Source code for kwcoco.demo.toydata_image

Generates "toydata" for demo and testing purposes.

Loose image version of the toydata generators.

    The implementation of `demodata_toy_img` and `demodata_toy_dset` should be
    redone using the tools built for `random_video_dset`, which have more
    extensible implementations.
import glob
from os.path import basename
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import kwarray
import kwimage
from kwcoco.demo.toypatterns import CategoryPatterns

    from xdev import profile
except Exception:
    profile = ub.identity

# Updated when toydata is modified.
# Internal cachers use this to invalidate old caches

[docs] @profile def demodata_toy_dset(image_size=(600, 600), n_imgs=5, verbose=3, rng=0, newstyle=True, dpath=None, fpath=None, bundle_dpath=None, aux=None, use_cache=True, **kwargs): """ Create a toy detection problem Args: image_size (Tuple[int, int]): The width and height of the generated images n_imgs (int): number of images to generate rng (int | RandomState | None): random number generator or seed. Defaults to 0. newstyle (bool): create newstyle kwcoco data. default=True dpath (str | PathLike | None): path to the directory that will contain the bundle, (defaults to a kwcoco cache dir). Ignored if `bundle_dpath` is given. fpath (str | PathLike | None): path to the kwcoco file. The parent will be the bundle if it is not specified. Should be a descendant of the dpath if specified. bundle_dpath (str | PathLike | None): path to the directory that will store images. If specified, dpath is ignored. If unspecified, a bundle will be written inside `dpath`. aux (bool | None): if True generates dummy auxiliary channels verbose (int): verbosity mode. default=3 use_cache (bool): if True caches the generated json in the `dpath`. Default=True **kwargs : used for old backwards compatible argument names gsize - alias for image_size Returns: kwcoco.CocoDataset : SeeAlso: random_video_dset CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.demo.toydata_image demodata_toy_dset --show TODO: - [ ] Non-homogeneous images sizes Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata_image import * >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = demodata_toy_dset(image_size=(300, 300), aux=True, use_cache=False) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> print(ub.urepr(dset.dataset, nl=2)) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> dset.show_image(gid=1) >>> ub.startfile(dset.bundle_dpath) dset._tree() >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata_image import * >>> import kwcoco dset = demodata_toy_dset(image_size=(300, 300), aux=True, use_cache=False) print(dset.imgs[1]) dset._tree() dset = demodata_toy_dset(image_size=(300, 300), aux=True, use_cache=False, bundle_dpath='test_bundle') print(dset.imgs[1]) dset._tree() dset = demodata_toy_dset( image_size=(300, 300), aux=True, use_cache=False, dpath='test_cache_dpath') Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(demodata_toy_dset)) """ import kwcoco if 'gsize' in kwargs: # nocover if 0: # TODO: enable this warning import warnings warnings.warn('gsize is deprecated. Use image_size param instead', DeprecationWarning) image_size = kwargs.pop('gsize') assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'unknown kwargs={}'.format(kwargs) if bundle_dpath is None: if dpath is None: dpath = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco', 'demodata_bundles').ensuredir() else: ub.ensuredir(dpath) else: ub.ensuredir(bundle_dpath) rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce([ # 'box', # 'circle', 'star', 'superstar', 'eff', # 'octagon', # 'diamond' ]) anchors = np.array([ [1, 1], [2, 2], [1.5, 1], [2, 1], [3, 1], [3, 2], [2.5, 2.5], ]) anchors = np.vstack([anchors, anchors[:, ::-1]]) anchors = np.vstack([anchors, anchors * 1.5]) # anchors = np.vstack([anchors, anchors * 2.0]) anchors /= (anchors.max() * 3) anchors = np.array(sorted(set(map(tuple, anchors.tolist())))) # This configuration dictionary is