Source code for kwcoco.examples.draw_gt_and_predicted_boxes

[docs]def draw_true_and_pred_boxes(true_fpath, pred_fpath, gid, viz_fpath): """ How do you generally visualize gt and predicted bounding boxes together? Example: >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> from os.path import join >>> from kwcoco.demo.perterb import perterb_coco >>> # Create a working directory >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('kwcoco/examples/draw_true_and_pred_boxes') >>> # Lets setup some dummy true data >>> true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes2') >>> true_dset.fpath = join(dpath, 'true_dset.kwcoco.json') >>> true_dset.dump(true_dset.fpath, newlines=True) >>> # Lets setup some dummy predicted data >>> pred_dset = perterb_coco(true_dset, box_noise=100, rng=421) >>> pred_dset.fpath = join(dpath, 'pred_dset.kwcoco.json') >>> pred_dset.dump(pred_dset.fpath, newlines=True) >>> # >>> # We now have our true and predicted data, lets visualize >>> true_fpath = true_dset.fpath >>> pred_fpath = pred_dset.fpath >>> print('dpath = {!r}'.format(dpath)) >>> print('true_fpath = {!r}'.format(true_fpath)) >>> print('pred_fpath = {!r}'.format(pred_fpath)) >>> # Lets choose an image id to visualize and a path to write to >>> gid = 1 >>> viz_fpath = join(dpath, 'viz_{}.jpg'.format(gid)) >>> # The answer to the question is in the logic of this function >>> draw_true_and_pred_boxes(true_fpath, pred_fpath, gid, viz_fpath) """ import kwimage import kwcoco true_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(true_fpath) pred_dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset(pred_fpath) if __debug__: # I hope your image ids are aligned between datasets true_img = true_dset.imgs[gid] pred_img = pred_dset.imgs[gid] assert true_img['file_name'] == pred_img['file_name'] # Get the true/pred annotation dictionaries from the chosen image true_aids = true_dset.index.gid_to_aids[gid] pred_aids = pred_dset.index.gid_to_aids[gid] true_anns = [true_dset.index.anns[aid] for aid in true_aids] pred_anns = [pred_dset.index.anns[aid] for aid in pred_aids] # Create Detections from the coco annotation dictionaries true_dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots(true_anns, dset=true_dset) pred_dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots(pred_anns, dset=pred_dset) print('true_dets.boxes = {!r}'.format(true_dets.boxes)) print('pred_dets.boxes = {!r}'.format(pred_dets.boxes)) # Load the image fpath = true_dset.get_image_fpath(gid) canvas = kwimage.imread(fpath) # Use kwimage.Detections draw_on method to modify the image canvas = true_dets.draw_on(canvas, color='green') canvas = pred_dets.draw_on(canvas, color='blue') kwimage.imwrite(viz_fpath, canvas)