kwcoco.util.util_reroot module

Rerooting is harder than you would think

kwcoco.util.util_reroot.special_reroot_single(dset, verbose=0)[source]
kwcoco.util.util_reroot.resolve_relative_to(path, dpath, strict=False)[source]

Given a path, try to resolve its symlinks such that it is relative to the given dpath.


>>> from kwcoco.util.util_reroot import *  # NOQA
>>> import os
>>> def _symlink(self, target, verbose=0):
>>>     return ub.Path(ub.symlink(target, self, verbose=verbose))
>>> ub.Path._symlink = _symlink
>>> #
>>> # TODO: try to enumerate all basic cases
>>> #
>>> base = ub.Path.appdir('kwcoco/tests/reroot')
>>> base.delete().ensuredir()
>>> #
>>> drive1 = (base / 'drive1').ensuredir()
>>> drive2 = (base / 'drive2').ensuredir()
>>> #
>>> data_repo1 = (drive1 / 'data_repo1').ensuredir()
>>> cache = (data_repo1 / '.cache').ensuredir()
>>> real_file1 = (cache / 'real_file1').touch()
>>> #
>>> real_bundle = (data_repo1 / 'real_bundle').ensuredir()
>>> real_assets = (real_bundle / 'assets').ensuredir()
>>> #
>>> # Symlink file outside of the bundle
>>> link_file1 = (real_assets / 'link_file1')._symlink(real_file1)
>>> real_file2 = (real_assets / 'real_file2').touch()
>>> link_file2 = (real_assets / 'link_file2')._symlink(real_file2)
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # A symlink to the data repo
>>> data_repo2 = (drive1 / 'data_repo2')._symlink(data_repo1)
>>> data_repo3 = (drive2 / 'data_repo3')._symlink(data_repo1)
>>> data_repo4 = (drive2 / 'data_repo4')._symlink(data_repo2)
>>> #
>>> # A prediction repo TODO
>>> pred_repo5 = (drive2 / 'pred_repo5').ensuredir()
>>> #
>>> # _ = ub.cmd(f'tree -a {base}', verbose=3)
>>> #
>>> fpaths = []
>>> for r, ds, fs in os.walk(base, followlinks=True):
>>>     for f in fs:
>>>         if 'file' in f:
>>>             fpath = ub.Path(r) / f
>>>             fpaths.append(fpath)
>>> #
>>> #
>>> dpath = real_bundle.resolve()
>>> #
>>> for path in fpaths:
>>>     # print(f'{path}')
>>>     # print(f'{path.resolve()=}')
>>>     resolved_rel = resolve_relative_to(path, dpath)
>>>     print('resolved_rel = {!r}'.format(resolved_rel))

Only resolve symlinks of directories, not the base file