what the cache depends on cfg = { 'anchors': anchors, 'image_size': image_size, 'n_imgs': n_imgs, 'categories': catpats.categories, 'newstyle': newstyle, 'keypoint_categories': catpats.keypoint_categories, 'rng': ub.hash_data(rng), 'aux': aux, } depends = ub.hash_data(cfg, base='abc')[0:14] if bundle_dpath is None: bundle_dname = 'shapes_{}_{}'.format(cfg['n_imgs'], depends) bundle_dpath = ub.ensuredir((dpath, bundle_dname)) from os.path import abspath bundle_dpath = abspath(bundle_dpath) if fpath is None: fpath = join(bundle_dpath, 'data.kwcoco.json') cache_dpath = ub.ensuredir((bundle_dpath, '_cache')) assets_dpath = ub.ensuredir((bundle_dpath, '_assets')) img_dpath = ub.ensuredir((assets_dpath, 'images')) dset_fpath = fpath img_dpath = ub.ensuredir(img_dpath) cache_dpath = ub.ensuredir(cache_dpath) stamp = ub.CacheStamp( 'toy_dset_stamp_v{:03d}'.format(TOYDATA_IMAGE_VERSION), dpath=cache_dpath, depends=depends, verbose=verbose, enabled=0) n_have = len(list(glob.glob(join(img_dpath, '*.png')))) # Hack: Only allow cache loading if the data seems to exist stamp.cacher.enabled = (n_have == n_imgs) and use_cache # TODO: parametarize bg_intensity = .1 fg_scale = 0.5 bg_scale = 0.8 if stamp.expired(): ub.delete(img_dpath, verbose=1) ub.ensuredir(img_dpath) dataset = { 'images': [], 'annotations': [], 'categories': [], } dataset['categories'].append({ 'id': 0, 'name': 'background', }) name_to_cid = {} for cat in catpats.categories: dataset['categories'].append(cat) name_to_cid[cat['name']] = cat['id'] if newstyle: # Add newstyle keypoint categories kpname_to_id = {} dataset['keypoint_categories'] = [] for kpcat in catpats.keypoint_categories: dataset['keypoint_categories'].append(kpcat) kpname_to_id[kpcat['name']] = kpcat['id'] try: from osgeo import gdal # NOQA except Exception: imwrite_kwargs = {} else: imwrite_kwargs = {'backend': 'gdal'} for __ in ub.ProgIter(range(n_imgs), label='creating data'): # TODO: parallelize img, anns = demodata_toy_img(anchors, image_size=image_size, categories=catpats, newstyle=newstyle, fg_scale=fg_scale, bg_scale=bg_scale, bg_intensity=bg_intensity, rng=rng, aux=aux) imdata = img.pop('imdata') gid = len(dataset['images']) + 1 fname = 'img_{:05d}.png'.format(gid) fpath = join(img_dpath, fname) img.update({ 'id': gid, 'file_name': fpath, 'channels': 'rgb', }) auxiliaries = img.pop('auxiliary', None) if auxiliaries is not None: for auxdict in auxiliaries: aux_dpath = ub.ensuredir( (assets_dpath, 'auxiliary', auxdict['channels'])) aux_fpath = ub.augpath(join(aux_dpath, fname), ext='.tif') ub.ensuredir(aux_dpath) auxdata = (auxdict.pop('imdata') * 255).astype(np.uint8) auxdict['file_name'] = aux_fpath kwimage.imwrite(aux_fpath, auxdata, **imwrite_kwargs) img['auxiliary'] = auxiliaries dataset['images'].append(img) for ann in anns: if newstyle: # rectify newstyle keypoint ids for kpdict in ann.get('keypoints', []): kpname = kpdict.pop('keypoint_category') kpdict['keypoint_category_id'] = kpname_to_id[kpname] cid = name_to_cid[ann.pop('category_name')] ann.update({ 'id': len(dataset['annotations']) + 1, 'image_id': gid, 'category_id': cid, }) dataset['annotations'].append(ann) kwimage.imwrite(fpath, imdata) # print('write fpath = {!r}'.format(fpath)) fname = basename(dset_fpath) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dataset, bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath, fname=fname) dset.dset_fpath = dset_fpath print('dump dset.dset_fpath = {!r}'.format(dset.dset_fpath)) dset.dump(dset.dset_fpath, newlines=True) stamp.renew() else: # otherwise load the data # bundle_dpath = dirname(dset_fpath) print('read dset_fpath = {!r}'.format(dset_fpath)) dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(dset_fpath, bundle_dpath=bundle_dpath) dset.tag = basename(bundle_dpath) dset.fpath = dset_fpath # print('dset.bundle_dpath = {!r}'.format(dset.bundle_dpath)) # dset.reroot(dset.bundle_dpath) return dset
