Source code for kwcoco.coco_evaluator

Evaluates a predicted coco dataset against a truth coco dataset.

This currently computes detection-level metrics.

The components in this module work programatically or as a command line script.

    - [ ] does evaluate return one result or multiple results
          based on different configurations?

    - [ ] max_dets - TODO: in original pycocoutils but not here

    - [ ] Flag that allows for polygon instead of bounding box overlap

    - [ ] How do we note what iou_thresh and area-range were in
          the result plots?

    xdoctest -m kwcoco.coco_evaluator __doc__:0 --vd --slow

    >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import *  # NOQA
    >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import CocoEvaluator
    >>> import kwcoco
    >>> # note: increase the number of images for better looking metrics
    >>> true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
    >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco
    >>> kwargs = {
    >>>     'box_noise': 0.5,
    >>>     'n_fp': (0, 10),
    >>>     'n_fn': (0, 10),
    >>>     'with_probs': True,
    >>> }
    >>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, **kwargs)
    >>> print('true_dset = {!r}'.format(true_dset))
    >>> print('pred_dset = {!r}'.format(pred_dset))
    >>> config = {
    >>>     'true_dataset': true_dset,
    >>>     'pred_dataset': pred_dset,
    >>>     'area_range': ['all', 'small'],
    >>>     'iou_thresh': [0.3, 0.95],
    >>> }
    >>> coco_eval = CocoEvaluator(config)
    >>> results = coco_eval.evaluate()
    >>> # Now we can draw / serialize the results as we please
    >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/test_out_dpath').ensuredir()
    >>> results_fpath = dpath / 'metrics.json'
    >>> print('results_fpath = {!r}'.format(results_fpath))
    >>> results.dump(results_fpath, indent='    ')
    >>> measures = results['area_range=all,iou_thresh=0.3'].nocls_measures
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> print(pd.DataFrame(ub.dict_isect(
    >>>     measures, ['f1', 'g1', 'mcc', 'thresholds',
    >>>                'ppv', 'tpr', 'tnr', 'npv', 'fpr',
    >>>                'tp_count', 'fp_count',
    >>>                'tn_count', 'fn_count'])).iloc[::100])
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot)
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow)
    >>> results.dump_figures(dpath)
    >>> print('dpath = {!r}'.format(dpath))
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--vd)
    >>> if ub.argflag('--vd') or 1:
    >>>     import xdev
    >>>     xdev.view_directory(dpath)
import os
import scriptconfig as scfg
import ubelt as ub
import warnings
from os.path import exists
from os.path import isdir
from os.path import isfile
from kwcoco.util.dict_like import DictProxy

    from xdev import profile
except Exception:
    profile = ub.identity

[docs] class CocoEvalConfig(scfg.DataConfig): """ Evaluate and score predicted versus truth detections / classifications in a COCO dataset """ __default__ = { 'true_dataset': scfg.Value(None, type=str, help='coercable true detections', position=1), 'pred_dataset': scfg.Value(None, type=str, help='coercable predicted detections', position=2), 'ignore_classes': scfg.Value( None, type=list, help='classes to ignore (give them zero weight)'), 'implicit_negative_classes': scfg.Value(['background']), 'implicit_ignore_classes': scfg.Value(['ignore']), 'fp_cutoff': scfg.Value(float('inf'), help='False positive cutoff for ROC'), 'iou_thresh': scfg.Value( value=0.5, help='One or more IoU overlap threshold for detection assignment', alias=['ovthresh'] ), 'compat': scfg.Value( value='mutex', choices=['all', 'mutex', 'ancestors'], help=ub.paragraph( ''' Matching strategy for which true annots are allowed to match which predicted annots. `mutex` means true boxes can only match predictions where the true class has highest probability (pycocotools setting). `all` means any class can match any other class. Dont use `ancestors`, it is broken. ''')), 'monotonic_ppv': scfg.Value(True, help=ub.paragraph( ''' if True forces precision to be monotonic. Defaults to True for compatibility with pycocotools, but that might not be the best option. ''')), 'ap_method': scfg.Value('pycocotools', help=ub.paragraph( ''' Method for computing AP. Defaults to a setting comparable to pycocotools. Can also be set to sklearn to use an alterative method. ''')), 'use_area_attr': scfg.Value( 'try', help=ub.paragraph( ''' if True (pycocotools setting) uses the area coco attribute to filter area range instead of bbox area. Otherwise just filters based on bbox area. If 'try' then it tries to use it but will fallback if it does not exist. ''')), 'area_range': scfg.Value( value=['all'], help=ub.paragraph( ''' Minimum and maximum object areas to consider. May specified as a comma-separated code: '<min>-<max>'. These ranges are inclusive. Also accepts scientific notation, inf, and