Timerit(100, bestof=10, verbose=2) for timer in ti.reset('dct_dset'): dset.annots().detections for timer in ti.reset('postgresql'): postgres_dset.annots().detections for timer in ti.reset('sqlite'): sqlite_dset.annots().detections ub.udict(sql_dset.annots().objs[0]) - {'segmentation'} ub.udict(dct_dset.annots().objs[0]) - {'segmentation'} """ from kwcoco.coco_sql_dataset import cached_sql_coco_view if sql_db_fpath is None: if memory: sql_db_fpath = ':memory:' sql_dset = cached_sql_coco_view(dset=self, sql_db_fpath=sql_db_fpath, force_rewrite=force_rewrite, backend=backend) return sql_dset
[docs] def demo_coco_data(): """ Simple data for testing. This contains several non-standard fields, which help ensure robustness of functions tested with this data. For more compliant demodata see the ``kwcoco.demodata`` submodule. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwcoco >>> from kwcoco.coco_dataset import demo_coco_data >>> dataset = demo_coco_data() >>> self = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dataset, tag='demo') >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.show_image(gid=1) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwimage from kwimage.im_demodata import _TEST_IMAGES from os.path import commonprefix # FIXME: be robust to broken urls test_imgs_keys = ['astro', 'carl', 'stars'] urls = {k: _TEST_IMAGES[k]['url'] for k in test_imgs_keys} gpaths = {k: kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath(k) for k in test_imgs_keys} img_root = commonprefix(list(gpaths.values())) gpath1, gpath2, gpath3 = ub.take(gpaths, test_imgs_keys) url1, url2, url3 = ub.take(urls, test_imgs_keys) # Make file names relative for consistent testing purpose gname1 = relpath(gpath1, img_root) gname2 = relpath(gpath2, img_root) gname3 = relpath(gpath3, img_root) dataset = { 'img_root': img_root, 'categories': [ { 'id': 1, 'name': 'astronaut', 'supercategory': 'human', }, {'id': 2, 'name': 'rocket', 'supercategory': 'object'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'helmet', 'supercategory': 'object'}, { 'id': 4, 'name': 'mouth', 'supercategory': 'human', 'keypoints': [ 'mouth-right-corner', 'mouth-right-bot', 'mouth-left-bot', 'mouth-left-corner', ], 'skeleton': [[0, 1]], }, { 'id': 5, 'name': 'star', 'supercategory': 'object', 'keypoints': ['star-center'], 'skeleton': [], }, {'id': 6, 'name': 'astronomer', 'supercategory': 'human'}, {'id': 7, 'name': 'astroturf', 'supercategory': 'object'}, { 'id': 8, 'name': 'human', 'keypoints': ['left-eye', 'right-eye'], 'skeleton': [[0, 1]], }, ], 'images': [ {'id': 1, 'file_name': gname1, 'url': url1}, {'id': 2, 'file_name': gname2, 'url': url2}, {'id': 3, 'file_name': gname3, 'url': url3}, ], 'annotations': [ {'id': 1, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 1, 'bbox': [10, 10, 360, 490], 'keypoints': [247, 101, 2, 202, 100, 2], 'segmentation': [[ 40, 509, 26, 486, 20, 419, 28, 334, 51, 266, 85, 229, 102, 216, 118, 197, 125, 176, 148, 151, 179, 147, 182, 134, 174, 128, 166, 115, 156, 94, 155, 64, 162, 48, 193, 34, 197, 26, 210, 21, 231, 14, 265, 24, 295, 49, 300, 90, 297, 111, 280, 126, 277, 132, 266, 137, 264, 152, 255, 164, 256, 174, 283, 195, 301, 220, 305, 234, 338, 262, 350, 286, 360, 326, 363, 351, 324, 369, 292, 404, 280, 448, 276, 496, 280, 511]], }, {'id': 2, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 2, 'bbox': [350, 5, 130, 290]}, {'id': 3, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 3, 'line': [326, 369, 500, 500]}, {'id': 4, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 4, 'keypoints': [ 202, 139, 2, 215, 150, 2, 229, 150, 2, 244, 142, 2, ]}, {'id': 5, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 5, 'keypoints': [37, 65, 1]}, {'id': 6, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 5, 'keypoints': [37, 16, 1]}, {'id': 7, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 5, 'keypoints': [3, 9, 1]}, {'id': 8, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 5, 'keypoints': [2, 111, 1]}, {'id': 9, 'image_id': 1, 'category_id': 5, 'keypoints': [2, 60, 1]}, {'id': 10, 'image_id': 2, 'category_id': 6, 'bbox': [37, 6, 230, 240]}, {'id': 11, 'image_id': 2, 'category_id': 4, 'bbox': [156, 130, 45, 18]} ], 'licenses': [], 'info': [], } return dataset
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: xdoctest kwcoco.coco_dataset all """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)