[docs] def demodata_toy_img(anchors=None, image_size=(104, 104), categories=None, n_annots=(0, 50), fg_scale=0.5, bg_scale=0.8, bg_intensity=0.1, fg_intensity=0.9, gray=True, centerobj=None, exact=False, newstyle=True, rng=None, aux=None, **kwargs): r""" Generate a single image with non-overlapping toy objects of available categories. TODO: DEPRECATE IN FAVOR OF random_single_video_dset + render_toy_image Args: anchors (ndarray | None): Nx2 base width / height of boxes gsize (Tuple[int, int]): width / height of the image categories (List[str] | None): list of category names n_annots (Tuple | int): controls how many annotations are in the image. if it is a tuple, then it is interpreted as uniform random bounds fg_scale (float): standard deviation of foreground intensity bg_scale (float): standard deviation of background intensity bg_intensity (float): mean of background intensity fg_intensity (float): mean of foreground intensity centerobj (bool | None): if 'pos', then the first annotation will be in the center of the image, if 'neg', then no annotations will be in the center. exact (bool): if True, ensures that exactly the number of specified annots are generated. newstyle (bool): use new-sytle kwcoco format rng (RandomState | int | None): the random state used to seed the process aux (bool | None): if specified builds auxiliary channels **kwargs : used for old backwards compatible argument names. gsize - alias for image_size CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwcoco.demo.toydata_image demodata_toy_img:0 --profile xdoctest -m kwcoco.demo.toydata_image demodata_toy_img:1 --show Example: >>> from kwcoco.demo.toydata_image import * # NOQA >>> img, anns = demodata_toy_img(image_size=(32, 32), anchors=[[.3, .3]], rng=0) >>> img['imdata'] = '<ndarray shape={}>'.format(img['imdata'].shape) >>> print('img = {}'.format(ub.urepr(img))) >>> print('anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(anns, nl=2, cbr=True))) >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT img = { 'height': 32, 'imdata': '<ndarray shape=(32, 32, 3)>', 'width': 32, } anns = [{'bbox': [15, 10, 9, 8], 'category_name': 'star', 'keypoints': [], 'segmentation': {'counts': '[`06j0000O20N1000e8', 'size': [32, 32]},}, {'bbox': [11, 20, 7, 7], 'category_name': 'star', 'keypoints': [], 'segmentation': {'counts': 'g;1m04N0O20N102L[=', 'size': [32, 32]},}, {'bbox': [4, 4, 8, 6], 'category_name': 'superstar', 'keypoints': [{'keypoint_category': 'left_eye', 'xy': [7.25, 6.8125]}, {'keypoint_category': 'right_eye', 'xy': [8.75, 6.8125]}], 'segmentation': {'counts': 'U4210j0300O01010O00MVO0ed0', 'size': [32, 32]},}, {'bbox': [3, 20, 6, 7], 'category_name': 'star', 'keypoints': [], 'segmentation': {'counts': 'g31m04N000002L[f0', 'size': [32, 32]},},] Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> img, anns = demodata_toy_img(image_size=(172, 172), rng=None, aux=True) >>> print('anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(anns, nl=1))) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img['imdata'], pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> auxdata = img['auxiliary'][0]['imdata'] >>> kwplot.imshow(auxdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> img, anns = demodata_toy_img(image_size=(172, 172), rng=None, aux=True) >>> print('anns = {}'.format(ub.urepr(anns, nl=1))) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img['imdata'], pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> auxdata = img['auxiliary'][0]['imdata'] >>> kwplot.imshow(auxdata, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Ignore: from kwcoco.demo.toydata_image import * import xinspect globals().update(xinspect.get_kwargs(demodata_toy_img)) """ if anchors is None: anchors = [[.20, .20]] anchors = np.asarray(anchors) if 'gsize' in kwargs: # nocover if 0: # TODO: enable this warning import warnings warnings.warn('gsize is deprecated. Use image_size param instead', DeprecationWarning) image_size = kwargs.pop('gsize') assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'unknown kwargs={}'.format(**kwargs) rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce(categories, fg_scale=fg_scale, fg_intensity=fg_intensity, rng=rng) if