special keys all, small, medium, and large, which are equivalent to small='0-1024', medium='1024-9216', large='9216-1e10', and all='0-inf'. Note these are areas, e.g. 16x16 boxes are considered small, but 17x16 boxes are medium. These can be mixed an matched, e.g.: `--area_range=0-4e3,small,1024-inf`. ''' )), # TODO options: 'max_dets': scfg.Value(float('inf'), help=( 'maximum number of predictions to consider')), 'iou_bias': scfg.Value(1, help=( 'pycocotools setting is 1, but 0 may be better')), # Extra options 'force_pycocoutils': scfg.Value(False, help=( 'ignore all other options and just use pycocoutils to score')), # 'discard_classes': scfg.Value(None, type=list, help='classes to completely remove'), # TODO 'assign_workers': scfg.Value(8, help='number of background workers for assignment'), 'load_workers': scfg.Value(0, help='number of workers to load cached detections'), # 'ovthresh': scfg.Value(None, help='deprecated, alias for iou_thresh'), 'classes_of_interest': scfg.Value( None, type=list, help='if specified only these classes are given weight'), 'use_image_names': scfg.Value( False, help='if True use image file_name to associate images instead of ids'), } def __post_init__(self): # if self['ovthresh'] is not None: # warnings.warn('ovthresh is deprecated use iou_thresh') # self['iou_thresh'] = self['ovthresh'] if self['area_range'] is not None: parsed = [] code = self['area_range'] parts = [] if ub.iterable(code): for p in code: if isinstance(p, str) and ',' in p: parts.extend(p.split(',')) else: parts.append(p) else: if not isinstance(code, str): raise TypeError('bad area code {}'.format(code)) parts = [code] for p in parts: minmax = p if isinstance(p, str): if '-' in p: p = p.split('-') minmax = tuple(map(float, p)) parsed.append(minmax) self['area_range'] = parsed
[docs] class CocoEvaluator(object): """ Abstracts the evaluation process to execute on two coco datasets. This can be run as a standalone script where the user specifies the paths to the true and predited dataset explicitly, or this can be used by a higher level script that produces the predictions and then sends them to this evaluator. Example: >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import CocoEvaluator >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco >>> import kwcoco >>> true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> kwargs = { >>> 'box_noise': 0.5, >>> 'n_fp': (0, 10), >>> 'n_fn': (0, 10), >>> 'with_probs': True, >>> } >>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, **kwargs) >>> config = { >>> 'true_dataset': true_dset, >>> 'pred_dataset': pred_dset, >>> 'classes_of_interest': [], >>> } >>> coco_eval = CocoEvaluator(config) >>> results = coco_eval.evaluate() """ def __init__(coco_eval, config): coco_eval.config = CocoEvalConfig(**config) coco_eval._is_init = False coco_eval._logs = [] coco_eval._verbose = 1
[docs] def log(coco_eval, msg, level='INFO'): if coco_eval._verbose: print(msg) coco_eval._logs.append((level, msg))
[docs] def _init(coco_eval): """ Performs initial coercion from given inputs into dictionaries of kwimage.Detection objects and attempts to ensure comparable category and image ids. """ import numpy as np # TODO: coerce into a cocodataset form if possible # TODO: Optionally: # * validate the input coco files, # * ensure that the score attribute on the predictions exists. # * ensure there is more than one category. coco_eval.log('init truth dset') # FIXME: What is the image names line up correctly, but the image ids # do not? This will be common if an external detector is used. load_workers = coco_eval.config['load_workers'] gid_to_true, true_extra = CocoEvaluator._coerce_dets( coco_eval.config['true_dataset'], workers=load_workers) coco_eval.log('init pred dset') gid_to_pred, pred_extra = CocoEvaluator._coerce_dets( coco_eval.config['pred_dataset'], workers=load_workers) if coco_eval.config['use_image_names']: # TODO: currently this is a hacky implementation that modifies the # pred dset, we should not do that, just store a gid mapping. # TODO: we will port the watch associate-images functionality soon, # which should supercede this. pred_to_true_gid = {} true_coco = true_extra['coco_dset'] pred_coco = pred_extra['coco_dset'] for gid, true_img in true_coco.imgs.items(): fname = true_img['file_name'] if fname not in pred_coco.index.file_name_to_img: continue pred_img = pred_coco.index.file_name_to_img[fname] pred_to_true_gid[pred_img['id']] = true_img['id'] if not pred_to_true_gid: raise Exception('FAILED TO MAP IMAGE NAMES') unused_pred_gids = set(pred_coco.imgs.keys()) - set(pred_to_true_gid.keys()) pred_coco.remove_images(unused_pred_gids) new_gid_to_pred = {} for pred_img in pred_coco.imgs.values(): old_gid = pred_img['id'] new_gid = pred_to_true_gid[old_gid] pred = gid_to_pred[old_gid] pred_img['id'] = new_gid for ann in pred_coco.annots(gid=old_gid).objs: ann['image_id'] = new_gid new_gid_to_pred[new_gid] = pred gid_to_pred = new_gid_to_pred pred_coco._build_index() pred_gids = sorted(gid_to_pred.keys()) true_gids = sorted(gid_to_true.keys()) gids = list(set(pred_gids) & set(true_gids)) true_classes = ub.peek(gid_to_true.values()).classes pred_classes = ub.peek(gid_to_pred.values()).classes if 0: import xdev xdev.set_overlaps(set(true_gids), set(pred_gids), 'true', 'pred') classes, unified_cid_maps = CocoEvaluator._rectify_classes( true_classes, pred_classes) true_to_unified_cid = unified_cid_maps['true'] pred_to_unified_cid = unified_cid_maps['pred'] # Helper infor for mapping predicted probabilities pred_new_idxs = [] pred_old_idxs = [] for old_idx, old_node in enumerate(pred_classes.idx_to_node): old_cid = pred_classes.node_to_id[old_node] new_cid = pred_to_unified_cid[old_cid] new_idx = classes.id_to_idx[new_cid] pred_old_idxs.append(old_idx) pred_new_idxs.append(new_idx) needs_prob_remap = ( (pred_new_idxs == pred_old_idxs) or (len(classes) != len(pred_classes)) ) or True # Move truth to the unified class indices for gid in ub.ProgIter(gids, desc='Rectify truth class idxs'): det = gid_to_true[gid] new_classes = classes old_classes = det.meta['classes'] old_cidxs =['class_idxs'] old_cids = [None if cx is None else old_classes.idx_to_id[cx] for cx in old_cidxs] new_cids = [None if cid is None else true_to_unified_cid.get(cid, cid) for cid in old_cids] new_cidxs = np.array([None if c is None else new_classes.id_to_idx[c] for c in new_cids]) det.meta['classes'] = new_classes['class_idxs'] = new_cidxs # Move predictions to the unified class indices for gid in ub.ProgIter(gids, desc='Rectify pred class idxs'): det = gid_to_pred[gid] new_classes = classes old_classes = det.meta['classes'] old_cidxs =['class_idxs'] old_cids = [None if cx is None else old_classes.idx_to_id[cx] for cx in old_cidxs] new_cids = [None if cid is None else pred_to_unified_cid.get(cid, cid) for cid in old_cids] new_cidxs = np.array([None if c is None else new_classes.id_to_idx[c] for c in new_cids]) det.meta['classes'] = new_classes['class_idxs'] = new_cidxs if needs_prob_remap and 'probs' in # Ensure predicted probabilities are in the unified class space old_probs =['probs'] new_probs = np.zeros_like(old_probs, shape=(len(old_probs), len(classes))) if len(new_probs): new_probs[:, pred_new_idxs] = old_probs[:, pred_old_idxs]['probs'] = new_probs coco_eval.gids = gids coco_eval.classes = classes coco_eval.gid_to_true = gid_to_true coco_eval.gid_to_pred = gid_to_pred coco_eval.true_extra = true_extra coco_eval.pred_extra = pred_extra coco_eval._is_init = True
[docs] def _ensure_init(coco_eval): if not coco_eval._is_init: coco_eval._init()
[docs] @classmethod def _rectify_classes(coco_eval, true_classes, pred_classes): import kwcoco # Determine if truth and model classes are compatible, attempt to remap # if possible. errors = [] for node1, id1 in true_classes.node_to_id.items(): if id1 in pred_classes.id_to_node: node2 = pred_classes.id_to_node[id1] if node1 != node2: errors.append( 'id={} exists in pred and true but have ' 'different names, {}, {}'.format(id1, node1, node2)) if node1 in pred_classes.node_to_id: id2 = pred_classes.node_to_id[node1] if id1 != id2: errors.append( 'node={} exists in pred and true but have ' 'different ids, {}, {}'.format(node1, id1, id2)) # TODO: determine if the class ids are the same, in which case we dont # need to do unification. # mappings to unified cids unified_cid_maps = { 'true': {}, 'pred': {}, } def _normalize_name(name): return name.lower().replace(' ', '_') pred_norm = {_normalize_name(name): name for name in pred_classes} true_norm = {_normalize_name(name): name for name in true_classes} # TODO: remove background hack, use "implicit_negative_classes" or "negative_classes" unified_names = list(ub.unique(['background'] + list(pred_norm) + list(true_norm))) classes = kwcoco.CategoryTree.coerce(unified_names) # raise Exception('\n'.join(errors)) for true_name, true_cid in true_classes.node_to_id.items(): true_norm_name = _normalize_name(true_name) cid = classes.node_to_id[true_norm_name] unified_cid_maps['true'][true_cid] = cid for pred_name, pred_cid in pred_classes.node_to_id.items(): pred_norm_name = _normalize_name(pred_name) cid = classes.node_to_id[pred_norm_name] unified_cid_maps['pred'][pred_cid] = cid # if errors: # graph2 = pred_classes.graph.copy() # for node1, id1 in true_classes.node_to_id.items(): # if node1 not in pred_classes.node_to_id: # graph2.add_node(node1, id=id1) # classes = kwcoco.CategoryTree(graph2) return classes, unified_cid_maps