n_annots is None: n_annots = (0, 50) if isinstance(n_annots, tuple): num = rng.randint(*n_annots) else: num = n_annots assert centerobj in {None, 'pos', 'neg'} if exact: raise NotImplementedError while True: boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random( num=num, scale=1.0, format='xywh', rng=rng, anchors=anchors) boxes = boxes.scale(image_size) bw, bh = boxes.components[2:4] ar = np.maximum(bw, bh) / np.minimum(bw, bh) flags = ((bw > 1) & (bh > 1) & (ar < 4)) boxes = boxes[flags.ravel()] if centerobj != 'pos' or len(boxes): # Ensure we generate at least one box when centerobj is true # TODO: if an exact number of boxes is specified, we # should ensure that that number is generated. break if centerobj: if centerobj == 'pos': assert len(boxes) > 0, 'oops, need to enforce at least one' if len(boxes) > 0: # Force the first box to be in the center cxywh = boxes.to_cxywh()[0, 0:2] = np.array(image_size) / 2 boxes = cxywh.to_ltrb() # Make sure the first box is always kept. box_priority = np.arange(boxes.shape[0])[::-1].astype(np.float32) boxes.ious(boxes) nms_impls = ub.oset(['cython_cpu', 'numpy']) nms_impls = nms_impls & kwimage.algo.available_nms_impls() nms_impl = nms_impls[0] if len(boxes) > 1: tlbr_data = boxes.to_ltrb().data keep = kwimage.non_max_supression( tlbr_data, scores=box_priority, thresh=0.0, impl=nms_impl) boxes = boxes[keep] if centerobj == 'neg': # The center of the image should be negative so remove the center box boxes = boxes[1:] boxes = boxes.scale(.8).translate(.1 * min(image_size)) = # Hack away zero width objects boxes = boxes.to_xywh(copy=False)[..., 2:4] = np.maximum([..., 2:4], 1) gw, gh = image_size dims = (gh, gw) # This is 2x as fast for image_size=(300,300) if gray: gshape = (gh, gw, 1) imdata = kwarray.standard_normal(gshape, mean=bg_intensity, std=bg_scale, rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) else: gshape = (gh, gw, 3) # imdata = kwarray.standard_normal(gshape, mean=bg_intensity, std=bg_scale, # rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) # hack because 3 channels is slower imdata = kwarray.uniform(0, 1, gshape, rng=rng, dtype=np.float32) np.clip(imdata, 0, 1, out=imdata) if aux: auxdata = np.zeros(gshape, dtype=np.float32) else: auxdata = None catnames = [] tlbr_boxes = boxes.to_ltrb().data xywh_boxes = boxes.to_xywh().data.tolist() # Construct coco-style annotation dictionaries anns = [] for tlbr, xywh in zip(tlbr_boxes, xywh_boxes): tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = tlbr chip_index = tuple([slice(tl_y, br_y), slice(tl_x, br_x)]) chip = imdata[chip_index] xy_offset = (tl_x, tl_y) info = catpats.random_category(chip, xy_offset, dims, newstyle=newstyle) fgdata = info['data'] if gray: fgdata = fgdata.mean(axis=2, keepdims=True) catnames.append(info['name']) imdata[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x, :] = fgdata ann = { 'category_name': info['name'], 'segmentation': info['segmentation'], 'keypoints': info['keypoints'], 'bbox': xywh, 'area': float(xywh[2] * xywh[3]), } anns.append(ann) if auxdata is not None: seg = kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(info['segmentation']) seg = seg.to_multi_polygon() val = rng.uniform(0.2, 1.0) # val = 1.0 auxdata = seg.fill(auxdata, value=val) if 0: imdata.mean(axis=2, out=imdata[:, :, 0]) imdata[:, :, 1] = imdata[:, :, 0] imdata[:, :, 2] = imdata[:, :, 0] imdata = (imdata * 255).astype(np.uint8) imdata = kwimage.atleast_3channels(imdata) main_channels = 'rgb' # main_channels = 'gray' if gray else 'rgb' img = { 'width': gw, 'height': gh, 'imdata': imdata, 'channels': main_channels, } if auxdata is not None: mask = rng.rand(*auxdata.shape[0:2]) > 0.5 auxdata = kwimage.fourier_mask(auxdata, mask) auxdata = (auxdata - auxdata.min()) auxdata = (auxdata / max(1e-8, auxdata.max())) auxdata = auxdata.clip(0, 1) # Hack aux data is always disparity for now img['auxiliary'] = [{ 'imdata': auxdata, 'channels': 'disparity', }] return img, anns