[docs] @classmethod def _coerce_dets(CocoEvaluator, dataset, verbose=0, workers=0): """ Coerce the input to a mapping from image-id to kwimage.Detection Also capture a CocoDataset if possible. Returns: Tuple[Dict[int, Detections], Dict]: gid_to_det: mapping from gid to dets extra: any extra information we gathered via coercion Example: >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> gid_to_det, extras = CocoEvaluator._coerce_dets(coco_dset) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:sqlalchemy) >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8').view_sql() >>> gid_to_det, extras = CocoEvaluator._coerce_dets(coco_dset) """ # coerce the input into dictionary of detection objects. import kwcoco import kwimage import numpy as np import glob try: import ndsampler COCO_SAMPLER_CLS = ndsampler.CocoSampler except Exception: COCO_SAMPLER_CLS = None # We only need the box locations, but if we can coerce extra # information we will maintain that as well. extra = {} if isinstance(dataset, dict): if len(dataset): first = ub.peek(dataset.values()) if isinstance(first, kwimage.Detections): # We got what we wanted gid_to_det = dataset else: raise NotImplementedError else: gid_to_det = {} elif isinstance(dataset, kwcoco.AbstractCocoDataset): extra['coco_dset'] = coco_dset = dataset gid_to_det = {} gids = sorted(coco_dset.imgs.keys()) classes = coco_dset.object_categories() for gid in ub.ProgIter(gids, desc='convert coco to dets'): aids = list(coco_dset.index.gid_to_aids[gid]) anns = [coco_dset.anns[aid] for aid in aids] cids = [a['category_id'] for a in anns] # remap truth cids to be consistent with "classes" # cids = [cid_true_to_pred.get(cid, cid) for cid in cids] cxs = np.array([None if c is None else classes.id_to_idx[c] for c in cids]) ssegs = [a.get('segmentation') for a in anns] weights = [a.get('weight', 1) for a in anns] # Is defaulting to NAN correct here? default_score = 1.0 # default_score = np.nan scores = [a.get('score', default_score) for a in anns] kw = {} if all('prob' in a for a in anns): # TODO: can we ensure the probs are always in the proper # order here? I think they are, but I'm not 100% sure. kw['probs'] = [a['prob'] for a in anns] dets = kwimage.Detections( boxes=kwimage.Boxes([a['bbox'] for a in anns], 'xywh'), segmentations=ssegs, class_idxs=cxs, classes=classes, weights=np.array(weights), scores=np.array(scores), aids=np.array(aids), datakeys=['aids'], **kw, ).numpy() gid_to_det[gid] = dets elif COCO_SAMPLER_CLS and isinstance(dataset, COCO_SAMPLER_CLS): # Input is an ndsampler.CocoSampler object extra['sampler'] = sampler = dataset coco_dset = sampler.dset gid_to_det, _extra = CocoEvaluator._coerce_dets( coco_dset, verbose, workers=workers) extra.update(_extra) elif isinstance(dataset, (str, os.PathLike)): if exists(dataset): # on-disk detections if isdir(dataset): if verbose: print('Loading mscoco directory') # directory of predictions extra['coco_dpath'] = coco_dpath = dataset pat = ub.Path(coco_dpath) / '**/*.json' coco_fpaths = sorted(glob.glob(os.fspath(pat), recursive=True)) dets, coco_dset = _load_dets(coco_fpaths, workers=workers) extra['coco_dset'] = coco_dset # coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.from_coco_paths( # coco_fpaths, max_workers=6, verbose=1, mode='process') gid_to_det = {d.meta['gid']: d for d in dets} elif isfile(dataset): # mscoco file if verbose: print('Loading mscoco file') extra['dataset_fpath'] = coco_fpath = dataset coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(coco_fpath) gid_to_det, _extra = CocoEvaluator._coerce_dets( coco_dset, verbose, workers=workers) extra.update(_extra) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise Exception('{!r} does not exist'.format(dataset)) else: raise TypeError('Unknown dataset type: {!r}'.format(type(dataset))) return gid_to_det, extra
[docs] def _build_dmet(coco_eval): """ Builds the detection metrics object Returns: DetectionMetrics - object that can perform assignment and build confusion vectors. Ignore: dmet = coco_eval._build_dmet() """ from kwcoco.metrics import DetectionMetrics coco_eval._ensure_init() classes = coco_eval.classes gid_to_true = coco_eval.gid_to_true gid_to_pred = coco_eval.gid_to_pred if 0: true_names = [] for det in coco_eval.gid_to_true.values(): class_idxs =['class_idxs'] cnames = list(ub.take(det.meta['classes'], class_idxs)) true_names += cnames ub.dict_hist(true_names) pred_names = [] for det in coco_eval.gid_to_pred.values(): class_idxs =['class_idxs'] cnames = list(ub.take(det.meta['classes'], class_idxs)) pred_names += cnames ub.dict_hist(pred_names) dmet = DetectionMetrics(classes=classes) for gid in ub.ProgIter(coco_eval.gids): pred_dets = gid_to_pred[gid] true_dets = gid_to_true[gid] dmet.add_predictions(pred_dets, gid=gid) dmet.add_truth(true_dets, gid=gid) if 0: voc_info = dmet.score_voc(ignore_classes='ignore') print('voc_info = {!r}'.format(voc_info)) return dmet
[docs] def evaluate(coco_eval): """ Executes the main evaluation logic. Performs assignments between detections to make DetectionMetrics object, then creates per-item and ovr confusion vectors, and performs various threshold-vs-confusion analyses. Returns: CocoResults: container storing (and capable of drawing / serializing) results """ import platform import kwarray import numpy as np coco_eval.log('evaluating') # print('coco_eval.config = {}'.format(ub.urepr(dict(coco_eval.config), nl=3))) dmet = coco_eval._build_dmet() # Ignore any categories with too few tests instances classes = coco_eval.classes negative_classes = coco_eval.config['implicit_negative_classes'] classes_of_interest = coco_eval.config['classes_of_interest'] ignore_classes = set(coco_eval.config['implicit_ignore_classes']) if coco_eval.config['ignore_classes']: ignore_classes.update(coco_eval.config['ignore_classes']) if classes_of_interest: ignore_classes.update(set(classes) - set(classes_of_interest)) coco_eval.log('negative_classes = {!r}'.format(negative_classes)) coco_eval.log('classes_of_interest = {!r}'.format(classes_of_interest)) coco_eval.log('ignore_classes = {!r}'.format(ignore_classes)) area_ranges = coco_eval.config['area_range'] iou_thresholds = coco_eval.config['iou_thresh'] if not ub.iterable(iou_thresholds): iou_thresholds = [iou_thresholds] if not area_ranges: area_ranges = ['all'] print('Building confusion vectors') if coco_eval.config['force_pycocoutils']: # TODO: extract the PR curves from pycocotools coco_scores = dmet.score_pycocotools( verbose=3, with_evaler=True, with_confusion=True, iou_thresholds=iou_thresholds, # max_dets=coco_eval.config['max_dets'], ) iou_to_cfsn_vecs = coco_scores['iou_to_cfsn_vecs'] else: iou_to_cfsn_vecs = dmet.confusion_vectors( ignore_classes=ignore_classes, compat=coco_eval.config['compat'], iou_thresh=iou_thresholds, workers=coco_eval.config['assign_workers'], bias=coco_eval.config['iou_bias'], max_dets=coco_eval.config['max_dets'], ) # Remove large datasets values in configs that are not file references base_meta = dict(coco_eval.config) if not isinstance(base_meta['true_dataset'], str): base_meta['true_dataset'] = '<not-a-file-ref>' if not isinstance(base_meta['pred_dataset'], str): base_meta['pred_dataset'] = '<not-a-file-ref>' # Add machine-specific metadata base_meta['hostname'] = platform.node() base_meta['timestamp'] = ub.timestamp() resdata = {} for iou_thresh in iou_thresholds: cfsn_vecs = iou_to_cfsn_vecs[iou_thresh] print('cfsn_vecs = {!r}'.format(cfsn_vecs)) print( # NOTE: translating to classless confusion vectors only works when # compat='all', otherwise we would need to redo confusion vector # computation. measurekw = dict( fp_cutoff=coco_eval.config['fp_cutoff'], monotonic_ppv=coco_eval.config['monotonic_ppv'], ap_method=coco_eval.config['ap_method'], ) orig_weights =['weight'].copy() weight_gen = dmet_area_weights(dmet, orig_weights, cfsn_vecs, area_ranges, coco_eval) for minmax_key, minmax, new_weights in weight_gen:['weight'] = new_weights # Get classless and ovr binary detection measures nocls_binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_classless(negative_classes=negative_classes) ovr_binvecs = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr( ignore_classes=ignore_classes, approx=0, mode=1) nocls_measures = nocls_binvecs.measures(**measurekw) ovr_measures = ovr_binvecs.measures(**measurekw)['perclass'] # print('minmax = {!r}'.format(minmax)) # print('nocls_measures = {}'.format(ub.urepr(nocls_measures, nl=1, align=':'))) # print('ovr_measures = {!r}'.format(ovr_measures)) meta = base_meta.copy() meta['iou_thresh'] = iou_thresh meta['area_minmax'] = minmax result = CocoSingleResult( nocls_measures, ovr_measures, cfsn_vecs, meta, ) # TODO: when making the ovr localization curves, it might be a good # idea to include a second version where any COI prediction assigned # to a non-COI truth is given a weight of zero, so we can focus on # our TPR and FPR with respect to the COI itself and the background. # This metric is useful when we assume we have a subsequent classifier. if classes_of_interest: ovr_binvecs2 = cfsn_vecs.binarize_ovr(ignore_classes=ignore_classes) for key, vecs in ovr_binvecs2.cx_to_binvecs.items(): cx = cfsn_vecs.classes.index(key)['weight'] =['weight'].copy() assert not np.may_share_memory( ovr_binvecs[key].data['weight'],['weight']) # Find locations where the predictions or truth was COI pred_coi =['pred'] == cx # Find truth locations that are either background or this COI true_coi_or_bg = kwarray.isect_flags(['true'], {cx, -1}) # Find locations where we predicted this COI, but truth was a # valid classes, but not this non-COI ignore_flags = (pred_coi & (~true_coi_or_bg))['weight'][ignore_flags] = 0 ovr_measures2 = ovr_binvecs2.measures(**measurekw)['perclass'] # print('ovr_measures2 = {!r}'.format(ovr_measures2)) result.ovr_measures2 = ovr_measures2 reskey = ub.urepr( dict(area_range=minmax_key, iou_thresh=iou_thresh), nl=0, explicit=1, itemsep='', nobr=1, sv=1) resdata[reskey] = result if coco_eval.config['force_pycocoutils']: resdata['pct_stats'] = coco_scores['evalar_stats'] print('reskey = {!r}'.format(reskey)) print('result = {!r}'.format(result)) results = CocoResults(resdata) return results
[docs] def dmet_area_weights(dmet, orig_weights, cfsn_vecs, area_ranges, coco_eval, use_area_attr=False): """ Hacky function to compute confusion vector ignore weights for different area thresholds. Needs to be slightly refactored. """ import kwarray import numpy as np if use_area_attr: coco_true = coco_eval.true_extra['coco_dset'] try: coco_pred = coco_eval.pred_extra['coco_dset'] except Exception: pass # Basic logic to handle area-range by weight modification. for minmax_key in area_ranges: if isinstance(minmax_key, str): if minmax_key == 'small': minmax = [0 ** 2, 32 ** 2] elif minmax_key == 'medium': minmax = [32 ** 2, 96 ** 2] elif minmax_key == 'large': minmax = [96 ** 2, 1e5 ** 2] elif minmax_key == 'all': minmax = [0, float('inf')] else: raise KeyError(minmax_key) else: minmax = minmax_key area_min, area_max = minmax gids, groupxs = kwarray.group_indices(['gid']) new_ignore = np.zeros(len(, dtype=bool) for gid, groupx in zip(gids, groupxs): if use_area_attr: # Use coco area attribute (if available) try: true_dets = dmet.gid_to_true_dets[gid] true_annots = coco_true.annots(['aids']) true_area = np.array(true_annots.lookup('area')) except Exception: if use_area_attr != 'try': raise # Yet another pycocotools inconsistency: # We typically dont have segmentation area for predictions, # so we have to use bbox area for predictions (which only # matters if they are not assigned to a truth) try: pred_dets = dmet.gid_to_pred_dets[gid] pred_annots = coco_pred.annots(['aids']) pred_area = np.array(pred_annots.lookup('area')) except Exception: if use_area_attr != 'try': warnings.warn('Predictions do not have area attributes') pred_area = dmet.gid_to_pred_dets[gid].boxes.area else: true_area = dmet.gid_to_true_dets[gid].boxes.area pred_area = dmet.gid_to_pred_dets[gid].boxes.area # pycocotools is inclusive (valid if min <= area <= max) on both # ends of the area range so we are following that here as well. # Ignore any truth outside the area bounds txs =['txs'][groupx] tx_flags = txs > -1 tarea = true_area[txs[tx_flags]].ravel() is_toob = ((tarea < area_min) | (tarea > area_max)) toob_idxs = groupx[tx_flags][is_toob] # Ignore any *unassigned* prediction outside the area bounds pxs =['pxs'][groupx] px_flags = (pxs > -1) & (txs < 0) parea = pred_area[pxs[px_flags]].ravel() is_poob = ((parea < area_min) | (parea > area_max)) poob_idxs = groupx[px_flags][is_poob] new_ignore[poob_idxs] = True new_ignore[toob_idxs] = True new_weights = orig_weights.copy() new_weights[new_ignore] = 0 yield minmax_key, minmax, new_weights
[docs] class CocoResults(ub.NiceRepr, DictProxy): """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ CocoResults --profile Example: >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import * # NOQA >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import CocoEvaluator >>> import kwcoco >>> true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco >>> kwargs = { >>> 'box_noise': 0.5, >>> 'n_fp': (0, 10), >>> 'n_fn': (0, 10), >>> } >>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, **kwargs) >>> print('true_dset = {!r}'.format(true_dset)) >>> print('pred_dset = {!r}'.format(pred_dset)) >>> config = { >>> 'true_dataset': true_dset, >>> 'pred_dataset': pred_dset, >>> 'area_range': ['small'], >>> 'iou_thresh': [0.3], >>> } >>> coco_eval = CocoEvaluator(config) >>> results = coco_eval.evaluate() >>> # Now we can draw / serialize the results as we please >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/test_out_dpath').ensuredir() >>> # >>> # test deserialization works >>> state = results.__json__() >>> self2 = CocoResults.from_json(state) >>> # >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> results.dump_figures(dpath, figsize=(3, 2), tight=False) # make this go faster >>> results.dump(dpath / 'metrics.json', indent=' ') """ def __init__(results, resdata=None): results.proxy = resdata
[docs] def dump_figures(results, out_dpath, expt_title=None, figsize='auto', tight=True): for key, result in results.items(): dpath = ub.ensuredir((os.fspath(out_dpath), key)) if expt_title is None: title = str(key) else: title = expt_title + ' ' + str(key) result.dump_figures(dpath, expt_title=title, figsize=figsize, tight=tight)
def __json__(results): from kwcoco.util.util_json import ensure_json_serializable state = { k: (ensure_json_serializable(v) if not hasattr(v, '__json__') else v.__json__()) for k, v in results.items() } # ensure_json_serializable(state, normalize_containers=True, verbose=0) return state
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, state): self = cls({}) for key, val in state.items(): result = CocoSingleResult.from_json(val) self[key] = result return self
[docs] def dump(result, file, indent=' '): """ Serialize to json file """ import json import pathlib if isinstance(file, (str, pathlib.Path)): with open(file, 'w') as fp: return result.dump(fp, indent=indent) else: state = result.__json__() json.dump(state, file, indent=indent)
[docs] class CocoSingleResult(ub.NiceRepr): """ Container class to store, draw, summarize, and serialize results from CocoEvaluator. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow) >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import * # NOQA >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import CocoEvaluator >>> import kwcoco >>> true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco >>> kwargs = { >>> 'box_noise': 0.2, >>> 'n_fp': (0, 3), >>> 'n_fn': (0, 3), >>> 'with_probs': False, >>> } >>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, **kwargs) >>> print('true_dset = {!r}'.format(true_dset)) >>> print('pred_dset = {!r}'.format(pred_dset)) >>> config = { >>> 'true_dataset': true_dset, >>> 'pred_dataset': pred_dset, >>> 'area_range': [(0, 32 ** 2), (32 ** 2, 96 ** 2)], >>> 'iou_thresh': [0.3, 0.5, 0.95], >>> } >>> coco_eval = CocoEvaluator(config) >>> results = coco_eval.evaluate() >>> result = ub.peek(results.values()) >>> state = result.__json__() >>> print('state = {}'.format(ub.urepr(state, nl=-1))) >>> recon = CocoSingleResult.from_json(state) >>> state = recon.__json__() >>> print('state = {}'.format(ub.urepr(state, nl=-1))) """ def __init__(result, nocls_measures, ovr_measures, cfsn_vecs, meta=None): result.nocls_measures = nocls_measures result.ovr_measures = ovr_measures result.cfsn_vecs = cfsn_vecs result.meta = meta def __nice__(result): text = ub.urepr({ 'nocls_measures': result.nocls_measures, 'ovr_measures': result.ovr_measures, }, sv=1) return text
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, state): from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import Measures from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import PerClass_Measures state['nocls_measures'] = Measures.from_json(state['nocls_measures']) state['ovr_measures'] = PerClass_Measures.from_json(state['ovr_measures']) if state.get('cfsn_vecs', None): from kwcoco.metrics.confusion_vectors import ConfusionVectors state['cfsn_vecs'] = ConfusionVectors.from_json(state['cfsn_vecs']) else: state['cfsn_vecs'] = None self = cls(**state) return self
def __json__(result): state = { 'nocls_measures': result.nocls_measures.__json__(), 'ovr_measures': result.ovr_measures.__json__(), # 'cfsn_vecs': result.cfsn_vecs.__json__(), 'meta': result.meta, } from kwcoco.util.util_json import ensure_json_serializable ensure_json_serializable(state, normalize_containers=True, verbose=0) return state
[docs] def dump(result, file, indent=' '): """ Serialize to json file """ import json try: fpath = os.fspath(file) except TypeError: state = result.__json__() json.dump(state, file, indent=indent) else: import safer with, 'w', temp_file=not ub.WIN32) as fp: return result.dump(fp, indent=indent)
[docs] @profile def dump_figures(result, out_dpath, expt_title=None, figsize='auto', tight=True, verbose=1): if expt_title is None: expt_title = result.meta.get('expt_title', '') metrics_dpath = ub.ensuredir(os.fspath(out_dpath)) nocls_measures = result.nocls_measures ovr_measures = result.ovr_measures # TODO: separate into standalone method that is able to run on # serialized / cached metrics on disk. if verbose: print('drawing evaluation metrics') import kwplot import matplotlib as mpl # NOQA # TODO: kwcoco matplotlib backend context ctx = kwplot.BackendContext(backend='Agg') ctx.__enter__() try: import seaborn seaborn.set() except Exception: pass if figsize == 'auto': figsize = (9, 7) # --- classless (nocls) figkw = dict(figtitle=expt_title) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) nocls_measures.draw(key='pr') kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) nocls_measures.draw(key='roc') _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'nocls_pr_roc.png', figsize, verbose, tight) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 1, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) nocls_measures.draw(key='thresh') _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'nocls_thresh.png', figsize, verbose, tight) # --- perclass (ovr) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=2, pnum=(1, 1, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) ovr_measures.draw(key='roc', fnum=2) _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'ovr_roc.png', figsize, verbose, tight) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=2, pnum=(1, 1, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) ovr_measures.draw(key='pr', fnum=2) _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'ovr_pr.png', figsize, verbose, tight) if hasattr(result, 'ovr_measures2'): ovr_measures2 = result.ovr_measures2 fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=2, pnum=(1, 1, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) ovr_measures2.draw(key='pr', fnum=2, prefix='coi-vs-bg-only') _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'ovr_pr_coi_vs_bg.png', figsize, verbose, tight) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=2, pnum=(1, 1, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) ovr_measures2.draw(key='roc', fnum=2, prefix='coi-vs-bg-only') _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'ovr_roc_coi_vs_bg.png', figsize, verbose, tight) dump_config = { # 'keys': ['mcc', 'g1', 'f1', 'acc', 'ppv', 'tpr', 'mk', 'bm'] 'keys': ['mcc', 'f1'], } for key in dump_config['keys']: fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=2, pnum=(1, 1, 1), doclf=True, **figkw) ovr_measures.draw(fnum=2, key=key) _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'ovr_{}.png'.format(key), figsize, verbose, tight) # NOTE: The threshold on these confusion matrices is VERY low. # FIXME: robustly skip in cases where predictions have no class information try: cfsn_vecs = result.cfsn_vecs fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=3, doclf=True) confusion = cfsn_vecs.confusion_matrix() ax = kwplot.plot_matrix(confusion, fnum=3, showvals=0, logscale=True) _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'confusion.png', figsize, verbose, tight) # classes_of_interest = coco_eval.config['classes_of_interest'] # if classes_of_interest: # # coco_eval.config['implicit_negative_classes'] # subkeys = ['background'] + classes_of_interest # coi_confusion = confusion[subkeys].loc[subkeys] # ax = kwplot.plot_matrix(coi_confusion, fnum=3, showvals=0, logscale=True) # _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'confusion_coi.png', figsize, verbose) # print('write fig_fpath = {!r}'.format(fig_fpath)) # ax.figure.savefig(fig_fpath) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=3, doclf=True) row_norm_cfsn = confusion / confusion.values.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) row_norm_cfsn = row_norm_cfsn.fillna(0) ax = kwplot.plot_matrix(row_norm_cfsn, fnum=3, showvals=0, logscale=0) ax.set_title('Row (truth) normalized confusions') _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'row_confusion.png', figsize, verbose, tight) fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=3, doclf=True) col_norm_cfsn = confusion / confusion.values.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True) col_norm_cfsn = col_norm_cfsn.fillna(0) ax = kwplot.plot_matrix(col_norm_cfsn, fnum=3, showvals=0, logscale=0) ax.set_title('Column (pred) normalized confusions') _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, 'col_confusion.png', figsize, verbose, tight) except Exception: pass
[docs] @profile def _writefig(fig, metrics_dpath, fname, figsize, verbose, tight): fig_fpath = ub.Path(metrics_dpath) / fname if verbose: print('write fig_fpath = {!r}'.format(fig_fpath)) fig.set_size_inches(figsize) if tight: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(fig_fpath)
[docs] def _load_dets(pred_fpaths, workers=0): """ Example: >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import _load_dets, _load_dets_worker >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import kwcoco >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/load_dets').ensuredir() >>> N = 4 >>> pred_fpaths = [] >>> for i in range(1, N + 1): >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes{}'.format(i)) >>> dset.fpath = dpath / 'shapes_{}.mscoco.json'.format(i) >>> dset.dump(dset.fpath) >>> pred_fpaths.append(dset.fpath) >>> dets, coco_dset = _load_dets(pred_fpaths) >>> print('dets = {!r}'.format(dets)) >>> print('coco_dset = {!r}'.format(coco_dset)) """ # Process mode is much faster than thread. import kwcoco jobs = ub.JobPool(mode='process', max_workers=workers) for single_pred_fpath in ub.ProgIter(pred_fpaths, desc='submit load dets jobs'): job = jobs.submit(_load_dets_worker, single_pred_fpath, with_coco=True) results = [] for job in ub.ProgIter(, total=len(jobs), desc='loading cached dets'): results.append(job.result()) dets = [r[0] for r in results] pred_cocos = [r[1] for r in results] coco_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.union(*pred_cocos) return dets, coco_dset
[docs] def _load_dets_worker(single_pred_fpath, with_coco=True): """ Ignore: >>> from kwcoco.coco_evaluator import _load_dets, _load_dets_worker >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import kwcoco >>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/load_dets').ensuredir() >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> dset.fpath = dpath / 'shapes8.mscoco.json' >>> dset.dump(dset.fpath) >>> single_pred_fpath = dset.fpath >>> dets, coco = _load_dets_worker(single_pred_fpath) >>> print('dets = {!r}'.format(dets)) >>> print('coco = {!r}'.format(coco)) """ import kwcoco import kwimage single_img_coco = kwcoco.CocoDataset(single_pred_fpath, autobuild=False) dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots(single_img_coco.dataset['annotations'], dset=single_img_coco) if len(single_img_coco.dataset['images']) == 1: # raise Exception('Expected predictions for a single image only') gid = single_img_coco.dataset['images'][0]['id'] dets.meta['gid'] = gid else: warnings.warn('Loading dets with muliple images, must track gids carefully') if with_coco: return dets, single_img_coco else: return dets
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python ~/code/kwcoco/kwcoco/ """ from kwcoco.cli import coco_eval as coco_eval_cli coco_eval_cli.main()